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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus responsible for numerous epidemics throughout Africa and Asia, causing infectious arthritis and reportedly linked with fatal infections in newborns and elderly. Previous studies in animal models indicate that humoral immunity can protect against CHIKV infection, but despite the potential efficacy of B-cell-driven intervention strategies, there are no virus-specific vaccines or therapies currently available. In addition, CHIKV has been reported to elicit long-lasting virus-specific IgM in humans, and to establish long-term persistence in non-human primates, suggesting that the virus might evade immune defenses to establish chronic infections in man. However, the mechanisms of immune evasion potentially employed by CHIKV remain uncharacterized. We previously described two human monoclonal antibodies that potently neutralize CHIKV infection. In the current report, we have characterized CHIKV mutants that escape antibody-dependent neutralization to identify the CHIKV E2 domain B and fusion loop "groove" as the primary determinants of CHIKV interaction with these antibodies. Furthermore, for the first time, we have also demonstrated direct CHIKV cell-to-cell transmission, as a mechanism that involves the E2 domain A and that is associated with viral resistance to antibody-dependent neutralization. Identification of CHIKV sub-domains that are associated with human protective immunity, will pave the way for the development of CHIKV-specific sub-domain vaccination strategies. Moreover, the clear demonstration of CHIKV cell-to-cell transmission and its possible role in the establishment of CHIKV persistence, will also inform the development of future anti-viral interventions. These data shed new light on CHIKV-host interactions that will help to combat human CHIKV infection and inform future studies of CHIKV pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Ooi CH  Oh HK  Wang HZ  Tan AL  Wu J  Lee M  Rha SY  Chung HC  Virshup DM  Tan P 《PLoS genetics》2011,7(12):e1002415
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important components of cellular signaling pathways, acting either as pathway regulators or pathway targets. Currently, only a limited number of miRNAs have been functionally linked to specific signaling pathways. Here, we explored if gene expression signatures could be used to represent miRNA activities and integrated with genomic signatures of oncogenic pathway activity to identify connections between miRNAs and oncogenic pathways on a high-throughput, genome-wide scale. Mapping >300 gene expression signatures to >700 primary tumor profiles, we constructed a genome-wide miRNA-pathway network predicting the associations of 276 human miRNAs to 26 oncogenic pathways. The miRNA-pathway network confirmed a host of previously reported miRNA/pathway associations and uncovered several novel associations that were subsequently experimentally validated. Globally, the miRNA-pathway network demonstrates a small-world, but not scale-free, organization characterized by multiple distinct, tightly knit modules each exhibiting a high density of connections. However, unlike genetic or metabolic networks typified by only a few highly connected nodes ("hubs"), most nodes in the miRNA-pathway network are highly connected. Sequence-based computational analysis confirmed that highly-interconnected miRNAs are likely to be regulated by common pathways to target similar sets of downstream genes, suggesting a pervasive and high level of functional redundancy among coexpressed miRNAs. We conclude that gene expression signatures can be used as surrogates of miRNA activity. Our strategy facilitates the task of discovering novel miRNA-pathway connections, since gene expression data for multiple normal and disease conditions are abundantly available.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous distribution of components in the biological membrane is critical in the process of cell polarization. However, little is known about the mechanisms that can generate and maintain the heterogeneous distribution of the membrane components. Here, we report that the propagating wave patterns of the bacterial Min proteins can impose steric pressure on the membrane, resulting in transport and directional accumulation of the component in the membrane. Therefore, the membrane component waves represent transport of the component in the membrane that is caused by the steric pressure gradient induced by the differential levels of binding and dissociation of the Min proteins in the propagating waves on the membrane surface. The diffusivity, majorly influenced by the membrane anchor of the component, and the repulsed ability, majorly influenced by the steric property of the membrane component, determine the differential spatial distribution of the membrane component. Thus, transportation of the membrane component by the Min proteins follows a simple physical principle, which resembles a linear peristaltic pumping process, to selectively segregate and maintain heterogeneous distribution of materials in the membrane.
A multi‐gene (SSU, LSU, psbA, and COI) molecular phylogeny of the family Corallinaceae (excluding the subfamilies Lithophylloideae and Corallinoideae) showed a paraphyletic grouping of six monophyletic clades. Pneophyllum and Spongites were reassessed and recircumscribed using DNA sequence data integrated with morpho‐anatomical comparisons of type material and recently collected specimens. We propose Chamberlainoideae subfam. nov., including the type genus Chamberlainium gen. nov., with C. tumidum comb. nov. as the generitype, and Pneophyllum. Chamberlainium is established to include several taxa previously ascribed to Spongites, the generitype of which currently resides in Neogoniolithoideae. Additionally we propose two new genera, Dawsoniolithon gen. nov. (Metagoniolithoideae), with D. conicum comb. nov. as the generitype and Parvicellularium gen. nov. (subfamily incertae sedis), with P. leonardi sp. nov. as the generitype. Chamberlainoideae has no diagnostic morpho‐anatomical features that enable one to assign specimens to it without DNA sequence data, and it is the first subfamily to possess both Type 1 (Chamberlainium) and Type 2 (Pneophyllum) tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof development. Two characters distinguish Chamberlainium from Spongites: tetra/biasporangial conceptacle chamber diameter (<300 μm in Chamberlainium vs. >300 μm in Spongites) and tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof thickness (<8 cells in Chamberlainium vs. >8 cells in Spongites). Two characters also distinguish Pneophyllum from Dawsoniolithon: tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof thickness (<8 cells in Pneophyllum vs. >8 cells in Dawsoniolithon) and thallus construction (dimerous in Pneophyllum vs. monomerous in Dawsoniolithon).  相似文献   
Subject Categories: Membranes & Trafficking, Microbiology, Virology & Host Pathogen Interaction, Structural Biology

We recently reported the first structures of the Plasmodium falciparum transporter PfFNT, both in the absence and presence of the inhibitor MMV007839 (Lyu et al, 2021). These structures indicated that PfFNT assembles as a pentamer. The bound MMV007839 was found in the middle of the elongated channel formed by each PfFNT protomer, adjacent to residue G107. MMV007839 exists in two tautomeric forms and can adopt either a cyclic hemiketal‐like structure or a linear vinylogous acid conformation (Fig (Fig3A).3A). Unfortunately, these two tautomeric forms could not be clearly distinguished based on the existing cryo‐EM data at 2.78 Å resolution. The bound MMV007839 inhibitor was reported as the cyclic hemiketal‐like form in the structure in Figs Figs3A3A and andF,F, and and4C,4C, Appendix Figs S10A and B, and S13 and in the online synopsis image.Open in a separate windowFigure 3Cryo‐EM structure of the PfFNT‐MMV007839 complex
  1. Chemical structure of MMV007839. The compound can either be in cyclic hemiketal‐like or linear vinylogous acid tautomeric forms.
  2. Cryo‐EM density map of pentameric PfFNT viewed from the parasite’s cytoplasm. Densities of the five bound MMV007839 within the pentamer are colored red. The five protomers of pentameric PfFNT are colored yellow, slate, orange, purple, and gray.
  3. Ribbon diagram of the 2.18‐Å resolution structure of pentameric PfFNT‐MMV007839 viewed from the parasite’s cytoplasm. The five protomers of pentameric PfFNT are colored yellow, slate, orange, purple, and gray.
  4. Ribbon diagram of pentameric PfFNT‐MMV007839 viewed from the extracellular side of the parasite. The five protomers of pentameric PfFNT are colored yellow, slate, orange, purple, and gray.
  5. Ribbon diagram of pentameric PfFNT‐MMV007839 viewed from the parasite’s membrane plane. The five protomers of pentameric PfFNT are colored yellow, slate, orange, purple, and gray. Densities of the five bound MMV007839 are depicted as red meshes.
  6. The MMV007839‐binding site of PfFNT. The bound MMV007839 is colored green. Density of the bound MMV007839 is depicted as black mesh. Residues involved in forming the inhibitor binding site are colored yellow. The hydrogen bonds are highlighted with black dotted lines.
Open in a separate windowFigure 4Structure of the central channel in the PfFNT‐MMV007839 protomer
  • CA cartoon of the central channel formed within a PfFNT protomer. The channel contains one constriction site in this conformational state. Residues forming the constriction and the K35‐D103‐N108 and K177‐E229‐N234 triads are illustrated as sticks. Residues F94, I97, and L104, which form the first constriction site in the apo‐PfFNT structure, are also included in the figure.
Eric Beitz alerted us to the findings reported by his group that the linear vinylogous acid tautomer of MMV007839 constitutes the binding and inhibitory entity of PfFNT (Golldack et al, 2017).  相似文献   
Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) is produced by mammalian hosts to bind bacterial siderophore and sequester free iron as part of an innate immune response, and could also play a role in tissue iron homeostasis, but thus far, little is known about its expression in the CNS. The present study was carried out to study the expression of the lipocalin in the normal rat brain and after neuronal injury induced by kainate (KA). Low levels of LCN2 mRNA and protein expression were detected in most regions of the normal brain except the olfactory bulb, brainstem and cerebellum. KA lesions resulted in damage to the hippocampus, leading to an early increase at three days and a sustained elevation in LCN2 mRNA level of 16-fold, and protein expression at 80-fold in the lesioned tissue compared to controls at 2 weeks post-KA injection. The sustained elevation in mRNA expression was not detected among other lipocalins surveyed using real-time RT-PCR - apoD, PGDS, Rbp4 and LCN5. Single and double immunostaining confirmed that LCN2 is present in astrocytes in the olfactory bulb, brainstem and cerebellum of the normal brain, and reactive astrocytes in the KA-lesioned hippocampus. In conclusion, the present study showed LCN2 to be present in select brain regions, and is upregulated in astrocytes after neuronal injury induced by kainate. We postulate that, as in the periphery, LCN2 may have a role in iron transport or trafficking in the CNS.  相似文献   
This study aimed to fractionate Alternanthera sessilis Red (ASR) crude extracts and determine their antioxidant activities as well as the related active components in the whole plant. ASR was extracted with water and ethanol, and further separated using a Sephadex LH-20 column. Following the assessments of the polyphenolic contents and antioxidant activities of crude extracts (H2OASR and EtOHASR) and fractions, a HPLC-QToF analysis was performed on the crude extracts and selected fractions (H2OASR FII and EtOHASR FII). Three water fractions (H2OASR FI, FII and FIII) and four ethanolic fractions (EtOHASR FI, FII, FIII and FIV) were derived from their crude extracts, respectively. EtOHASR FII exhibited the greatest total phenolic content (120.41 mg GAE/g fraction), total flavonoid content (223.07 mg RE/g fraction), and antioxidant activities (DPPH IC50=159.43 μg/mL; FRAP=1.93 mmol Fe2+/g fraction; TEAC=0.90 mmol TE/g fraction). Correlation analysis showed significant (p<0.01) positive correlations between both TPC (r=0.748–0.970) and TFC (r=0.686–0.949) with antioxidant activities in the crude extracts and fractions. Flavonoids were the major compounds in the four selected samples tentatively identified using HPLC-QToF-MS/MS, with the highest number of 30 polyphenol compounds detected in the most active fraction, EtOHASR FII.  相似文献   
The structural gene for pyruvate kinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been cloned in Escherichia coli and sequenced. The open reading frame from the ATG start codon to the TAG stop codon is 1482 base-pairs and encodes a peptide of relative molecular mass 52,967. In the expression vector pKK223-3, containing the synthetic tac promoter, the gene is overexpressed in E. coli cells to an estimated level of 30% total soluble cell protein. A purification procedure for the overexpressed protein has been established. The construction and characterization of a pair of mutant proteins has given insight into the structural basis of allosteric regulation in the tetrameric enzyme. Substituting tryptophan for tyrosine at position 466 (mutant Trp466-->Tyr) resulted in an activated form of the enzyme, having a reduced K1/2 for the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate. We propose that the characteristics of this mutant might be the result of bulk removal releasing steric inhibition to the formation of an interdomain salt bridge between Asp356 and Arg444. The regulatory behaviour of the double mutant produced by making the additional substitution aspartate for glutamate at position 356 (Trp466-->Tyr/Asp356-->Glu) corroborates this. The position of the salt bridge is such that it might be pivotal to the conformation of a pocket that is proposed to open up when the active R-conformation is adopted. We suggest that the mechanism of activation of B. stearothermophilus pyruvate kinase by ribose-5-phosphate might hinge on an interaction with, or indirectly through, residue Trp466, removing it from the vicinity of the potential salt bridge between Asp356 and Arg444 and thus effecting a closing together of the protein structure concomitant with an opening up of the pocket region.  相似文献   
McGill S  Chia W  Karp R  Ashburner M 《Genetics》1988,119(3):647-661
A dominant mutation of Drosophila melanogaster, Scutoid (Sco), acts as an antimorphic allele of the no-ocelli (noc) gene. In Sco the noc region has been transposed from 35B to 35D on chromosome arm 2L and the noc gene is now adjacent to snail (sna). Induced revertants of Sco are frequently mutant for sna or are aberrations broken very close to sna. A molecular analysis of the Sco chromosome has confirmed that noc is transposed and fused to the sna region. However, only part of the noc region is included within the transposition. The breakpoints of 19 chromosomally aberrant Sco revertants have been mapped at the molecular level. Fourteen of these breakpoints map to the noc region, spread over about 80 kb of DNA. The breakpoints of the remaining five are not within the DNA of the noc region and appear to map within sequences from the sna region. This has been shown directly for three of these, those associated with T(2;3)ScoR+13, In(2L)ScoR+24 and In(2L)ScoR+26. Thus mutation of either noc or sna, genes which are apparently unrelated in their wild-type functions, can revert the antimorphic phenotype of Sco.  相似文献   
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