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In the present studies, we attempted to purify the native molecular forms of the c-ras proteins (c-ras p21s) from bovine brain crude membranes and separated at least three GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) cross-reactive with the antibody recognizing all of Ha-, Ki-, and N-ras p21s. Among them, one G protein with a Mr of about 21,000 was highly purified and characterized. The Mr 21,000 G protein bound maximally about 0.6 mol of [35S]guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S)/mol of protein with a Kd value of about 30 nM. [35S]GTP gamma S-binding to Mr 21,000 G protein was inhibited by GTP and GDP, but not by other nucleotides such as ATP, UTP, and CTP. [35S]GTP gamma S-binding to Mr 21,000 G protein was inhibited by pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide. Mr 21,000 G protein hydrolyzed GTP to liberate Pi with a turnover number of about 0.01 min-1. Mr 21,000 G protein was not copurified with the beta gamma subunits of the G proteins regulatory for adenylate cyclase. Mr 21,000 G protein was not recognized by the antibody against the ADP-ribosylation factor for Gs. The peptide map of Mr 21,000 G protein was different from those of the G proteins with Mr values of 25,000 and 20,000, designated as smg p25A and rho p20, respectively, which we have recently purified from bovine brain crude membranes. The partial amino acid sequence of Mr 21,000 G protein was identical with that of human c-Ki-ras 2B p21. These results indicate that Mr 21,000 G protein is bovine brain c-Ki-ras 2B p21 and that c-Ki-ras 2B p21 is present in bovine brain membranes.  相似文献   
In the present studies, we have purified a novel small Mr GTP-binding protein, designated as smg p21, to near homogeneity from bovine brain crude membranes, isolated the complementary DNA (cDNA) of this protein from a bovine brain cDNA library, determined the complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences, and characterized the kinetic properties. The cDNA of smg p21 has an open reading frame encoding a protein of 184 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 20,987. The Mr of purified smg p21 is estimated to be about 22,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Homology search indicates that smg p21 is a novel protein with the consensus amino acid sequences for GTP/GDP-binding and GTPase domains but shares about 55% amino acid sequence homology with the human c-Ha-ras protein. Moreover, smg p21 has the same putative effector domain as the Ha-, Ki-, and N-ras proteins at the same position and the same consensus C-terminal sequence as in these ras proteins. Consistent with these structural properties, smg p21 binds specifically [35S] guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S), GTP, and GDP with a Kd value for GTP gamma S of about 40 nM. smg p21 binds about 0.7 mol of GTP gamma S/mol of protein. [35S]GTP gamma S-binding to smg p21 is inhibited by pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide.smg p21 hydrolyzes GTP to liberate Pi with a turnover number of about 0.007 min-1. These kinetic properties of smg p21 are similar to those of the c-ras proteins. These results suggest that smg p21 is a novel GTP-binding protein exerting action(s) similar or antagonistic to that (those) of the ras proteins.  相似文献   
Two overlapping genomic clones containing the fibroin light-chain (Fib-L)-encoding gene (Fib-L) were obtained from the cosmid library of the silkworm, Bombyx mori J-139, by hybridization with the Fib-L cDNA clone. Sequencing of the 14.6-kb region revealed that Fib-L was 13472 bp long containing seven exons, and that the gene contained a large first intron which occupied about 60% of the gene. Comparison of restriction patterns of the J-139 Fib-L with those of eight other B. mori breeds producing normal-level fibroin demonstrated that considerable restriction-fragment length polymorphisms were present in regions containing the first intron and the 3′-flanking sequence. However, sizes of the Fib-L mRNA and the Fib-L polypeptide were very similar among the nine breeds tested, suggesting that the exon sequences and the splice signals were all well conserved. 5′-Flanking regions of Fib-L and the fibroin heavy-chain (Fib-H)-encoding gene (Fib-H) compared in this study contained three 18-30-bp sequences of high similarity and many 8-10-bp common elements, six of which coincided with the binding sites of homeodomain proteins. Gel retardation assays with the nuclear extracts of the posterior and middle silk glands suggested that protein factors present in the posterior silk-gland nuclei could bind to a set of those common upstream elements.  相似文献   
Rotational streaming of the cytoplasm including chloroplastswas induced by L-histidine, as well as by light, on the anticlinalface of leaf cells of Egeria densa. In the case of treatmentwith L-histidine some of the chloroplasts remained stationaryon the periclinal face of cells after rotational cytoplasmicstreaming was initiated. However, these chloroplasts were easilydislodged and translocated to the centrifugal end of the histidine-treatedcells by application of a centrifugal force that barely affectedthe location of chloroplasts in cells incubated in the darkwithout L-histidine. This result indicates that the anchoringof chloroplasts was weakened by L-histidine. Thus only the releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring was not enough for initiationof their streaming. The cytoplasmic pH (pHc) and vacuolar pH(pHv) were noninvasively monitored by in vivo 31P-nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Compared with the dark controlvalue, both illumination and treatment with L-histidine increasedthe pHc by 0.3 units. In contrast, pHv changed only a littlewith both illumination and treatment with L-histidine. Releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring and initiation of cytoplasmicstreaming are discussed in relation to the increase in pHc inducedby both light and L-histidine. 4 Present address: Department of Cell Biology, National Instituteof Agrobiological Resources, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305Japan 5 Present address: Marine Biotechnology Institute Co., Ltd.,Head Office, 2-35-10 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted December 20, 1990)  相似文献   
A six-degrees-of-freedom mechanical linkage device was designed and used to study the unconstrained motion of ten intact human cadaver knees. The knees were subjected to externally applied varus and valgus (V-V) moments up to 14 N-m as well as anterior and posterior (A-P) loads up to 100 N. Tests were done at four knee flexion angles; 0, 30, 45, and 90 deg. Significant coupled axial tibial rotation was found, up to 21.0 deg for V-V loading (at 90 deg of flexion) and 14.2 deg for A-P loading (at 45 deg of flexion). Subsequently, the knees were dissected and the locations of the insertion sites to the femur and tibia for the anteromedial (AM), posterolateral (PL), and intermediate (IM) portions of the ACL were identified. The distances between the insertion sites for all external loading conditions were calculated. In the case when the external load was zero, the AM portion of the ACL lengthened with knee flexion, while the PL portion shortened and the intermediate (IM) portion did not change in length. With the application of 14 N-m valgus moment, the PL and IM portions of the ACL lengthened significantly more than the AM portion (p less than 0.001). With the application of 100 N anterior load, the AM portion lengthened slightly less than the PL portion, which lengthened slightly less than the IM portion (p less than 0.005). In general, the amount of lengthening of the three portions of the ACL during valgus and anterior loading was observed to increase with knee flexion angle (p less than 0.001).  相似文献   
The incubation of isolated rat pancreatic acini with low doses (1 x 10(-11)-1 x 10(-10) M) of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK8) induced amylase release. This CCK8-induced amylase release has been shown to be mediated through the protein kinase C activation and the Ca2+ mobilization which are linked to the phospholipase C-mediated hydrolysis of phosphoinositides. However, the incubation of the acini with high doses (1 x 10(-9)-1 x 10(-7) M) of CCK8 reduced amylase release to the level less than that induced by the maximally effective dose (1 x 10(-10) M) of this secretagogue. Under the same conditions, the high doses of this secretagogue did not inhibit the phospholipase C-mediated hydrolysis of phosphoinositides. The stimulatory action of the maximally effective dose of CCK8 in amylase release was mimicked by the simultaneous addition of protein kinase C-activating 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and Ca2+ ionophore A23187. A high dose (1 x 10(-7) M) of CCK8 reduced the amylase release induced by the combination of TPA and A23187. These results suggest that the high doses of CCK8 inhibit the secretory process post to the protein kinase C-Ca2+ systems and thereby reduce the amylase release induced by the maximally effective dose of CCK8 in rat pancreatic acini.  相似文献   
The induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from CTL precursors requires a combination of antigen and lymphokine signals. To investigate lymphokine requirements for CTL generation, we used an assay in which helper T cell and accessory cell-depleted spleen cells or whole thymocytes were cultured with lectin (Con A) and lymphokines. This culture was followed by assessment of lectin-dependent cytolysis. High concentrations of recombinant interleukin 2 (R-IL 2) (100 U/ml) alone were not sufficient for lectin-mediated CTL induction from thymocytes, whereas 20 to 100 U/ml of R-IL 2 alone could induce a significant lectin-mediated CTL response from accessory cell-depleted spleen cells. Using thymocytes as responders, we found purified or recombinant interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) did not cause cytolytic activity either in the absence of or in the presence of R-IL 2. However, supernatant from Con A-stimulated rat spleen cells (rat Con A SN) in combination with R-IL 2 could induce cytolytic activity, suggesting that several factors are required for CTL induction. Con A SN was fractionated by gel filtration and the fractions were tested for ability to induce CTL. In the presence of a low level of R-IL 2 (5 U/ml), fractions with a Mr of approximately 31,000 could induce CTL, and this activity was referred to as CTL differentiation factor (CDF). The peak fractions containing CDF activity did not have detectable IL 1, IL 2, IFN-gamma, or CSF activity. However, by add-back experiments and the use of blocking antibodies, a monoclonal antibody against the IL 2 receptor or antibodies against murine IFN-gamma, we demonstrated that CTL induction from mature thymocytes (L3T4-, Lyt-2+) requires CDF activity in addition to IL 2 and IFN-gamma.  相似文献   
There are four polypeptides coded for by the region Pre-S and gene S on DNA of hepatitis B virus that carry the receptor for polymerized human serum albumin (poly-HSA), i.e., P31 and P39, as well as their glycosylated counterparts P35 and P43. With the use of monoclonal antibodies directed to Pre-S(1) sequence and Pre-S(2) sequence (bearing the receptor for poly-HSA), the content of these polypeptides, as well as their expression on the surface, was determined for hepatitis B particles of various categories. P39 and P43, carrying both Pre-S(1) and Pre-S(2) sequences, were contained abundantly in Dane and tubular particles, and to a much lesser extent in small spherical particles, all of which were purified from plasma containing hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg). P31 and P35, carrying Pre-S(2) but not Pre-S(1) sequence, were contained comparably in these three categories of hepatitis B particles. In remarkable contrast, small spherical particles derived from plasma containing antibody to HBeAg were very low in the content of any Pre-S polypeptides. P31 and P39 showed higher activities for poly-HSA receptor than their glycosylated versions. When Dane particles were digested with trypsin, the poly-HSA receptor was deprived in parallel with the loss of antigenicity for Pre-S(2) sequence. The antigenicity for Pre-S(1) sequence was much less affected, and that for the product of gene S was virtually unchanged by the digestion.  相似文献   
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