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An agar-degrading marine bacterium identified as a Microscilla species was isolated from coastal California marine sediment. This organism harbored a single 101-kb circular DNA plasmid designated pSD15. The complete nucleotide sequence of pSD15 was obtained, and sequence analysis indicated a number of genes putatively encoding a variety of enzymes involved in polysaccharide utilization. The most striking feature was the occurrence of five putative agarase genes. Loss of the plasmid, which occurred at a surprisingly high frequency, was associated with loss of agarase activity, supporting the sequence analysis results.  相似文献   
Collisions between replication forks and topoisomerase-drug-DNA ternary complexes result in the inhibition of DNA replication and the conversion of the normally reversible ternary complex to a nonreversible form. Ultimately, this can lead to the double strand break formation and subsequent cell death. To understand the molecular mechanisms of replication fork arrest by the ternary complexes, we have investigated molecular events during collisions between DNA helicases and topoisomerase-DNA complexes. A strand displacement assay was employed to assess the effect of topoisomerase IV (Topo IV)-norfloxacin-DNA ternary complexes on the DnaB, T7 gene 4 protein, SV40 T-antigen, and UvrD DNA helicases. The ternary complexes inhibited the strand displacement activities of these DNA helicases. Unlike replication fork arrest, however, this general inhibition of DNA helicases by Topo IV-norfloxacin-DNA ternary complexes did not require the cleavage and reunion activity of Topo IV. We also examined the reversibility of the ternary complexes after collisions with these DNA helicases. UvrD converted the ternary complex to a nonreversible form, whereas DnaB, T7 gene 4 protein, and SV40 T-antigen did not. These results suggest that the inhibition of DnaB translocation may be sufficient to arrest the replication fork progression but it is not sufficient to generate cytotoxic DNA lesion.  相似文献   
Ionophore (A23187)-mediated calcium influx induced rapid neurite outgrowth in NB2a/d1 cells. This outgrowth was prevented by colchicine but not by cycloheximide, demonstrating a requirement for microtubule assembly but not de novo synthesis. Cytochalasin B induced rapid, colchicine-sensitive outgrowth, indicating that depolymerization of the submembrane actin network may be sufficient to allow neurite outgrowth under conditions which permitted microtubule assembly. Neurites induced by serum-deprivation or calcium influx were rapidly retracted by colchicine unless cytochalasin B was first added, indicating that the actin network may provide the retractile force which mediates neurite retraction following microtubule depolymerization. We conclude that neurite outgrowth can be initiated in NB2a/d1 cells by calcium influx, and may involve alterations in actin and microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   
RNA molecules were found to separate into numerous metastable conformational forms upon non-denaturing gel electrophoresis. The equilibration of the conformations was accelerated by heating or mild denaturing conditions. Single-base substitutions in the sequence of the RNAs caused changes in the conformational patterns, including mobility shifts of major and minor conformations, appearance of new conformations and loss of other conformations. This sequence-dependent RNA conformational polymorphism was used to detect point mutations in p53 and, dihydrofolate reductase genes. Sense and anti-sense RNA strands corresponding to the same segment of the p53 gene gave entirely different conformational patterns. To generate the RNA, short regions of the target genes (up to about 250 bp) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and the resulting DNA segments transcribed to RNA by T7 RNA polymerase. The method is rapid, simple, amenable to non-radioactive visualization and was successful in several cases when DNA single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis (Orita et al. (1989) Genomics 5, 874-879) failed to detect the point mutation.  相似文献   
Quantitation of apoB-48 and apoB-100 by gel scanning or radio-iodination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this presentation, we have validated two procedures for the separation and quantitation of apoB-48 and apoB-100 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE): 1) gamma counting of radio-iodinated lipoproteins and 2) scanning of stained gels. Total apoB in SDS solutions was determined by absorbance at 220 nm, and validated by amino acid analysis. The absorbance at 220 nm, in contrast to the Lowry procedure, could be used with BSA as a standard without correction factors. At relative apoB-48 concentrations higher than 10% of total apoB, both scanning and radio-iodination gave reliable results. At lower relative apoB-48 concentrations, the radio-iodine method appeared to be superior, but at low total apoB concentrations, the efficiency of radio-iodination was low.  相似文献   
Summary A serum-free primary culture system is described which allows normal rat mammary epithelial cells (RMECs) embedded within a reconstituted basement membrane to undergo extensive growth and functional differentiation as detected by synthesis and secretion of the milk products casein and lipid. RMECs isolated from mammary glands of immature virgin rats were seeded within an extracellular matrix preparation derived from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma and cultured in a serum-free medium consisting of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium-F12 containing insulin, prolactin, progesterone, hydrocortisone, epidermal growth factor, bovine serum albumin, transferrin, and ascorbic acid. Casein synthesis and secretion were documented at the electron microscopic level as well as by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) assay using a polyclonal antibody against total rat caseins. Numerous secretory vesicles with casein micelles were noted near the apical surface of the RMECs, and secreted casein was observed in the lumen. These ultrastructural data were confirmed by the ELISA assay which showed that microgram amounts of casein per well were synthesized by the RMECs and that the amount of casein increased with time in culture. Using immunoblot analysis it was demonstrated that the full complement of casein proteins was synthesized. In addition to casein protein, β-casein mRNA levels were shown to increase with time. Synthesized lipid was detected at both the light and electron microscopic levels. Phase contrast photomicrographs demonstrated extensive intracellular lipid accumulation within the ductal and lobuloalveolarlike colonies, and at the electron micrograph level, lipid droplets were predominantly localized near the apical surface of the RMECs. The lipid nature of these droplets was verified by oil red O staining. Results from this study demonstrate that RMECs from immature virgin rats proliferate extensively and rapidly develop the capacity to synthesize and secrete casein and lipid when grown within a reconstituted basement membrane under defined serum-free conditions. This unique system should thus serve as an excellent model in which the regulation of mammary development and gene expression can be investigated. This work was supported by grants CA 33240 and CA 35641 and by core grant CA 24538 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
Deleya marina 219 (ATCC 25374) produces large quantities of an acidic exopolysaccharide and characteristically forms mucoid colonies and large aggregates of cells. The exopolysaccharide of wild-type D. marina cells appears to occur as both film and fibrils in electron micrographs. The organization of exopolymeric material was indicative of structural heterogeneity. A spontaneous rough-colony mutant defective in exopolysaccharide, D. marina DMR, has been isolated. The absence of exopolymer corresponds to a nonmucoid, nonaggregating, adhesion-altered phenotype. In microplate adhesion assays, wild-type cells grown at 19 or 25 degrees C attached to hydrophilic surfaces but not to a hydrophobic surface. In contrast, mutant cells exhibited a significantly reduced level of attachment to hydrophilic surfaces and increased adhesion to a hydrophobic surface.  相似文献   
Stone tools are the most durable and ubiquitous residue of prehistoric hominid activity. For this reason, archeologists attempt to learn as much as possible about hominid behavior from the analysis of lithic artifacts. Lithic microwear analysis reconstructs aspects of stone-tool use from patterned variation in the traces of microscopic wear on those tools. The analysis of lithic microwear traces has increased our understanding of how stone tools were used in contexts ranging from the early Pleistocene to the ethnographic present.  相似文献   
Kidney from normal male albino rats, of body weight 170-200 g, was fixed by arterial perfusion with buffered tannic acid-glutaraldehyde, and postfixed with osmium tetroxide. Random and isotropic ultrathin sections from 23 different glomeruli from five rats were mounted on slot grids for staining and electron microscopy. Prints of whole glomeruli at a magnification of 3,909 were analyzed by stereological methods. The mean glomerular volume was (8.048 +/- 0.474) X 10(5) mum3 if the glomeruli are treated as spheres. The area of the basement membrane was 0.281 +/- 0.017 mm2 per glomerulus, of which 0.184 +/- 0.011 mm2 represents peripheral basement membrane. The aggregate epithelial slit length per glomerulus was 65.19 +/- 3.84 cm, of which 48.69 +/- 2.87 cm represents epithelial slits abutting on the peripheral basement membrane. Assuming that a slit diaphragm is 390 A wide, and that the pores of the slit diaphragm represent 26% of its area, the mean pore area is 3.96 cm2, of which 2.96 cm2 represents the area of peripheral pores. These findings are discussed in the context of the hydrodynamic theory of glomerular ultrafiltration. We conclude that the porous substructure of the glomerular slit diaphragm is significant in determining the hydraulic conductivity of the glomerulus and hence also solute flux during ultrafiltration.  相似文献   
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