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We aimed to investigate the differentially expressed long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) during the differentiation of human umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUCMSCs) into cardiomyocyte-like cells induced by 5-aza. hUCMSCs were isolated and purified from umbilical cords. After treated with 10 μmol/L 5-Aza for 24 h, hUCMSCs wereas continued to be cultured for 14 days. Comparison of cardiac specific genes and the expression profile of lncRNAs on hUCMSCs between day 14 and day 0 was performed using immunofluorescence staining, immunohistochemistry, Western blot assay, RT-PCR and lncRNA microarray. Results show that well-organized sarcomeric structure and more cTnI and MLC2a staining were seen in hUCMSCs of day 14 after 5-aza-induced compared to those in day 0. Expression of Desmin, Nkx2.5, cTnI and MLC2a of hUCMSCs was much higher on day 14 compared with day 0 (P?<?0.01). 41 differentially expressed lncRNAs were found on day 14 hUCMSCs compared those of day 0 were identified. Among them, 25 upregulated and 16 downregulated. Four out of the five upregulated lncRNAs (P?=?0.00035, 0.014, 0.016 and 0.005 for uc010vei.1, X72487, BC064139, AK092074) and four out of the five downregulated lncRNAs (P?=?0.038, 0.0014, 0.00026 and 0.004 for X85157, uc007keu.1, AK309872, NR_029399) showed significantly different expressions in further validation using RT-PCR. Our results illustrated that there was a dysregulation of the lncRNA profile during the differentiation of hUCMSCs into cardiomyocyte-like cells, which will provide the foundation for further study of the biological functions and mechanism of lncRNAs in the differentiation of hUCMSCs into cardiomyocyte-like cells.  相似文献   


Many vector-borne diseases co-circulate, as the viruses from the same family are also transmitted by the same vector species. For example, Zika and dengue viruses belong to the same Flavivirus family and are primarily transmitted by a common mosquito species Aedes aegypti. Zika outbreaks have also commonly occurred in dengue-endemic areas, and co-circulation and co-infection of both viruses have been reported. As recent immunological cross-reactivity studies have confirmed that convalescent plasma following dengue infection can enhance Zika infection, and as global efforts of developing dengue and Zika vaccines are intensified, it is important to examine whether and how vaccination against one disease in a large population may affect infection dynamics of another disease due to antibody-dependent enhancement.


Through a conceptual co-infection dynamics model parametrized by reported dengue and Zika epidemic and immunological cross-reactivity characteristics, we evaluate impact of a hypothetical dengue vaccination program on Zika infection dynamics in a single season when only one particular dengue serotype is involved.


We show that an appropriately designed and optimized dengue vaccination program can not only help control the dengue spread but also, counter-intuitively, reduce Zika infections. We identify optimal dengue vaccination coverages for controlling dengue and simultaneously reducing Zika infections, as well as the critical coverages exceeding which dengue vaccination will increase Zika infections.


This study based on a conceptual model shows the promise of an integrative vector-borne disease control strategy involving optimal vaccination programs, in regions where different viruses or different serotypes of the same virus co-circulate, and convalescent plasma following infection from one virus (serotype) can enhance infection against another virus (serotype). The conceptual model provides a first step towards well-designed regional and global vector-borne disease immunization programs.
Changes in the protein secondary structure and electron transport activity of the Triton X-100-treated photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) complexes after strong illumination treatment were studied using Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and an oxygen electrode. Short periods of photoinhibitory treatment led to obvious decreases in the rates of PSI-mediated electron transport activity and PSII-mediated oxygen evolution in the native or Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes. In the native PSI and PSII complexes, the protein secondary structures had little changes after the photoinhibitory treatment. However, in both Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes, short photoinhibition times caused significant loss of -helical content and increase of -sheet structure, similar to the conformational changes in samples of Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes after long periods of dark incubation. Our results demonstrate that strong-light treatment to the Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes accelerates destruction of the transmembrane structure of proteins in the two photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   
A cosmid bank of Serratia marcescens was established from which DNA fragments were cloned into the plasmid pBR322, which conferred the chromosomally encoded hemolytic activity to Escherichia coli K-12. By transposon mutagenesis with Tn1000 and Tn5 IS50L::phoA (TnphoA), the coding region was assigned to a DNA fragment, designated hly, comprising approximately 7 kilobases. Two proteins with molecular weights of 61,000 (61K protein) and 160,000 (160K protein) were expressed by the pBR322 derivatives and by a plasmid which contained the hly genes under the control of a phage T7 promoter and the T7 RNA polymerase. When strongly overexpressed the 160K protein was released by E. coli cells into the extracellular medium concomitant with hemolytic activity. The genes encoding the 61K and the 160K proteins were transcribed in the same direction. Mutants expressing a 160K protein truncated at the carboxy-terminal end were partially hemolytic. Hemolysis was progressively inhibited by saccharides with increasing molecular weights from maltotriose (Mr 504) to maltoheptaose (Mr 1,152) and was totally abolished by dextran 4 (Mr 4,000). This result and the observed influx of [14C]sucrose into erythrocytes in the presence of hemolytic E. coli transformants under osmotically protective conditions suggest the formation of defined transmembrane channels by the hemolysin.  相似文献   
Eleven chromosomal products of somatic excision of Tc1 transposable elements have been cloned and sequenced. The cloning method did not involve genetic reversion; therefore the products analyzed should be representative. Six empty religated target sites were from excision of one Tc1 element inserted near actin genes on linkage group V; five were from a second Tc1 element inserted elsewhere on the same linkage group. All six products from the first element were identical in sequence to an empty target site from a second strain, indicating excision had been precise. Two of the products from the second element were also precise, whereas the other three contained four extra nucleotides at the point of excision, indicating an imprecise excision. The four nucleotides are the same in all cases and could represent two terminal nucleotides of the transposon plus a two-nucleotide target site duplication. The difference in the ratio of precise to imprecise excision at the two insertion sites suggests a possible chromosomal position effect on the pathway of Tc1 somatic excision.  相似文献   
重楼属植物甾体皂甙的高效液相色谱分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
应用高效液相层析技术,对重楼属十八个种植物的甾体皂甙进行了定性、定量分析。植物用甲醇提取,抽出物经DIAION柱,以90%甲醇洗出总甙。在HPLC上,用ODS柱先将总甙以用醇:水(9:1)洗脱分为三馏段,每馏再在ODS柱或Rp-8柱上以甲醇:水(8:2;7:3.5)洗脱,使各个皂甙成分完全分离。被分离的每个色谱峰与已知重楼皂甙的保留时间进行比较并配合HPLC的加入法,TLC分析及用HPLC制备少量样品做MS测定来加以定性鉴定。定量采用内标及校正曲线法。  相似文献   
Encarsia sophia (Girault and Dodd) is an autoparasitoid in the hymenopteran family Aphelinidae. The females develop as primary parasitoids on whitefly nymphs (primary hosts), whereas the males develop as hyperparasitoids on their own species or on other primary parasitoid species (secondary hosts). The autoparasitoids not only parasitise whiteflies but also kill them with strong host-feeding capacity. In this study, female and male E. sophia were reared on the primary hosts Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci ‘Q’, and the host-feeding and parasitism of wasps on both whitefly species were determined for the four possible different mating combinations: (i) E. sophia females reared on B. tabaci (ESF-BT) mated with E. sophia males from B. tabaci (ESM-BT), (ii) E. sophia females reared on T. vaporariorum (ESF-TV) mated with E. sophia males from T. vaporariorum (ESM-TV), (iii) ESF-BT mated with ESM-TV, and (iv) ESF-TV mated with ESM-BT. ESF-TV mated with ESM-TV killed the largest percentage of whitefly nymphs through host feeding. The ESF-TV with larger body size mating with larger ESM-TV killed more whitefly nymphs through host feeding than those mating with smaller ESM-BT. Whether B. tabaci or T. vaporariorum were used as hosts, ESF-TV mated with ESM-TV and ESM-BT and ESF-BT mated with ESM-BT significantly parasitised more whitefly nymphs than ESF-BT mated with ESM-TV. In general, ESF-BT mated with ESM-TV killed significantly fewer whitefly nymphs through parasitism and host feeding than the other three mating combinations on both whitefly species. These results indicated that the performance of autoparasitoids on insect pests was not only dependent on females but was also affected by mating with males from different primary host species.  相似文献   
Protein folding rates vary by several orders of magnitude and they depend on the topology of the fold and the size and composition of the sequence. Although recent works show that the rates can be predicted from the sequence, allowing for high‐throughput annotations, they consider only the sequence and its predicted secondary structure. We propose a novel sequence‐based predictor, PFR‐AF, which utilizes solvent accessibility and residue flexibility predicted from the sequence, to improve predictions and provide insights into the folding process. The predictor includes three linear regressions for proteins with two‐state, multistate, and unknown (mixed‐state) folding kinetics. PFR‐AF on average outperforms current methods when tested on three datasets. The proposed approach provides high‐quality predictions in the absence of similarity between the predicted and the training sequences. The PFR‐AF's predictions are characterized by high (between 0.71 and 0.95, depending on the dataset) correlation and the lowest (between 0.75 and 0.9) mean absolute errors with respect to the experimental rates, as measured using out‐of‐sample tests. Our models reveal that for the two‐state chains inclusion of solvent‐exposed Ala may accelerate the folding, while increased content of Ile may reduce the folding speed. We also demonstrate that increased flexibility of coils facilitates faster folding and that proteins with larger content of solvent‐exposed strands may fold at a slower pace. The increased flexibility of the solvent‐exposed residues is shown to elongate folding, which also holds, with a lower correlation, for buried residues. Two case studies are included to support our findings. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Weng J  Tan C  Shen JR  Yu Y  Zeng X  Xu C  Ruan K 《Biochemistry》2004,43(16):4855-4861
In this paper, we analyzed the pH-induced changes in the conformational states of the manganese-stabilizing protein (MSP) of photosystem II. Distinct conformational states of MSP were identified using fluorescence spectra, far-UV circular dichroism, and pressure-induced unfolding at varying suspension pH values, and four different conformational states of MSP were clearly distinguished using the center of fluorescence spectra mass when suspension pH was altered from 2 to 12. MSP was completely unfolded at a suspension pH above 11 and partly unfolded below a pH of 3. Analysis of the center of fluorescence spectral mass showed that the MSP structure appears stably folded around pH 6 and 4. The conformational state of MSP at pH 4 seems more stable than that at pH 6. Studies of peak positions of tryptophan fluorescence and MSP-bound 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid fluorescence spectra supported this observation. A decrease in the suspension pH to 2 resulted in significant alterations in the MSP structure possibly because of protonation of unprotonated residues at lower pH, suggesting the existence of a large number of unprotonated amino acid residues at neutral pH possibly useful for proton transport in oxygen evolution. The acidic pH-induced conformational changes of MSP were reversible upon increase of pH to neutral pH; however, N-bromosuccinimide modification of tryptophan (Trp241) blocks the recovery of pH-induced conformational changes in MSP, implying that Trp241 is a key residue for the unfolded protein to form a functional structure. Thus, pH-induced structural changes of stable MSP (pH 6-4) may be utilized to analyze its functionality as a cofactor for oxygen evolution.  相似文献   
通过查阅资料,访问及实地调查等方法,报道了云台山野生珍稀濒危中药植物24科37种,对它们的生长环境、药效及现在情况做了介绍,并分析了云台山野生中药植物资源被破坏的主要原因,提出了对云台山野生药用植物资源进行保护的具体措施。  相似文献   
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