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Novel chiral ionic liquid stationary phases based on chiral imidazolium were prepared. The ionic liquid chiral selector was synthesized by ring opening of cyclohexene oxide with imidazole or 5,6‐dimethylbenzimidazole, and then chemically modified by different substitute groups. Chiral stationary phases were prepared by bonding to the surface of silica sphere through thioene “click” reaction. Their enantioselective separations of chiral acids were evaluated by high‐performance liquid chromatography. The retention of acid sample was related to the counterion concentration and showed a typical ion exchange process. The chiral separation abilities of chiral stationary phases were greatly influenced by the substituent group on the chiral selector as well as the mobile phase, which indicated that, besides ion exchange, other interactions such as steric hindrance, π‐π interaction, and hydrogen bonding are important for the enantioselectivity. In this report, the influence of bulk solvent components, the effects of varying concentration, and the type of the counterion as well as the proportion of acid and basic additives were investigated in detail.  相似文献   
One hundred and eighty one fungal species that were isolated from the fresh fruiting bodies collected in the Mountains of Pu Er County of Yunnan Province, China were tested on the pine wood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in vitro. Each fungal species was grown in Czapek broth and potato dextrose broth (PDB). Fifteen filtrates fromAmauroderma austrosinense, Amauroderma macer, Filoboletus sp.,Laccaria tortilis, Lactarius gerardii, Lentinula edodes, Oudemansiella longipes, Oudemansiella mucida, Peziza sp.,Pleurotus sp.,Sinotermitomyces carnosus (two strains),Strobilomyces floccopus, Termitomyces albuminosus, Tylopilus striatulus grown on PDB were found to be pathogenic to the tested nematodes. Eleven filtrates fromAmanita junguillea, Amanita sp.,Daedalea sepiaria, Fistulina hepatica, Omphalotus olearius, Oudemansiella mucida, Peziza sp.,Pleurotus pulmatus, Ramaria sp.,Tricholoma conglobatum, Tylopilus striatulus grown on Czapek broth were also pathogenic to the nematodes. When screening for nematicidal potential of fungi, it is important to study the growth medium conditions necessary to obtain the optimal nematicidal effect as fungal filtrates growing on different liquid media showed a very inconsistent toxicity towards nematodes.  相似文献   
为了在Epstein-Barr病毒(EBV)172kb的基因组中引入突变以研究基因功能,建立了一种简单有效的基因操作方法.在载体pcDNA3.1( )上操作,将两端含有重组蛋白FLP识别位点(FRT)的卡那霉素筛选标记基因(kan)与鼻咽癌(NPC)来源的、包含LMP1基因全长ORF的gDNA"无缝"连接(无外源序列插入).连接后的kan-LMP1线性DNA片段经转化、由λ噬菌体中redαβγ系统介导在E.coli中发生同源重组(ET克隆),用kan-LMP1替代了BAC-EBV(p2089)中相应的LMP1基因区域,然后经过重组蛋白FLP对FRT-kan-FRT特异性的识别,切除了引入的kan基因,留下一个69bp的FRT"疤痕".通过抗性筛选和对菌液进行PCR扩增可以鉴定突变子.这种经改进并程序化的方法.也适应于引入其它突变或在其它BAC-疱疹病毒基因组中引入突变.  相似文献   
植物激素对草莓叶片不定芽形成的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用试管内生长的草莓幼嫩叶片作外植体,培养在MS基本培养基上附加1.5—2.5毫克/升6—BA和0.1毫克/升NAA,可直接诱导成不定芽,诱导率可达20%。如果不定芽继代培养在同样浓度的培养基上,继而可形成大量的丛生芽。能使叶外植体形成不定芽的植物激素组合而不能使其愈伤组织分化成芽。IAA与6—BA的不同浓度组合对不定芽形成效果不明显。  相似文献   
家兔腹泻生态疗法的实验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖国旗  张德纯 《四川动物》1997,16(3):140-141
根据动物微生态学理论,将3株正常菌:嗜酸乳杆菌、两歧双歧杆菌、粪链球菌研制成复方生态制剂,对家免细菌性腹泻进行治疗试验。共治疗75例,治愈率为96.00%,比痢特灵对照组治愈率提高16.00%。该制剂价格低廉,无毒、副作用,使用安全可靠,是一种防治家免细菌性腹泻的较理想制剂。  相似文献   
贵州黔西县少数民族ABO血型分布及基因频率调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对贵州黔西县1260例6个少数民族人群红细胞ABO表现型进行了检测;结果如下:贵州黔西县布依族、满族、苗族、白族这四个民族的ABO血型基因频率很相近,彝族和仡佬族与这4个民族的差别较大,布依族,苗族,满族,白族ABO血型分布为O>B>A>AB,彝族为O>A>B>AB,仡佬族为A>O>B>AB;经Hardy Weinberg吻合度检测可以证明贵州黔西县的ABO血型表现型分布状况及基因频率相对稳定,其分布符合hardy Weinberg平衡,获得了该地ABO血型系统群体遗传学数据,为群体遗传学的研究提供了一定的资料。  相似文献   
Biology, fisheries, and conservation of sturgeons and paddlefish in China   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
This paper reviews five of the eight species of acipenseriforms that occur in China, chiefly those of the Amur and Yangtze rivers. Kaluga Huso dauricus and Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii are endemic to the Amur River. Both species still support fisheries, but stocks are declining due to overfishing. Acipenseriformes of the Yangtze River are primarily threatened by hydroelectric dams that block free passage to spawning and feeding areas. The Chinese paddlefish Psephurus gladius now is rare in the Yangtze River system, and its spawning activities were severely limited by completion of the Gezhouba Dam in 1981. Since 1988, only 3–10 adult paddlefishes per year have been found below the dam. Limited spawning still exists above the dam, but when the new Three Gorges Dam is complete, it will further threaten the paddlefish. Artificial propagation appears to be the only hope for preventing extinction of P. gladius, but it has yet to be successfully bred in captivity. Dabry's sturgeon A. dabryanus is a small, exclusively freshwater sturgeon found only in the Yangtze River system. It is concentrated today in reaches of the main stream above Gezhouba Dam. The fishery has been closed since 1983, but populations continue to decline. Acipenser dabryanus has been cultured since the 1970s, and holds promise for commercial aquaculture; availability of aquacultural methods offers hope for enhancing natural populations. The Chinese sturgeon A. sinensis occurs in the Yangtze and Pearl rivers and seas of east Asia. There is still disagreement about the taxonomy of the Pearl and Yangtze River populations. The Yangtze River population is anadromous. Adults begin spawning at about age 14 years (males) and 21 years (females), and adults spend over 15 months in the river for reproduction. Spawning sites of A. sinensis were found every year since 1982 below the Gezhouba Dam, but it seems that insufficient suitable ground is available for spawning. Since 1983, commercial fishing has been prohibited but more measures need to be taken such as establishing protected areas and characterizing critical spawning, summering and wintering habitats.  相似文献   
水稻OsAQP是实验室前期从cDNA文库中筛选的功能未知的水通道蛋白质编码基因。本文采用DNA重组技术构建其植物过表达载体,并对拟南芥进行了遗传转化,筛选获得转基因拟南芥。采用50、100、125和150 mmol/L梯度盐胁迫处理,结果显示,转基因拟南芥的发芽率、根长以及鲜重分别比对照至少高17%、40.8%和14.29%,且差异达到显著水平(P<0.05)。在正常条件下,转基因植株叶片中抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性显著高于WT;经300 mmol/L NaCl处理,转基因拟南芥叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、APX酶活性均升高,与处理前相比分别提高7.37倍、30.87倍和1.77倍,且与WT的酶活性差异达到显著水平(P<0.05);丙二醛(MDA)含量也在处理后上升,但在转基因植株中的含量低于WT,分别是WT的0.74倍、0.68倍和0.62倍,差异同样达到显著水平(P<0.05)。本研究提示,OsAQP过表达不仅能够促进拟南芥种子萌发和根系生长,而且在盐胁迫下通过提高拟南芥内源抗氧化酶活性、降低膜脂过氧化程度,增强了转基因植株对一定程度盐胁迫的耐受性。  相似文献   
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