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Temperature effect of the photocyle of sensory rhodopsin (sR) was studied by nanosecond spectroscopy. Though the formation yield of sRM (sR370) was sharply decreased with temperature, those of sRK (sR680) and sRL were insensitive to temperature changes. These results show the existence of the branching process back to sR from sRL. The absorption maxima for sRK and sRL were 595 ± 5 and 555 ± 15 nm, respectively.  相似文献   
Scattered light intensity fluctuation (SLIF) of coherent light by a strip of ventricular muscle during diastole is believed to be due to asynchronous cellular motion within the myocyte as a result of spontaneous release of Ca from the sacoplamic reticulum. Previous studies have shown a correlation between inotropic agents, such as ouabain and elevated extracellular Ca or decreased extracellular Na, and SLIF. The purpose of this study was to see if this correlation could be extended to other inotropic agents. The digitalis genin, ouabagenin, produces inotropy by increasing intracellular free Ca. In toxic concentrations the drug produces abnormal aftercontractions by spontaneous Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. On the other hand, the Ca channel agonist BAY k 8644 is also positively inotropic, but its effect is associated with a decrease in Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, manifested by conversion of "rest potentiation" to "rest depression." The effects of these inotropic agents on the power spectra of SLIF were dissimilar. Both frequency and amplitude of SLIF were increased after ouabagenin (1 microM), but these changes were most marked after the onset of toxicity, at which time contractility was decreased, rather than during the positive inotropic response. In contrast, BAY k 8644 (1 microM) decreased SLIF at all levels of inotropic response. The beta-adrenoceptor stimulant drug, dobutamine, and the adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, produced minimal increase in SLIF at inotropic concentrations but caused a large increase in SLIF only after the onset of toxicity. These results suggest that SLIF is a better indicator of intracellular Ca overload and toxic oscillatory contractions in the presence of an inotrope and not of increased inotropy, per se.  相似文献   
The metabolism of galactosylceramide was investigated in normal and twitcher mice, an animal model for human globoid cell leukodystrophy. The findings were compared with data obtained on human tissues. In vitro studies demonstrated that there were two genetically distinct enzymes that hydrolyze galactosylceramide: galactosylceramidase I and II. The former was deficient in the twitcher, while the latter was intact. beta-Galactosidase preparations purified from normal mouse liver possessed the activity to hydrolyze galactosylceramide when the assay conditions for galactosylceramidase II was used. Therefore, galactosylceramidase II was considered to be identical to GM1 ganglioside beta-galactosidase. In contrast to the human enzyme, the murine beta-galactosidase had a relatively high Km value toward galactosylceramide. The galactosylceramide-loading test demonstrated that the twitcher fibroblasts hydrolyzed the lipid at lower rates than seen in cases of human globoid cell leukodystrophy fibroblasts. These differences in galactosylceramidase II between murine and human tissues suggest that galactosylceramide accumulates in twitcher mice but not in humans with globoid cell leukodystrophy, even though galactosylceramidase I is genetically deficient in both human and this mouse model.  相似文献   
6-Hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene cleaved phi X174 supercoiled DNA to open circular DNA in the presence of heavy metal ions. It induced an alkali-labile modification in DNA via an oxygen-radical-mediated reaction; the most frequent alkali-labile sites were on the 3' side of the pyrimidine residues of the pyrimidine cluster.  相似文献   
The anticoccidial activity of an uridine analog, 1-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)-2(1H)-pyrazinone 4-oxide (emimycin riboside), against five species of chicken Eimeria was tested individually in battery experiments. With 16 ppm of the compound in feed, marked anticoccidial activity was obtained against Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. brunetti. The last named species was more drug-sensitive than the others--dietary levels of at least 8 ppm of the drug exhibited good protection and eliminated practically all clinical signs. The battery tests with delayed and restricted medications showed that emimycin riboside affected the development of parasites in first and second generation schizogony of the life cycle of E. tenella.  相似文献   
We isolated a mouse genomic clone that hybridized with small RNA present in the cytoplasm of the brain. The RNA was about 150 nucleotides long. This RNA seemed to be specific to the brain, since it was not found in the liver or kidney. The clone DNA contained a sequence homologous to 82-nucleotide "identifier" core sequence of cDNA clones of rat. The sequence contained a split promoter for RNA polymerase III and was flanked by a 12-nucleotide direct repeat (ATAAATAATTTA).  相似文献   
o,p-Chlorophenylhydroxylamines (CPHAs) (10468-16-3, 823-86-9) only demonstrated mutagenicity in the presence of S9 mix and norharman (NOH) (244-63-3), as well as chloronitrobenzenes. The mutagenic activity of o-CPHA was 30 times higher than that of p-CPHA. When o-CPHA was preincubated with S9 mix without NOH, the mutagenic activity disappeared rapidly. The decrease in activity during the preincubation was suppressed by addition of NOH. HPLC analysis revealed that o-CPHA was metabolized to o-chloroaniline (o-CA) (95-51-2) and that the metabolic reduction was inhibited by NOH. When microsomes containing NADPH were used instead of S9 mix, o-CPHA exhibited only very weak mutagenicity. The activity in the microsome system, however, was greatly enhanced by adding cytosol or ascorbic acid (50-81-7). These phenomena were only observed in the conventional plate incorporation method. In the case of the liquid incubation assay, in which test compound metabolism and tester strain mutation only occur in the liquid incubation medium, the mutagenic activity of o-CPHA in the microsome system with NOH was comparable to that in the S9 system, indicating that o-CPHA was activated by an enzyme in microsomes in the presence of NOH. Consequently, it was concluded that NOH not only affects the metabolic inactivation of o-CPHA to o-CA by S9, but also the metabolic activation of o-CPHA by microsomes. No appreciable enhancing effects of cytosol and ascorbic acid were observed in the liquid incubation assay, suggesting that these factors affect the stability of CPHA or an active metabolite. The microsome activation of o-CPHA was dependent on NADPH and oxygen; SKF-525A (62-68-0), metyrapone (54-36-4) and alpha-naphthoflavone (604-59-1) inhibited the mutagenic activity by about 50%, suggesting that cytochrome P-450 was involved in the metabolic activation.  相似文献   
The effects of oncogene activation on glycosphingolipid (GSL) synthesis by a mouse fibroblast clonal cell line were studied. A transfectant that expressed the activated ras gene showed a definite change in the composition of acidic GSLs, probably an increase in polysialoganglioside, while one that expressed the myc gene showed only a slight change. Neither transfectant grew in soft agar. However, another transfectant, which expressed both the myc and ras genes, and grew in soft agar, showed a more dramatic increase in the acidic GSL component. Thus, activations of the myc and ras oncogenes have a synergistic effect on GSL synthesis during transformation.  相似文献   
The conformational changes of the papain molecular on interaction with two thiol proteinase inhibitors (TPI(1) and TPI(2] from newborn rat epidermis were studied by measuring circular dichroism (CD), the difference absorption spectrum, and the fluorescence spectrum due to tryptophan residues in papain. The far-ultraviolet CD band of papain between 210 and 230 nm was distinctly reduced on interaction with both inhibitors. Also, the near-ultraviolet CD spectrum of TPI(1)-bound papain changed between 285 and 320 nm as well as that of the TPI(2)-bound enzyme. The difference absorption spectrum for TPI(1)-bound papain exhibited two distinct peaks at 276.5 and 282 nm, indicating perturbation of aromatic amino acid residues. The fluorescence intensity of papain was significantly decreased on interaction with both inhibitors, which showed pH-dependency on an ionizable group, with pK values of 8.5 and 7.9 for TPI(1) and TPI(2), respectively. The complex formation of papain with both inhibitors caused a reduction of the susceptibility of a tryptophan residue, probably tryptophan-177, to chemical modification with N-bromosuccinimide. These results suggest that the active site involving histidine-159 in the papain molecule was much influenced by the alteration of the microenvironment of tryptophan-177 as a part of the interaction site for these two thiol proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   
A phospholipid bilayer membrane was spread from an organic solvent solution between a polyacrylamide gel surface and an aqueous buffer solution. The membrane was quite similar to the conventional black lipid membrane, but was of a large size and was stable since it was supported on the gel surface. Bacteriorhodopsin, impregnated into the membrane, generated membrane potential and current upon illumination. The induced current was large, and this was attributed to the large area of the present membrane. Remarkable responses of the light-induced potential and current were also observed with a thick layer of organic solvent containing phospholipids. The effects of applied membrane potential, carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) and gramicidin were examined on these photoresponses. Steady-state current, which is due to protons flowing through the membrane, was enormously enhanced by applying membrane potential opposite to the photopotential or by adding gramicidin to the membrane-forming solution.  相似文献   
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