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Transformed cells from human lung carcinoma (Line A549), resembling type II pneumocytes, were cultured in monolayer at 37°C and incubated for five hours with 3H-choline and 14C-palmitate in the presence of various concentrations of prostaglandins (PGs) E2 and F. In the control (no PG) the level of % palmitate incorporation was 13.5 × as high as that of choline, after taking isotope dilution into account. Between the concentrations studied, 0.1 and 10 μM, both prostaglandins stimulated markedly the incorporation of both precursors, though choline up to 3 × better than palmitate. This was indicated by a change in the palmitate/choline incorporation ratio from 13.5 to as low as 4.2. At the lowest PG concentration, 0.1 μM, PGE2 was much more effective than PGF in stimulating the incorporation of both precursors.  相似文献   
Creatine kinase (ATP: creatine N-phosphotransferase, EC from adult human brain grey matter was purified by cibacron blue F3GA-Sepharose affinity chromatography. By gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme under non-denaturing conditions a single protein band was observed. The dye-bound enzyme was eluted using its substrate, ATP. Reversibility of the binding of purified creatine kinase to blue Sepharose by ATP in a concentration-dependent manner indicated that the cibacron blue molecule which structurally mimics nucleotides occupied the substrate binding site of the enzyme. Also the marked dependence of enzyme binding to blue Sepharose on Mg2+ concentration suggested that Mg2+ ion is capable of combining with the dye moiety to form a site-specific binding complex that is similar to the physiological substrate of creatine kinase, namely Mg(2+)-ATP or Mg(2+)-ADP.  相似文献   
The study of the acidic lipid requirement of human spleen glucocerebrosidase was extended to include two new series of acidic lipids, namely, monoacylglycol sulfates and diacylglycerol sulfates. Lysosomal glucocerebrosidase was extracted with sodium cholate and 1-butanol to render its beta-glucosidase activity dependent upon exogenous lipids. Maximum reactivation of control glucocerebrosidase was obtained with nonanoylglycol sulfate (NGS) and diheptanoylglycerol sulfate (DHGS). However, the effects of these lipids were markedly dependent on the nature of buffer used in the assay medium; specifically, 0.2 M sodium citrate-phosphate (pH 5.5) was much more effective than 0.2 M sodium acetate (pH 5.5) in permitting these lipids to reactivate glucocerebrosidase. In contrast, the marked activation of glucocerebrosidase by phosphatidylserine and galactocerebroside 3-sulfate (sulfatide) that was achievable in the sodium acetate buffer was totally inhibited by citrate or phosphate ions. The effects of NGS and DHGS on the kinetic parameters of control glucocerebrosidase were to lower the Km for the substrate, 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucoside from 5.5 mM to approximately 2 mM (in sodium citrate-phosphate buffer) and markedly increase the Vmax. Furthermore, with DHGS, significant activation was achieved at concentrations below the lipid's critical micellar concentration. None of the monoacylglycol- or diacylglycerol sulfates were capable of stimulating mutant glucocerebrosidases from either type 1 (Ashkenazi-Jewish) or type 2 Gaucher's disease patients. Like control glucocerebrosidase, the type 1 glucocerebrosidase was unresponsive to phosphatidylserine and sulfatide when the beta-glucosidase assay was conducted in 0.2 M sodium citrate-phosphate buffer. Based on the differential action of these lipid activators in the two buffers and their effects on the mutant enzymes, we propose that, with regard to the lipid requirement of glucocerebrosidase, there are two classes of acidic lipids--one comprised of phosphatidylserine and sulfatide and the other comprised of the likes of NGS, DHGS, or sodium taurodeoxycholate. It appears that control glucocerebrosidase and the mutant enzyme of the patient with type 1 Gaucher's disease is reconstitutable with the first class of lipids whereas the glucocerebrosidase of the type 2 patient is not. The observations in this report are interpreted in terms of a model which postulates that normal glucocerebrosidase possesses at least two distinct lipid binding domains.  相似文献   
Isoprostanes, are a novel group of prostaglandin-like compounds that are biosynthesised from esterified polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) through a non-enzymatic free radical-catalysed reaction. Several of these compounds possess potent biological activity, as evidenced mainly through their pulmonary and renal vasoconstrictive effects, and have short half-lives. It has been shown that isoprostanes act as full or partial agonists through thromboxane receptors. Both human and experimental studies have indicated associations of isoprostanes and severe inflammatory conditions, ischemia-reperfusion, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Reports have shown that F2-isoprostanes are authentic biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and can be used as potential in vivo indicators of oxidant stress in various clinical conditions, as well as in evaluations of antioxidants or drugs for their free radical-scavenging properties.

Higher levels of F2-isoprostanes have been found in the normal human pregnancy compared to non-pregnancy, but their physiological role has not been well studied so far. Since bioactive F2-isoprostanes are continuously formed in various tissues and large amounts of these potent compounds are found unmetabolised in their free acid form in the urine in normal basal conditions with a wide inter-individual variation, their role in the regulation of normal physiological functions could be of further biological interest, but has yet to be disclosed. Their potent biological activity has attracted great attention among scientists, since these compounds are found in humans and animals in both physiological and pathological conditions and can be used as reliable biomarkers of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
Industrial effluents from jute, paper, pulp mills and sewage from households are regularly discharged into the Hooghly River. It generates a potential risk for both humans and animals of the area concerned. In the present study, water quality of the Hooghly River passing by the site of a growing township (Naihati, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India) was assessed throughout the year 2010 on the basis of the data collected on the physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The water samples collected on each month revealed the presence of higher amount of coliform bacteria, Streptococcus sp. and Escherichia coli, than the standard limit. Different physicochemical parameters like chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen (DO), total suspended solids, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, alkalinity, chlorinity, nitrate and nitrite of the water at the sampling sites were found to be considerably higher than the levels standardized by WHO (2006). It was found that the relative abundance of Streptococcus and E. coli was influenced by two independent variables (water quality parameters), namely, DO and TDS. The abundance of coliform bacteria in the water sample warrants the adoption of proper measures to reduce the pollution level at the point source on way of scientific disposal of industrial effluents.  相似文献   
In contrast to prokaryotes, the precise mechanism of incorporation of ribosomal proteins into ribosomes in eukaryotes is not well understood. For the majority of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins, residues critical for rRNA binding, a key step in the hierarchical assembly of ribosomes, have not been well defined. In this study, we used the mammalian ribosomal protein L13a as a model to investigate the mechanism(s) underlying eukaryotic ribosomal protein incorporation into ribosomes. This work identified the arginine residue at position 68 of L13a as being essential for L13a binding to rRNA and incorporation into ribosomes. We also demonstrated that incorporation of L13a takes place during maturation of the 90S preribosome in the nucleolus, but that translocation of L13a into the nucleolus is not sufficient for its incorporation into ribosomes. Incorporation of L13a into the 90S preribosome was required for rRNA methylation within the 90S complex. However, mutations abolishing ribosomal incorporation of L13a did not affect its ability to be phosphorylated or its extraribosomal function in GAIT element-mediated translational silencing. These results provide new insights into the mechanism of ribosomal incorporation of L13a and will be useful in guiding future studies aimed at fully deciphering mammalian ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   
A detailed investigation on the interaction of two benzophenanthridine alkaloids, sanguinarine (SGR) and chelerythrine (CHL), with the double-stranded (ds), heat-denatured (hd), and single-stranded (ss) DNA was performed by spectroscopy and calorimetry techniques. Binding to the three DNA conformations leads to quenching of fluorescence of SGR and enhancement in the fluorescence of CHL. The binding was cooperative for both of the alkaloids with all the three DNA conformations. The binding constant values of both alkaloids with the ds DNA were in the order of 106 M?1; binding was weak with hd and much weaker to the ss DNA. The fluorescence emission of the alkaloid molecules bound to the ds and hd DNAs was quenched much less compared to those bound to the ss DNA based on competition with the anionic quencher KI. For both double stranded and heat denatured structures the emission of the bound alkaloid molecules was polarized significantly and strong energy transfer from the DNA bases to the alkaloid molecules occurred. Intercalation of SGR and CHL to ds, hd, and ss DNA was proved from these fluorescence results. Calorimetric studies suggested that the binding to all DNA conformations was both enthalpy and entropy favored. Both the alkaloids preferred double-helical regions for binding, but SGR was a stronger binder than CHL to all the three DNA structures.  相似文献   
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