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In many lineages of algae and land plants, photosynthesis was lost multiple times independently. Comparative analyses of photosynthetic and secondary nonphotosynthetic relatives have revealed the essential functions of plastids, beyond photosynthesis. However, evolutionary triggers and processes that drive the loss of photosynthesis remain unknown. Cryptophytes are microalgae with complex plastids derived from a red alga. They include several secondary nonphotosynthetic species with closely related photosynthetic taxa. In this study, we found that a cryptophyte, Cryptomonas borealis, is in a stage just prior to the loss of photosynthesis. Cryptomonas borealis was mixotrophic, possessed photosynthetic activity, and grew independent of light. The plastid genome of C. borealis had distinct features, including increases of group II introns with mobility, frequent genome rearrangements, incomplete loss of inverted repeats, and abundant small/medium/large-sized structural variants. These features provide insight into the evolutionary process leading to the loss of photosynthesis.  相似文献   
To understand the molecular basis of the thermostability of a thermophilic serine protease aqualysin I from Thermus aquaticus YT-1, we introduced mutations at Pro5, Pro7, Pro240 and Pro268, which are located on the surface loops of aqualysin I, by changing these amino acid residues into those found at the corresponding locations in VPR, a psychrophilic serine protease from Vibrio sp. PA-44. All mutants were expressed stably and exhibited essentially the same specific activity as wild-type aqualysin I at 40 degrees C. The P240N mutant protein had similar thermostability to wild-type aqualysin I, but P5N and P268T showed lower thermostability, with a half-life at 90 degrees C of 15 and 30 min, respectively, as compared to 45 min for the wild-type enzyme. The thermostability of P7I was decreased even more markedly, and the mutant protein was rapidly inactivated at 80 degrees C and even at 70 degrees C, with half-lives of 10 and 60 min, respectively. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis showed that the transition temperatures of wild-type enzyme, P5N, P7I, P240N and P268T were 93.99 degrees C, 83.45 degrees C, 75.66 degrees C, 91.78 degrees C and 86.49 degrees C, respectively. These results underscore the importance of the proline residues in the N- and C-terminal regions of aqualysin I in maintaining the integrity of the overall protein structure at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a novel DNA amplification method that amplifies a target sequence specifically under isothermal conditions. The product of LAMP is detected by the turbidity of the reaction mixture without electrophoresis. The objective of this study was to develop a rapid sexing method for bovine preimplantation embryos using LAMP. The first experiment was conducted to optimize the DNA extraction method for LAMP-based embryo sexing. The DNA of single blastomeres was extracted using three methods: heat, NaOH, and proteinase K-Tween 20 (PK-TW) treatments. Sexing was performed with two LAMP reactions, male-specific and male-female common reaction, after DNA extraction. The rates of correct determination of sex were 88.9-94.4%, with no difference among methods. The sensitivity and accuracy of LAMP-based embryo sexing were evaluated in the next experiment. The proportion of samples in which the sex was correctly determined was 75-100% for one to five biopsied cells. Lastly, in vivo-derived embryos were examined to verify the usefulness of LAMP-based embryo sexing, and some of these fresh, sexed embryos were transferred into recipient animals. The time needed for sexing was <1 h. The pregnancy rate was 57.4% and all calves born were of the predicted sex (12 male and 21 female). Therefore, LAMP-based embryo sexing accurately determined gender and is suitable for field application.  相似文献   
Genotyping over 100,000 SNPs on a pair of oligonucleotide arrays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a genotyping method for simultaneously scoring 116,204 SNPs using oligonucleotide arrays. At call rates >99%, reproducibility is >99.97% and accuracy, as measured by inheritance in trios and concordance with the HapMap Project, is >99.7%. Average intermarker distance is 23.6 kb, and 92% of the genome is within 100 kb of a SNP marker. Average heterozygosity is 0.30, with 105,511 SNPs having minor allele frequencies >5%.  相似文献   
A microbial fuel cell (MFC) was inoculated with a random transposon insertion mutant library of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and operated with lactate as the sole fuel to select for mutants that preferentially grew in it. Agar plate cultivation of the resultant MFC enrichment culture detected an increased number of colonies exhibiting rough morphology. One such isolate, strain 4A, generated 50% more current in an MFC than wild-type MR-1. Determination of the transposon insertion site in strain 4A followed by deletion and complementation experiments revealed that the SO3177 gene, encoding a putative formyltransferase and situated in a cell surface polysaccharide biosynthesis gene cluster, was responsible for the increased current. Transmission electron microscopy showed that a layered structure at the cell surface, stainable with ruthenium red, was impaired in the SO3177 mutant (ΔSO3177), confirming that SO3177 is involved in the biosynthesis of cell surface polysaccharides. Compared to the wild type, ΔSO3177 cells preferentially attached to graphite felt anodes in MFCs, while physicochemical analyses revealed that the cell surface of ΔSO3177 was more hydrophobic. These results demonstrate that cell surface polysaccharides affect not only the cell adhesion to graphite anodes but also the current generation in MFCs.Dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria (DMRB) conserve energy for growth by coupling the oxidation of organic compounds to the reduction of metal compounds (29). DMRB are of great interest not only for their importance in the biogeochemical cycling of metals (25) but also for their utility in biotechnological processes, such as microbial fuel cells (MFCs) (24, 40). In recent years, the ability of many DMRB, including members of the genera Shewanella (5, 12, 20, 31), Geobacter (2), Aeromonas (34), Desulfobulbus (19), and Phodoferax (9), to generate current in MFCs has been described.Among DMRB, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is one of the most extensively studied due to its metabolic versatility (28), annotated genome sequence (17), and genetic accessibility. In addition, since the first report in 1999 when this microorganism was shown to have the ability to transfer electrons to an anode without an exogenously added mediator (20), it has become a model organism for the study of microbial current generation in MFCs. Extensive studies have been performed to understand the mechanisms of extracellular electron transfer (EET) to solid materials, such as MFC anodes and metal oxides, in strain MR-1. Multiple mechanisms, including direct EET through the physical contact of bacterial cells via outer membrane (OM) cytochromes (42) and conductive nanowires (16) and mediated EET via self-produced electron shuttles such as quinones and flavins (27, 30, 39, 41), have been identified.Although OM cytochromes and electron shuttles have been identified to play central roles in EET, it is reasonable to speculate that this complex catabolic process is also influenced by other (extra)cellular components. To date, only limited studies have been done to investigate other cellular components involved in EET (7). A useful approach for identifying unknown cellular components (and genes) associated with a particular phenotype involves the construction and screening of a random mutant library for obtaining mutants with altered phenotypes. In the present study, we constructed a random transposon (Tn) insertion mutant library of S. oneidensis MR-1 and obtained mutants with altered colony morphologies (rough morphotypes) after the selection of mutants in an MFC. Analyses of one of such mutants suggest that cell surface capsular polysaccharides affect not only the adhesion of cells to graphite anodes but also the current generation in MFCs.  相似文献   
Cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) is widely used as a carrier molecule and mucosal adjuvant and for the expression of fusion proteins of interest. CTB-fusion proteins are also expressed in plants, but the N-glycan structures of CTB have not been clarified. To gain insights into the N-glycosylation and N-glycans of CTB expressed in plants, we expressed CTB in rice seeds with an N-terminal glutelin signal and a C-terminal KDEL sequence and analyzed its N-glycosylation and N-glycan structures. CTB was successfully expressed in rice seeds in two forms: a form with N-glycosylation at Asn32 that included both plant-specific N-glycans and small oligomannosidic N-glycans and a non-N-glycosylated form. N-Glycan analysis of CTB showed that approximately 50 % of the N-glycans had plant-specific M3FX structures and that almost none of the N-glycans was of high-mannose-type N-glycan even though the CTB expressed in rice seeds contains a C-terminal KDEL sequence. These results suggest that the CTB expressed in rice was N-glycosylated through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi N-glycosylation machinery without the ER retrieval.  相似文献   
The ultrasmall unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae lives in the extreme environment of acidic hot springs and is thought to retain primitive features of cellular and genome organization. We determined the 16.5-Mb nuclear genome sequence of C. merolae 10D as the first complete algal genome. BLASTs and annotation results showed that C. merolae has a mixed gene repertoire of plants and animals, also implying a relationship with prokaryotes, although its photosynthetic components were comparable to other phototrophs. The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been used as a model system for molecular biology research on, for example, photosynthesis, motility, and sexual reproduction. Though both algae are unicellular, the genome size, number of organelles, and surface structures are remarkably different. Here, we report the characteristics of double membrane- and single membrane-bound organelles and their related genes in C. merolae and conduct comparative analyses of predicted protein sequences encoded by the genomes of C. merolae and C. reinhardtii. We examine the predicted proteins of both algae by reciprocal BLASTP analysis, KOG assignment, and gene annotation. The results suggest that most core biological functions are carried out by orthologous proteins that occur in comparable numbers. Although the fundamental gene organizations resembled each other, the genes for organization of chromatin, cytoskeletal components, and flagellar movement remarkably increased in C. reinhardtii. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggested that the tubulin is close to plant tubulin rather than that of animals and fungi. These results reflect the increase in genome size, the acquisition of complicated cellular structures, and kinematic devices in C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   
Distribution of spermine in bacilli and lactic acid bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Obligate moderately thermophilic bacilli and obligate moderately thermoacidophilic bacilli contained spermine as the major polyamine in addition to putrescine and spermidine. The identity of spermine was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography before and after treatment with putrescine oxidase. Using these methods, thermospermine and spermine can be separated; thermospermine was not present in these organisms. On the other hand, various facultative thermophiles and mesophilic strains of the genus Bacillus, including alkalophiles and halophiles, lack spermine and other tetraamines. No spermine was detected in several strains of mesophilic or facultative slightly thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus and Streptococcus.  相似文献   
The intestinal transport of irinotecan (CPT-11) and its active metabolite, SN-38, has been previously reported (K. Kobayashi et al., Int. J. Cancer, 83 (1999) 491-496). In the present study, the effect of the two major primary bile acids, cholic acid (CA) and taurocholic acid (TCA), on the uptake of CPT-11 and SN-38 by hamster intestinal epithelial cells was investigated. These two bile acids at concentrations up to 200 microM did not directly alter the cellular uptake of CPT-11 and SN-38. However, under physiologically acidic intestinal pH conditions, micelle formation induced by 20 mM TCA significantly reduced the cellular uptake of CPT-11 and SN-38 by 60% and 80%, respectively.  相似文献   
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