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To evaluate the etiologic role of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in acquired dermal melanocytosis (ADM), we investigated the effects of UVA and UVB irradiation on the development and differentiation of melanocytes in primary cultures of mouse neural crest cells (NCC) by counting the numbers of cells positive for KIT (the receptor for stem cell factor) and for the L ‐3,4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) oxidase reaction. No significant differences were found in the number of KIT‐ or DOPA‐positive cells between the UV‐irradiated cultures and the non‐irradiated cultures. We then examined the effects of UV light on KIT‐positive cell lines derived from mouse NCC cultures. Irradiation with UVA but not with UVB inhibited the tyrosinase activity in a tyrosinase‐positive cell line (NCCmelan5). Tyrosinase activity in the cells was markedly enhanced by treatment with α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone (α‐MSH), but that stimulation was inhibited by UVA or by UVB irradiation. Irradiation with UVA or UVB did not induce tyrosinase activity in a tyrosinase‐negative cell line (NCCmelb4). Levels of KIT expression in NCCmelan5 cells and in NCCmelb4 cells were significantly decreased after UV irradiation. Phosphorylation levels of extracellular signal‐regulated kinase 1/2 in cells stimulated with stem cell factor were also diminished after UV irradiation. These results suggest that UV irradiation does not stimulate but rather suppresses mouse NCC. Thus if UV irradiation is a causative factor for ADM lesions, it would not act directly on dermal melanocytes but may act in indirect manners, for instance, via the overproduction of melanogenic cytokines such as α‐MSH and/or endothelin‐1.  相似文献   
Mutations in the gene encoding UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) may reduce the glucuronidation of estradiol, bilirubin, etc. In the present study, we used a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method to assay the activities of recombinant mutated UGT1A1 toward 17beta-estradiol (E2), by determining its glucuronide (E2G) content. Direct evidence for glucuronide formation was provided by E2G-specific ion peaks. The UGT1A1 activities of G71R (exon 1), F83L (exon 1), I322V (exon 2) and G493R (exon 5) mutants were 24, 30, 18 and 0.6% of the normal UGT1A1 activity, respectively. In conclusion, our study showed that LC/MS/MS enabled accurate evaluation of the effects of mutations on recombinant UGT1A1 activity towards E2.  相似文献   
The Toxicogenomics Project is a 5-year collaborative project by the Japanese government and pharmaceutical companies in 2002. Its aim is to construct a large-scale toxicology database of 150 compounds orally administered to rats. The test consists of a single administration test (3, 6, 9 and 24 h) and a repeated administration test (3, 7, 14 and 28 days), and the conventional toxicology data together with the gene expression data in liver as analyzed by using Affymetrix GeneChip are being accumulated. In the project, either methylcellulose or corn oil is employed as vehicle. We examined whether the vehicle itself affects the analysis of gene expression and found that corn oil alone affected the food consumption and biochemical parameters mainly related to lipid metabolism, and this accompanied typical changes in the gene expression. Most of the genes modulated by corn oil were related to cholesterol or fatty acid metabolism (e.g., CYP7A1, CYP8B1, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A reductase, squalene epoxidase, angiopoietin-like protein 4, fatty acid synthase, fatty acid binding proteins), suggesting that the response was physiologic to the oil intake. Many of the lipid-related genes showed circadian rhythm within a day, but the expression pattern of general clock genes (e.g., period 2, arylhydrocarbon nuclear receptor translocator-like, D site albumin promoter binding protein) were unaffected by corn oil, suggesting that the effects are specific for lipid metabolism. These results would be useful for usage of the database especially when drugs with different vehicle control are compared.  相似文献   
It is well known that morphological and functional changes during neural differentiation sometimes accompany the expression of various voltage-gated ion channels. In this work, we investigated whether the enhancement of sodium current in differentiated neuroblastoma × glioma NG108-15 cells treated with dibutyryl cAMP is related to the expression of voltage-gated sodium channels. The results were as follows. (1) Sodium current density on peak voltage in differentiated cells was significantly enhanced compared with that in undifferentiated cells, as detected by the whole-cell patch clamp method. The steady-state inactivation curve in differentiated cells was similar to that for undifferentiated cells, but a hyperpolarized shift in the activation curve for differentiated cells was observed. The sodium currents of differentiated and undifferentiated cells were completely inhibited by 10−7 M tetrodotoxin (TTX). (2) The only NaV mRNA with an increased expression level during neuronal differentiation was that for NaV1.7, as observed by real-time PCR analysis. (3) The increase in the level of NaV1.7 α subunit expression during neuronal differentiation was also observed by immunocytochemistry; in particular, the localization of NaV1.7 α subunits on the soma, varicosities and growth cone was significant. These results suggest that the enhancement of TTX-sensitive sodium current density in differentiated NG108-15 cells is mainly due to the increase in the expression of the TTX-sensitive voltage-gated Na+ channel, NaV1.7.  相似文献   
Misexpression Suppressor of Ras 4 (MESR4), a plant homeodomain (PHD) finger protein with nine zinc‐finger motifs has been implicated in various biological processes including the regulation of fat storage and innate immunity in Drosophila. However, the role of MESR4 in the context of development remains unclear. Here it is shown that MESR4 is a nuclear protein essential for embryonic development. Immunostaining of polytene chromosomes using anti‐MESR4 antibody revealed that MESR4 binds to numerous bands along the chromosome arms. The most intense signal was detected at the 39E‐F region, which is known to contain the histone gene cluster. P‐element insertions in the MESR4 locus, which were homozygous lethal during embryogenesis with defects in ventral ectoderm formation and head encapsulation was identified. In the mutant embryos, expression of Fasciclin 3 (Fas3), an EGFR signal target gene was greatly reduced, and the level of EGFR signal‐dependent double phosphorylated ERK (dp‐ERK) remained low. However, in the context of wing vein formation, genetic interaction experiments suggested that MESR4 is involved in the EGFR signaling as a negative regulator. These results suggested that MESR4 is a novel chromatin‐binding protein required for proper expression of genes including those regulated by the EGFR signaling pathway during development. genesis 53:701–708, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) encodes a polypeptide called Gag that is capable of forming virus-like particles (VLPs) in vitro in the absence of other cellular or viral constituents. During the late phase of HIV-1 infection, Gag polyproteins are transported to the plasma membrane (PM) for assembly. A combination of in vivo, in vitro, and structural studies have shown that Gag targeting and assembly on the PM are mediated by specific interactions between the myristoylated matrix [myr(+)MA] domain of Gag and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2]. Exposure of the MA myristyl (myr) group is triggered by PI(4,5)P2 binding and is enhanced by factors that promote protein self-association. In the studies reported here, we demonstrate that myr exposure in MA is modulated by pH. Our data show that deprotonation of the His89 imidazole ring in myr(+)MA destabilizes the salt bridge formed between His89(Hδ2) and Glu12(COO-), leading to tight sequestration of the myr group and a shift in the equilibrium from trimer to monomer. Furthermore, we show that oligomerization of a Gag-like construct containing matrix-capsid is also pH-dependent. Disruption of the His?Glu salt bridge by single-amino acid substitutions greatly altered the myr-sequestered?myr-exposed equilibrium. In vivo intracellular localization data revealed that the H89G mutation retargets Gag to intracellular compartments and severely inhibits virus production. Our findings reveal that the MA domain acts as a “pH sensor” in vitro, suggesting that the effect of pH on HIV-1 Gag targeting and binding to the PM warrants investigation.  相似文献   
Intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) is involved in the process of fat absorption, a conclusion confirmed by an altered lipid transport and a faster body weight gain from 10 to 30 wk in both male and female mice with a homozygous null mutation of the IAP coding gene (Akp3(-/-) mice). This study was aimed to delineate morphologically and quantitatively the accelerated lipid absorption in male Akp3(-/-) mice. Feeding a corn oil bolus produced an earlier peak of triacylglycerol in serum (2 vs. 4 h for Akp3(-/-) and wild-type mice, respectively) and an approximately twofold increase in serum triacylglycerol concentration in Akp3(-/-) mice injected with a lipolysis inhibitor, Triton WR-1339. A corn oil load induced the threefold enlargement of the Golgi vacuoles in male wild-type mice but not in Akp3(-/-) mice, indicating that absorbed lipids rarely reached the Golgi complex and that the transcytosis of lipid droplets does not follow the normal pathway in male Akp3(-/-) mice. Force feeding an exaggerated fat intake by a 30% fat chow for 10 wk induced obesity in both male Akp3(-/-) and wild-type mice, and therefore no phenotypic difference was observed between the two. On the other hand, the forced high-fat chow induced an 18% greater body weight gain, hepatic steatosis, and visceral fat accumulation in female Akp3(-/-) mice but not in female wild-type controls. These results provide further evidence that IAP is involved in the regulation of the lipid absorption process and that its absence leads to progressive metabolic abnormalities in certain fat-forced conditions.  相似文献   
In the present study, we compared the estrogenic activity of zearalenone (ZEN) and zeranol (ZOL) by determining their relative receptor binding affinities for human ERalpha and ERbeta and also by determining their uterotropic activity in ovariectomized female mice. ZOL displayed a much higher binding affinity for human ERalpha and ERbeta than ZEN did. The IC(50) values of ZEN and ZOL for binding to human ERalpha were 240.4 and 21.79nM, respectively, and the IC(50) values for binding to ERbeta were 165.7 and 42.76nM, respectively. In ovariectomized female ICR mice, s.c. administration of ZEN at doses >or=2mg/kg/day for 3 consecutive days significantly increased uterine wet weight compared with the control group, and administration of ZOL increased the uterine wet weight at lower doses (>or=0.5mg/kg/day for 3 days). Based on available X-ray crystal structures of human ERalpha and ERbeta, we have also conducted molecular modeling studies to probe the binding characteristics of ZEN and ZOL for human ERalpha and ERbeta. Our data revealed that ZEN and ZOL were able to occupy the active site of the human ERalpha and ERbeta in a strikingly similar manner as 17beta-estradiol, such that the phenolic rings of ZEN and ZOL occupied the same receptor region as occupied by the A-ring of 17beta-estradiol. The primary reason that ZOL and ZEN is less potent than 17beta-estradiol is likely because 17beta-estradiol could bind to the receptor pocket without significantly changing its conformation, while ZOL or ZEN would require considerable conformational alterations upon binding to the estrogen receptors (ERs).  相似文献   
Emerging evidence indicates that R4/B subfamily RGS (regulator of G protein signaling) proteins play roles in functional regulation in the cardiovascular system. In this study, we compared effects of three R4/B subfamily proteins, RGS2, RGS4 and RGS5 on angiotensin AT1 receptor signaling, and investigated roles of the N-terminus of RGS2. In HEK293T cells expressing AT1 receptor stably, intracellular Ca2+ responses induced by angiotensin II were much more strongly attenuated by RGS2 than by RGS4 and RGS5. N-terminally deleted RGS2 proteins lost this potent inhibitory effect. Replacement of the N-terminal residues 1-71 of RGS2 with the corresponding residues (1-51) of RGS5 decreased significantly the inhibitory effect. On the other hand, replacement of the residues 1-51 of RGS5 with the residues 1-71 of RGS2 increased the inhibitory effect dramatically. Furthermore, we investigated functional contribution of N-terminal subdomains of RGS2, namely, an N-terminal region (residues 16-55) with an amphipathic α helix domain (the subdomain N1), a probable non-specific membrane-targeting subdomain, and another region (residues 56-71) between the α helix and the RGS box (the subdomain N2), a probable GPCR-recognizing subdomain. RGS2 chimera proteins with the residues 1-33 or 34-52 of RGS5 showed weak inhibitory activity, and either of RGS5 chimera proteins with residues 1-55 or 56-71 of RGS2 showed strong inhibitory effects on AT1 receptor signaling. The present study indicates the essential roles of both N-terminal subdomains for the potent inhibitory activity of RGS2 on AT1 receptor signaling.  相似文献   
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