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Phytochromes are light-sensing macromolecules that are part of a two component phosphorelay system controlling gene expression. Photoconversion between the Pr and Pfr forms facilitates autophosphorylation of a histidine in the dimerization domain (DHp). We report the low-resolution structure of a bacteriophytochrome (Bph) in the catalytic (CA) Pr form in solution determined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Ab initio modeling reveals, for the first time, the domain organization in a typical bacteriophytochrome, comprising an chromophore binding and phytochrome (PHY) N terminal domain followed by a C terminal histidine kinase domain. Homologous high-resolution structures of the light-sensing chromophore binding domain (CBD) and the cytoplasmic part of a histidine kinase sensor allows us to model 75% of the structure with the remainder comprising the phytochrome domain which has no 3D representative in the structural database. The SAXS data reveal a dimeric Y shaped macromolecule and the relative positions of the chromophores (biliverdin), autophosphorylating histidine residues and the ATP molecules in the kinase domain. SAXS data were collected from a sample in the autophosphorylating Pr form and reveal alternate conformational states for the kinase domain that can be modeled in an open (no-catalytic) and closed (catalytic) state. This model suggests how light-induced signal transduction can stimulate autophosphorylation followed by phosphotransfer to a response regulator (RR) in the two-component system.  相似文献   
Family 2 of the glycoside hydrolase classification is one of the largest families. Structurally characterized members of this family include enzymes with β-galactosidase activity (Escherichia coli LacZ), β-glucuronidase activity (Homo sapiens GusB), and β-mannosidase activity (Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron BtMan2A). Here, we describe the structure of a family 2 glycoside hydrolase, CsxA, from Amycolatopsis orientalis that has exo-β-d-glucosaminidase (exo-chitosanase) activity. Analysis of a product complex (1.85 Å resolution) reveals a unique negatively charged pocket that specifically accommodates the nitrogen of nonreducing end glucosamine residues, allowing this enzyme to discriminate between glucose and glucosamine. This also provides structural evidence for the role of E541 as the catalytic nucleophile and D469 as the catalytic acid/base. The structures of an E541A mutant in complex with a natural β-1,4-d-glucosamine tetrasaccharide substrate and both E541A and D469A mutants in complex with a pNP-β-d-glucosaminide synthetic substrate provide insight into interactions in the + 1 subsite of this enzyme. Overall, a comparison with the active sites of other GH2 enzymes highlights the unique architecture of the CsxA active site, which imparts specificity for its cationic substrate.  相似文献   
The assembly of bacterial toxins and virulence factors is critical to their function, but the regulation of assembly during infection has not been studied. We begin to address this question using anthrax toxin as a model. The protective antigen (PA) component of the toxin assembles into ring-shaped homooligomers that bind the two other enzyme components of the toxin, lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF), to form toxic complexes. To disrupt the host, these toxic complexes are endocytosed, such that the PA oligomer forms a membrane-spanning channel that LF and EF translocate through to enter the cytosol. Using single-channel electrophysiology, we show that PA channels contain two populations of conductance states, which correspond to two different PA pre-channel oligomers observed by electron microscopy—the well-described heptamer and a novel octamer. Mass spectrometry demonstrates that the PA octamer binds four LFs, and assembly routes leading to the octamer are populated with even-numbered, dimeric and tetrameric, PA intermediates. Both heptameric and octameric PA complexes can translocate LF and EF with similar rates and efficiencies. Here, we report a 3.2-Å crystal structure of the PA octamer. The octamer comprises ∼ 20-30% of the oligomers on cells, but outside of the cell, the octamer is more stable than the heptamer under physiological pH. Thus, the PA octamer is a physiological, stable, and active assembly state capable of forming lethal toxins that may withstand the hostile conditions encountered in the bloodstream. This assembly mechanism may provide a novel means to control cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
The metal-reducing δ-proteobacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens produces a large number of c-type cytochromes, many of which have been implicated in the transfer of electrons to insoluble metal oxides. Among these, the dihemic MacA was assigned a central role. Here we have produced G. sulfurreducens MacA by recombinant expression in Escherichia coli and have solved its three-dimensional structure in three different oxidation states. Sequence comparisons group MacA into the family of diheme cytochrome c peroxidases, and the protein indeed showed hydrogen peroxide reductase activity with ABTS(-2) as an electron donor. The observed K(M) was 38.5 ± 3.7 μM H(2)O(2) and v(max) was 0.78 ± 0.03 μmol of H(2)O(2)·min(-1)·mg(-1), resulting in a turnover number k(cat) = 0.46 · s(-1). In contrast, no Fe(III) reductase activity was observed. MacA was found to display electrochemical properties similar to other bacterial diheme peroxidases, in addition to the ability to electrochemically mediate electron transfer to the soluble cytochrome PpcA. Differences in activity between CcpA and MacA can be rationalized with structural variations in one of the three loop regions, loop 2, that undergoes conformational changes during reductive activation of the enzyme. This loop is adjacent to the active site heme and forms an open loop structure rather than a more rigid helix as in CcpA. For the activation of the protein, the loop has to displace the distal ligand to the active site heme, H93, in loop 1. A H93G variant showed an unexpected formation of a helix in loop 2 and disorder in loop 1, while a M297H variant that altered the properties of the electron transfer heme abolished reductive activation.  相似文献   
Using a combination of structural and mechanical characterization, we examine the effect of fibrinogen oxidation on the formation of fibrin clots. We find that treatment with hypochlorous acid preferentially oxidizes specific methionine residues on the α, β, and γ chains of fibrinogen. Oxidation is associated with the formation of a dense network of thin fibers after activation by thrombin. Additionally, both the linear and nonlinear mechanical properties of oxidized fibrin gels are found to be altered with oxidation. Finally, the structural modifications induced by oxidation are associated with delayed fibrin lysis via plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator. Based on these results, we speculate that methionine oxidation of specific residues may be related to hindered lateral aggregation of protofibrils in fibrin gels.  相似文献   
Dalziel KJ  O'Leary B  Brikis C  Rao SK  She YM  Cyr T  Plaxton WC 《FEBS letters》2012,586(7):1049-1054
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a tightly controlled anaplerotic enzyme situated at a pivotal branch point of plant carbohydrate-metabolism. In developing castor oil seeds (COS) a novel allosterically-densensitized 910-kDa Class-2 PEPC hetero-octameric complex arises from a tight interaction between 107-kDa plant-type PEPC and 118-kDa bacterial-type PEPC (BTPC) subunits. Mass spectrometry and immunoblotting with anti-phosphoSer451 specific antibodies established that COS BTPC is in vivo phosphorylated at Ser451, a highly conserved target residue that occurs within an intrinsically disordered region. This phosphorylation was enhanced during COS development or in response to depodding. Kinetic characterization of a phosphomimetic (S451D) mutant indicated that Ser451 phosphorylation inhibits the catalytic activity of BTPC subunits within the Class-2 PEPC complex.  相似文献   
The mammalian circadian clock coordinates various physiological activities with environmental cues to achieve optimal adaptation. The clock manifests oscillations of key clock proteins, which are under dynamic control at multiple post-translational levels. As a major post-translational regulator, the ubiquitination-dependent proteasome degradation system is counterbalanced by a large group of deubiquitin proteases with distinct substrate preference. Until now, whether deubiquitination by ubiquitin-specific proteases can regulate the clock protein stability and circadian pathways remains largely unclear. The mammalian clock protein, cryptochrome 1 (CRY1), is degraded via the FBXL3-mediated ubiquitination pathway, suggesting that it is also likely to be targeted by the deubiquitination pathway. Here, we identified that USP2a, a circadian-controlled deubiquitinating enzyme, interacts with CRY1 and enhances its protein stability via deubiquitination upon serum shock. Depletion of Usp2a by shRNA greatly enhances the ubiquitination of CRY1 and dampens the oscillation amplitude of the CRY1 protein during a circadian cycle. By stabilizing the CRY1 protein, USP2a represses the Per2 promoter activity as well as the endogenous Per2 gene expression. We also demonstrated that USP2a-dependent deubiquitination and stabilization of the CRY1 protein occur in the mouse liver. Interestingly, the pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNF-α, increases the CRY1 protein level and inhibits circadian gene expression in a USP2a-dependent fashion. Therefore, USP2a potentially mediates circadian disruption by suppressing the CRY1 degradation during inflammation.  相似文献   
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