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Traditional cultivation-based methods to quantify microbial abundance are not suitable for analyses of microbial communities in environmental or medical samples, which consist mainly of uncultured microorganisms. Recently, different cultivation-independent quantification approaches have been developed to overcome this problem. Some of these techniques use specific fluorescence markers, for example ribosomal ribonucleic acid targeted oligonucleotide probes, to label the respective target organisms. Subsequently, the detected cells are visualized by fluorescence microscopy and are quantified by direct visual cell counting or by digital image analysis. This article provides an overview of these methods and some of their applications with emphasis on (semi-)automated image analysis solutions.  相似文献   
17beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from the fungus Cochliobolus lunatus (17beta-HSDcl) is an NADPH-dependent member of the short-chain dehydrogenase/ reductase superfamily. To study the catalytic properties of this enzyme, we prepared several specific mutations of 17beta-HSDcl (Tyr167Phe, His164Trp/Gly, Tyr212Ala). Wild-type 17beta-HSDcl and the 17beta-HSDcl mutants were evaluated by chromatographic, kinetic and thermodynamic means. The Tyr167Phe mutation resulted in a complete loss of enzyme activity, while substitution of His164 with Trp and Gly both resulted in higher specificity number (V/K) for the steroid substrates, which are mainly a consequence of easier accessibility of steroid substrates to the active-site hollow under optimized conditions. The Tyr212Ala mutant showed increased activity in the oxidative direction, which appears to be a consequence of increased NADPH dissociation. The kinetic characterizations and thermodynamic analyses also suggest that His164 and Tyr212 in 17beta-HSDcl have a role in the opening and closing of the active site of this enzyme and in the discrimination between oxidized and reduced coenzyme.  相似文献   
The eukaryotic RNA exosome is a ribonucleolytic complex involved in RNA processing and turnover. It consists of a nine‐subunit catalytically inert core that serves a structural function and participates in substrate recognition. Best defined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, enzymatic activity comes from the associated subunits Dis3p (Rrp44p) and Rrp6p. The former is a nuclear and cytoplasmic RNase II/R‐like enzyme, which possesses both processive exo‐ and endonuclease activities, whereas the latter is a distributive RNase D‐like nuclear exonuclease. Although the exosome core is highly conserved, identity and arrangements of its catalytic subunits in different vertebrates remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate the association of two different Dis3p homologs—hDIS3 and hDIS3L—with the human exosome core. Interestingly, these factors display markedly different intracellular localizations: hDIS3 is mainly nuclear, whereas hDIS3L is strictly cytoplasmic. This compartmental distribution reflects the substrate preferences of the complex in vivo. Both hDIS3 and hDIS3L are active exonucleases; however, only hDIS3 has retained endonucleolytic activity. Our data suggest that three different ribonucleases can serve as catalytic subunits for the exosome in human cells.  相似文献   
Nitric Oxide Reductase (NOR) is an integral membrane protein performing the reduction of NO to N2O. NOR is composed of two subunits: the large one (NorB) is a bundle of 12 transmembrane helices (TMH). It contains a b type heme and a binuclear iron site, which is believed to be the catalytic site, comprising a heme b and a non-hemic iron. The small subunit (NorC) harbors a cytochrome c and is attached to the membrane through a unique TMH. With the aim to perform structural and functional studies of NOR, we have immunized dromedaries with NOR and produced several antibody fragments of the heavy chain (VHHs, also known as nanobodies™). These fragments have been used to develop a faster NOR purification procedure, to proceed to crystallization assays and to analyze the electron transfer of electron donors. BIAcore experiments have revealed that up to three VHHs can bind concomitantly to NOR with affinities in the nanomolar range. This is the first example of the use of VHHs with an integral membrane protein. Our results indicate that VHHs are able to recognize with high affinity distinct epitopes on this class of proteins, and can be used as versatile and valuable tool for purification, functional study and crystallization of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   
Schistosomiasis is a disease of great medical and veterinary importance in tropical and subtropical regions, caused by parasitic flatworms of the genus Schistosoma (subclass Digenea). Following major water development schemes in the 1980s, schistosomiasis has become an important parasitic disease of children living in the Senegal River Basin (SRB). During molecular parasitological surveys, nuclear and mitochondrial markers revealed unexpected natural interactions between a bovine and human Schistosoma species: S. bovis and S. haematobium, respectively. Hybrid schistosomes recovered from the urine and faeces of children and the intermediate snail hosts of both parental species, Bulinus truncatus and B. globosus, presented a nuclear ITS rRNA sequence identical to S. haematobium, while the partial mitochondrial cox1 sequence was identified as S. bovis. Molecular data suggest that the hybrids are not 1st generation and are a result of parental and/or hybrid backcrosses, indicating a stable hybrid zone. Larval stages with the reverse genetic profile were also found and are suggested to be F1 progeny. The data provide indisputable evidence for the occurrence of bidirectional introgressive hybridization between a bovine and a human Schistosoma species. Hybrid species have been found infecting B. truncatus, a snail species that is now very abundant throughout the SRB. The recent increase in urinary schistosomiasis in the villages along the SRB could therefore be a direct effect of the increased transmission through B. truncatus. Hybridization between schistosomes under laboratory conditions has been shown to result in heterosis (higher fecundity, faster maturation time, wider intermediate host spectrum), having important implications on disease prevalence, pathology and treatment. If this new hybrid exhibits the same hybrid vigour, it could develop into an emerging pathogen, necessitating further control strategies in zones where both parental species overlap.  相似文献   


Clonal propagation is highly desired especially for valuable horticultural crops. The method with the potentially highest multiplication rate is regeneration via somatic embryogenesis. However, this mode of propagation is often hampered by the occurrence of developmental aberrations and non-embryogenic callus. Therefore, the developmental process of somatic embryogenesis was analysed in the ornamental crop Cyclamen persicum by expression profiling, comparing different developmental stages of embryogenic cell cultures, zygotic vs. somatic embryos and embryogenic vs. non-embryogenic cell cultures.  相似文献   
Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E6 and E7 oncoproteins are required for cellular transformation and represent candidate targets for HPV-specific and major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CD8(+)-T-cell responses in patients with cervical cancer. Recent evidence suggests that cross-reactivity represents the inherent nature of the T-cell repertoire. We identified HLA-A2 binding HPV16 E7 variant peptides from human, bacterial, or viral origin which are able to drive CD8(+)-T-cell responses directed against wild-type HPV16 E7 amino acid 11 to 19/20 (E7(11-19/20)) epitope YMLDLQPET(T) in vitro. CD8(+) T cells reacting to the HLA-A2-presented peptide from HPV16 E7(11-19(20)) recognized also the HLA-A2 binding peptide TMLDIQPED (amino acids 52 to 60) from the human coronavirus OC43 NS2 gene product. Establishment of coronavirus NS2-specific, HLA-A2-restricted CD8(+)-T-cell clones and ex vivo analysis of HPV16 E7 specific T cells obtained by HLA-A2 tetramer-guided sorting from PBL or tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes obtained from patients with cervical cancer showed that cross-reactivity with HPV16 E7(11-19(20)) and coronavirus NS2(52-60) represents a common feature of this antiviral immune response defined by cytokine production. Zero of 10 patients with carcinoma in situ neoplasia and 3 of 18 patients with cervical cancer showed > or =0.1% HPV16 E7-reactive T cells in CD8(+) peripheral blood lymphocytes. In vivo priming with HPV16 was confirmed in patients with cervical cancer or preinvasive HPV16-positive lesions using HLA-A2 tetramer complexes loaded with the E6-derived epitope KLPQLCTEL. In contrast, we could not detect E6-reactive T cells in healthy individuals. These data imply that the measurement of the HPV16 E7(11-19(20)) CD8(+)-T-cell response may reflect cross-reactivity with a common pathogen and that variant peptides may be employed to drive an effective cellular immune response against HPV.  相似文献   
Antibiotic resistance has been reported since the introduction of synthetic antibiotics. Bacteria, such as one of the most common nosocomial pathogens P. aeruginosa, adapt quickly to changing environmental conditions, due to their short generation time. Thus microevolutional changes can be monitored in situ. In this study, the microevolutional process of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 resistance against a recently developed novel antibacterial zinc Schiff-base (ZSB) was investigated at the proteome level. After extended exposure to ZSB the passaged strain differed in tolerance against ZSB, with the adapted P. aeruginosa PAO1 exhibiting 1.6 times higher minimal inhibitory concentration. Using Two-dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis, the changes in the proteome of ZSB adapted P. aeruginosa PAO1 were examined by comparison with the non-adapted P. aeruginosa PAO1. The proteome of the adapted P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain differed significantly from the non-adapted in the abundance of two proteins when both strains were grown under stressing conditions. One protein could be identified as the outer membrane protein D that plays a role in uptake of basic amino acids as well as in carbapeneme resistance. The second protein has been identified as alkyl peroxide reductase subunit F. Our data indicated a slight increase in abundance of alkyl peroxide reductase F (AhpF) in the case of ZSB passaged P. aeruginosa PAO1. Higher abundance of Ahp has been discussed in the literature as a promoter of accelerated detoxification of benzene derivatives. The observed up-regulated AhpF thus appears to be connected to an increased tolerance against ZSB. Changes in the abundance of proteins connected to oxidative stress were also found after short-time exposure of P. aeruginosa PAO1 to the ZSB. Furthermore, adapted P. aeruginosa PAO1 showed increased tolerance against hydrogen peroxide and, in addition, showed accelerated degradation of ZSB, as determined by HPLC measurements.  相似文献   
For molecular insect identification, amplicon sequencing methods are recommended because they offer a cost‐effective approach for targeting small sets of informative genes from multiple samples. In this context, high‐throughput multilocus amplicon sequencing has been achieved using the MiSeq Illumina sequencing platform. However, this approach generates short gene fragments of <500 bp, which then have to be overlapped using bioinformatics to achieve longer sequence lengths. This increases the risk of generating chimeric sequences or leads to the formation of incomplete loci. Here, we propose a modified nested amplicon sequencing method for targeting multiple loci from pinned insect specimens using the MiSeq Illumina platform. The modification exists in using a three‐step nested PCR approach targeting near full‐length loci in the initial PCR and subsequently amplifying short fragments of between 300 and 350 bp for high‐throughput sequencing using Illumina chemistry. Using this method, we generated 407 sequences of three loci from 86% of all the specimens sequenced. Out of 103 pinned bee specimens of replicated species, 71% passed the 95% sequence similarity threshold between species replicates. This method worked best for pinned specimens aged between 0 and 5 years, with a limit of 10 years for pinned and 14 years for ethanol‐preserved specimens. Hence, our method overcomes some of the challenges of amplicon sequencing using short read next generation sequencing and improves the possibility of creating high‐quality multilocus barcodes from insect collections.  相似文献   
The diversity of fungal communities on three different historical monuments in the city of Vienna (Austria) was analyzed and compared to the fungal diversity of microfungi on rock in the original quarry located in a rural area (Zogelsdorf, Austria). The fungal strains isolated were characterized by morphology and the complete rock fungal community was identified based on molecular data, that is, by sequencing parts of the small ribosomal subunit (18S) and internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1). The genera Coniothyrium, Epicoccum and Phoma were found to be dominant {on} monument and rock surfaces. Additionally, black yeasts such as Exophiala species and microcolonial fungi like Sarcinomyces and Coniosporium which hitherto were regarded as typical rock inhabitants in semi-arid environments are frequently found on all rock surfaces in Vienna. The biodiversity of the fungi in the urban environment was much higher than on the same rock type in a rural environment, this difference can be attributed to the elevated organic pollution in the city.  相似文献   
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