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S Aizawa  T Sado 《Cellular immunology》1988,117(1):199-208
To better understand the factors described previously as influencing the manifestation of H-2 restriction specificity and Ir phenotype of T cells from radiation bone marrow chimeras, we also examined H-2 restriction specificity (Ir phenotype) of antigen (DNP-OVA, (T, G)-A-L, (H, G)-A-L)-specific proliferative T cells generated in various types of H-2 incompatible radiation chimeras prepared under our specific-pathogen-free (SPF) condition. The results indicated the following: (a) T cells generated in F1----parent bone marrow chimeras preferentially manifested host-type H-2 restriction specificity and Ir phenotype, regardless of the radiation dose (8.70 vs 11.59 Gy); (b) T cells recovered from twice-reconstituted F1----(PA----PB) chimeras manifested primary host (PB)-type Ir phenotype; (c) T cells which were recovered from (B10.Thy-1.1 X B10.BR.Thy-1.1)F1----parent (Thy-1.2) bone marrow chimeras and treated with anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement to deplete host-derived T cells still manifested preferentially the restriction specificity for host-type H-2; (d) PA-derived T cells which had differentiated in a fully allogeneic host (PB) environment of (PA + PB)----PB chimeras manifested fully allogeneic host-type Ir phenotype; (e) T cells from F1----parent chimeras that were prepared with 13-day fetal liver cells also manifested host H-2-restricted Ir phenotype; and (f) host preference for Ir phenotype of antigen-specific proliferative T cells was observed even in the case of F1----parent bone marrow chimeras reconstituted with "intact" bone marrow cells. The data suggest that thymic APCs, surviving host T cells or the source of stem cells (adult bone marrow vs 13-day fetal liver), do not necessarily play a significant role in the manifestation of H-2 restriction specificity and Ir phenotype of T cells generated in H-2 incompatible radiation chimeras.  相似文献   
Microtubule-binding domain of tau proteins   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Limited chymotryptic digestion of whole tau proteins produced a fragment of Mr 14,000 (CT14), which was able to bind to microtubules reconstituted from tubulin alone in the presence of taxol. This fragment was also found to persist in microtubules when microtubules consisting of tau proteins and tubulin were digested by chymotrypsin. Analysis of amino acid composition revealed that CT14 was rich in lysine and proline residues, suggesting unique structure of microtubule-binding domain of tau proteins. Amino-terminal sequence of CT14 was determined to be Ser-Ser-Pro-Gly-Ser-Pro-Gly-Thr-Pro-Gly-Ser-Arg-Ser-Arg-X-Pro-Ser-Leu-Pr o. No heterogeneity was detected in this amino-terminal sequence of 19 residues. Five species of polypeptides consisting of tau proteins were separated from each other by gel electrophoresis and subjected to chymotryptic digestion. CT14 was produced from each of the tau polypeptides by chymotryptic digestion, indicating that all tau polypeptides have a common microtubule-binding domain.  相似文献   
Although plain and complex bacterial flagellar filaments differ in their physical properties and helical symmetry, they both appear to derive from a common underlying structure. Analysis of electron micrographs of complex filaments of Rhizobium lupini revealed that the unit cell has twice the length of that of plain filaments, with a corresponding reduction in helical symmetry whereby the six-start helical family present in plain filaments collapses into a three-start family. Mass per unit length measurements were made by scanning transmission electron microscopy. These, together with the unit cell dimensions and the molecular weight of the flagellin monomer, enabled the number of monomers per unit cell to be estimated. Whereas plain filaments have a single monomer per unit cell, complex filaments have two. These results suggest that complex filament structure differs from plain filament structure by a pairwise perturbation, or interaction, of the flagellin monomers. The additional bonding interactions involved in the perturbation in the complex filament may make it more rigid than the plain filament, which has no such perturbation.  相似文献   
The heavy and light chain subunits of MB3 molecules were isolated from KT2 (DKT2, DR4, MB3 homozygous), ER (Dw4, DR4, MB3 homozygous), JMe (Dw5, DR5, MB3 homozygous), EBV-Sh (DSh, DRw6.2, MB3 homozygous), and EBV-Ky (DKy, DRw9, MB3 homozygous) cells and were compared with one another by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The MB3 light chains from KT2, ER, and EBV-Ky cells were clearly different in terms of their isoelectric points, whereas those from ER, JMe, and EBV-Sh cells were indistinguishable. No differences in charge or m.w. were noted for the MB3 heavy chains from the five cell lines. Thus, three out of the five MB3-positive, D/DR-disparate cell lines were found to express structurally distinct MB3 molecules, demonstrating that MB3 is a public serologic specificity shared by at least three structurally distinct MB (human I-A-like) molecules. Because the DR light chain subunits isolated from EBV-Wa, KT2, ER, JMe, EBV-Sh, and EBV-Ky cells differed from one another in their isoelectric points, the DR light chains were apparently more polymorphic than the MB3 light chains.  相似文献   
Intact tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Irish Cobblerand an interspecific hybrid between S. tuberosum and S. demissumcv. Rishiri) contain a very low activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl(HMG)-CoA reductase. The activity increased first in responseto slicing, and again in response to additional treatments suchas inoculation with an incompatible race of Phytophthora infestans,application of a hyphal wall component of the fungus or HgCl2solution, and then decreased. Both the first and the secondincreases in activity in response to slicing and additionaltreatment with a hyphal wall component to elicit phytoalexinproduction were inhibited by blasticidin S. Properties of HMG-CoAreductase induced by slicing and by additional treatment withHgCl2 or fungal inoculation were investigated. 2 Present address: Faculty of Home Economics, Nagoya Women'sUniversity, Shioji-cho, Mizuho, Nagoya 467, Japan.  相似文献   
Three oleanane triterpenes were isolated from the roots of Periandra dulcis,and identified as 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-18-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid I), 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-12-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid II) and 3-oxo-25-hydroxy-olean-12-en-30-oic acid. The former two compounds (periandric acids I and II) were identical with the aglycones obtained by hydrolysis of periandrin I and II, respectively and the latter one was a new triterpene.  相似文献   
The incubation of suspensions of canine tracheal epithelial cells of greater than 95% purity with arachidonic acid (25-200 micrograms/ml) for 60-120 min resulted in the generation of a maximum of 36.2 +/- 9.1 picomoles of leukotriene B4/10(6) cells, less than 2.0 picomoles of leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4/10(6) cells, and 1030 +/- 463, 767 +/- 500, and 324 +/- 100 picomoles/10(6) cells of 15-, 12-, and 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids, respectively (mean +/- SEM, n = 8). The identity of leukotriene B4 was established by chromatographic and spectral properties, by reactivity with mono-specific anti-plasma, and by the chemotactic activity for neutrophils. Thus, the epithelium may be an important source of mediators of inflammation and hypersensitivity of pulmonary airways.  相似文献   
To study the gene products of the HLA complex, we produced two monoclonal antibodies, termed HU-18 and HU-23. They were active in complement-dependent cytotoxicity and detected B-cell alloantigens encoded by a locus (or loci) linked to HLA. When three types of HLA-DR4 homozygous B-cell lines with different HLA-D specificities were tested for reactivity with HU-18 and HU-23, they displayed distinct reaction patterns depending on the HLA-D specificities they possessed: EBV-Wa (HLA-DYT homozygous), negative for both HU-18 and HU-23; KT2 and KOB (HLA-DKT2 homozygous), positive only for HU-18; and ER (HLA-Dw4 homozygous), positive for both. These differential reaction patterns were further confirmed by testing against a panel of 17 HLA-DR4-positive peripheral blood lymphocytes with known HLA-D specificities. Thus, these monoclonal antibodies allow us to identify HLA-DYT, HLA-DKT2, and HLA-Dw4 solely by serologic methods. This is the first clearcut serologic identification of these three HLA-DR4-associated HLA-D specificities, which have been indistinguishable by conventional serology and identified only by cellular techniques. It is hoped that immunochemical investigations using HU-18 and HU-23 will advance our understanding of the HLA-D region on a molecular level.  相似文献   
Krafft points of diacylglycerophosphocholines (PC) were measured in alkanes-cyclohexane solutions by differential scanning calorimetry, and it was found that they were regularly increased following the increase in alkane content in the solutions and the chain length of the alkanes. From these results it was deduced that the mixing of PC with alkanes occurred in the gel state of the PC, but not in micelles at higher temperatures above the Krafft points. where micellar solutions are provided. The penetration of alkanes into gel state PC was found to be dominated by Langmuir type interaction, and the affinity of alkanes increases with increasing in chain lengths. Above the Krafft points, the micelle formation was confirmed by using the fluorescence probe technique.  相似文献   
A heat-stable microtubule-associated protein (MAP) with apparent molecular weight of 190,000 is a major non-neural MAP which distributes ubiquitously among bovine tissues (termed here MAP-U). Previously we reported that microtubule-binding chymotryptic fragments of MAP-U and tau contain a common assembly-promoting (AP) sequence of 22 amino acid residues (Aizawa, H., Kawasaki, H., Murofushi, H., Kotani, S., Suzuki, K., and Sakai, H. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 5885-5890). We isolated cDNA clones for MAP-U containing the whole coding sequence. Northern blot analysis revealed that a major species of MAP-U mRNA is 5 kilobases in length and is expressed ubiquitously among bovine tissues. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed the complete amino acid sequence of MAP-U which consists of 1,072 amino acid residues. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of MAP-U indicated that this molecule is clearly divided into two domains in terms of electrostatic charge distribution: an amino-terminal acidic domain (residues 1-640) and a carboxyl-terminal basic domain (residues 641-1072). The amino-terminal domain of MAP-U shows no significant sequence homology with other known protein sequences including neural MAPs, tau, and MAP-2. The amino-terminal domain of MAP-U contains unique 18 1/2 repeats of 14-amino acid motif which have not been observed in other MAPs. The carboxyl-terminal domain of MAP-U is further divided into three regions: a Pro-rich region (residues 641-880), an AP sequence region (residues 881-1003), and a short hydrophobic tail (residues 1004-1072). The Pro-rich region is mainly composed of five species of amino acid residues, Pro, Ala, Lys, Ser, and Thr. The AP sequence region contains four tandem repeats of AP sequences, and thus, this region is considered to play a leading role in the interaction of MAP-U with microtubules.  相似文献   
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