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HLA-DRB1, especially the shared epitope (SE), is strongly associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, recent studies have shown that SE is at most weakly associated with RA without anti-citrullinated peptide/protein antibody (ACPA). We have recently reported that ACPA-negative RA is associated with specific HLA-DRB1 alleles and diplotypes. Here, we attempted to detect genetically different subsets of ACPA-negative RA by classifying ACPA-negative RA patients into two groups based on their positivity for rheumatoid factor (RF). HLA-DRB1 genotyping data for totally 954 ACPA-negative RA patients and 2,008 healthy individuals in two independent sets were used. HLA-DRB1 allele and diplotype frequencies were compared among the ACPA-negative RF-positive RA patients, ACPA-negative RF-negative RA patients, and controls in each set. Combined results were also analyzed. A similar analysis was performed in 685 ACPA-positive RA patients classified according to their RF positivity. As a result, HLA-DRB1*04:05 and *09:01 showed strong associations with ACPA-negative RF-positive RA in the combined analysis (p = 8.8×10−6 and 0.0011, OR: 1.57 (1.28–1.91) and 1.37 (1.13–1.65), respectively). We also found that HLA-DR14 and the HLA-DR8 homozygote were associated with ACPA-negative RF-negative RA (p = 0.00022 and 0.00013, OR: 1.52 (1.21–1.89) and 3.08 (1.68–5.64), respectively). These association tendencies were found in each set. On the contrary, we could not detect any significant differences between ACPA-positive RA subsets. As a conclusion, ACPA-negative RA includes two genetically distinct subsets according to RF positivity in Japan, which display different associations with HLA-DRB1. ACPA-negative RF-positive RA is strongly associated with HLA-DRB1*04:05 and *09:01. ACPA-negative RF-negative RA is associated with DR14 and the HLA-DR8 homozygote.  相似文献   
Versatile method for living cell labeling has been established. Cell surfaces are initially biotinylated by azaelectrocyclization, and then treated with the fluorescence-labeled avidin or the anti-biotin antibody.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin (PG)E derivatives are widely used for treating gastric mucosal injury. PGE receptors are classified into four subtypes, EP(1), EP(2), EP(3), and EP(4). We have tested which EP receptor subtypes participate in gastric mucosal protection against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury and clarified the mechanisms of such protection. The gastric mucosa of anesthetized rats was perfused at 2 ml/min with physiological saline, agonists for EP(1), EP(2), EP(3), and EP(4), or 50% ethanol, using a constant-rate pump connected to a cannula placed in the esophagus. The gastric microcirculation of the mucosal base of anesthetized rats was observed by transillumination through a window made by removal of the adventitia and muscularis externa. PGE(2) and subtype-specific EP agonists were applied to the muscularis mucosae at the window. Application of 50% ethanol dilated the mucosal arterioles and constricted the collecting venules. Collecting venule constriction by ethanol was completely inhibited by PGE(2) and by EP(2) and EP(4) agonists (100 nM) but not by an EP(1) or an EP(3) agonist. Ethanol-induced mucosal injury was also inhibited by EP(2) and EP(4) agonists. When leukotriene (LT)C(4) levels in the perfusate of the gastric mucosa were determined by ELISA, intragastric ethanol administration elevated the LTC(4) levels sixfold from the basal levels. These elevated levels were significantly (60%) reduced by both EP(2) and EP(4) agonists but not by other EP agonists. Since LTC(4) application at the window constricted collecting venules strongly, and an LTC antagonist reduced ethanol-induced mucosal injury, reductions in LTC(4) generation in response to EP(2) and EP(4) receptor signaling may be relevant to the protective action of PGE(2). The present results indicate that EP(2) and EP(4) receptor signaling inhibits ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury through cancellation of collecting venule constriction by reducing LTC(4) production.  相似文献   
Stark spectroscopy is a powerful technique to investigate the electrostatic interactions between pigments as well as between the pigments and the proteins in photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes. In this study, Stark spectroscopy has been used to determine two nonlinear optical parameters (polarizability change Tr(Δα) and static dipole-moment change |Δμ| upon photoexcitation) of isolated and of reconstituted LH1 complexes from the purple photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodospirillum (Rs.) rubrum. The integral LH1 complex was prepared from Rs. rubrum S1, while the reconstituted complex was assembled by addition of purified carotenoid (all-trans-spirilloxanthin) to the monomeric subunit of LH1 from Rs. rubrum S1. The reconstituted LH1 complex has its Qy absorption maximum at 878 nm. This is shifted to the blue by 3 nm in comparison to the isolated LH1 complex. The energy transfer efficiency from carotenoid to bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a), which was determined by fluorescence excitation spectroscopy of the reconstituted LH1 complex, is increased to 40%, while the efficiency in the isolated LH1 complex is only 28%. Based on the differences in the values of Tr(Δα) and |Δμ|, between these two preparations, we can calculate the change in the electric field around the BChl a molecules in the two situations to be E Δ ≈ 3.4 × 105 [V/cm]. This change can explain the 3 nm wavelength shift of the Qy absorption band in the reconstituted LH1 complex.  相似文献   
The squid Watasenia scintillans emits blue light from numerous photophores. According to Tsuji [F.I. Tsuji, Bioluminescence reaction catalyzed by membrane-bound luciferase in the "firefly squid", Watasenia scintillans, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1564 (2002) 189-197.], the luminescence from arm light organs is caused by an ATP-dependent reaction involving Mg2+, coelenterazine disulfate (luciferin), and an unstable membrane-bound luciferase. We stabilized and partially purified the luciferase in the presence of high concentrations of sucrose, and obtained it as particulates (average size 0.6-2 microm). The ATP-dependent luminescence reaction of coelenterazine disulfate catalyzed by the particulate luciferase was investigated in detail. Optimum temperature of the luminescence reaction is about 5 degrees C. Coelenterazine disulfate is a strictly specific substrate in this luminescence system; any modification of its structure resulted in a very heavy loss in its light emission capability. The light emitter is the excited state of the amide anion form of coelenteramide disulfate. The quantum yield of coelenterazine disulfate is calculated at 0.36. ATP could be replaced by ATP-gamma-S, but not by any other analogues tested. The amount of AMP produced in the luminescence reaction was much smaller than that of coelenteramide disulfate, suggesting that the reaction mechanism of the Watasenia bioluminescence does not involve the formation of adenyl luciferin as an intermediate.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic group termed OP5 was originally discovered in the Yellowstone National Park hot spring and proposed as an uncultured phylum; the group was afterwards analyzed by applying culture-independent approaches. Recently, a novel thermophilic chemoheterotrophic filamentous bacterium was obtained from a hot spring in Japan that was enriched through various isolation procedures. Phylogenetic analyses of the isolate have revealed that it is closely related to the OP5 phylum that has mainly been constructed with the environmental clones retrieved from thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic environments. It appears that the lineage is independent at the phylum level in the domain Bacteria. Therefore, we designed a primer set for the 16S rRNA gene to specifically target the OP5 phylum and performed quantitative field analysis by using the real-time PCR method. Thus, the 16S rRNA gene of the OP5 phylum was detected in some hot-spring samples with the relative abundance ranging from 0.2% to 1.4% of the prokaryotic organisms detected. The physiology of the above-mentioned isolate and the related environmental clones indicated that they are scavengers contributing to the sulfur cycle in nature.  相似文献   
Although the sequencing of the human genome is complete, identification of encoded genes and determination of their structures remain a major challenge. In this report, we introduce a method that effectively uses full-length mouse cDNAs to complement efforts in carrying out these difficult tasks. A total of 61,227 RIKEN mouse cDNAs (21,076 full-length and 40,151 EST sequences containing certain redundancies) were aligned with the draft human sequences. We found 35,141 non-redundant genomic regions that showed a significant alignment with the mouse cDNAs. We analyzed the structures and compositional properties of the regions detected by the full-length cDNAs, including cross-species comparisons, and noted a systematic bias of GENSCAN against exons of small size and/or low GC-content. Of the cDNAs locating the 35,141 genomic regions, 3,217 did not match any sequences of the known human genes or ESTs. Among those 3,217 cDNAs, 1,141 did not show any significant similarity to any protein sequence in the GenBank non-redundant protein database and thus are candidates for novel genes. Received: 18 January 2001 / Accepted: 17 May 2001  相似文献   
A strong Cotton effect associated with the ring oxygen was studied in aromatic glycofuranosides. Phenyl and phenyl 1-thioglycofuranosides gave a strong band at 180 nm and 200–210 nm respectively, similar to the corresponding glycopyranosides, suggesting that the ring oxygen helicity rule can be extended to these aromatic glycofuranosides or the band can be used to determine their anomeric configurations and conformations.  相似文献   
The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex is a replicative helicase, which is essential for chromosome DNA replication. In recent years, the identification of a novel MCM-binding protein (MCM-BP) in most eukaryotes has led to numerous studies investigating its function and its relationship to the MCM complex. However, the mechanisms by which MCM-BP functions and associates with MCM complexes are not well understood; in addition, the functional role of MCM-BP remains controversial and may vary between model organisms. The present study aims to elucidate the nature and biological function of the MCM-BP ortholog, Mcb1, in fission yeast. The Mcb1 protein continuously interacts with MCM proteins during the cell cycle in vivo and can interact with any individual MCM subunit in vitro. To understand the detailed characteristics of mcb1+, two temperature-sensitive mcb1 gene mutants (mcb1ts) were isolated. Extensive genetic analysis showed that the mcb1ts mutants were suppressed by a mcm5+ multicopy plasmid and displayed synthetic defects with many S-phase-related gene mutants. Moreover, cyclin-dependent kinase modulation by Cig2 repression or Rum1 overproduction suppressed the mcb1ts mutants, suggesting the involvement of Mcb1 in pre-RC formation during DNA replication. These data are consistent with the observation that Mcm7 loading onto replication origins is reduced and S-phase progression is delayed in mcb1ts mutants. Furthermore, the mcb1ts mutation led to the redistribution of MCM subunits to the cytoplasm, and this redistribution was dependent on an active nuclear export system. These results strongly suggest that Mcb1 promotes efficient pre-RC formation during DNA replication by regulating the MCM complex.  相似文献   
A gene encoding a novel geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP)synthase from Arabidopsis thaliana has been identified and termedGGPS5. The gene has been sequenced and expressed in Escherichiacoli. The deduced amino acid sequence showed 64.5% and 57.5%identity with a putative GGPP synthase from Arabidopsis andCapsicum annuum, respectively. GGPP enzymatic activity was detectedin E. coli cells expressing the GGPS5 gene in two differentways. One was the direct measurement of GGPP synthase activityin cell extracts and the other was the yellow color productionof cells when the GGPS5 gene was co-expressed with crtB, crtI,crtX, crtY and crtZ genes derived from Erwinia uredovora. (Received May 20, 1996; Accepted December 14, 1996)  相似文献   
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