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The cryptophyte phycocyanin Cr-PC577 from Hemiselmis pacifica is a close relative of Cr-PC612 found in Hemiselmis virescens and Hemiselmis tepida. The two biliproteins differ in that Cr-PC577 lacks the major peak at around 612 nm in the absorption spectrum. Cr-PC577 was thus purified and characterized with respect to its bilin chromophore composition. Like other cryptophyte phycobiliproteins, Cr-PC577 is an (αβ)(α′β) heterodimer with phycocyanobilin (PCB) bound to the α-subunits. While one chromophore of the β-subunit is also PCB, mass spectrometry identified an additional chromophore with a mass of 585 Da at position β-Cys-158. This mass can be attributed to either a dihydrobiliverdin (DHBV), mesobiliverdin (MBV), or bilin584 chromophore. The doubly linked bilin at position β-Cys-50 and β-Cys-61 could not be identified unequivocally but shares spectral features with DHBV. We found that Cr-PC577 possesses a novel chromophore composition with at least two different chromophores bound to the β-subunit. Overall, our data contribute to a better understanding of cryptophyte phycobiliproteins and furthermore raise the question on the biosynthetic pathway of cryptophyte chromophores.  相似文献   
We investigated the remodeling of iron metabolism during megakaryocytic development of K562 cells. Differentiation was successfully verified by increase of the megakaryocytic marker CD61 and concomitant decrease of the erythroid marker γ-globin. The reduction of erythroid properties was accompanied by changes in the cellular iron content and in the expression of proteins regulating cellular iron homeostasis. Independent of available inorganic or transferrin-bound extracellular iron, total intracellular iron increases while the iron-to-protein ratio decreases. The iron exporter ferroportin is downregulated within 1-6 h, followed by downregulation of transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) and ferritin heavy chain (H-ferritin) mainly after 24-48 h. The hemochromatosis protein-1, a ligand of TfR1, peaked after 24 h. All effects were independent of iron supply with the exception of H-ferritin, which was restored by excess iron. While alterations of CD61, TfR1 and ferritin expression were revoked by a protein kinase C inhibitor, downregulation of ferroportin remained unaffected.  相似文献   
Marine substrata possess cues that influence the behavior of fouling organisms. Initial adhesion of fouling algal zoospores to surfaces is also theorized to depend primarily upon interactions between substrata and spore cell bodies and flagellar membranes. In an effort to identify cues and surface characteristics that influence spore settlement and early development, the effects of bioactive echinoderm extracts, surface charge, and surface hydrophobicity were examined individually and in tandem on zoospore settlement and germination in Hincksia irregularis. Experiments utilizing 96-well plastic culture plates confirmed that spore settlement and germination were significantly affected by surface charge and hydrophobicity as well as by echinoderm metabolites, both individually and in tandem. Spore settlement rates in the dark over 30 min were > 400% higher on hydrophobic surfaces than on positively and negatively charged surfaces. Spore germling numbers were > 300% higher on hydrophobic surfaces than on positively and negatively charged surfaces when spores were allowed to settle in the light for 30 min and the settled spores allowed to subsequently germinate for 24 h. Spore germling numbers were consistently > 25% higher on hydrophobic surfaces than on positively and negatively charged surfaces when equal numbers of spores were allowed to completely settle in the light and subsequently germinate for 24 h. H. irregularis germ tube lengths were also significantly longer on positively charged plates than on negatively charged plates. All echinoderm extracts tested had significant effects on germination and settlement at levels below those of estimated ecological concentrations. Short-term (30 min) exposure and subsequent germination experiments indicated that higher concentrations of extracts had rapid toxic effects on algal spores. Synchronous effects of echinoderm extracts and plate charge upon spore settlement varied considerably and did not show a strong dose response relationship. Long-term (24 h) exposure of spores to echinoderm extracts had dosage dependent effects on germination and spore survival. The results of this study indicate that H. irregularis spores possess the capacity for complex responses to their environment, utilizing combined cues of surface charge, surface energy and biochemistry to determine where to settle and germinate. These responses may aid spores in the detection of suitable substrata and conditions for settlement in the marine environment.  相似文献   


Patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment are at high risk for developing Alzheimer''s disease. Besides episodic memory dysfunction they show deficits in accessing contextual knowledge that further specifies a general concept or helps to identify an object or a person.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated the neural networks associated with the perception of personal familiar faces and places in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and healthy control subjects. Irrespective of stimulus type, patients compared to control subjects showed lower activity in right prefrontal brain regions when perceiving personally familiar versus unfamiliar faces and places. Both groups did not show different neural activity when perceiving faces or places irrespective of familiarity.


Our data highlight changes in a frontal cortical network associated with knowledge-based personal familiarity among patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. These changes could contribute to deficits in social cognition and may reduce the patients'' ability to transition from basic to complex situations and tasks.  相似文献   
The direct involvement of manganese peroxidase (MnP) in the mineralization of natural and xenobiotic compounds was evaluated. A broad spectrum of aromatic substances were partially mineralized by the MnP system of the white rot fungus Nematoloma frowardii. The cell-free MnP system partially converted several aromatic compounds, including [U-14C]pentachlorophenol ([U-14C]PCP), [U-14C]catechol, [U-14C]tyrosine, [U-14C]tryptophan, [4,5,9,10-14C]pyrene, and [ring U-14C]2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene ([14C]2-AmDNT), to 14CO2. Mineralization was dependent on the ratio of MnP activity to concentration of reduced glutathione (thiol-mediated oxidation), a finding which was demonstrated by using [14C]2-AmDNT as an example. At [14C]2-AmDNT concentrations ranging from 2 to 120 μM, the amount of released 14CO2 was directly proportional to the concentration of [14C]2-AmDNT. The formation of highly polar products was also observed with [14C]2-AmDNT and [U-14C]PCP; these products were probably low-molecular-weight carboxylic acids. Among the aliphatic compounds tested, glyoxalate was mineralized to the greatest extent. Eighty-six percent of the 14COOH-glyoxalate and 9% of the 14CHO-glyoxalate were converted to 14CO2, indicating that decarboxylation reactions may be the final step in MnP-catalyzed mineralization. The extracellular enzymatic combustion catalyzed by MnP could represent an important pathway for the formation of carbon dioxide from recalcitrant xenobiotic compounds and may also have general significance in the overall biodegradation of resistant natural macromolecules, such as lignins and humic substances.  相似文献   
The aquatic larvae of anisopteran dragonflies possess tracheal gills located in the rectum. Using stereological methods, we estimated the morphometric diffusing capacity for oxygen (D(MO2)) across the gill epithelium, i.e., from rectal water to the gill tracheoles, in the larvae of Aeshna cyanea. A 271-mg larva has a total branchial surface area of approximately 12 cm(2). Tracheoles make up 6% of the epithelial volume of the gills; the harmonic mean thickness of the water-tracheolar diffusion barrier is 0.27 microm and consists mainly of cuticle. The calculated D(MO2) is 23.0 microl min(-1) g(-1) kPa(-1), which, using published values for oxygen consumption in a similar species, would result in a mean driving pressure of 0.2 kPa at rest and 1.3 kPa during activity. Since these driving pressures are similar to those reported for other arthropods, we conclude that the D(MO2) of the gill is not rate-limiting for aerobic metabolism in Aeshna cyanea larvae. J Morphol. 261:81-91, 2004.  相似文献   
ESBL-/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli from organic fertilizers were previously detected on soil surfaces of arable land and might be emitted by wind erosion. To investigate this potential environmental transmission path, we exposed ESBL-/AmpC-positive chicken litter, incorporated in agricultural soils, to different wind velocities in a wind tunnel and took air samples for microbiological analysis. No data exist concerning the airborne tenacity of ESBL-/AmpC-producing E. coli. Therefore, we explored the tenacity of two ESBL/AmpC E. coli strains and E. coli K12 in aerosol chamber experiments at different environmental conditions. In the wind tunnel, ESBL/AmpC-producing E. coli were detected in none of the air samples (n = 66). Non-resistant E. coli were qualitatively detected in 40.7% of air samples taken at wind velocities exceeding 7.3 m s−1. Significantly increased emission of total viable bacteria with increasing wind velocity was observed. In the aerosol chamber trials, recovery rates of airborne E. coli ranged from 0.003% to 2.8%, indicating a low airborne tenacity. Concluding, an emission of ESBL/AmpC E. coli by wind erosion in relevant concentrations appears unlikely because of the low concentration in chicken litter compared with non-resistant E. coli and their low airborne tenacity, proven in the aerosol chamber trials.  相似文献   
Integration of a conjugative plasmid into a bacterial chromosome can promote the transfer of chromosomal DNA to other bacteria. Intraspecies chromosomal conjugation is believed responsible for creating the global pathogens Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 and Escherichia coli ST1193. Interspecies conjugation is also possible but little is known about the genetic architecture or fitness of such hybrids. To study this, we generated by conjugation 14 hybrids of E. coli and Salmonella enterica. These species belong to different genera, diverged from a common ancestor >100 Ma, and share a conserved order of orthologous genes with ∼15% nucleotide divergence. Genomic analysis revealed that all but one hybrid had acquired a contiguous segment of donor E. coli DNA, replacing a homologous region of recipient Salmonella chromosome, and ranging in size from ∼100 to >4,000 kb. Recombination joints occurred in sequences with higher-than-average nucleotide identity. Most hybrid strains suffered a large reduction in growth rate, but the magnitude of this cost did not correlate with the length of foreign DNA. Compensatory evolution to ameliorate the cost of low-fitness hybrids pointed towards disruption of complex genetic networks as a cause. Most interestingly, 4 of the 14 hybrids, in which from 45% to 90% of the Salmonella chromosome was replaced with E. coli DNA, showed no significant reduction in growth fitness. These data suggest that the barriers to creating high-fitness interspecies hybrids may be significantly lower than generally appreciated with implications for the creation of novel species.  相似文献   
With approximately 3000 marine species, Tunicata represents the most disparate subtaxon of Chordata. Molecular phylogenetic studies support Tunicata as sister taxon to Craniota, rendering it pivotal to understanding craniate evolution. Although successively more molecular data have become available to resolve internal tunicate phylogenetic relationships, phenotypic data have not been utilized consistently. Herein these shortcomings are addressed by cladistically analyzing 117 phenotypic characters for 49 tunicate species comprising all higher tunicate taxa, and five craniate and cephalochordate outgroup species. In addition, a combined analysis of the phenotypic characters with 18S rDNA-sequence data is performed in 32 OTUs. The analysis of the combined data is congruent with published molecular analyses. Successively up-weighting phenotypic characters indicates that phenotypic data contribute disproportionally more to the resulting phylogenetic hypothesis. The strict consensus tree from the analysis of the phenotypic characters as well as the single most parsimonious tree found in the analysis of the combined dataset recover monophyletic Appendicularia as sister taxon to the remaining tunicate taxa. Thus, both datasets support the hypothesis that the last common ancestor of Tunicata was free-living and that ascidian sessility is a derived trait within Tunicata. “Thaliacea” is found to be paraphyletic with Pyrosomatida as sister taxon to monophyletic Ascidiacea and the relationship between Doliolida and Salpida is unresolved in the analysis of morphological characters; however, the analysis of the combined data reconstructs Thaliacea as monophyletic nested within paraphyletic “Ascidiacea”. Therefore, both datasets differ in the interpretation of the evolution of the complex holoplanktonic life history of thaliacean taxa. According to the phenotypic data, this evolution occurred in the plankton, whereas from the combined dataset a secondary transition into the plankton from a sessile ascidian is inferred. Besides these major differences, both analyses are in accord on many phylogenetic groupings, although both phylogenetic reconstructions invoke a high degree of homoplasy. In conclusion, this study represents the first serious attempt to utilize the potential phylogenetic information present in phenotypic characters to elucidate the inter-relationships of this diverse marine taxon in a consistent cladistic framework.  相似文献   
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