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E. J. C. Manrique, N. L. A. Souza, S. B. N. Tavares, Z. B. P. Albuquerque, L. C. Zeferino and R. G. Amaral Analysis of the performance of 100% rapid review using an average time of 1 and 2 minutes according to the quality of cervical cytology specimens Objectives: To compare the performance of the 100% rapid review method carried out in a mean time of either 1 or 2 minutes according to cytological final result, and to assess whether the presence of obscuring factors in cervical smear samples affects the frequency of false‐negative results. Methods: A total of 5 235 smears classified as negative (93.0%) or unsatisfactory (2.1%) at routine screening were submitted to 100% rapid review using mean times of 1 and 2 minutes. Results: Of the 5 235 smears submitted to 1‐minute rapid review, 88 were considered suspect and of these, 45 were confirmed as abnormal in the cytological final result. When the time used was 2 minutes, 67 smears were considered suspect, 44 of which were confirmed as abnormal. Sensitivity and specificity were similar in the 1‐ and 2‐minute reviews. In smears in which samples were satisfactory and had no obscuring factors, sensitivity and specificity were 64.2% and 98.9% and 61.5% and 99.5% for the 1‐ and 2‐minute reviews, respectively. In comparison, in smears in which the sample was satisfactory for analysis but partially obscured (50–75%), sensitivity and specificity were 64.7% and 99.9% and 70.6% and 99.8% for the 1‐ and 2‐minute reviews, respectively. Conclusions: The method of rapid review of 100% showed no difference in the detection of false‐negative results using the time of 1 or 2 minutes. The quality of the sample did not influence the detection of false‐negatives.  相似文献   
Although having five different ways of transmission the vector-borne is the principal way of transmission of Chagas disease, which involves insects of the subfamily Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Nineteen of the 31 species that occur in Mexico are associated with humans, and all are capable of transmitting the disease. Pyrethroids are the insecticides recommended for the control of these vectors in Mexico. We determined the susceptibility to the pyrethroids dcltamethrin and permethrin of peridomestic populations of Triatoma mazzottii Usinger and two populations of Triatoma longipetmis Usinger in comparison with a reference strain for each species. Bioassays were performed for the determination of the LD50 for both field populations and reference strains. A maximum of 27 fold resistance to deltamethrin was observed in T. mazzottii, meanwhile, for permethrin, T. longipennis from Jalisco show the highest value of 3.19 fold. There was significantly increased activity of esterases in field populations in comparison with their corresponding reference strain. The results of the search of kdr mutations related to the resistance to deltamethrin and permethrin in the evaluated species show the presence of mutations in the field populations, as is the case with individuals of T. mazzottii, for which the mutation was found A943V, and for the two populations of T. longipennis included in this study, we report the presence of the kdr mutation K964R. Evaluation of the various mechanisms involved in resistance to pyrethroids in triatomines from Mexico could guide us to the real justification for insecticide resistance monitoring.  相似文献   


In Peru, a country with constrained health resources, breast cancer control is characterized by late stage treatment and poor survival. To support breast cancer control in Peru, this study aims to determine the cost-effectiveness of different breast cancer control interventions relevant for the Peruvian context.


We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) according to WHO-CHOICE guidelines, from a healthcare perspective. Different screening, early detection, palliative, and treatment interventions were evaluated using mathematical modeling. Effectiveness estimates were based on observational studies, modeling, and on information from Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN). Resource utilizations and unit costs were based on estimates from INEN and observational studies. Cost-effectiveness estimates are in 2012 United States dollars (US$) per disability adjusted life year (DALY) averted.


The current breast cancer program in Peru ($8,426 per DALY averted) could be improved through implementing triennial or biennial screening strategies. These strategies seem the most cost-effective in Peru, particularly when mobile mammography is applied (from $4,125 per DALY averted), or when both CBE screening and mammography screening are combined (from $4,239 per DALY averted). Triennially, these interventions costs between $63 million and $72 million per year. Late stage treatment, trastuzumab therapy and annual screening strategies are the least cost-effective.


Our analysis suggests that breast cancer control in Peru should be oriented towards early detection through combining fixed and mobile mammography screening (age 45-69) triennially. However, a phased introduction of triennial CBE screening (age 40-69) with upfront FNA in non-urban settings, and both CBE (age 40-49) and fixed mammography screening (age 50-69) in urban settings, seems a more feasible option and is also cost-effective. The implementation of this intervention is only meaningful if awareness raising, diagnostic, referral, treatment and basic palliative services are simultaneously improved, and if financial and organizational barriers to these services are reduced.  相似文献   
The efficacy of two SIV DNA plus recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara nasal vaccine regimens, one combined with plasmids expressing IL-2 and IL-15, the other with plasmids expressing GM-CSF, IL-12, and TNF-α, which may better stimulate humoral responses, was evaluated in two female rhesus macaque groups. Vaccination stimulated significant SIV-specific mucosal and systemic cell-mediated immunity in both groups, whereas SIV-specific IgA titers were sporadic and IgG titers negative. All vaccinated animals, except one, became infected after intravaginal SIV(mac251) low-dose challenge. Half of the vaccinated, infected animals (7/13) promptly controlled virus replication to undetectable viremia for the duration of the trial (130 wk) and displayed virological and immunological phenotypes similar to those of exposed, uninfected individuals. When all vaccinated animals were considered, a 3-log viremia reduction was observed, compared with controls. The excellent viral replication containment achieved in vaccinated animals translated into significant preservation of circulating α4β7(high+)/CD4(+) T cells and of circulating and mucosal CD4(+)/C(M) T cells and in reduced immune activation. A more significant long-term survival was also observed in these animals. Median survival was 72 wk for the control group, whereas >50% of the vaccinated animals were still disease free 130 wk postchallenge, when the trial was closed. There was a statistically significant correlation between levels of CD4(+)/IFN-γ(+) and CD8(+)/IFN-γ(+) T cell percentages on the day of challenge and the control of viremia at week 60 postchallenge or survival. Postchallenge immunological correlates of protection were systemic anti-SIV Gag + Env CD4(+)/IL-2(+), CD4(+)/IFN-γ(+), and CD8(+)/TNF-α(+) T cells and vaginal anti-SIV Gag + Env CD8(+) T cell total monofunctional responses.  相似文献   
The CZT-cameras (DNM 530c and DSPECT) have only recently been introduced, and the impact of the increased energy resolution remains unknown. This paper summarizes the evidence on the assessment of: (i) the left ventricular function, (ii) the 123I/99mTc mismatch, and (iii) the heart-to-mediastinum ratio (HMR) of 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) uptake under dual-isotope conditions (99mTc and 123I) using cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) technology. The diagnostic accuracy of CZT cameras for myocardial sympathetic innervation imaging, left ventricular function and perfusion assessment using perfusion-gated SPECT have only been established in a few studies, under single-isotope conditions. Limited evidence is available regarding simultaneous dual-isotope acquisition using CZT-cameras. However, recently reported data have shown that CZT cameras allow, in dual-isotope (123I and 99mTc) acquisitions and under routine conditions: (i) a simultaneous and accurate segmental study of myocardial innervation and perfusion (match and mismatch), (ii) the ventricular function assessment (EDV, ESV and LVEF), and (iii) the determination of the late HMR of cardiac 123I-MIBG uptake in patients with heart failure. However, this latter should be performed using transaxial reconstructed images and a linear correction based on phantom data acquisitions.


With an increased energy resolution, the CZT cameras should become the one-stop shop SPECT for simultaneous dual-isotope 123I/99mTc acquisitions in heart failure patients, permitting to perform LV function, myocardial perfusion and innervation.  相似文献   
Recently, passive immunization of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) 2G12, 2F5, and 4E10 provided evidence of the in vivo activity of 2G12 but raised concerns about the function of the two membrane-proximal external region (MPER)-specific MAbs (A. Trkola, H. Kuster, P. Rusert, B. Joos, M. Fischer, C. Leemann, A. Manrique, M. Huber, M. Rehr, A. Oxenius, R. Weber, G. Stiegler, B. Vcelar, H. Katinger, L. Aceto, and H. F. Gunthard, Nat. Med. 11:615-622, 2005). In the light of MPER-targeting vaccines under development, we performed an in-depth analysis of the emergence of mutations conferring resistance to these three MAbs to further elucidate their activity. Clonal analysis of the MPER of plasma virus samples derived during antibody treatment confirmed that no changes in this region had occurred in vivo. Sequence analysis of the 2G12 epitope relevant N-glycosylation sites of viruses derived from 13 patients during the trial supported the phenotypic evaluation, demonstrating that mutations in these sites are associated with resistance. In vitro selection experiments with isolates of four of these individuals corroborated the in vivo finding that virus strains rapidly escape 2G12 pressure. Notably, in vitro resistance mutations differed, in most cases, from those found in vivo. Importantly, in vitro selection with 2F5 and 4E10 demonstrated that resistance to these MAbs can be difficult to achieve and can lead to selection of variants with impaired infectivity. This remarkable vulnerability of the virus to interference within the MPER calls for a further evaluation of the safety and efficacy of MPER-targeting therapeutic and vaccination strategies.  相似文献   
Post‐dispersal, epiphyte seed predation is poorly documented. Our study on the in situ germination of two Tillandsia species in a deciduous forest in Yucatan, Mexico showed an average post‐dispersal seed predation rate by the Yucatan deer mouse (Peromyscus yucatanicus) of 90%. Post‐dispersal predation was thus more limiting than drought.  相似文献   
Current methods for the study of pigments involve freezing in liquid nitrogen and storage at −80°C or lyophilization until HPLC analysis. These requirements greatly restrict ecophysiological research in remote areas where such resources are hardly available. We aimed to overcome such limitations by developing several techniques not requiring freezing or lyophilization. Two species with contrasting foliar characteristics (Olea europaea and Taraxacum officinale) were chosen. Seven preservation methods were designed, optimized and tested in a field trial. These protocols were compared with a control immediately frozen after collection. Pigments and tocopherols were analysed by HPLC. Main artefacts were chlorophyll epimerization or phaeophytinization, carotenoid isomerization, altered de-epoxidation index and tocopherol degradation. Among all methods, sample desiccation in silica gel provides robust samples (pigment composition was unaffected by storage time or temperature) and almost unaltered pigment profiles, except for a shift in epoxidation state. Although liquid nitrogen freezing and subsequent lyophilization or freezer storage were preferred, when these facilities are either not available or not suitable for long-distance transport, desiccation with silica gel, passive extraction in acetone and/or storage of fresh samples in water vapour saturated atmospheres enable a complete pigment characterization. Silica gel is advisable for long-term sample conservation.  相似文献   
Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Sapindales: Anacardiaceae), is a highly successful invasive species in the continental United States, Hawaiian archipelago, several Caribbean Islands, Australia, Bermuda, and a number of other countries worldwide. It also is one of only a few invasive intraspecific hybrids that has been well characterized genetically. The natural enemy complex of Brazilian peppertree includes two thrips and two psyllids that appear to be highly adapted to specific haplotypes or their hybrids. Successful biological control of Brazilian peppertree will require careful matching of the appropriate natural enemies with their host plant genotypes. The Brazilian peppertree model reviewed here could provide a useful framework for studying biological control agents on other invasive weed species that have exhibited intraspecific hybridization.  相似文献   
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