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Nine out of 22 microsatellite primers tested were successfully amplified on three samples of cod Gadus morhua L. (two contemporary and one archived otolith samples). All loci were polymorphic (5–23 alleles/locus). The average observed heterozygosity across loci and samples was 0.625, ranging from 0.294 to 0.895 at each locus. All loci were under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, except PGmo56 that showed significant excess of heterozygotes in all studied samples. The isolated loci were suitable for degraded DNA and therefore useful for conducting a long‐term temporal study with DNA obtained from archived otoliths of cod.  相似文献   
目的减少Finn CA于1984年首次报道的小鼠月经模型的观察时间点,以期为月经生理学研究提供一种较廉价且易操作的月经模型。方法应用成年雌性去势C57BL/6小鼠,给予续贯性激素处理,最末次激素处理后4~6h,实验组小鼠宫腔内注射花生油以诱导子宫内膜蜕膜化反应,对照组小鼠给予同样激素处理但无宫腔油剂注射。分别于油剂处理后31~35h(T3组)、56~70h(T4组)处死小鼠,称量子宫湿重,制作H&E组织切片,运用图像分析软件CAST2,计算全子宫横截面积(TUA)与子宫内膜横截面积(EA)。结果H&E染色子宫组织切片示在单纯雌激素作用下宫内膜呈单层立方上皮,核浆比较高,内膜基质疏松;雌孕激素联合处理后,分泌细胞易见,腺腔内可见分泌物。激素撤退后实验组T3观察到子宫内膜剥离,T4组示子宫内膜修复。对照组子宫内膜始终完整。子宫湿重在激素撤退后,实验组下降较慢。激素撤退后实验组T3的TUA继续上升而EA则维持原水平,T4组TUA与EA均明显下降。结论此模型在子宫内膜剥落期和早期修复期组织学特征与人类子宫内膜有一定的相似性。  相似文献   
Extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) produced by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain BU2 was characterized for its ability to remove uranium from aqueous solution. The EPS was acidic in nature and found as a potent biosorbent for uranium (U), showing pH dependence and fast saturating metal sorption, being maximum (985 mg U g? 1 EPS) at pH 5.0. The polymer showed enhanced uranium sorption capacity and affinity with increasing solution pH, suggesting a preferential sorption of monovalent uranyl hydroxide ions over the nonhydroxylated divalent species. Pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic models were applied to the experimental data, assuming that the external mass transfer limitations in the system can be neglected and biosorption is sorption controlled. Equilibrium metal binding showing conformity to the Freundlich model suggested a multilayer sorption involving specific binding sites with affinity distribution. The presence of two types of metal binding sites corresponding to strong and weak binding affinity was interpreted from the Scatchard model equation. Uranium sorption by EPS was unaffected or only slightly affected in the presence of several interfering cations and anions, except iron and thorium. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy ascertained the strong binding of uranium with the carboxylic groups of uronic acids of bacterial EPS at pH 5.0, whereas at lower pH, amino and hydroxyl groups played a major role in metal binding.  相似文献   
New, except 1d, melatonin analogue benzimidazole derivatives were synthesized and characterized in the present study. The potential role of melatonin as an antioxidant by scavenging and detoxifying ROS raised the possibility that compounds that are analogous to melatonin can also be used for their antioxidant properties. Therefore the antioxidant effects of the newly synthesized compounds were investigated in vitro by means of their inhibitory effect on hydrogen peroxide-induced erythrocyte membrane lipid peroxidation (EMLP) and on various erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes viz. superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). The synthesized benzimidazole derivatives showed remarkable antioxidant activity in vitro in the H2O2-induced EMLP system. Furthermore their effects on various antioxidant enzymes are discussed and evaluated from the perspective of structure- activity relationships.  相似文献   
1. Phengaris butterflies are obligatory social parasites of Myrmica ants. Early research suggested that there is a different Myrmica host species for each of the five European Phengaris social parasites, but more recent studies have shown that this was an oversimplification. 2. The pattern of host ant specificity within a Phengaris teleius metapopulation from southern Poland is reported. A combination of studying the frequency distribution of Phengaris occurrence and morphometrics on adult butterflies were used to test whether use of different host species is reflected in larval development. 3. Phengaris teleius larvae were found to survive in colonies of four Myrmica species: M. scabrinodis, M. rubra, M. ruginodis, and M. rugulosa. Myrmica scabrinodis was the most abundant species under the host plant but the percentage of infested nests was similar to other host ant species at two sites and lower in comparison to nests of M. rubra and M. ruginodis at the other two sites. Morphometric measurements of adult butterflies reared by wild colonies of M. scabrinodis and M. ruginodis showed that wing size and number of wing spots were slightly greater for adults eclosing from nests of M. ruginodis. 4. Our results suggest that P. teleius in the populations studied is less specialised than previously suggested. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that P. teleius is expected to be the least specific of the European Phengaris species, as it has the largest and best defended fourth‐instar caterpillars and, as a predatory species, it spends less time in the central larval chambers of the host colonies. The fact that individuals reared by M. ruginodis had wider hind wings may suggest that P. teleius had better access to resources in M. ruginodis than in M. scabrinodis colonies.  相似文献   
Arsenic (As) mobilization in alluvial aquifers is caused by a complex interplay of hydro-geo-microbiological activities. Nevertheless, diversity and biogeochemical significance of indigenous bacteria in Bengal Delta Plain are not well documented. We have deciphered bacterial community compositions and metabolic properties in As contaminated groundwater of West Bengal to define their role in As mobilization. Groundwater samples showed characteristic high As, low organic carbon and reducing property. Culture-independent and -dependent analyses revealed presence of diverse, yet near consistent community composition mostly represented by genera Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Brevundimonas, Polaromonas, Rhodococcus, Methyloversatilis and Methylotenera. Along with As-resistance and -reductase activities, abilities to metabolize a wide range carbon substrates including long chain and polyaromatic hydrocarbons and HCO3, As3+ as electron donor and As5+/Fe3+ as terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic growth were frequently observed within the cultivable bacteria. Genes encoding cytosolic As5+ reductase (arsC) and As3+ efflux/transporter [arsB and acr3(2)] were found to be more abundant than the dissimilatory As5+ reductase gene arrA. The observed metabolic characteristics showed a good agreement with the same derived from phylogenetic lineages of constituent populations. Selected bacterial strains incubated anaerobically over 300 days using natural orange sand of Pleistocene aquifer showed release of soluble As mostly as As3+ along with several other elements (Al, Fe, Mn, K, etc.). Together with the production of oxalic acid within the biotic microcosms, change in sediment composition and mineralogy indicated dissolution of orange sand coupled with As/Fe reduction. Presence of arsC gene, As5+ reductase activity and oxalic acid production by the bacteria were found to be closely related to their ability to mobilize sediment bound As. Overall observations suggest that indigenous bacteria in oligotrophic groundwater possess adequate catabolic ability to mobilize As by a cascade of reactions, mostly linked to bacterial necessity for essential nutrients and detoxification.  相似文献   
Human C-reactive protein (CRP), as a mediator of innate immunity, removed damaged cells by activating the classical complement pathway. Previous studies have successfully demonstrated that CRPs are differentially induced as glycosylated molecular variants in certain pathological conditions. Affinity-purified CRPs from two most prevalent diseases in India viz. tuberculosis (TB) and visceral leishmaniasis (VL) have differential glycosylation in their sugar composition and linkages. As anemia is a common manifestation in TB and VL, we assessed the contributory role of glycosylated CRPs to influence hemolysis via CRP-complement-pathway as compared to healthy control subjects. Accordingly, the specific binding of glycosylated CRPs with erythrocytes was established by flow-cytometry and ELISA. Significantly, deglycosylated CRPs showed a 7–8-fold reduced binding with erythrocytes confirming the role of glycosylated moieties. Scatchard analysis revealed striking differences in the apparent binding constants (104–105 M−1) and number of binding sites (106–107sites/erythrocyte) for CRP on patients’ erythrocytes as compared to normal. Western blotting along with immunoprecipitation analysis revealed the presence of distinct molecular determinants on TB and VL erythrocytes specific to disease-associated CRP. Increased fragility, hydrophobicity and decreased rigidity of diseased-erythrocytes upon binding with glycosylated CRP suggested membrane damage. Finally, the erythrocyte-CRP binding was shown to activate the CRP-complement-cascade causing hemolysis, even at physiological concentration of CRP (10 μg/ml). Thus, it may be postulated that CRP have a protective role towards the clearance of damaged-erythrocytes in these two diseases.  相似文献   
Copper-sensitive (Cus) and copper-resistant (Cur) strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were characterized in terms of Cu2+ sensitivity, uptake and its compartmentalization in the possible cell sectors. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of Cu2+ for the Cur strain (3.2 mM and 0.12 mM in enriched- and in minimal-medium, respectively) were almost 5-fold higher over that of its sensitive counterpart. While Cus strain accumulated Cu2+ to a maximum of 1.8 mol mg–1 protein, Cur strain increased it to 2.37 mol mg–1 protein. Both the strains also demonstrated energy- and pH-dependent Cu2+ uptake through the broad-substrate range divalent cation (Zn2+, Mg2+, Co2+) uptake system as well as through the system specific for Cu2+. Cell-fractionation study revealed that in Cur strain, periplasm and membrane are the main Cu2+ binding sites, whereas, in case of Cus strain, it is the cytoplasm. The overall observations indicate that the Cur strain restricted Cu2+ sequestration exterior to the cytoplasm as the possible strategy for Cu-resistance. The chemical nature of Cu2+ deposition in the respective strains was also ascertained by X-ray powder diffraction analysis.  相似文献   
Human C-reactive protein (CRP) is a clinically important classical acute phase protein. Although CRP has been reported to bind with many nucleated cells, the direct binding of CRP to erythrocytes in diseases remains largely unexplored. The main focus of the present study was to investigate the binding of disease-specific CRP to erythrocytes of same patients. Distinct molecular variant of disease-specific CRP was affinity purified from sera of malaria patients (CRPMal). This CRP showed strong binding with malaria erythrocytes (RBCMal) as confirmed by flow cytometric analysis (FACS), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), and radio binding assays. Calcium and phosphoryl choline (PC) were found to be essential for this interaction. A 2.3-fold increased binding of induced CRP to RBCMal as compared to normal erythrocytes (RBCN) confirmed disease-specificity. Preincubation of RBCMal with unconjugated CRP showed 3–5 fold inhibition. The association constant of CRP and RBCMal was 4.7 × 106 cpm/μg with the corresponding number of receptors/cell being 4.3 × 105. The effector function of CRPMal has been demonstrated by its potency to activate the complement pathway. An optimal dose of 10 μg/ml of CRP induced three-fold higher hemolysis of patient erythrocytes as compared to RBCN. These studies provide direct evidence for an important phagocytic functional interaction of this acute-phase protein by triggering the CRP-complement pathway after the binding of CRPMal with RBCMal. Hemolysis as triggered by this pathway may be one of the causative factors of anemia, a common clinical manifestation of this disease.  相似文献   
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