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We present a truly quantitative fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) model for use with the confocal laser scanning microscope based on the photobleaching of a long line segment. The line FRAP method is developed to complement the disk FRAP method reported before. Although being more subject to the influence of noise, the line FRAP model has the advantage of a smaller bleach region, thus allowing for faster and more localized measurements of the diffusion coefficient and mobile fraction. The line FRAP model is also very well suited to examine directly the influence of the bleaching power on the effective bleaching resolution. We present the outline of the mathematical derivation, leading to a final analytical expression to calculate the fluorescence recovery. We examine the influence of the confocal aperture and the bleaching power on the measured diffusion coefficient to find the optimal experimental conditions for the line FRAP method. This will be done for R-phycoerythrin and FITC-dextrans of various molecular weights. The ability of the line FRAP method to measure correctly absolute diffusion coefficients in three-dimensional samples will be evaluated as well. Finally we show the application of the method to the simultaneous measurement of free green fluorescent protein diffusion in the cytoplasm and nucleus of living A549 cells.  相似文献   
Finger millet is an allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 36) grass that belongs to the Chloridoideae subfamily. A comparative analysis has been carried out to determine the relationship of the finger millet genome with that of rice. Six of the nine finger millet homoeologous groups corresponded to a single rice chromosome each. Each of the remaining three finger millet groups were orthologous to two rice chromosomes, and in all the three cases one rice chromosome was inserted into the centromeric region of a second rice chromosome to give the finger millet chromosomal configuration. All observed rearrangements were, among the grasses, unique to finger millet and, possibly, the Chloridoideae subfamily. Gene orders between rice and finger millet were highly conserved, with rearrangements being limited largely to single marker transpositions and small putative inversions encompassing at most three markers. Only some 10% of markers mapped to non-syntenic positions in rice and finger millet and the majority of these were located in the distal 14% of chromosome arms, supporting a possible correlation between recombination and sequence evolution as has previously been observed in wheat. A comparison of the organization of finger millet, Panicoideae and Pooideae genomes relative to rice allowed us to infer putative ancestral chromosome configurations in the grasses. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
1. Subcellular studies of bovine thyroid indicate that 5'-nucleotidase is predominantly associated with plasma membranes, although a considerable part of this ectoenzyme is also found internalized. 2. The enzyme displaying the features of a glycoprotein has been purified 1400 times by detergent solubilization and two subsequent affinity chromatographic steps. 3. Thyroidal 5'-nucleotidase can be classified as an unspecific metallo-dependent 5'-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase. The native enzyme exists as a dimer (MW 150 kDalton), composed of two similar or identical subunits.  相似文献   
The dependence on pH of the fluorescence of cholera toxin and its A and B subunits has been studied at 25 degrees C. The fluorescence intensity of cholera toxin is highly pH-dependent. In the pH range 7-9.5 it reaches a maximum corresponding to a quantum yield of 0.076. In the pH range 4-7 a strong increase in fluorescence intensity is observed (delta Q/Qmax = 0.64). Evaluation of the pH sensitivity of the fluorescence intensity of the A and B subunits reveals that the B subunit is mainly responsible for the observed pH effect (delta Q/Qmax for B subunit = 0.64). The intensity changes are paralleled by similar although less pronounced changes in the average fluorescence excited state life-time tau (delta tau/tau max = 0.33 for cholera toxin). Fluorimetric titration of the B subunit, which is related to the indole fluorescence of the lone Trp-88, reveals that the fluorescence intensity changes in the pH range 4-7 are due to reaction of two types of ionizable quencher displaying apparent pKa values of 4.4 and 6.2, respectively. It is suggested that the increase in fluorescence intensity with a midpoint at pH 6.2 is the result of deionization of the imidazolium side-chain of one or two out of the four histidine residues present in each beta-polypeptide chain, whereas a deionized carboxyl group is responsible for the quenching with midpoint at pH 4.4. Complex formation of cholera toxin or B subunit with the monosialoganglioside GM1 or the oligosaccharide moiety of GM1 (oligo-GM1) completely prevents the quenching by both quenchers. Addition of 6 M urea also eliminates the pH effect. The quenching is not the result of the dissociation of the B subunit into its constituent monomers. Upon fluorimetric titration of cholera toxin or B subunit above pH 9, a progressive drop in both fluorescence intensity and tau occurs. This decrease could be due to energy transfer from the indole moiety of Trp-88 to ionized tyrosines or by quenching through an unprotonated epsilon-amino group of lysine. Fluorimetric titration of the A subunit indicates that the tryptophan fluorescence is only moderately altered by ionizable groups displaying a pKa in the range 4 to 9. Activation of A subunit does not affect this lack of pH sensitivity. Above pH 9, however, a much more significant drop in the fluorescence intensity of activated A subunit occurs. The structural implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
The possible role of normal chicken cellular sequences c-erb, c-myb and c-myc, together referred to as c-onc genes and related to the oncogenes of defective avian acute leukemia retroviruses (DLVs), was investigated by determining the accumulation of c-onc RNA in different avian cells an cell lines. Levels of c-myc and in some instances c-myb RNA are elevated in immature hematopoietic cells or cell lines from various lineages but more mature hematopoietic cells, as well as non-hematopoietic cells, contain only low levels. In contrast, the level of c-erb RNA is generally low, but high in a small number of normal bone marrow cells. The results indicate that the cellular homologues of the viral oncogenes are differentially expressed during hematopoiesis. They also indicate that the hypothesis that DLV target cells express their homologous c-onc genes might hold for c-erb, but is not valid in its simple form for c-myc and c-myb.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to describe a newly created open access database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium. The MEMOR database ( www.memor.be ) was created to provide an overview of the current practices of loans, reburial, and the research potential of human skeletons from archeological sites currently stored in Flanders. In addition, the project aimed to provide a legal and ethical framework for the handling of human remains and was created around stakeholder involvement from anthropologists, geneticists, contract archeologists, the local, regional and national government agencies, local and national government, universities, and representatives of the major religions. The project has resulted in the creation of a rich database with many collections available for study. The database was created using the open-source Arches data management platform that is freely available for organizations worldwide to configure in accordance with their individual needs and without restrictions on its use. Each collection is linked to information about the excavation and the site the remains originate from, its size and time period. In addition, a research potential tab reveals whether any analyses were performed, and whether excavation notes are available with the assemblage. The database currently contains 742 collections, ranging in size from 1 to over 1000 individuals. New collections will continue to be added when new assemblages are excavated and studied. The database can also be expanded to include human remains collections from other regions and other material categories, such as archaeozoological collections.  相似文献   
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