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Summary During a mixed epidemic of poliomyelitis and Bornholm's disease in the summer of 1951, evidence was obtained of the involvement of at least 6 different immunological types of Coxsackie virus, among which the Albany A2 type dominated. Poliomyelitis virus was isolated from the stools of 6 out of 20 patients suffering from paralytic poliomyelitis; Coxsackie virus from 1, and both poliomyelitis and Coxsackie virus from 2 out of these 20 patients. During the whole year, Coxsackie virus was recovered from the stools of patients suffering from paralytic poliomyelitis, aseptic meningitis, pleurodynia and summer grippe in approximately equal percentages (11 to 14%), but during the epidemic months from July to October, 25% of the patients with poliomyelitis, and 16% of the patients with pleurodynia gave positive results for Coxsackie virus. The sparing or the enhancing effect of Coxsackie virus infection on the development of paralysis in patients with dual infections is discussed. Aided by a grant from the National Health Research Council T.N.O.  相似文献   
Summary At this laboratory the routine sensitivity tests of micro-organisms against sulfathiazol and antibiotics have been performed in plastic dishes for half a year. The dishes are cleaned and sterilized in the same way as bacteriological glassware. The use of these dishes offers some advantages over other conventional dilution methods employing tubes or Petri dishes with solid media: the sensitivity to serial dilutions of one antibiotic may be measured in one and the same plate, and in this way a considerable amount of glassware and of space in the incubator may be saved; the readings are easily done and distinct. It has been demonstrated that sensitivity tests with two standard strains against sulfathiazol and various antibiotics may be reproduced with the same endpoints.  相似文献   
ИccлeДOBAлocь paэBиTиe paэлиЧHьix Πitammb aэotoбaкtepa b pиэocфepe obca и иx bлияhиe ha ypoжa и. ΠepbohaЧaлЧhЧie Πitammьi cpabhиbaлиcь c t. h. iiaccaж иpobahhьimh шtammamи (te жe шtammьi, Aotopьie длиte иьho пobtopho bьipaщиba лиcь B pиэOCфepe OBca, pocшe гo B CTepилиэoBaHHoй Π). БaкTepиэaция ceMяB OBca BceMи шTaMMaMи aэOTOбaкTepa Bлиялa лa Ha кOлиЧecTBO aэOToбaкTepa B ΠOЧBe PиэOCъepьI, HO He Ha кOPHяX. Πaccaжи aэOTOбaкTepa Чepeэ pиэocфepy OBca B HaшиX ycлoBияX OΠьITa He yBeлиЧиBaли CΠOCOбHOCTи эTиX шTaMMOB paэBиBaTьCя бOлee yCилeHHO Ha кOPHяX или B ΠOЧBe PиэOCфePяI, ЧeM пePBOHaЧaлпHпIe шTaMMьI, — B OTлиЧиe OT дaHHьIX OпьITOB CO шTaMMaMи aэOTOбaкTepa, кOTOPьIe BьIPaщиBaлиCь C AOPHяMи PaCTeHий B CPeдe C aг;apoM (эиHOBьeBa 1950‐1954, BaHЧypa C COTP. 1959). БaкTepиэaпия BCeMи шTaMMaMи aэOTOбaкTepa цOBяIшaлa ypoжaй B CPaBHeHии C кOHTpOлeM.  相似文献   
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