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For bone repair, transplantation of periosteal progenitor cells (PCs), which had been amplified within supportive scaffolds, is applied clinically. More innovative bone tissue engineering approaches focus on the in situ recruitment of stem and progenitor cells to defective sites and their subsequent use for guided tissue repair. Chemokines are known to induce the directed migration of bone marrow CD34(-) mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The aim of our study was to determine the chemokine receptor expression profile of human CD34(-) PCs and to demonstrate that these cells migrate upon stimulation with selected chemokines. PCs were isolated from periosteum of the mastoid bone and displayed a homogenous cell population presenting an MSC-related cell-surface antigen profile (ALCAM(+), SH2(+), SH3(+), CD14(-), CD34(-), CD44(+), CD45(-), CD90(+)). The expression profile of chemokine receptors was determined by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Both methods consistently demonstrated that PCs express receptors of all four chemokine subfamilies CC, CXC, CX(3)C, and C. Migration of PCs and a dose-dependent migratory effect of the chemokines CCL2 (MCP1), CCL25 (TECK), CXCL8 (IL8), CXCL12 (SDF1alpha), and CXCL13 (BCA1), but not CCL22 (MDC) were demonstrated using a 96-multiwell chemotaxis assay. In conclusion, for the first time, here we report that human PCs express chemokine receptors, present their profile, and demonstrate a dose-dependent migratory effect of distinct chemokines on these cells. These results are promising towards in situ bone repair therapies based on guiding PCs to bone defects, and encourage further in vivo studies.  相似文献   
Because archaea are generally associated with extreme environments, detection of nonthermophilic members belonging to the archaeal division Crenarchaeota over the last decade was unexpected; they are surprisingly ubiquitous and abundant in nonextreme marine and terrestrial habitats. Metabolic characterization of these nonthermophilic crenarchaeotes has been impeded by their intractability toward isolation and growth in culture. From studies employing a combination of cultivation and molecular phylogenetic techniques (PCR-single-strand conformation polymorphism, sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and real-time PCR), we present evidence here that one of the two dominant phylotypes of Crenarchaeota that colonizes the roots of tomato plants grown in soil from a Wisconsin field is selectively enriched in mixed cultures amended with root extract. Clones recovered from enrichment cultures were found to group phylogenetically with sequences from clade C1b.A1. This work corroborates and extends our recent findings, indicating that the diversity of the crenarchaeal soil assemblage is influenced by the rhizosphere and that mesophilic soil crenarchaeotes are found associated with plant roots, and provides the first evidence for growth of nonthermophilic crenarchaeotes in culture.  相似文献   
DNA microarray technology offers the possibility to analyze microbial communities without cultivation, thus benefiting biodiversity studies. We developed a DNA phylochip to assess phytoplankton diversity and transferred 18S rRNA probes from dot blot or fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses to a microarray format. Similar studies with 16S rRNA probes have been done determined that in order to achieve a signal on the microarray, the 16S rRNA molecule had to be fragmented, or PCR amplicons had to be <150 bp in length to minimize the formation of a secondary structure in the molecule so that the probe could bind to the target site. We found different results with the 18S rRNA molecule. Four out of 12 FISH probes exhibited false-negative signals on the microarray; eight exhibited strong but variable signals using full-length 18S RNA molecules. A systematic investigation of the probe's accessibility to the 18S rRNA gene was made using Prymenisum parvum as the target. Fourteen additional probes identical to this target covered the regions not tested with existing FISH probes. Probes with a binding site in the first 900 bp of the gene generated positive signals. Six out of nine probes binding in the last 900 bp of the gene produced no signal. Our results suggest that although secondary structure affected probe binding, the effect is not the same for the 18S rRNA gene and the 16S rRNA gene. For the 16S rRNA gene, the secondary structure is stronger in the first half of the molecule, whereas in the 18S rRNA gene, the last half of the molecule is critical. Probe-binding sites within 18S rRNA gene molecules are important for the probe design for DNA phylochips because signal intensity appears to be correlated with the secondary structure at the binding site in this molecule. If probes are designed from the first half of the 18S rRNA molecule, then full-length 18S rRNA molecules can be used in the hybridization on the chip, avoiding the fragmentation and the necessity for the short PCR amplicons that are associated with using the 16S rRNA molecule. Thus, the 18S rRNA molecule is a more attractive molecule for use in environmental studies where some level of quantification is desired. Target size was a minor problem, whereas for 16S rRNA molecules target size rather than probe site was important.  相似文献   
An automated nucleic acid extraction procedure with magnetic particles originally designed for isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) from animal tissues was tested for plant material. We isolated genomic DNA and total RNA from taxonomically diverse plant species representing conifers (Scots pine), broad-leaved trees (silver birch and hybrid aspen), dwarf shrubs (bilberry), and both monocotyledonous (regal lily) and dicotyledonous (Saint John's wort, round-leaved sundew, and tobacco) herbaceous plants. Buffers developed for DNA extraction were successfully used in addition to manufacturer's extraction kits. The quality of RNA was appropriate for many applications, but the quality of DNA was not always sufficient for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. However, we could strikingly improve the quality by eliminating the adherent compounds during the extraction or later in the PCR phase. Our results show that the use of the procedure could be extended to diverse plant species. This procedure is especially suitable for small sample sizes and for simultaneous processing of many samples enabling large-scale plant applications in population genetics, or in the screening of putative transgenic plants.  相似文献   
Sediment denitrification is a major pathway of fixed nitrogen loss from aquatic systems. Due to technical difficulties in measuring this process and its spatial and temporal variability, estimates of local, regional and global denitrification have to rely on a combination of measurements and models. Here we review approaches to describing denitrification in aquatic sediments, ranging from mechanistic diagenetic models to empirical parameterizations of nitrogen fluxes across the sediment-water interface. We also present a compilation of denitrification measurements and ancillary data for different aquatic systems, ranging from freshwater to marine. Based on this data compilation we reevaluate published parameterizations of denitrification. We recommend that future models of denitrification use (1) a combination of mechanistic diagenetic models and measurements where bottom-waters are temporally hypoxic or anoxic, and (2) the much simpler correlations between denitrification and sediment oxygen consumption for oxic bottom waters. For our data set, inclusion of bottom water oxygen and nitrate concentrations in a multivariate regression did not improve the statistical fit.  相似文献   
Traditional cultivation-based methods to quantify microbial abundance are not suitable for analyses of microbial communities in environmental or medical samples, which consist mainly of uncultured microorganisms. Recently, different cultivation-independent quantification approaches have been developed to overcome this problem. Some of these techniques use specific fluorescence markers, for example ribosomal ribonucleic acid targeted oligonucleotide probes, to label the respective target organisms. Subsequently, the detected cells are visualized by fluorescence microscopy and are quantified by direct visual cell counting or by digital image analysis. This article provides an overview of these methods and some of their applications with emphasis on (semi-)automated image analysis solutions.  相似文献   
Higher plant diversity is often associated with higher soil microbial biomass and diversity, which is assumed to be partly due to elevated root exudate diversity. However, there is little experimental evidence that diversity of root exudates shapes soil microbial communities. We tested whether higher root exudate diversity enhances soil microbial biomass and diversity in a plant diversity gradient, thereby negating significant plant diversity effects on soil microbial properties. We set up plant monocultures and two‐ and three‐species mixtures in microcosms using functionally dissimilar plants and soil of a grassland biodiversity experiment in Germany. Artificial exudate cocktails were added by combining the most common sugars, organic acids, and amino acids found in root exudates. We applied four different exudate cocktails: two exudate diversity levels (low‐ and high‐diversity) and two nutrient‐enriched levels (carbon‐ and nitrogen‐enriched), and a control with water only. Soil microorganisms were more carbon‐ than nitrogen‐limited. Cultivation‐independent fingerprinting analysis revealed significantly different soil microbial communities among exudate diversity treatments. Most notably and according to our hypothesis, adding diverse exudate cocktails negated the significant plant diversity effect on soil microbial properties. Our findings provide the first experimental evidence that root exudate diversity is a crucial link between plant diversity and soil microorganisms.  相似文献   
An inability to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) threatens genome integrity and can contribute to human diseases, including cancer. Mammalian cells repair DSBs mainly through homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). The choice between these pathways is regulated by the interplay between 53BP1 and BRCA1, whereby BRCA1 excludes 53BP1 to promote HR and 53BP1 limits BRCA1 to facilitate NHEJ. Here, we identify the zinc-finger proteins (ZnF), ZMYM2 and ZMYM3, as antagonizers of 53BP1 recruitment that facilitate HR protein recruitment and function at DNA breaks. Mechanistically, we show that ZMYM2 recruitment to DSBs and suppression of break-associated 53BP1 requires the SUMO E3 ligase PIAS4, as well as SUMO binding by ZMYM2. Cells deficient for ZMYM2/3 display genome instability, PARP inhibitor and ionizing radiation sensitivity and reduced HR repair. Importantly, depletion of 53BP1 in ZMYM2/3-deficient cells rescues BRCA1 recruitment to and HR repair of DSBs, suggesting that ZMYM2 and ZMYM3 primarily function to restrict 53BP1 engagement at breaks to favor BRCA1 loading that functions to channel breaks to HR repair. Identification of DNA repair functions for these poorly characterized ZnF proteins may shed light on their unknown contributions to human diseases, where they have been reported to be highly dysregulated, including in several cancers.  相似文献   
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