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The distribution at sea and the food of two similar sized plankton-feedingalcids were examined during the 1981 breeding seasons in thenorthwestern Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Thetwo alcids, the Ancient murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus)and the Cassin's auklet (Prychoramphus aleuticus) have differentchick-rearing strategies. Both species fed predominantly atthe shelf break, although the Cassin's auklet also foraged overseamounts. The feeding distributions of the species appear tobe related to those of their prey. Zooplankton sampling indicatedthat each alcid selects a small and different portion of thezooplankton available in surface waters. The Ancient murrelet'smain foods were euphausiids (Thysanoessa spinifera and Euphausiapacifica) and larval and juvenile fishes. The Cassin's aukletchicks fed chiefly on calanoid copepods (Neocalanus cristatus).euphausiids (mostly Thysanoessa longipes in 1981, but in otheryears also Thysanoessa spinifera), and larval and juvenile fishes.The Cassin's auklets took smaller prey than the Ancient murrelet.Differences in the diets of the two alcid species were associatedwith differences in morphology and chick-rearing strategies.  相似文献   
Goudswaard, K. & Wanink, J.H. 2000. Temporal and spatial variation in the occurrence of Palearctic warblers around Lake Victoria. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 210–212.

Only one Palearctic warbler species, the Sedge Warbler, wintered at the south-eastem shores of Lake Victoria. Willow Warbler and Garden Warbler occurred mainly on passage, with peak values in the first lunar quarter, the period in which lakeflies would normally swarm. Higher warbler densities have been reported from the north-western shores. This agrees with our idea that the prevailing eastern winds will result in a higher availability of lakeflies to warblers at the western side of the lake.  相似文献   


Electroencephalogram (EEG) acquisition is routinely performed to support an epileptic origin of paroxysmal events in patients referred with a possible diagnosis of epilepsy. However, in children with partial epilepsies the interictal EEGs are often normal. We aimed to develop a multivariable diagnostic prediction model based on electroencephalogram functional network characteristics.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Routinely performed interictal EEG recordings at first presentation of 35 children diagnosed with partial epilepsies, and of 35 children in whom the diagnosis epilepsy was excluded (control group), were used to develop the prediction model. Children with partial epilepsy were individually matched on age and gender with children from the control group. Periods of resting-state EEG, free of abnormal slowing or epileptiform activity, were selected to construct functional networks of correlated activity. We calculated multiple network characteristics previously used in functional network epilepsy studies and used these measures to build a robust, decision tree based, prediction model. Based on epileptiform EEG activity only, EEG results supported the diagnosis of with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.77 and 0.91 respectively. In contrast, the prediction model had a sensitivity of 0.96 [95% confidence interval: 0.78–1.00] and specificity of 0.95 [95% confidence interval: 0.76–1.00] in correctly differentiating patients from controls. The overall discriminative power, quantified as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, was 0.89, defined as an excellent model performance. The need of a multivariable network analysis to improve diagnostic accuracy was emphasized by the lack of discriminatory power using single network characteristics or EEG''s power spectral density.


Diagnostic accuracy in children with partial epilepsy is substantially improved with a model combining functional network characteristics derived from multi-channel electroencephalogram recordings. Early and accurate diagnosis is important to start necessary treatment as soon as possible and inform patients and parents on possible risks and psychosocial aspects in relation to the diagnosis.  相似文献   
Augmentative biological control by predaceous ladybird beetles can be improved by using flightless morphs, which have longer residence times on the host plants. The two‐spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is used for the biological control of aphids in greenhouses and on urban trees. Flightlessness due to truncated wings occurs at very low frequency in some natural populations of A. bipunctata. Pure‐breeding strains of this 'wingless' genotype of A. bipunctata can easily be obtained in the laboratory. Such strains have not been commercialized yet due to concerns about their reduced fitness compared to wild‐type strains, which renders mass production more expensive. Wingless strains exhibit, however, wide intra‐population phenotypic variation in the extent of wing truncation which is related to fitness traits. We here use classical quantitative genetic techniques to study the heritability and genetic architecture of variation in wing truncation in a wingless strain of A. bipunctata. Split‐families reared at one of two temperatures revealed strong family‐by‐temperature interaction: heritability was estimated as 0.64 ± 0.09 at 19 °C and 0.29 ± 0.06 at 29 °C. Artificial selection in opposite directions at 21 °C demonstrated that the degree of wing truncation can be altered within a few generations resulting in wingless phenotypes without any wing tissue (realized h2 = 0.72), as well as those with minimal truncations (realized h2 = 0.61) in two replicates. The latter lines produced more than twice as many individuals. This indicates that selective breeding of wing truncation may be exploited to improve mass rearing of flightless strains of A. bipunctata for commercial biological control. Our work illustrates that cryptic variation can also be a source for the selective breeding of natural enemies.  相似文献   
To prevent potential problems in the relationship between people and their dogs, it is important to engage in a thoughtful decision-making process with regard to acquiring a dog. To map the most important elements in the decision-making process, a social cognitive model was applied using seven psychological constructs: perceived advantages of having a dog; perceived disadvantages; the social norm; self-efficacy; optimism; expected commitment; and the intention to acquire a dog. People who were planning to acquire a dog within one year were asked to fill in an online questionnaire and another one 14 months later. The social cognitive constructs were operationalized in the baseline questionnaire, and in the follow-up participants were asked to report whether they had actually acquired a dog during the 14-month interval. The sample (n?=?588) largely consisted of females (88%) and those who had a high level of education (64%). The mean age of the participants was 40.9 years. The data showed significant relations among the decision-making variables, and significant differences between demographic variables related to these. In univariate longitudinal analyses, several social cognitive variables significantly predicted acquiring a dog in the 14-month period. When intention to acquire a dog was entered into the multivariate model, it remained the only predictor (OR = 2.16, p?<?0.001); the model explained 33% of the variance in acquiring a dog. It was possible to assess the main constructs that play a role in decision making regarding acquiring a dog: Most baseline measures were related to actual later behavior, also when taking into account all changes in other internal and external factors that may have taken place. Insight into the decision-making process makes it possible to intervene in it for the good of people, dogs, and their relationships.  相似文献   
BackgroundCrusted scabies is a debilitating dermatological condition. Although still relatively rare in the urban areas of Australia, rates of crusted scabies in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory (NT) are reported to be among the highest in the world.ObjectiveTo estimate the health system costs associated with diagnosing, treating and managing crusted scabies.MethodsA disease pathway model was developed to identify the major phases of managing crusted scabies. In recognition of the higher resource use required to treat more severe cases, the pathway differentiates between crusted scabies severity grades. The disease pathway model was populated with data from a clinical audit of 42 crusted scabies patients diagnosed in the Top-End of Australia’s Northern Territory between July 1, 2016 and May 1, 2018. These data were combined with standard Australian unit costs to calculate the expected costs per patient over a 12-month period, as well as the overall population cost for treating crusted scabies.FindingsThe expected health care cost per patient diagnosed with crusted scabies is $35,418 Australian dollars (AUD) (95% CI: $27,000 to $43,800), resulting in an overall cost of $1,558,392AUD (95% CI: $1,188,000 to $1,927,200) for managing all patients diagnosed in the Northern Territory in a given year (2018). By far, the biggest component of the health care costs falls on the hospital system.DiscussionThis is the first cost-of-illness analysis for treating crusted scabies. Such analysis will be of value to policy makers and researchers by informing future evaluations of crusted scabies prevention programs and resource allocation decisions. Further research is needed on the wider costs of crusted scabies including non-financial impacts such as the loss in quality of life as well as the burden of care and loss of well-being for patients, families and communities.  相似文献   
Abstract. In order to restore natural salt marsh in a 460‐ha nature reserve established in man‐made salt marsh in the Dollard estuary, The Netherlands, the artificial drainage system was neglected and cattle grazing reduced. Vegetation changes were traced through two vegetation surveys and monitoring of permanent plots over 15 yr after the management had been changed. Exclosure experiments were started to distinguish grazing effects from effects of increased soil waterlogging caused by the neglect of the drainage system. Both vegetation surveys and permanent plots demonstrated a dichotomy in vegetation succession. The incidence of secondary pioneer vegetation dominated by Salicornia spp. and Suaeda maritima increased from 0 to 20%, whereas the late‐successional (Phragmites australis) vegetation from 10 to 15%. Grazing intensity decreased towards the sea. The grazed area contracted landward, which allowed vegetation dominated by tall species to increase seaward. Grazing and increased waterlogging interacted in several ways. The impact of trampling increased, and in the intensively grazed parts soil salinity increased. This can probably be explained by low vegetation cover in spring. Framework Ordination, an indirect‐gradient‐analysis technique, was used to infer the importance of environmental factors in influencing changes in species composition. Many changes were positively or negatively correlated with soil aeration and soil salinity, whereas elevation was of minor importance. Grazing accounted for only a few changes in species frequency. Changes in permanent plots were greater during the first than during the second half of the study period. In exclosures that were installed halfway through the study period, there was a relatively rapid recovery of previously dominant species that had decreased during the first half of the study period. Species richness per unit area in the reserve increased. At the seaward side of the marsh, the altered management allowed succession to proceed leading to establishment of stands of Phragmites australis, whereas on the landward side, the combination of moderate grazing with neglect of the drainage system appeared an effective measure in maintaining habitats for a wider range of halophytic species.  相似文献   
We studied the influence of genetic factors on individual differences in morningness-eveningness in a sample of Dutch twin families. Data were collected from adolescent twins (mean age 17.8 yr) and their parents (mean age of fathers 48.0 yr and of mothers 46.0 yr) and a sample of older twins (mean age 46.5 yr). Scores on morningness-eveningness were rated on a 5-point scale. Parents were more morning oriented than their children, and women were more morning oriented than men. With a twin-family study, separation of genetic and environmental influences on variation in morningness-eveningness is possible. Including parents and older twins in the study makes it possible to explore generation differences in these effects. The correlation between monozygotic twins was more than twice the correlation between dizygotic twins. This indicates that genetic effects may not operate in an additive manner. Therefore, a model that included genetic dominance was explored. Biometrical model fitting showed no sex differences for the magnitude of genetic and environmental factors. The total heritability—the sum of additive and nonadditive genetic influences—for morningness-eveningness was 44% for the younger generation and 47% for the older generation. However, the genetic correlation between the generations turned out to be lower than 0.5, suggesting that different genes for morningness-eveningness are expressed in both generations. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 809-822, 2001)  相似文献   
The reactions of the dianionic [(pyrrole-2-CHN)2R]2? ligands [(N′2N2)2?] (R = (R)(S)-1,2-cyclohexane or 1,2-ethane) with Zn(II) yield neutral dimeric [Zn2(N′2N2)2] complexes. The dimeric nature of the complexes was established by field-desorption mass spectrometry. 1H NMR studies show that these complexes have dimeric structures in solution in which the (N′2N2)2? ligands act as di-bidentates.The metal centres have tetrahedral geometries and bot have Δ or Λ configurations. The complex with the (R)(S)-1,2-cyclohexanediyl bridges has a rigid structure in solution. Neither intermolecular nor intramolecular exchange processes are observed The 1H NMR spectrum of the complex with the 1,2-ethanediyl bridging groups shows that at 213 K in CDCl3 a fast conformational movement is already taking place between two identical structures of the complex. It is not possible to determine whether in this complex intermolecular exchange processes are also taking place.The reactions of the anionic [pyrrole-2-CHNR′]? ligands [(N′N)?] (R′ = t-Bu, i-Pr, (S)-CHMePh or 2,6-xylyl) with Zn(II) yield the neutral Zn(N′N)2 complexes. These complexes were synthesized to study the coordination properties of the [pyrrole-2-CHNR′]? moieties with Zn(II). A 1H NMR study established that the zinc centres in the complexes containing the prochiral i-Pr or chiral (S)-CHMePh substituents have tetrahedral geometries with Δ or Λ configurations in CDCl3 at 213 K. These complexes undergo an intramolecular exchange process at higher temperatures (above 260 K when R′ = i-Pr) which involves inversion of the configuration of the zinc centre. A mechanism for this exchange process is proposed.  相似文献   
Structure of the rat cytomegalovirus genome termini.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
C Vink  E Beuken    C A Bruggeman 《Journal of virology》1996,70(8):5221-5229
The lytic replication cycle of herpesviruses can be divided into the following three steps: (i) circularization, in which, after infection, the termini of the linear double-stranded viral genome are fused; (ii) replication, in which the circular DNA serves as template for DNA replication, which generates large DNA concatemers; and (iii) maturation, in which the concatemeric viral DNA is processed into unit-length genomes, which are packaged into capsids. Sequences at the termini of the linear virion DNA are thought to play a key role in both genome circularization and maturation. To investigate the mechanism of these processes in the replication of rat cytomegalovirus (RCMV), we cloned, sequenced, and characterized the genomic termini of this betaherpesvirus. Both RCMV genomic termini were found to contain a single copy of a direct terminal repeat (TR). The TR sequence is 504 bp in length, has a high GC content (76%), and is not repeated at internal sites within the RCMV genome. The TR comprises several small internal direct repeats as well as two sequences which are homologous to herpesvirus pac-1 and pac-2 sites, respectively. The organization of the RCMV TR is unique among cytomegaloviruses with respect to the position of the pac sequences: pac-1 is located near the left end of the TR, whereas pac-2 is present near the right end. Both RCMV DNA termini carry an extension of a single nucleotide at the 3' end. Since these nucleotides are complementary, circularization of the viral genome is likely to occur via a simple ligation reaction.  相似文献   
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