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The paracrystalline surface protein array of the pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida is a primary virulence factor with novel binding capabilities. The species-specific structural gene (vapA) for this array protein (A-protein) was cloned into lambda gt11 but was unstable when expressed in Escherichia coli, undergoing an 816-base pair deletion due to a 21-base pair direct repeat within the gene. However, the gene was stable in cosmid pLA2917 as long as expression was poor. A-protein was located in the cytoplasmic, inner membrane and periplasmic fractions in E. coli. The DNA sequence revealed a 1,506-base pair open reading frame encoding a protein consisting of a 21-amino acid signal peptide, and a 481-residue 50,778 molecular weight protein containing considerable secondary structure. When assembled into a paracrystalline protein array on Aeromonas the cell surface A-protein was totally refractile to cleavage by trypsin, but became trypsin sensitive when disassembled. Trypsin cleavage of the isolated protein provided evidence that both the NH2- and COOH-terminal regions form distinct structural domains, consistent with three-dimensional ultrastructural evidence. The NH2-terminal 274-residue domain remained refractile to trypsin activity. This segment connects by a trypsin and CNBr-sensitive 78-residue linker region to a COOH-terminal 129-residue fragment which could apparently refold into a partially trypsin-resistant structure after cleavage at residue 323.  相似文献   
Recently we demonstrated that target sizes for the partial activities of nitrate reductase were considerably smaller than the 100-kDa subunit which corresponded to the target size of the full (physiologic) activity NADH:nitrate reductase. These results suggested that the partial activities resided on functionally independent domains and that radiation inactivation may be due to localized rather than extensive damage to protein structure. The present study extends these observations and addresses several associated questions. Monophasic plots were observed over a wide range of radiation doses, suggesting a single activity component in each case. No apparent differences were observed over a 10-fold range of concentration for each substrate, suggesting that the observed slopes were not due to marked changes in Km values. Apparent target sizes estimated for partial activities associated with native enzyme and with limited proteolysis products of native enzyme suggested that the functional size obtained by radiation inactivation analysis is independent of the size of the polypeptide chain. The presence of free radical scavengers during irradiation reduced the apparent target size of both the physiologic and partial activities by an amount ranging from 24 to 43%, suggesting that a free radical mechanism is at least partially responsible for the inactivation. Immunoblot analysis of nitrate reductase irradiated in the presence of free radical scavengers revealed formation of distinct bands at 90, 75, and 40 kDa with increasing doses of irradiation rather than complete destruction of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   
An 19F NMR probe has been attached to the reactive sulfhydryl SH1 of the globular heads of rabbit skeletal heavy meromyosin. It serves as a sensitive monitor of the conformational state of the heads of heavy meromyosin in a manner similar to that seen for subfragment-1 (Shriver, J.W., and Sykes, B.D. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 3022-3028; Tollemar, U., Cunningham, K., and Shriver, J.W. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 873, 243-251). The NMR spectra indicate that there are at least two states for the heads in the SH1 region. The energetics of the interconversion of the two states of heavy meromyosin (HMM) differs significantly from that of S-1. In HMM in the absence of divalent cations, there are two reversible paths between the low temperature and high temperature states with a hysteresis-like behavior. One path is consistent with the head groups behaving independently and similar to S-1 alone. The second path indicates a coupling of the globular head region observed in S-1 with a second region forming a distinctly different cooperative unit. Upon addition of Ca(II) the hysteresis effect is lost and only the second cooperative unit is observed. Two explanations are offered for these results: the globular heads in HMM may couple with the S-2 segment, or the two globular heads of HMM may couple to form a larger cooperative unit. The ability to stabilize the larger cooperative unit with a divalent metal ion implicates a role for the LC2 light chain in coupling regions of the myosin molecule.  相似文献   
Chicken gizzard smooth muscle contains a highly abundant protein (SM22) with an apparent Mr on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoretic gels of 23,000. The ratio of actin:SM22:tropomyosin in this tissue is estimated to be 6.5(+/- 0.8):2.0(+/- 0.2):1.0. At least three isoelectric isoforms are present in ratios of alpha:beta:gamma of 14:5:1 with alpha the most basic and gamma the most acidic. A method for the purification of SM22 and partial separation of its isoforms is described. Amino acid analyses of purified alpha and beta demonstrate the presence of 1 and 2 half-cystines, respectively, and a lower content of basic amino acids in beta. A value of 22,000 for the Mr of alpha estimated by sedimentation equilibrium indicated its presence as a monomer at physiological ionic strengths. Estimates of the translational frictional coefficient (f/fmin) of alpha calculated from its Stokes radius (25.5 A) and Mr were consistent with its existence as a moderately asymmetric globular protein. Calculations based on its far-ultraviolet CD spectrum provided values of 37% alpha-helix, 31% beta-sheet, 5% beta-turn, and 27% random coil. SM22 was shown not to share functional properties with several proteins of similar Mr and isoelectric point such as myokinase, brain 23-kDa protein, and troponin I. We conclude that it is a novel protein not previously isolated or characterized from any tissue.  相似文献   
We have previously postulated an in vivo pathway of thymic epithelial (TE) cell maturation in pre- and postnatal thymus, whereby endocrine medullary TE cells terminally differentiate to form Hassall's bodies. Epithelial-cell differentiation has been well documented in vitro using epidermal keratinocytes. Therefore, to characterize TE-cell differentiation in vitro, we observed clones of the rat TE cell line, IT26R21, after 4 and 14 days in culture. We found alterations in cell morphology, the cessation of cell proliferation, and the acquisition of a differentiation antigen defined by monoclonal antibody TE-19 (a marker of terminally differentiated epithelial cells). At light and electron microscopy, we detected progressive TE-cell stratification and squamous-cell formation between 4 and 14 days of culture. Autoradiography on day 14 showed that squamous TE cells in stratified layers did not incorporate tritiated thymidine, while surrounding smaller cells adhering to the substratum continued to synthesize DNA. At indirect immunofluorescence, only 3% of cells reacted with monoclonal antibody TE-19 at day 4, while on day 14, 22% of the TE cells were TE-19 positive (P less than 0.02). Antibody-TE-19 reactivity was limited to stratified, squamous TE cells. Additionally, we isolated a clone of the IT26R21 cell line that did not undergo these changes characteristic of TE cell differentiation. We conclude that IT26R21 TE cells are capable of undergoing programs of both terminal differentiation and cell renewal in vitro.  相似文献   
A synthetic gene coding for human interleukin 4 (IL-4) was cloned and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast) as a C-terminal fusion protein with the yeast prepro alpha-mating factor sequence, resulting in secretion of mature IL-4 into the culture medium (0.6-0.8 micrograms/ml). A protocol was developed for purification of this protein. Crude cell-free conditioned medium was passed over a concanavalin A-Sepharose affinity column; bound proteins were eluted and further purified by S-Sepharose Fast Flow cation exchange and C18 reverse-phase h.p.l.c. Highly purified IL-4 was obtained by this method (0.3-0.4 mg per litre of culture) with a recovery of 51%. Thermospray liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry showed the C-terminal N-glycosylation site to be largely unmodified, and also showed that the N-terminus of the purified recombinant IL-4 (rIL-4) was authentic. Thiol titration revealed no free cysteine residues, implying that there are three disulphide groups, the positions of which remain to be determined. We have characterized the biological activities of the purified rIL-4. This material is active in B-cell co-stimulator assays, T-cell proliferation assays and in the induction of cell-surface expression of CD23 (the low-affinity receptor for IgE) on tonsillar B-cells. Half-maximal biological activity of the rIL-4 was achieved at a concentration of 120 pM. We have radioiodinated rIL-4 without loss of biological activity and performed equilibrium binding studies on Raji cells, a human B-cell line. The 125I-rIL-4 bound specifically to a single class of binding studies on Raji cells, a human B-cell line. The 125I-rIL-4 bound specifically to a single class of binding site with high affinity (Kd = 100 pM) and revealed 1100 receptors per cell. Receptor-ligand cross-linking studies demonstrated a single cell-surface receptor with an apparent molecular mass of 124 kDa. Two monoclonal antibodies have been raised to the human rIL-4, one of which blocks both the biological activity of rIL-4 and binding to its receptor.  相似文献   
L E Kay  D A Torchia  A Bax 《Biochemistry》1989,28(23):8972-8979
This paper describes the use of novel two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) pulse sequences to provide insight into protein dynamics. The sequences developed permit the measurement of the relaxation properties of individual nuclei in macromolecules, thereby providing a powerful experimental approach to the study of local protein mobility. For isotopically labeled macromolecules, the sequences enable measurements of heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) 15N or 13C relaxation times with a sensitivity similar to those of many homonuclear 1H experiments. Because T1 values and heteronuclear NOEs are sensitive to high-frequency motions (10(8)-10(12) s-1) while T2 values are also a function of much slower processes, it is possible to explore dynamic events occurring over a large time scale. We have applied these techniques to investigate the backbone dynamics of the protein staphylococcal nuclease (S. Nase) complexed with thymidine 3',5'-bisphosphate (pdTp) and Ca2+ and labeled uniformly with 15N. T1, T2, and NOE values were obtained for over 100 assigned backbone amide nitrogens in the protein. Values of the order parameter (S), characterizing the extent of rapid 1H-15N bond motions, have been determined. These results suggest that there is no correlation between these rapid small amplitude motions and secondary structure for S. Nase. In contrast, 15N line widths suggest a possible correlation between secondary structure and motions on the millisecond time scale. In particular, the loop region between residues 42 and 56 appears to be considerably more flexible on this slow time scale than the rest of the protein.  相似文献   
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