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Although the dog breeding industry is common in many countries, the presence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria among pups in kennels has been infrequently investigated. This study was conducted to better understand the epidemiology of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli isolates from kennel pups not treated with antimicrobials. We investigated susceptibilities to 11 antimicrobials, and prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) in 86 faecal E. coli isolates from 43 pups in two kennels. Genetic relatedness among all isolates was assessed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Susceptibility tests revealed that 76% of the isolates were resistant to one or more of tested antimicrobials, with resistance to dihydrostreptomycin most frequently encountered (66.3%) followed by ampicillin (60.5%), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (41.9%), oxytetracycline (26.7%), and chloramphenicol (26.7%). Multidrug resistance, defined as resistance against two or more classes of antimicrobials, was observed in 52 (60.5%) isolates. Three pups in one kennel harboured SHV-12 ESBL-producing isolates. A comparison between the two kennels showed that frequencies of resistance against seven antimicrobials and the variation in resistant phenotypes differed significantly. Analysis by PFGE revealed that clone sharing rates among pups of the same litters were not significantly different in both kennels (64.0% vs. 88.9%), whereas the rates among pups from different litters were significantly different between the two kennels (72.0% vs. 33.3%, P < 0.05). The pups in the two kennels had antimicrobial-resistant E. coli clones, including multidrug-resistant and ESBL-producing clones. It is likely that resistant and susceptible bacteria can clonally spread among the same and/or different litters thus affecting the resistance prevalence.  相似文献   
蚂蚁属真社会性昆虫。真社会性最主要的特性是在一个社会集团内个体间有生殖上的分工。即多数个体 (如工蚁 ,兵蚁等 )自身不行生殖 ,而一生“竭力”“帮助”少数个体 (如蚁后和雄蚁 )繁殖后代。蚂蚁生活的基本单位是社群 (colony)。一个单独的个体 (除创建蚁后 )是没有意义的。“典型”的社群由一个创建蚁后和其后代组成 (即单母 :monogyny)。单母社群内个体间亲缘关系密切。在自然界 ,多母社群 (polygyny)亦普遍存在。在多母社群里 ,如蚁后间亲缘关系密切 (如姐妹 ) ,社群内遗传关系同质性亦较高 ,个体间的平均遗传相关也密切。但如蚁后间亲缘关系疏远或无亲缘关系 ,那么社群内遗传异质性很高 ,个体间平均遗传相关也随之降低。和其它复杂的社会群体一样 ,蚂蚁社会拥有高度发达的通讯系统。社群不仅需要在内部个体间相互沟通以确保社群的平衡和协调性 ,而且必需和社群外各种息息相关的有机体间交流信息 ,以便有效利用有用的资源并避开各种危险。如果说信息素是蚂蚁通讯最重要的物质基础 ,那么对周围各类生物的识别便是蚂蚁通讯最为基本的环节。蚂蚁的识别行为及其机理是多样的 ,其生物学功能亦随被识别的对象不同而异。如 :为了确保社会群体的安全 ,蚂蚁必须准确识别“敌”、“我”和“朋友”。为了使得  相似文献   
Alpha-helical peptides, such as T-20 (enfuvirtide) and C34, derived from the gp41 carboxyl-terminal heptad repeat (C-HR) of HIV-1, inhibit membrane fusion of HIV-1 and the target cells. Although T-20 effectively suppresses the replication of multi-drug resistant HIV variants both in vitro and in vivo, prolonged therapy with T-20 induces emergence of T-20 resistant variants. In order to suppress the emergence of such resistant variants, we introduced charged and hydrophilic amino acids, glutamic acid (E) and lysine (K), at the solvent accessible site of C34. In particular, the modified peptide, SC34EK, demonstrates remarkably potent inhibition of membrane fusion by the resistant HIV-1 variants as well as wild-type viruses. The activity was specific to HIV-1 and little influenced by serum components. We found a strong correlation between the anti-HIV-1 activities of these peptides and the thermostabilities of the 6-helix bundles that are formed with these peptides. We also obtained the crystal structure of SC34EK in complex with a 36 amino acid sequence (N36) comprising the amino-terminal heptad repeat of HIV-1. The EK substitutions in the sequence of SC34EK were directed toward the solvent and generated an electrostatic potential, which may result in enhanced alpha-helicity of the peptide inhibitor. The 6-helix bundle complex of SC34EK with N36 appears to be structurally similar to that of C34 and N36. Our approach to enhancing alpha-helicity of the peptide inhibitor may enable future design of highly effective and specific HIV-1 inhibitors.  相似文献   
Abstract  All ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) are highly eusocial insects that are characterized by reproductive division of labor with sterile castes (worker and soldier) helping fertile castes (queen and male) to reproduce.
Ant societies, like other complex animal societies, have developed a sophisticated communication system, in which recognition behaviors are frequently involved Recognition abilities allow individuals to orient and modulate their behaviors effectively and appropriately in response to the characteristics andlor signals expressed by other organisms. Among recognition behaviors, nestmate recognition and kin recognition mechanisms have attracted great attention of sociobiologists, ecologists, insect physiologists and biochemists since 1970's. This is parallel with the popularization of Hamilton's kin selection theory. The present paper aims at reviewing the current understanding on nestmate/kin recognition in ants. This review consists of three parts. The first part concerns the diversity of recognition behaviors and their ecological implications with emphasis on nestmatelkin recognition; in the second part, the current understandings on the mechanism of nestmatelkin recognition are outlined; and in the third part, we discuss the ontogenetic development of nestmate recognition behavior and naturally mixed colonies. The study of the integration mechanism of social parasite may provide heuristic clues to the understanding of kin/nestmate recognition system.  相似文献   
Orexin-A (ORX-A) and orexin-B (ORX-B), also called hypocretin-1 and hypocretin-2, respectively, act upon orexin 1 (OX1R) and orexin 2 (OX2R) receptors, and are involved in the regulation of sleep-wakefulness and energy homeostasis. Orexin neurons in the lateral hypothalamic perifornical region project heavily to the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT), which is deeply involved in the control of motivated behaviors. In the present study, electrophysiological and cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) imaging studies on the effects of ORX-A and ORX-B on neurons in the PVT were carried out in rat brain slice preparations. ORX-A and/or ORX-B were applied extracellularly in the perfusate. Extracellular recordings showed that about 80% of the PVT neurons were excited dose-dependently by both ORX-A and ORX-B at concentrations of 10(-8) to 10(-6)M, and the increase in firing rate was about three times larger for ORX-B than for ORX-A at 10(-7)M. When both ORX-A and ORX-B were applied simultaneously at 10(-7)M, the increase in firing rate was almost equal to that of ORX-B at 10(-7)M, suggesting that the PVT neurons do not show a high affinity to ORX-A which is expected if they have OX1R receptors. The excitatory effect of ORX-B was seen in low Ca2+ and high Mg2+ ACSF as well as in normal ACSF, and the increase in firing rate was greater in low Ca2+ and high Mg2+ ACSF than in normal ACSF. [Ca2+]i imaging studies demonstrated that [Ca2+]i was increased in about 50% of the PVT neurons by both 10(-7)M ORX-A and ORX-B with a stronger effect for ORX-B, and the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by ORX-B was abolished in Ca2+-free ACSF, suggesting that ORX-B does not release Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+ stores. Subsequent whole cell patch clamp recordings revealed that an after hyperpolarization seen following each action potential in normal ACSF disappeared in Ca2+-free ACSF, and the mean magnitude of the depolarization induced by ORX-B was same in normal, Ca2+-free and TTX-containing Ca2+-free ACSFs. Furthermore, ORX-B-induced depolarization was reversed to hyperpolarization when membrane potential was lowered to about -97 mV, and an increase of extracellular K+ concentration from 4.25 to 13.25 mM abolished the ORX-B-induced depolarization, indicating that the ORX-B-induced depolarization is associated with an increase in the membrane resistance resulting from a closure of K+ channels. These results suggest that orexins depolarize and excite post-synaptically PVT neurons via OX2R receptors, and that orexin-activated PVT neurons play a role in the integration of sleep-wakefulness and energy homeostasis, and in the control of motivated behaviors.  相似文献   
Polysialic acid facilitates tumor invasion by glioma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polysialic acid (PSA) is thought to attenuate neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) adhesion, thereby facilitating neural cell migration and regeneration. Although the expression of PSA has been shown to correlate with the progression of certain tumors such as small cell lung carcinoma, there have been no studies to determine the roles of PSA in gliomas, the most common type of primary brain tumor in humans. In this study, we first revealed that among patients with glioma, PSA was detected more frequently in diffuse astrocytoma cells, which spread extensively. To determine directly the role of PSA in glioma cell invasion, we transfected C6 glioma cells with polysialyltransferases to express PSA. In those transfected cells, PSA is attached mainly to NCAM-140, whereas the mock-transfected C6 cells express equivalent amounts of PSA-free NCAM-140. Both PSA negative and positive C6 cell lines exhibited almost identical growth rates measured in vitro. However, PSA positive C6 cells exhibited increased invasion to the corpus callosum, where the mock-transfected C6 glioma cells rarely invaded when inoculated into the brain. By contrast, the invasion to the corpus callosum by both the mock-transfected and PSA positive C6 cells was observed in NCAM-deficient mice. These results combined indicate that PSA facilitates tumor invasion of glioma in the brain, and that NCAM-NCAM interaction is likely attenuated in the PSA-mediated tumor invasion.  相似文献   
Dioxins cause various adverse effects through transformation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). In this study, we investigated whether black tea extract and its components, theaflavins, suppress AhR transformation in vitro. First, we confirmed that black tea extract strongly suppressed AhR transformation compared to green and oolong tea, although the catechin contents did not change significantly among the extracts. Then we isolated four theaflavins as active compounds from black tea leaves. They suppressed 1 nM 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-induced AhR transformation in a dose-dependent manner. The IC(50) values of theaflavin, theaflavin-3-gallate, theaflavin-3'-gallate, and theaflavin-3,3'-digallate (Tfdg) were 4.5, 2.3, 2.2, and 0.7 muM, respectively. The suppressive effect of Tfdg was observed not only by pre-treatment but also by post-treatment. This suggests that theaflavins inhibit the binding of TCDD to the AhR and also the binding of the transformed AhR to the specific DNA-binding site as putative mechanisms.  相似文献   
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