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Conservation management is expected to increase local biodiversity, but uniform management may lead to biotic homogenization and diversity losses at the regional scale. We evaluated the effects of renewed grazing and cutting management carried out across a whole region, on the diversity of plants and seven arthropod groups. Changes in occurrence over 17 years of intensive calcareous grassland management were analysed at the species level, which gave insight into the exact species contributing to regional homogenization or differentiation. Reponses were compared between species differing in habitat affinity, dispersal ability, food specialisation and trophic level. Local species richness increased over the sampling period for true bugs and millipedes, while carabid beetles and weevils declined in local species richness. Species richness remained unchanged for plants, woodlice, ants and spiders. Regional diversity and compositional variation generally followed local patterns. Diversity shifts were only to a limited extent explained by species’ habitat affinity, dispersal ability, trophic level and food specialisation. We conclude that implementation of relatively uniform conservation management across a region did not lead to uniform changes in local species composition. This is an encouraging result for conservation managers, as it shows that there is not necessarily a conflict of interest between local and regional conservation goals. Our study also demonstrates that shifts in diversity patterns differ markedly between taxonomic groups. Single traits provide only limited understanding of these differences. This highlights the need for a wide taxonomic scope when evaluating conservation management and demonstrates the need to understand the mechanisms underlying occurrence shifts.  相似文献   
A continuum hypothesis-based model is presented for the simulation of the formation and the subsequent regression of hypertrophic scar tissue after dermal wounding. Solely the dermal layer of the skin is modeled explicitly and it is modeled as a heterogeneous, isotropic and compressible neo-Hookean solid. With respect to the constituents of the dermal layer, the following components are selected as primary model components: fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, a generic signaling molecule and collagen molecules. A good match with respect to the evolution of the thickness of the dermal layer of scars between the outcomes of simulations and clinical measurements on hypertrophic scars at different time points after injury in human subjects is demonstrated. Interestingly, the comparison between the outcomes of the simulations and the clinical measurements demonstrates that a relatively high apoptosis rate of myofibroblasts results in scar tissue that behaves more like normal scar tissue with respect to the evolution of the thickness of the tissue over time, while a relatively low apoptosis rate results in scar tissue that behaves like hypertrophic scar tissue with respect to the evolution of the thickness of the tissue over time. Our ultimate goal is to construct models with which the properties of newly generated tissues that form during wound healing can be predicted with a high degree of certainty. The development of the presented model is considered by us as a step toward their construction.  相似文献   
Signals play a key role in the ecology and evolution of animal populations, influencing processes such as sexual selection and conflict resolution. In many species, sexually selected signals have a dual function: attracting mates and repelling rivals. Yet, to what extent males and females under natural conditions differentially respond to such signals remains poorly understood, due to a lack of field studies that simultaneously track both sexes. Using a novel spatial tracking system, we tested whether or not the spatial behavior of male and female great tits (Parus major) changes in relation to the vocal response of a territorial male neighbor to an intruder. We tracked the spatial behavior of male and female great tits (= 44), 1 hr before and 1 hr after simulating territory intrusions, employing automatized Encounternet radio‐tracking technology. We recorded the spatial and vocal response of the challenged males and quantified attraction and repulsion of neighboring males and females to the intrusion site. We additionally quantified the direct proximity network of the challenged male. The strength of a male's vocal response to an intruder induced sex‐dependent movements in the neighborhood, via female attraction and male repulsion. Stronger vocal responders were older and in better body condition. The proximity networks of the male vocal responders, including the number of sex‐dependent connections and average time spent with connections, however, did not change directly following the intrusion. The effects on neighbor movements suggest that the strength of a male's vocal response can provide relevant social information to both the males and the females in the neighborhood, resulting in both sexes adjusting their spatial behavior in contrasting ways, while the social proximity network remained stable. This study underlines the importance of “silent” eavesdroppers within communication networks for studying the dual functioning and evolution of sexually selected signals.  相似文献   
Strong relationships have been hypothesized between the timing of marriage and the familial environment of the couple. Sociologists have identified various mechanisms via which the age at marriage in the parental generation might be related to the age at marriage of the children. In our paper we study this relationship for historical populations. We use a dataset consisting of several hundreds of thousands of marriages contracted in three of the 11 Dutch provinces between 1812 and 1922. We identified the generational links between the brides, grooms, their parents, and grandparents. We studied (a) whether there is a relationship between ages at marriage of (grandfathers) fathers and sons, and ages at marriage of (grandmothers) mothers and daughters and (b) whether this relationship might be explained by social class. We find evidence for a clear effect of the family on age at marriage and substantial intergenerational transmission. The impact that the family of origin has on age at entry into marriage can partly be attributed to social class. We also observed positive effects of grandparents’ age at marriage on their offspring’s age at marriage.
Kees MandemakersEmail:
The purpose of this research was to elucidate the significance of the changes in the mechanical and the volumetric properties on the moisture diffusivity through the polymer films. The internal stress concept was adapted and applied to estimate the relative impact of these property changes on the total stress experienced by a polymer film during storage. Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose free films were used as a model material prepared at various conditions and stored at different relative humidities. The changes in the internal stress of these films due to the moisture sorption were studied. It was demonstrated that the stress-relaxation of the films increases at increasing moisture content. At the point when there is a definite loss of stress in the film, which is at moisture content higher than 6%, was shown to correlate with the significant increase of the moisture diffusivity. Further investigations revealed that the loss of stress is especially due to the swelling of the polymer rather than the changes in the inherent strain (the quotient between the tensile strength and the modulus of elasticity) of the HPMC films. This implies that the impact of the moisture sorption on the diffusivity is predominantly via volume addition rather than via altering the mechanical properties. Additionally, the approach presented here also brings up a new application of the internal stress concept, which in essence suggests the possibility to estimate the diffusion coefficient from the sorption isotherm and the mechanical analysis data.  相似文献   
The insect lipophorin receptor (LpR), an LDL receptor (LDLR) homologue that is expressed during restricted periods of insect development, binds and endocytoses high-density lipophorin (HDLp). However, in contrast to LDL, HDLp is not lysosomally degraded, but recycled in a transferrin-like manner, leaving a function of receptor-mediated uptake of HDLp to be uncovered. Since a hallmark of circulatory HDLp is its ability to function as a reusable shuttle that selectively loads and unloads lipids at target tissues without being endocytosed or degraded, circulatory HDLp can exist in several forms with respect to lipid loading. To investigate whether lipid content of the lipoprotein affects binding and subsequent endocytosis by LpR, HDLp was partially delipidated in vitro by incubation with α-cyclodextrin, yielding a particle of buoyant density 1.17 g/mL (HDLp-1.17). Binding experiments demonstrated that LpR bound HDLp-1.17 with a substantially higher affinity than HDLp both in LpR-transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and isolated insect fat body tissue endogenously expressing LpR. Similar to HDLp, HDLp-1.17 was targeted to the endocytic recycling compartment after endocytosis in CHO(LpR) cells. The complex of HDLp-1.17 and LpR appeared to be resistant to endosomal pH, as was recently demonstrated for the LpR–HDLp complex, corroborating that HDLp-1.17 is recycled similar to HDLp. This conclusion was further supported by the observation of a significant decrease with time of HDLp-1.17-containing vesicles after endocytosis of HDLp-1.17 in LpR-expressing insect fat body tissue. Collectively, our results indicate that LpR favors the binding and subsequent endocytosis of HDLp-1.17 over HDLp, suggesting a physiological role for LpR in selective endocytosis of relatively lipid-unloaded HDLp particles, while lipid reloading during their intracellular itinerary might result in decreased affinity for LpR and thus allows recycling.  相似文献   
Increased plasma cholesterol is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Lipoprotein particles transport both cholesterol and triglycerides through the blood. It is thought that the size distribution of these particles codetermines cardiovascular disease risk. New types of measurements can determine the concentration of many lipoprotein size-classes but exactly how each small class relates to disease risk is difficult to clear up. Because relating physiological process status to disease risk seems promising, we propose investigating how lipoprotein production, lipolysis, and uptake processes depend on particle size. To do this, we introduced a novel model framework (Particle Profiler) and evaluated its feasibility. The framework was tested using existing stable isotope flux data. The model framework implementation we present here reproduced the flux data and derived lipoprotein size pattern changes that corresponded to measured changes. It also sensitively indicated changes in lipoprotein metabolism between patient groups that are biologically plausible. Finally, the model was able to reproduce the cholesterol and triglyceride phenotype of known genetic diseases like familial hypercholesterolemia and familial hyperchylomicronemia. In the future, Particle Profiler can be applied for analyzing detailed lipoprotein size profile data and deriving rates of various lipolysis and uptake processes if an independent production estimate is given.  相似文献   
Under sexual selection, mate preferences can evolve for traits advertising fitness benefits. Observed mating patterns (mate choice) are often assumed to represent preference, even though they result from the interaction between preference, sampling strategy and environmental factors. Correlating fitness with mate choice instead of preference will therefore lead to confounded conclusions about the role of preference in sexual selection. Here we show that direct fitness benefits underlie mate preferences for genetic characteristics in a unique experiment on wild great tits. In repeated mate preference tests, both sexes preferred mates that had similar heterozygosity levels to themselves, and not those with which they would optimise offspring heterozygosity. In a subsequent field experiment where we cross fostered offspring, foster parents with more similar heterozygosity levels had higher reproductive success, despite the absence of assortative mating patterns. These results support the idea that selection for preference persists despite constraints on mate choice.  相似文献   
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