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Although cullin-1 neddylation is crucial for the activation of SCF ubiquitin E3 ligases, the underlying mechanisms for NEDD8-mediated activation of SCF remain unclear. Here we demonstrate by NMR and mutational studies that NEDD8 binds the ubiquitin E2 (UBC4), but not NEDD8 E2 (UBC12). Our data imply that NEDD8 forms an active platform on the SCF complex for selective recruitment of ubiquitin-charged E2s in collaboration with RBX1, and thereby upregulates the E3 activity.  相似文献   
The evolutionary and population demographic history of marine red algae in East Asia is poorly understood. Here, we reconstructed the phylogeographies of two upper intertidal species endemic to East Asia, Gelidiophycus divaricatus and G. freshwateri. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic inferences of 393 mitochondrial cox1, 128 plastid rbcL, and 342 nuclear ITS2 sequences were complemented with ecological niche models. Gelidiophycus divaricatus, a southern species adapted to warm water, is characterized by a high genetic diversity and a strong geographical population structure, characteristic of stable population sizes and sudden reduction to recent expansion. In contrast, G. freshwateri, a northern species adapted to cold temperate conditions, is genetically relatively homogeneous with a shallow population structure resulting from steady population growth and recent equilibrium. The overlap zone of the two species roughly matches summer and winter isotherms, indicating that surface seawater temperature is a key feature influencing species range. Unidirectional genetic introgression was detected at two sites on Jeju Island where G. divaricatus was rare while G. freshwateri was common, suggesting the occurrence of asymmetric natural hybrids, a rarely reported event for rhodophytes. Our results illustrate that Quaternary climate oscillations have left strong imprints on the current day genetic structure and highlight the importance of seawater temperature and sea level change in driving speciation in upper intertidal seaweed species.  相似文献   
We investigated how differences in circadian rhythm type affect the health of workers engaged in shift work. Employees, who were newly hired in a steel company between 2007 and 2011, received the Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) survey. The target participants were 153 male shift workers who were not being treated with any antihyperlipidemic drugs and underwent periodic physical examinations including blood tests at least twice. According to the score of the MEQ at the time of joining the company, we classified the subjects into five types. Longitudinal changes in serum lipid level were estimated among the circadian rhythm types adjusted for age, BMI, and other covariates using a linear mixed model. The regression coefficient of total cholesterol level in the “definitely and moderately morning” group was ?17.83 (95% confidence interval (CI): ?33.42 to ?2.23), and in the “intermediate ‘group’ was ?16.84 [95% CI: ?30.40 to ?3.28], compared to the moderate evening type.” The total cholesterol level was higher in the moderately evening type than in any of the other groups. Between the Morningness–Eveningness (ME) type and Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, compared with the “moderately evening type” group, the regression coefficient in the “intermediate type” group was ?16.08 (95% CI: ?28.79 to ?3.37), and in the “definitely and moderately morning type” group was ?17.50 [95% CI: ?32.11 to ?2.88]. The “moderately evening type” group had a higher LDL cholesterol level than any of the other groups. Evening-type circadian rhythm type shift workers are more prone to elevated serum lipid levels.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress and ferrous metabolism are important in the pathogenesis in Parkinson's disease. In dopaminergic neurons, several stress proteins are upregulated under oxidative stress. To clarify this mechanism, we investigated hemin-related signal transduction and the induction of oxidative stress-related proteins in SH-SY5Y cells. We identified phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Nrf2 as important molecules in the induction of heme oxygenase-1, thioredoxin, and peroxiredoxin-I. PI3K-related signal controlled Nrf2 activation, and consequently, PI3K inhibitors blocked the nuclear translocation of Nrf2 and induction of stress proteins. These observations suggest that PI3K and Nrf2 are key molecules in maintaining suitable conditions under oxidative stress and ferrous metabolism.  相似文献   
Adrenomedullin in the eye   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adrenomedullin (AM) is a multifunctional regulatory peptide that is produced and secreted by various types of cells. We showed the presence of high concentrations of adrenomedullin-immunoreactivity in the vitreous fluid, and the levels were elevated in patients with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Furthermore, adrenomedullin mRNA expression levels were elevated in the tissues of intraocular tumors and orbital tumors. Adrenomedullin is produced and secreted by cultured human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Inflammatory cytokines and hypoxia are strong stimulators for the adrenomedullin expression in retinal pigment epithelial cells. Adrenomedullin stimulated the proliferation of retinal pigment epithelial cells both under normoxia and hypoxia. Dexamethasone (DEX) increased the adrenomedullin expression in two cultured cell lines of human retinal pigment epithelial cells; ARPE-19 cells and D407 cells, while it had no noticeable effects on the cytokine-induced adrenomedullin expression. These findings suggest that adrenomedullin is involved in the pathophysiology of inflammatory and neoplastic eye diseases as an autocrine or paracrine growth stimulator. The findings on glucocorticoid-induced AM expression raise the possibility that it may be related to the pathogenesis of some eye diseases, such as central serous chorioretinopathy and multifocal posterior pigment epitheliopathy, which are frequently seen in patients treated with high doses of glucocorticoids.  相似文献   
Morphological and culture studies were carried out on the genus Scytosiphon (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyceae) growing in Japan. Morphologies of plurilocular zo-idangia and sporophytic thalli were found to be useful as taxonomic characters. Two types of plurilocular zo-idangial sori were recognized: (i) loosely coherent plurilocular zoidangia without a cuticular layer (loose type); (ii) tightly coherent plurilocular zoidangia with a cuticular layer (coherent type). The sporophytic thallus morphology was different among species in general appearance (tufted or discoid), degree of cohesion of erect filaments, and presence or absence of paraphyses. Two new species are described, Scytosiphon gracilis sp. nov. and Scytosiphon tenellus sp. nov, Scytosiphon gracilis is distinguished from other species by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, no ascocysts associated with plurilocular zoidangia, and Compsonema-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon tenellus is characterized by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, ascocysts among plurilocular zoidangial sori, and Stragularia-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon lo-mentaria (Lyngbye) Link is characterized by a constricted gametophytic thallus, loose plurilocular zoidangia, the presence of ascocysts, and sporophytic thaili identified with Microspongium gelatlnosum Reinke.  相似文献   
3′,4′-Dideoxykanamycin B, the kanamycin B derivative that is active against resistant bacteria, was prepared from kanamycin B viaN-tosylation, 3′,4′-O-sulphonylation, 3′,4′-unsaturation, and hydrogenation. The unsaturated intermediate was obtained from the 3′,4′-di-O-sulphonyl derivatives by the action of sodium iodide in N,N-dimethylformamide; if zinc dust was added in this reaction, aziridine derivatives were formed, Removal of the tosyl group was successfully performed by using sodium in ammonia-ethylamine.  相似文献   
Although epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to tobacco smoking significantly increases the risk of bacterial meningitis, heretofore the pathogenic effects of smoking on this disease have been poorly understood. In order to dissect this issue, we have investigated the effects of nicotine, the major component of tobacco, on E. coli invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC). Our studies showed that E. coli invasion of HBMEC was significantly enhanced by nicotine in a dose-dependent manner. The nicotine-mediated enhancement was associated with actin cytoskeleton rearrangement and morphological changes in the eukaryotic host cell that are essential for bacterial entry. The recombinant IbeA protein and alpha-bungarotoxin (a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist) were able to efficiently block the nicotine-mediated cellular effects, suggesting the involvement of the IbeA and nicotinic receptors. Blocking of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) by LY294002 abolished the entry of E. coli in HBMECs treated with nicotine in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibition of PI3K was associated with decreased phosphorylation of Akt and actin cytoskeletal rearrangement. In contrast to PI3K, blockage of Rho kinase (ROCK) by Y27632 upregulated both nicotine- and E. coli-mediated cellular responses. Thus, this study provides experimental evidence for the first time that the major component of tobacco, nicotine, enhances meningitic E. coli invasion of HBMEC through modulation of cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
Atmospheric dust has wide-reaching effects, not only influencing climate conditions, but also ecosystems. The eastern region of the Asian continent is one of the largest emitters of dust in the world, and recent economic growth in the region has been accompanied by an increase in anthropogenic emissions. However, the effects of increased Asian dusts on aquatic ecosystems are not well understood. We examined fossil pigments and zooplankton remains from 210Pb-dated sediments taken from high mountain lakes of Hourai-Numa and Hachiman-Numa, located in the Towada-Hachimantai National Park of Japan Islands, to uncover historical changes in the phyto- and zooplankton community over the past 100?years. Simultaneously, we measured the geochemical variables of TOC, TN, TP, ??13C, ??15N, and lead isotopes (207Pb/206Pb, 208Pb/206Pb) in the sediments to identify environmental factors causing such changes. As a result, despite few anthropogenic activities in the watersheds, alpine lakes in Japan had increased algal and herbivore plankton biomasses by 3?C6 fold for recent years depending on the surrounding terrestrial vegetation and landscape conditions. Biological and biogeochemical proxies recorded from the lake sediments showed that this eutrophication occurred after the 1990s when P deposition increased as a result of atmospheric loading of dust transported from the Asian continent. The continued increase of anthropogenically produced dust may therefore impart damaging impacts on mountain ecosystems even if they are protected from direct anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   
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