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New techniques are proposed for differentiating each type of gastric epithelial cell in the same tissue section. The techniques combine the following stains: paradoxical concanavalin A staining (PCS) to identify mucous neck cells, periodic acid Schiff-concanavalin A staining to distinguish mucous neck cells from surface mucous cells, and a modified Bowie's stain to demonstrate zymogen granules of chief cells. Feulgen hydrolysis preceding the Bowie stain was found to remove most of the nonspecific coloration encountered with the original Bowie method. The results obtained by the new sequences were as follows: Feulgen hydrolysis-PCS-Bowie staining: mucous neck cells stained brown and chief cell zymogen granules deep blue. The other mucin-secreting cells remained unstained; Feulgen hydrolysis-PAS-concanavalin A-Bowie staining: mucous neck cells stained brown, zymogen granules stained deep blue to purplish blue and surface mucous cells stained purplish red.  相似文献   
Summary This study was undertaken, employing the immunoenzyme method, to confirm the presence of retinol-binding protein in human pancreatic islets, and to compare its distribution with that of prealbumin, insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. It was found that most islet cells contained retinol-binding protein, although centrally located cells showed stronger reactivity than those in the peripheral region. The distribution of each of the five polypeptides differed from that of retinolbinding protein, indicating that these peptides did not cross-react with anti-retinol-binding protein antibody. Islet cells which contained prealbumin, on the other hand, were mostly classified as A cells. Further studies are necessary to confirm whether the islet cells produce retinol-binding protein or only store it.  相似文献   
Three oleanane triterpenes were isolated from the roots of Periandra dulcis,and identified as 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-18-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid I), 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-12-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid II) and 3-oxo-25-hydroxy-olean-12-en-30-oic acid. The former two compounds (periandric acids I and II) were identical with the aglycones obtained by hydrolysis of periandrin I and II, respectively and the latter one was a new triterpene.  相似文献   
A new technique to eliminate O-glycosidically linked glycoprotein (mucin-type glycoprotein) selectively has been developed. Composite paraffin sections were collodionized before and after alkaline treatment with 0.5 M NaOH in 70% ethanol; the effect of this procedure on mucosubstances was examined using the periodic acid-Schiff reaction. Exposure to alkaline hydrolysis for 72 to 144 hours at 4 C led to a complete loss of periodic acid-Schiff reactivity of epithelial mucins in rat sublingual gland, stomach and small intestine, but that of fuzzy coat, thyroid colloid, collagen fibers and tracheal cartilage was well preserved. These results agreed fairly well with biochemical findings. The present study also revealed that materials prepared by freeze-substitution provided the most satisfactory results.  相似文献   
Epidemiological typing, based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), was attempted for the 38 clinical isolates of Moraxella catarrhalis obtained at Shinshu University Hospital during the years 1987 and 1993. Digestion with SmaI or NotI generated well separable, 12 to 5 genomic DNA fragments ranging from 1,000 kb to 30 kb and the strains could be classified into 14 or 13 types, respectively. The electrophoretic profile differed with the strain in most of them and was hence useful to distinguish the each strain. Investigation for their RFLP have, however, suggested that majority of them, including the type strain ATCC25238, may have derived from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
β-Carboline derivatives inhibited both indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activities from various sources. Among them, norharman is most potent for both enzymes from mammalian sources. Kinetic studies revealed that norharman is uncompetitive (Ki = 0.12 mm) with l-tryptophan for rabbit intestinal indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, and linearly competitive (Ki = 0.29 mm) with l-tryptophan for mouse liver tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase. In addition, some β-carbolines selectively inhibited one enzyme or the other. Pseudomonad tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase was inhibited by a different spectrum of β-carbolines. Such a selective inhibition by the structure of substrate analogs is more evident by the use of indole derivatives. Indole-3-acetamide, indole-3-acetonitrile and indole-3-acrylic acid exhibited a potent inhibition for mammalian tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase, while they moderately inhibited the pseudomonad enzyme. However, they showed no inhibition for indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. These results suggest the difference of the structures of the active sites among these enzymes from various sources.  相似文献   
The matrix of some mitochondria in gastric parietal cells of rat and guinea pig evidenced affinity for the high iron diamine method which localizes sulfated complex carbohydrates selectively by light and electron microscopy. Such staining has not been observed elsewhere in the stomach. The high iron diamine reactive mitochondria about equaled in number those which were unreactive, and the two groups were indistinguishable morphologically. The distinction was not apparent either when mitochondria were stained by other cytochemical procedures including dialyzed iron for acidic complex carbohydrates, 3-3' diaminobenzidine-H2O2 at pH 6.0 for cytochrome oxidase, and Kominick's pyroantimonate osmium tetroxide for antimonate precipitable cations. The dialyzed iron method stained acid glycoconjugates in the outer intermembrane space in parietal cell mitochondria. These mitochondria stained more strongly with dialyzed iron than have any others examined heretofore with this method and comprised the only reactive mitochondria in the stomach. Parietal cell mitochondria also stained strongly for cytochrome oxidase but those of other gastric cells failed to evidence this reactivity.  相似文献   
A new apolipoprotein complex designated as the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was identified in the lipoprotein fractions of human plasma with apoE phenotypes containing apoE2 (E4/E2, E3/E2, and E2/E2). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by an immunoblotting assay using anti-apoE or anti-apoAII antibodies, established that the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex, with a molecular weight of 58,000, was identical to the complex consisting of apoE and apoAII, and that it also dissociated following reduction with beta-mercaptoethanol. This new complex was also demonstrated to be distinct from the apo(E-AII) complex and apoE monomer by isoelectric focusing, in the samples that were not treated with beta-mercaptoethanol. In apoE phenotype E3/E2, the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was primarily included in the high-density lipoprotein (HDL, 1.063 < d < 1.21 g/ml) fraction, but was also observed in a small quantity in the very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL, d < 1.006 g/ml) fraction. For further characterization, the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was isolated by preparative SDS-PAGE, and no contamination of apo(E-AII) complex and apoE monomer was detected by immunoblotting assay using an anti-apoE antibody. It was confirmed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system that a molecular ratio between apoAII monomer and apoE in the isolated apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was approx. 2, when the apo(E-AII) complex was used as a standard with the ratio of 1:1. It indicates that the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex is formed from two molecules of apoAII monomer and one molecule of apoE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The constituents of Virola carinata were established as dehydrodieugenol, its monomethyl ether and sitosterol.  相似文献   
Three new bases were isolated from Banisteriopsis caapi; they are harmine N-oxide, harmic acid methyl ester (methyl 7-methoxy-β-carboline 1-carboxylate) and harmalinic acid (7-methoxy-3,4-dihydro-β-carboline 1-carboxylic acid).  相似文献   
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