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Summary The purified (H+ATPase from corn roots plasma membrane inserted spontaneously into preformed bilayer from soybean lipids. The yield of the protein insertion, as measured from its H+-pumping activity, increased as a function of lipids and protein concentrations. In optimum conditions, all the (H+)ATPase molecules were closely associated with liposomes, exhibiting a high H+-pumping activity (150,000% quenching· min–1·mg–1 protein of the probe 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine). The insertion was achieved within a few seconds. No latency of the (H+)ATPase hydrolytic activity was revealed when lysophosphatidylcholine was added to permeabilize the vesicles. This indicated that the (H+)ATPase molecules inserted unidirectionally, the catalytic sites being exposed outside the vesicles (inside-out orientation), and thus freely accessible to Mg-ATP. The nondelipidated (H+)ATPase could also functionally insert into bilayer from PCPEPG or PCPEPI, due to the presence of both hydrophobic defects promoted by PE, and negative phospholipids specifically required by the (H+)ATPase from corn roots. The detergent octylglucoside facilitated the delipidated (H+)ATPase reinsertion probably by promoting both a proper protein conformation and hydrophobic defects in the bilayer. Lysophosphatidylcholine facilitated the delipidated protein insertion only when hydrophobic defects were already present, and thus seemed only capable to ensure a proper protein conformation  相似文献   
A novel display system is described that allows highly efficient immobilization of heterologous proteins on bacterial surfaces in applications for which the use of genetically modified bacteria is less desirable. This system is based on nonliving and non-genetically modified gram-positive bacterial cells, designated gram-positive enhancer matrix (GEM) particles, which are used as substrates to bind externally added heterologous proteins by means of a high-affinity binding domain. This binding domain, the protein anchor (PA), was derived from the Lactococcus lactis peptidoglycan hydrolase AcmA. GEM particles were typically prepared from the innocuous bacterium L. lactis, and various parameters for the optimal preparation of GEM particles and binding of PA fusion proteins were determined. The versatility and flexibility of the display and delivery technology were demonstrated by investigating enzyme immobilization and nasal vaccine applications.  相似文献   
Defoliation of forest tree canopies by herbivores and other agents, leading to tree mortality and reduced productivity, threatens the ecological stability of forests globally. This study shows that long‐term control of a mammalian arboreal folivore (brushtail possums; Trichosurus vulpecula Phalangeridae) reduces crown dieback and increases foliage cover in browsing‐damaged canopy trees. We monitored indices of possum density, possum browsing, tree foliage cover and crown dieback for 20 years following initiation of possum control in 1994 that repeatedly reduced possum densities to near zero every 5–6 years and kept the population below 35% of pre‐control levels over the entire period. Observable possum browsing was recorded on 20–49% of individuals of three palatable tree species at the time of first control. Those percentages fell to zero after control and never exceeded 2–10% for individual species over the next 19 years. We recorded significant increases in foliage cover attributable to recovery from defoliation by possums for all three species during the first 10 years. Large increases in foliage cover occurred on individuals that were heavily browsed in 1994 (mean increases: 36–89%), but mean population increases were modest (3–19%) because only 10–19% of trees were initially heavily browsed. Twenty‐year mortality rates were similar for plants with, or without, initial possum browsing, indicating no residual impact of pre‐control browsing on tree mortality. Times for full recovery of crown foliage cover varied from 10 years for the youngest trees and faster growing species to more than 20 years for mature individuals of the slowest growing species.  相似文献   
A continuum hypothesis-based model is presented for the simulation of the formation and the subsequent regression of hypertrophic scar tissue after dermal wounding. Solely the dermal layer of the skin is modeled explicitly and it is modeled as a heterogeneous, isotropic and compressible neo-Hookean solid. With respect to the constituents of the dermal layer, the following components are selected as primary model components: fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, a generic signaling molecule and collagen molecules. A good match with respect to the evolution of the thickness of the dermal layer of scars between the outcomes of simulations and clinical measurements on hypertrophic scars at different time points after injury in human subjects is demonstrated. Interestingly, the comparison between the outcomes of the simulations and the clinical measurements demonstrates that a relatively high apoptosis rate of myofibroblasts results in scar tissue that behaves more like normal scar tissue with respect to the evolution of the thickness of the tissue over time, while a relatively low apoptosis rate results in scar tissue that behaves like hypertrophic scar tissue with respect to the evolution of the thickness of the tissue over time. Our ultimate goal is to construct models with which the properties of newly generated tissues that form during wound healing can be predicted with a high degree of certainty. The development of the presented model is considered by us as a step toward their construction.  相似文献   
The frequency and fine specificity of herpes simplex virus (HSV)-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) of C57BL/6 mice was investigated in limiting dilution culture. The reactivity patterns of virus-specific CTL were assayed on target cells infected with HSV type 1, strain KOS, HSV type 2, strain Mueller, and mutants of HSV-1 (KOS) antigenically deficient or altered in glycoproteins gC or gB, two of the four major HSV-1-encoded cell surface glycoprotein antigens. Most CTL clones recognized type-specific determinants on target cells infected with the immunizing HSV serotype. In addition, the majority of HSV-1-specific CTL did not cross-react with cells infected with syn LD70, a mutant of HSV-1 (KOS) deficient for the presentation of cell surface glycoprotein gC. These data are the first demonstration of the clonal specificity of HSV-1-reactive CTL, and they identify gC as the immunodominant antigen. The fine specificity of gC-specific CTL clones was analyzed on target cells infected with mutant viruses altered in the antigenic structure of gC. These mutants were selected by resistance to neutralization with monoclonal antibodies, referred to as monoclonal antibody-resistant (mar) mutants. Most mar mutations in gC did not affect recognition by the majority of CTL clones. This indicated that most epitopes recognized by CTL are distinct from those defined by antibodies. The finding, however, that one mar mutation in gC affected both CTL and antibody recognition of this antigen may help to define antigenic sites important to both humoral and cell-mediated immunity to herpesvirus infection.  相似文献   
The distribution at sea and the food of two similar sized plankton-feedingalcids were examined during the 1981 breeding seasons in thenorthwestern Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Thetwo alcids, the Ancient murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus)and the Cassin's auklet (Prychoramphus aleuticus) have differentchick-rearing strategies. Both species fed predominantly atthe shelf break, although the Cassin's auklet also foraged overseamounts. The feeding distributions of the species appear tobe related to those of their prey. Zooplankton sampling indicatedthat each alcid selects a small and different portion of thezooplankton available in surface waters. The Ancient murrelet'smain foods were euphausiids (Thysanoessa spinifera and Euphausiapacifica) and larval and juvenile fishes. The Cassin's aukletchicks fed chiefly on calanoid copepods (Neocalanus cristatus).euphausiids (mostly Thysanoessa longipes in 1981, but in otheryears also Thysanoessa spinifera), and larval and juvenile fishes.The Cassin's auklets took smaller prey than the Ancient murrelet.Differences in the diets of the two alcid species were associatedwith differences in morphology and chick-rearing strategies.  相似文献   
Goudswaard, K. & Wanink, J.H. 2000. Temporal and spatial variation in the occurrence of Palearctic warblers around Lake Victoria. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 210–212.

Only one Palearctic warbler species, the Sedge Warbler, wintered at the south-eastem shores of Lake Victoria. Willow Warbler and Garden Warbler occurred mainly on passage, with peak values in the first lunar quarter, the period in which lakeflies would normally swarm. Higher warbler densities have been reported from the north-western shores. This agrees with our idea that the prevailing eastern winds will result in a higher availability of lakeflies to warblers at the western side of the lake.  相似文献   


Electroencephalogram (EEG) acquisition is routinely performed to support an epileptic origin of paroxysmal events in patients referred with a possible diagnosis of epilepsy. However, in children with partial epilepsies the interictal EEGs are often normal. We aimed to develop a multivariable diagnostic prediction model based on electroencephalogram functional network characteristics.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Routinely performed interictal EEG recordings at first presentation of 35 children diagnosed with partial epilepsies, and of 35 children in whom the diagnosis epilepsy was excluded (control group), were used to develop the prediction model. Children with partial epilepsy were individually matched on age and gender with children from the control group. Periods of resting-state EEG, free of abnormal slowing or epileptiform activity, were selected to construct functional networks of correlated activity. We calculated multiple network characteristics previously used in functional network epilepsy studies and used these measures to build a robust, decision tree based, prediction model. Based on epileptiform EEG activity only, EEG results supported the diagnosis of with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.77 and 0.91 respectively. In contrast, the prediction model had a sensitivity of 0.96 [95% confidence interval: 0.78–1.00] and specificity of 0.95 [95% confidence interval: 0.76–1.00] in correctly differentiating patients from controls. The overall discriminative power, quantified as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, was 0.89, defined as an excellent model performance. The need of a multivariable network analysis to improve diagnostic accuracy was emphasized by the lack of discriminatory power using single network characteristics or EEG''s power spectral density.


Diagnostic accuracy in children with partial epilepsy is substantially improved with a model combining functional network characteristics derived from multi-channel electroencephalogram recordings. Early and accurate diagnosis is important to start necessary treatment as soon as possible and inform patients and parents on possible risks and psychosocial aspects in relation to the diagnosis.  相似文献   
Augmentative biological control by predaceous ladybird beetles can be improved by using flightless morphs, which have longer residence times on the host plants. The two‐spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is used for the biological control of aphids in greenhouses and on urban trees. Flightlessness due to truncated wings occurs at very low frequency in some natural populations of A. bipunctata. Pure‐breeding strains of this 'wingless' genotype of A. bipunctata can easily be obtained in the laboratory. Such strains have not been commercialized yet due to concerns about their reduced fitness compared to wild‐type strains, which renders mass production more expensive. Wingless strains exhibit, however, wide intra‐population phenotypic variation in the extent of wing truncation which is related to fitness traits. We here use classical quantitative genetic techniques to study the heritability and genetic architecture of variation in wing truncation in a wingless strain of A. bipunctata. Split‐families reared at one of two temperatures revealed strong family‐by‐temperature interaction: heritability was estimated as 0.64 ± 0.09 at 19 °C and 0.29 ± 0.06 at 29 °C. Artificial selection in opposite directions at 21 °C demonstrated that the degree of wing truncation can be altered within a few generations resulting in wingless phenotypes without any wing tissue (realized h2 = 0.72), as well as those with minimal truncations (realized h2 = 0.61) in two replicates. The latter lines produced more than twice as many individuals. This indicates that selective breeding of wing truncation may be exploited to improve mass rearing of flightless strains of A. bipunctata for commercial biological control. Our work illustrates that cryptic variation can also be a source for the selective breeding of natural enemies.  相似文献   
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