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Expression and role of retinoic acid receptor alpha in lens regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of retinoids in eye development has been well studied. Retinoids and their receptors regulate gene expression and morphogenesis of the eye. In this study, a highly specific antagonist of retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-alpha was used in an attempt to study its function in lens regeneration. It was found that this antagonist inhibited lens regeneration and lens fiber differentiation. It was also shown that RAR-alpha is expressed in the lens during the process of regeneration. These results indicate that different RAR might have unique as well as redundant effects and patterns of expression in the regenerating lens.  相似文献   
The struwwelpeter (swp) mutant in Arabidopsis shows reduced cell numbers in all aerial organs. In certain cases, this defect is partially compensated by an increase in final cell size. Although the mutation does not affect cell cycle duration in the young primordia, it does influence the window of cell proliferation, as cell number is reduced during the very early stages of primordium initiation and a precocious arrest of cell proliferation occurs. In addition, the mutation also perturbs the shoot apical meristem (SAM), which becomes gradually disorganized. SWP encodes a protein with similarities to subunits of the Mediator complex, required for RNA polymerase II recruitment at target promoters in response to specific activators. To gain further insight into its function, we overexpressed the gene under the control of a constitutive promoter. This interfered again with the moment of cell cycle arrest in the young leaf. Our results suggest that the levels of SWP, besides their role in pattern formation at the meristem, play an important role in defining the duration of cell proliferation.  相似文献   
Beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m)-derived peptides are minor transplantation Ags in mice as beta(2)m-positive skin grafts (beta(2)m(+/+)) are rejected by genetically beta(2)m-deficient recipient mice (beta(2)m(-/-)). We studied the effector pathways responsible for the rejection induced by beta(2)-microglobulin-derived minor transplantation Ags. The rejection of beta(2)m(+/+) skin grafts by naive beta(2)m(-/-) mice was dependent on both CD4 and CD8 T cells as shown by administration of depleting mAbs. Experiments performed with beta(2)m(-/-)CD8(-/-) double knockout mice grafted with a beta(2)m(+/+) MHC class I-deficient skin showed that sensitized CD4 T cells directed at beta(2)m peptides-MHC class II complexes are sufficient to trigger rapid rejection. Rejection of beta(2)m(+/+) grafts was associated with the production of IL-5 in vitro, the expression of IL-4 and IL-5 mRNAs in the grafted tissue, and the presence within rejected grafts of a considerable eosinophil infiltrate. Blocking IL-4 and IL-5 in vivo and depleting eosinophils with an anti-CCR3 mAb prevented graft eosinophil infiltration and prolonged beta(2)m(+/+) skin graft survival. Lymphocytes from rejecting beta(2)m(-/-) mice also displayed an increased production of IFN-gamma after culture with beta(2)m(+/+) minor alloantigens. In vivo neutralization of IFN-gamma inhibited skin graft rejection. Finally, beta(2)m(+/+) skin grafts harvested from B6(lpr/lpr) donor mice, which lack a functional Fas molecule, survived longer than wild-type beta(2)m(+/+) skin grafts, showing that Fas-Fas ligand interactions are involved in the rejection process. We conclude that IL-4- and IL-5-dependent eosinophilic rejection, IFN-gamma-dependent mechanisms, and Fas-Fas ligand interactions are effector pathways in the acute rejection of minor transplantation Ags.  相似文献   
Expression of replication-dependent histone genes requires a conserved hairpin RNA element in the 3' untranslated regions of poly(A)-less histone mRNAs. The 3' hairpin element is recognized by the hairpin-binding protein or stem-loop-binding protein (HBP/SLBP). This protein-RNA interaction is important for the endonucleolytic cleavage generating the mature mRNA 3' end. The 3' hairpin and presumably HBP/SLBP are also required for nucleocytoplasmic transport, translation, and stability of histone mRNAs. RNA 3' processing and mRNA stability are both regulated during the cell cycle. Here, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of a 24-mer RNA comprising a mammalian histone RNA hairpin using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The hairpin adopts a novel UUUC tetraloop conformation that is stabilized by base stacking involving the first and third loop uridines and a closing U-A base pair, and by hydrogen bonding between the first and third uridines in the tetraloop. The HBP interaction of hairpin RNA variants was analyzed in band shift experiments. Particularly important interactions for HBP recognition are mediated by the closing U-A base pair and the first and third loop uridines, whose Watson-Crick functional groups are exposed towards the major groove of the RNA hairpin. The results obtained provide novel structural insight into the interaction of the histone 3' hairpin with HBP, and thus the regulation of histone mRNA metabolism.  相似文献   
MDC9 (ADAM9/meltrin gamma) is a widely expressed and catalytically active metalloprotease-disintegrin protein that has been implicated in the ectodomain cleavage of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) and as an alpha secretase for the amyloid precursor protein. In this study, we evaluated the expression of MDC9 during development and generated mice lacking MDC9 (mdc9(-/-) mice) to learn more about the function of this protein during development and in adults. During mouse development, MDC9 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed, with particularly high expression levels in the developing mesenchyme, heart and brain. Despite the ubiquitous expression of MDC9, mdc9(-/-) mice appear to develop normally, are viable and fertile, and do not have any major pathological phenotypes compared to wild-type mice. Constitutive and stimulated ectodomain shedding of HB-EGF is comparable in embryonic fibroblasts isolated from mdc9(-/-) and wild-type mice, arguing against an essential role of MDC9 in HB-EGF shedding in these cells. Furthermore, there were no differences in the production of the APP alpha and gamma secretase cleavage product (p3) and of beta- and gamma-secretase cleavage product (A beta) in cultured hippocampal neurons from mdc9(-/-) or wild-type mice, arguing against an essential major role of MDC9 as an alpha-secretase in mice. Further studies, including functional challenges and an evaluation of potential compensation by, or redundancy with, other members of the ADAM family or perhaps even with other molecules will be necessary to uncover physiologically relevant functions for MDC9 in mice.  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms responsible for intracellular pH regulation in the U2-OS osteosarcoma cell line were investigated by loading with 2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6) carboxyfluorescein ester and manipulation of Cl(-) and Na(+) gradients, both in HEPES- and HCO(3)(-)/CO(2)-buffered media. Both acidification and alkalinisation were poorly sensitive to 4,4'-diisothiocyanate dihydrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, inhibitor of the anion exchanger, but sensitive to amiloride, inhibitor of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger. In addition to the amiloride-sensitive Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, another H(+) extruding mechanism was detected in U-2 OS cells, the Na(+)-dependent HCO(3)(-)/Cl(-) exchanger. No significant difference in resting pH(i) and in the rate of acidification or alkalinisation was observed in clones obtained from U-2 OS cells by transfection with the MDR1 gene and overexpressing P-glycoprotein. However, both V(max) and K' values for intracellular [H(+)] of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger were significantly reduced in MDR1-transfected clones, in the absence and/or presence of drug selection, in comparison to vector-transfected or parental cell line. NHE1, NHE5 and at a lower extent NHE2 mRNA were detected in similar amount in all U2-OS clones. It is concluded that, although overexpression of P-glycoprotein did not impair pH(i) regulation in U-2 OS cells, the kinetic parameters of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger were altered, suggesting a functional relationship between the two membrane proteins.  相似文献   
The lignification process in mature Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) H. Karsten] xylem cell walls was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM)–immunogold detection with a polyclonal antibody raised against a specific lignin substructure, dibenzodioxocin. The study reveals for the first time the exact location of this abundant eight-ring structure in the cell wall layers of wood. Spruce wood samples were collected in Southern Finland at the time of active growth and lignification of the xylem cell walls. In very young tracheids where secondary cell wall layers were not yet formed, the presence of the dibenzodioxocin structure could not be shown at all. During secondary cell wall thickening, the dibenzodioxocin structure was more abundant in the secondary cell wall layers than in the middle lamella. The highest number of gold particles revealing dibenzodioxocin was in the S2+S3 layer. Statistically significant differences were found in the frequency of gold particles present in various cell wall layers. For comparison, wood sections were also cut with a cryomicrotome for light and fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   
The yeast Skp1 protein is a component of the SCF complex, an E3 enzyme involved in the specific protein degradation pathway via ubiquitination. Skp1 binds to F-box proteins to trigger specific recognition of proteins targeted for degradation. SKP1-like genes have been found in a variety of eukaryotes including yeast, man, Caenorhabditis elegans and Arabidopsis thaliana. The Arabidopsis genome contains 20 SKP1-like genes called ASK (for Arabidopsis SKP1-like), among which only ASK1 has been characterized in detail. The analysis of the expression pattern of the ASK genes in Arabidopsis should provide key information for the understanding of the biological role of this family in protein degradation and in different cellular mechanisms. In this paper, we describe the expression profiles of 19 ASK promoter-GUS fusions in stable transformants of Arabidopsis, with a special emphasis on floral organ development. Four ASK promoters did not show any detectable expression in either inflorescences or seedlings. Our results on the ASK1 expression profile are consistent with previous reports. Several ASK promoters show clear tissue-specific expression (for instance in the connective of anthers or in the embryo). We also found that almost half (9/19) of ASK promoters direct a post-meiotic expression in the male gametophyte. Tight regulation of the expression of this gene family indicates a crucial role of the ubiquitin degradation pathway during development, particularly during male gametophyte development.  相似文献   
FLOWERING LOCUS M (FLM) is a MADS-domain gene that acts as an inhibitor of flowering in Arabidopsis. Here we describe the genetic interaction of FLM with genes in the photoperiod and autonomous flowering pathways. Although the sequence of FLM is most similar to that of FLC, FLM and FLC interact with different flowering pathways. It has been previously shown that flc lesions suppress the late-flowering phenotype of FRI-containing lines and autonomous-pathway mutants. However, flm lesions suppress the late-flowering phenotype of photoperiod-pathway mutants but not that of FRI-containing lines or autonomous-pathway mutants. Another MADS-domain flowering repressor with a mutant phenotype similar to FLM is SVP. The late-flowering phenotype of FLM over-expression is suppressed by the svp mutation, and an svp flm double mutant behaves like the single mutants. Thus FLM and SVP are in the same flowering pathway which interacts with the photoperiod pathway. Abbreviations: CO, CONSTANS; FLC, FLOWERING LOCUS C; FLM, FLOWERING LOCUS M; FRI, FRIGIDA; GI, GIGANTEA; LD, LUMINIDEPENDENS; SVP, SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE; FCA is not an abbreviation  相似文献   
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