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Periodical cicadas are known for unusually long and prime-numbered life cycles (13 and 17 years) for insects. To explain the evolution of prime-numbered reproductive intervals (life cycles), the hybridization hypothesis claims that prime numbers greatly reduce the chance of hybridization with other life cycles. We investigate the hybridization hypothesis using a simulation model. This model is a deterministic, discrete population model with three parameters: larval survival per year, clutch size, and emergence success. Reproductive intervals from 10 years to 20 years compete for survival in the simulations. The model makes three key assumptions: a Mendelian genetic system, random mating among broods of different life-cycle lengths, and integer population sizes. Longer life cycles have larger clutch sizes but suffer higher total mortality than shorter life cycles. Our results show that (1) nonprime-numbered reproductive intervals disappear rapidly in comparison to the selection among the various prime-numbered life cycles, (2) the selection of prime-numbered intervals happens only when populations are at the verge of extinction, and (3) the 13- and 17-year prime phenotypes evolve under certain conditions of the model and may coexist. The hybridization hypothesis is discussed in light of other hypotheses for the evolution of periodical cicada life cycles.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of a microbial transglutaminase from Streptoverticillium mobaraense has been determined at 2.4 A resolution. The protein folds into a plate-like shape, and has one deep cleft at the edge of the molecule. Its overall structure is completely different from that of the factor XIII-like transglutaminase, which possesses a cysteine protease-like catalytic triad. The catalytic residue, Cys(64), exists at the bottom of the cleft. Asp(255) resides at the position nearest to Cys(64) and is also adjacent to His(274). Interestingly, Cys(64), Asp(255), and His(274) superimpose well on the catalytic triad "Cys-His-Asp" of the factor XIII-like transglutaminase, in this order. The secondary structure frameworks around these residues are also similar to each other. These results imply that both transglutaminases are related by convergent evolution; however, the microbial transglutaminase has developed a novel catalytic mechanism specialized for the cross-linking reaction. The structure accounts well for the catalytic mechanism, in which Asp(255) is considered to be enzymatically essential, as well as for the causes of the higher reaction rate, the broader substrate specificity, and the lower deamidation activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   
The protein p130 was isolated from rat brain as an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-binding protein with a domain organization similar to that of phospholipase C-delta1 but lacking PLC activity. We show that p130 plays an important role in signaling by the type A receptor for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Yeast twohybrid screening identified GABARAP (GABA(A) receptor-associated protein), which is proposed to contribute to the sorting, targeting or clustering of GABA(A) receptors, as a protein that interacts with p130. Furthermore, p130 competitively inhibited the binding of the gamma2 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor to GABARAP in vitro. Electrophysiological analysis revealed that the modulation of GABA-induced Cl- current by Zn2+ or diazepam, both of which act at GABA(A) receptors containing gamma subunits, is impaired in hippocampal neurons of p130 knockout mice. Moreover, behavioral analysis revealed that motor coordination was impaired and the intraperitoneal injection of diazepam induced markedly reduced sedative and antianxiety effects in the mutant mice. These results indicate that p130 is essential for the function of GABA(A) receptors, especially in response to the agents acting on a gamma2 subunit.  相似文献   
An important biochemical feature of autotrophs, land plants and algae, is their incorporation of inorganic nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium, into the carbon skeleton. Nitrate and ammonium are converted into glutamine and glutamate to produce organic nitrogen compounds, for example proteins and nucleic acids. Ammonium is not only a preferred nitrogen source but also a key metabolite, situated at the junction between carbon metabolism and nitrogen assimilation, because nitrogen compounds can choose an alternative pathway according to the stages of their growth and environmental conditions. The enzymes involved in the reactions are nitrate reductase (EC, nitrite reductase (EC, glutamine synthetase (EC, glutamate synthase (EC,, glutamate dehydrogenase (EC, aspartate aminotransferase (EC, asparagine synthase (EC, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC Many of these enzymes exist in multiple forms in different subcellular compartments within different organs and tissues, and play sometimes overlapping and sometimes distinctive roles. Here, we summarize the biochemical characteristics and the physiological roles of these enzymes. We also analyse the molecular evolution of glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase and glutamate dehydrogenase, and discuss the evolutionary relationships of these three enzymes.  相似文献   
Although metal ions such as Cu(2+), Zn(2+), and Fe(3+) are implicated to play a key role in Alzheimer disease, their role is rather complex, and comprehensive understanding is not yet obtained. We show that Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) but not Fe(3+) renders the amyloid beta peptide, Abeta(1-40), nonfibrillogenic in nature. However, preformed fibrils of Abeta(1-40) were stable when treated with these metal ions. Consequently, fibril growth of Abeta(1-40) could be switched on/off by switching the molecule between its apo- and holo-forms. Clioquinol, a potential drug for Alzheimer disease, induced resumption of the Cu(2+)-suppressed but not the Zn(2+)-suppressed fibril growth of Abeta(1-40). The observed synergistic effect of clioquinol and Zn(2+) suggests that Zn(2+)-clioquinol complex effectively retards fibril growth. Thus, clioquinol has dual effects; although it disaggregates the metal ion-induced aggregates of Abeta(1-40) through metal chelation, it further retards the fibril growth along with Zn(2+). These results indicate the mechanism of metal ions in suppressing Abeta amyloid formation, as well as providing information toward the use of metal ion chelators, particularly clioquinol, as potential drugs for Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   


To evaluate the postoperative changes in blebs and levels of aqueous monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) after trabeculectomy vs. Ex-PRESS tube shunt surgery.


Rabbits were subjected to trabeculectomy or Ex-PRESS tube shunt surgery and observed for up to 3 months. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured using a rebound tonometer. The MCP-1 level was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Bleb morphology was evaluated using photos and anterior-segment optical coherence tomography (OCT).


There were no differences in bleb appearance or IOP at any time between the groups. Bleb wall density in the anterior-segment OCT image was significantly lower 1 week after surgery in the Ex-PRESS group than the trabeculectomy group. The MCP-1 level in control eyes was 304.1 ± 45.2 pg/mL. In the trabeculectomy group, the mean aqueous MCP-1 level was 1444.9, 1914.3, 1899.8, 516.4, 398.3, 427.3, 609.5, 1612.7, 386.2, and 167.9 pg/mL at 3, 6, and 12 h, and 1, 2, 5, 7, 14, 30, and 90 days after surgery, respectively. In the Ex-PRESS group, the corresponding values were 1744.0, 1372.0, 932.5, 711.7, 396.1, 487.3, 799.5, 1327.9, 293.6, and 184.0 pg/mL. There were no significant differences in the aqueous MCP-1 level between the groups at any time point.


The postoperative changes were similar in the Ex-PRESS and trabeculectomy groups, except for bleb wall density in the anterior-segment OCT image. The postoperative aqueous MCP-1 level had bimodal peaks in both groups.  相似文献   
To ensure the maintenance of tissues in mammals, cell loss must be balanced with cell production, the proliferative activity being different from tissue to tissue. In this article, the authors propose a new method for the quantification of the proliferative activity, defined as the S-phase fraction of actively cycling cells, by dual labeling with fluorescence and peroxidase immunohistochemistry using BrdU (marker of S-phase) and Ki67 antibodies (marker of G1-, S-, G2-, and M-phases) after a one-step antigen retrieval. In the generative cell zones of fundic and pyloric glandular stomachs, where the majority of cells were cycling, the authors measured a proliferative activity of 31%. In the epithelium of the forestomach and the skin, where cycling cells are intermingled with G0 and differentiated cells, proliferative activities were 21% and 13%, respectively. In the adrenal cortex, in which cycling cells were sparsely distributed, the proliferative activity reached 32%. During the regenerative process in the skin after a lesion, the proliferative activity increased in proximity to the wound. The present one-step dual-labeling method has revealed that the proliferative activity is different between tissues and depends on the physiological or pathological state.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway of proteolysis controls the abundance of specific regulatory proteins. The SCF complex is a type of ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3) that contributes to this pathway in many biological systems. In yeast and mammals, the SCF complex consists of common components, including Skp1, Cdc53/Cul1, and Rbx1, as well as variable components known as F-box proteins. Whereas only one functional Skp1 gene is present in the human genome, the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans has now been shown to contain at least 21 Skp1-related (skr) genes. The biochemical properties, expression, and function of the C. elegans SKR proteins were examined. RESULTS: Of the 17 SKR proteins examined, eight (SKR-1, -2, -3, -4, -7, -8, -9, and -10) were shown to interact with C. elegans CUL1 by yeast two-hybrid analysis or a coimmunoprecipitation assay in mammalian cells. Furthermore, SKR proteins exhibited diverse binding specificities for C. elegans F-box proteins. The tissue specificity of expression of the CUL1-interacting SKR proteins was also varied. Suppression of skr-1 or skr-2 genes by double-stranded RNA interference resulted in embryonic death, whereas that of skr-7, -8, -9, or -10 was associated with slow growth and morphological abnormalities. CONCLUSIONS: The multiple C. elegans SKR proteins exhibit marked differences in their association with Cullins and F-box proteins, in tissue specificity of expression, and in phenotypes associated with functional suppression by RNAi. At least eight of the SKR proteins may, like F-box proteins, act as variable components of the SCF complex in C. elegans.  相似文献   
The chemostat theory on two species competition has shown that the dilution rate where transition of dominance occurs – transition-dilution rate – is independent of limiting-nutrient concentration. However, we obtained the experimental data indicating that the transition-dilution rate changed with variations in limiting-ammonium concentrations, using the chemostat mixed-culture of the cyanobacterium Microcystis novacekii and the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. The transition-dilution rate was dependent on the concentration of limiting ammonium in the influx culture medium. We tried to simulate the experimental results. Though the dilution rate has been considered independent of nutrient concentration, we introduce the effective dilution rate that depends on nutrient concentration (ammonium concentration in this study). A hyperbolic Monod-type function is used to represent the effective dilution rate for each species. The maximum dilution rate of the function is set to be the mechanical dilution rate (nominal dilution rate) of the chemostat culture. The calculation shows that the nominal transition-dilution rate where transition of dominance occur decreases with increased concentration. This simulation is well consistent with our experimental data. These results may suggest that the species-specificity of limiting nutrients, here nitrogen. Or they may imply that the depreciation of nitrogen becomes critical when both dilution rate and concentration are very low, especially for the green algae. In the latter case, spatial effects are induced internally in the ecosystem.  相似文献   
River management often conflicts with the conservation of species in river ecosystems. In Japan, almost all river systems have been covered by concrete walls. Such river improvement works caused critical damage to river ecosystems. Here we report the ongoing extinction process of a rare aquatic plant by several consecutive heavy rains. The aquatic plant, Schoenoplectus gemmifer C. Sato, T. Maeda & Uchino, is an extremely rare endemic species that is strictly associated with springwater. The species is only found in 23 locations in Japan, including only two major habitats: Hamamatsu and Oita. We monitored the population fluctuations of S. gemmifer at three river systems in Hamamatsu. In the largest habitat, Higashikanda River, the population size of the species decreased to nearly 1/10th in 2004, due to several severe floods. Spatial and temporal records exhibit four stages of damaging process. The stepwise damages were found to be caused by a rapid flow of water accelerated by the river improvement work (made in 1985). The reproduction and growth by seeds and gemmae did not evidently cover the losses by flood washed out. In the other two rivers, one was extinct and the other is now at the risk of extinction. The modified river structures may be responsible for the near-extinction of S. gemmifer in Hamamatsu area. We propose two policies for the conservation of this species: (1) the artificial cultivation of gemmae and seedlings and (2) the modification of river structure to decrease the number of washed-out plants. In particular, it is important to decrease the water velocity at floods by some methods.  相似文献   
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