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The reason for failure to initiate fertilization internally was examined in a cottid fish, the elkhorn sculpin, Alcichthys alcicornis which has internal gametic association and external fertilization. While eggs could be activated in calcium free hypertonic media but not be fertilized, fertilization occurred in isotouic media rich in calcium ions. The rate of fertilization was dependent on calcium concentration, and eggs were not fertilized in solutions with a calcium ion concentration of less than 0·57 mmol kg−1. Calcium ions could be replaced to some extent by magnesium ions, but the former were the more effective in fertilization. Since calcium ion concentration of ovarian fluid of A. alcicornis was 0·41 mmol kg−1, it was inferred that low calcium concentration in the ovarian fluid was the cause of the failure of A. alcicornis eggs to fertilize internally.  相似文献   
After the intracisternal injection of three protease inhibitors which prevent the degradation of methionine enkephalin (amastatin, Des-Pro2-bradykinin, and phosphoramidon) and a mixture of these protease inhibitors, we investigated the effect on convulsive seizures in the seizure-susceptible El mouse. We also measured the cerebral methionine enkephalin content by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with radioimmunoassay. Protease inhibitors significantly decreased both the incidence of seizures and the seizure score in El mice in a dose-dependent manner. This anticonvulsant effect was reversed by naloxone (2 mg/kg, sc). The cerebral methionine enkephalin content increased significantly after the administration of protease inhibitors in comparison with saline injection. These findings suggest that it was not protease inhibitors but instead increase of endogenous methionine enkephalin that reduced the incidence of seizures and the seizure score in El mice. Together with our previous data, the present findings support our hypothesis that a deficit in anticonvulsant endogenous methionine enkephalin is involved in the pathogenesis of seizures in the El mouse.  相似文献   
Allo-chimerism and clonal elimination of self antigen (Ag) (Ia + Mls-1a) reactive Vβ6+ T cells were analyzed and compared between allogeneic bone marrow (BM) chimeras reconstituted with BM cells which had been treated with anti-Thy-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) plus complement (C) (T chimeras) and BM chimeras which had been reconstituted with BM cells pretreated with anti-Thy-1 mAb alone (T+ chimeras). When lethally irradiated AKR (Mls-1a) mice were reconstituted with BM cells from B10 or B10 H-2 congenic mice, both T+ and T chimeras were entirely free of signs of graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR). However, complete replacement of the AKR lymphoid tissues by donor BM cells was accomplished at an early stage in T+ chimeras but not in T chimeras. On the other hand, clonal elimination of Vβ6+ T cells reactive to the recipient Ag (Mls-1a) was abolished in T+ chimeras but successfully induced in T chimeras. The Vβ6+ T cells not eliminated in T+ chimeras showed depressed responses against Mls-1a antigens. The findings herein demonstrate that T cells which contaminate a BM inoculum survive in recipient mice after treatment with anti-Thy-1 mAb without C in vitro followed by BMT. The surviving T cells have been estimated to represent fewer than 0.5% of the BM cells inoculated. These cells appear to accelerate the full replacement of recipient lymphoid tissues by donor cells. Furthermore, the T cells which survive in the marrow inoculum influence eventually the development of a tolerant state in the T cell repertoire of the donor.  相似文献   
We immunohistochemically studied the localization of 5-reductase type 1 in combination with androgen receptor (AR) expression in individual lobes of the prostates of intact and castrated rats. In the normal rat prostate, 5-reductase was localized in the cytoplasm of most epithelial cells in the ventral, dorsal, and lateral type 1 (L1) lobes. Epithelial cells of lateral type 2 (L2) lobes were negative for 5-reductase. AR was present in the nuclei of all epithelial and stromal cells throughout the prostate. The number of 5-reductase-immunoreactive cells rapidly decreased in the ventral and L1 lobes after castration, whereas many positive cells remained in the dorsal lobe even at 4 weeks after castration. AR immunostaining was lost in the ventral, dorsal, and L1 lobes at 1 week after castration, but remained in the L2 lobe of 4-week-castrated rats. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry showed that 5-reductase was exclusively localized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes and that there were no distinct structural differences between the positively and negatively stained epithelial cells. These findings suggested that the expression of 5-reductase type 1 in the epithelial cell is heterogeneous within and among the individual lobes of the rat prostate, and does not correspond to AR expression.  相似文献   
Summary Photoactivation of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase was studied using a combination of spinach chloroplasts and yeast microsomes containing rat P4501A1/yeast reductase fusion enzyme. Under illumination, in the reaction mixture, NADP was reduced, transferring electrons to the P450/reductase fusion enzyme to convert 7-ethoxycoumarin to 7-hydroxycoumarin.  相似文献   
Subcutaneous infection withYersinia enterocolitica harboring plasmid responsible for Ca2+ dependence at 37°C induced cell-mediated protective immunity against a lethal challenge withYersinia pestis; the isogenic derivative strain cured from this plasmid subverted the immunity in mice. This is the first identification of the antigen(s) responsible for the induction of cell-mediated protective immunity against the facultatively intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   
A membrane protein possessing sperm-aggregating activity was partially purified from Spisula oocyest. Spisula oocytes were incubated with three different media: A) 1 M urea, 5 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.4, B) 1 M urea, 10 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.4, and C) 5 mM EDTA in artificial sea water. Oocytes incubated in media A or B at 22°C were viable up to 15 min of treatment based on the trypan blue exclusion test. After this treatment period, oocyte viability gradually decreased as demonstrated by a progressive increase in the uptake of the dye. However, oocytes excluded the dye when incubated in medium C for 2 hr or longer. Oocytes incubated in medium A or B did not undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) on exposure to sperm, while GVBD was induced on treatment with 70 mM KCI, suggesting removal or alteration of sperm receptors by the treatment. When sperm were incubated with oocyte extract prepared by treatment with medium A or B, they aggregated and formed clusters. The clusters remained unchanged for at least 1 hr at 22–24°C and sperm within the aggreates were motile. Extracts of Spisula oocytes showed species specificity by not agglutinating sperm of Arbacia punctulata, Asterias forbesi, ovalipes ocellatus, or Chaetopterus peramentaceus. The factor was puridied by ammonium sulfate fractionation (30% saturation) and by gel filtration on a Sephadex G 100 column. Four major protein peaks were eluted. Fraction comprising the second and third peaks possessed sperm-aggregating activity at an affective does od 2.5 μg of protein per ml. The factor is a heat-stable protein with an estimated molecular weight (mol wt) of 15 to 25 kdaltons.  相似文献   
A general mammalian expression vector designated pSV2-EP was reconstructed by inserting an oligonucleotide fragment into pSV2-dhfr. This vector allowed insertion of cDNAs with EcoRI cohesive ends. The pSV2-EP contains a simian virus 40 (SV40) early promoter, origin for DNA replication, SV40 poly-A site, splicing site, an initiator ATG downstream from the promoter and an EcoRI site for the insertion of cDNA fragment screened from lambda gt11 expression libraries. A recombinant plasmid (pS-VRS-1) was constructed by inserting RSD-1, a cDNA encoding a rabbit sperm tail protein, into the EcoRI site of the pSV2-EP vector. Chinese hamster ovarian (CHO) dhfr-negative cells were cotransformed with pSV2-dhfr and pSVRS-1 by the calcium phosphate method. In selective culture medium without thymidine and hypoxanthine, several cell lines were obtained containing mRNA and DNA that hybridized with RSD-1. One of these transformed cell lines stained intensely with anti-rSMP-B antibodies, demonstrating that the RSD-1 was expressed in the transformed CHO cells.  相似文献   
To determine the amino acid residues required for the signal-transducing activity of the human c-Ha-Ras protein, we introduced point mutations at residues 45-54 near the 'effector region' (residues 32-40). We transfected PC12 cells with these mutant genes and also micro-injected the mutant proteins, bound with an unhydrolyzable GTP analog, into PC12 cells. Both procedures showed that Val45----Glu and Gly48----Cys mutations impaired the ability of the Ras protein to induce morphological change of PC12 cells. These mutations did not affect the guanine nucleotide-binding activity or GTPase activity in the absence or presence of bovine GTPase-activating protein (GAP). Therefore, the Val45 and Gly48 residues should be included by definition in the effector region responsible for the signal transduction, while only a subset of the effector-region residues is required for enhancement of the GTPase activity by GAP.  相似文献   
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