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Steroidal allenes, stigmasta-5,24(28),28-trien-3β-ol (allene-I) and cholesta-5,23,24-trien-3β-ol (allene-II), were tested for their inhibitory effects on growth, development, and steroid metabolism in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The allenic analogue (I) of stigmasta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol (2) was found to be a specific inhibitor for the conversion of stigmast-5-en-3β-ol (1) to stigmasta-5, 24(28)-dien-3β-ol (2) and/or stigmasta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol (2) to 24,28-epoxy-stigmast-5-en-3β-ol (3) This inhibitor held the larvae in the second instar for more than 20 days without developing to the third instar, when administered alone or with the dietary sterols of stigmast-5-en-3β-ol (1) or stigmasta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol (2). The second allene (II) with a similar structure to cholesta-5,24-dien-3β-ol (4) was also found to be an inhibitor for insect growth and development, but it appeared not to be acting via inhibition of sterol dealkylation.  相似文献   
A Nicotiana tabacum cell line, KS-1, which is tolerant to morethan 1% NaCl, was treated with buthiobate. The cells accumulated14a-methylsterols such as obtusifoliol, instead of campesteroland sitosterol. The buthiobate-treated cells lost their salttolerance. These results suggest that the buthiobate-inducedsalt sensitivity is closely associated with changes in the molecularspecies of sterols in the cell membranes. (Received October 16, 1986; Accepted April 13, 1987)  相似文献   
Checkpoints are cellular surveillance and signaling pathways that regulate responses to DNA damage and perturbations of DNA replication. Here we show that high levels of sumoylated Rad52 are present in the mec1 sml1 and rad53 sml1 checkpoint mutants exposed to DNA-damaging agents such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or the DNA replication inhibitor hydroxyurea (HU). The kinase-defective mutant rad53-K227A also showed high levels of Rad52 sumoylation. Elevated levels of Rad52 sumoylation occur in checkpoint mutants proceeding S phase being exposed DNA-damaging agent. Interestingly, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) on chip analyses revealed non-canonical chromosomal localization of Rad52 in the HU-treated rad53-K227A cells arrested in early S phase: Rad52 localization at dormant and early DNA replication origins. However, such unusual localization was not dependent on the sumoylation of Rad52. In addition, we also found that Rad52 could be highly sumoylated in the absence of Rad51. Double mutation of RAD51 and RAD53 exhibited the similar levels of Rad52 sumoylation to RAD53 single mutation. The significance and regulation mechanism of Rad52 sumoylation by checkpoint pathways will be discussed.  相似文献   
To discuss the autologous serum production for cartilage tissue engineering, we compared three kinds of sera: whole blood-derived serum (WBS), platelet-containing plasma-derived serum (PCS), and plasma-derived serum (PDS), on the growth factor contents and their biological effects on human auricular chondrocytes. EGF, VEGF and PDGF levels were highest in WBS, while PCS and PDS followed WBS. The proliferation effects of WBS were the most pronounced, followed by that of PCS, both of which realized a 1000-fold-increase in chondrocyte numbers at the third passage, whereas PDS reached it after passage 4. No significant differences were observed in histology or cartilaginous matrix measurements of tissue-engineered cartilage produced from chondrocytes cultured under different serum conditions. WBS would be clinically useful because of its potent proliferation effects, while PCS, which possibly saves the red cell concentrate, may be an option in cases where there are elevated risks of blood loss.  相似文献   
We are interested in identifying and characterizing various projection neurons that constitute the neocortical circuit. For this purpose, we developed a novel lentiviral vector that carries the tetracycline transactivator (tTA) and the transgene under the TET Responsive Element promoter (TRE) on a single backbone. By pseudotyping such a vector with modified rabies G-protein, we were able to express palmitoylated-GFP (palGFP) or turboFP635 (RFP) in corticothalamic, corticocortical, and corticopontine neurons of mice. The high-level expression of the transgene achieved by the TET-Off system enabled us to observe characteristic elaboration of neuronal processes for each cell type. At higher magnification, we were able to observe fine structures such as boutons and spines as well. We also injected our retrograde TET-Off vector to the marmoset cortex and proved that it can be used to label the long-distance cortical connectivity of millimeter scale. In conclusion, our novel retrograde tracer provides an attractive option to investigate the morphologies of identified cortical projection neurons of various species.  相似文献   
We identified a human homolog of Drosophila warts tumor suppressor gene, termed h-warts, which was mapped at chromosome 6q24-25.1. The h-warts protein has a serine/threonine kinase domain and is localized to centrosomes in interphase cells. However, it becomes localized to the mitotic apparatus, including spindle pole bodies, mitotic spindle, and midbody, in a highly dynamic manner during mitosis. Furthermore, h-warts is specifically phosphorylated in cells at mitotic phase, most likely by Cdc2 kinase. These findings suggest that h-warts functions as a component of the mitotic apparatus and is involved in proper progression of mitosis.  相似文献   
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is a widely used imaging technique for measuring protein dynamics in live cells that has provided many important biological insights. Although FRAP presumes that the conversion of a fluorophore from a bright to a dark state is irreversible, GFP as well as other genetically encoded fluorescent proteins now in common use can also exhibit a reversible conversion known as photoswitching. Various studies have shown how photoswitching can cause at least four different artifacts in FRAP, leading to false conclusions about various biological phenomena, including the erroneous identification of anomalous diffusion or the overestimation of the freely diffusible fraction of a cellular protein. Unfortunately, identifying and then correcting these artifacts is difficult. Here we report a new characteristic of an organic fluorophore tetramethylrhodamine bound to the HaloTag protein (TMR-HaloTag), which like GFP can be genetically encoded, but which directly and simply overcomes the artifacts caused by photoswitching in FRAP. We show that TMR exhibits virtually no photoswitching in live cells under typical imaging conditions for FRAP. We also demonstrate that TMR eliminates all of the four reported photoswitching artifacts in FRAP. Finally, we apply this photoswitching-free FRAP with TMR to show that the chromatin decondensation following UV irradiation does not involve loss of nucleosomes from the damaged DNA. In sum, we demonstrate that the TMR Halo label provides a genetically encoded fluorescent tag very well suited for accurate FRAP experiments.  相似文献   
Acrylamide (AAm) is produced in food through the reaction of asparagine and reducing sugar. We examined several methods of reducing the level of AAm using potato tubers. The fried model system that we employed consisted of thin slices that were first treated in water under different conditions before frying. A sufficient amount of water present in the fry material acts as an inhibitor against the formation of AAm and allows only a negligible amount of AAm to form. It was found that given the low content of water, the fry material temperature was sufficiently high to allow a relatively large level of AAm to form. Examination of water treatment prior to frying revealed that higher-temperature treatment water and longer treatment time resulted in the formation of lower levels of AAm. Moreover, removing some of the residual heat had an inhibiting effect on the formation of AAm.  相似文献   
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to synthesize thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) de novo, which involves the independent formation of two ring structures, 2-methyl-4-amino-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine and 4-methyl-5-β-hydroxyethylthiazole, in the early steps. In addition, this organism can efficiently utilize thiamin from the extracellular environment to produce TPP. Nineteen genes involved in the synthesis of TPP and the utilization of thiamin (THI genes) have been identified, and the function of several THI genes has been elucidated. All THI genes participating in the synthesis of the pyrimidine unit belong to multigene families. It is also intriguing that some thiamin biosynthetic proteins are composed of two distinct domains or form an enzyme complex. The expression of THI genes is coordinately induced in response to thiamin starvation. It is likely that the induction of THI genes is activated by a positive regulatory factor complex and that the protein–protein interaction among the factors is disturbed by TPP. Thiamin-hyperproducing yeast and fermented food containing a high content of thiamin are expected to be available in the future based on the progress in understanding thiamin biosynthesis and its genetic regulation in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
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