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Previously we have shown that all SELH/Bc mouse embryos close their anterior neural tubes by an abnormal mechanism and that 10-20% of SELH/Bc embryos are exencephalic. The purposes of these studies were (1) to observe the effects of retinoic acid on the frequency of exencephaly in SELH/Bc embryos; (2) to compare the SELH/Bc response with those of normal strains and of other neural tube mutants; and (3) to compare, between SELH/Bc and a normal strain (SWV/Bc), the effects of retinoic acid on morphology of the closing anterior neural tube. SELH/Bc was more liable to retinoic acid-induced exencephaly than were normal strains. After maternal treatment with 5 mg/kg retinoic acid on day 8.5 of gestation, 53% of SELH/Bc embryos had exencephaly, compared with 22% in ICR/Bc and 14% in SWV/Bc. When these results were transformed according to the assumptions of the developmental threshold model, the effects of genotype and retinoic acid appeared to be additive. Similar treatment on day 9 or 10 of gestation had little or no effect on the frequency of exencephaly in SELH/Bc mice. These results are similar to the reported responses of the curly-tail and Splotch mutants, where frequencies of spina bifida but not exencephaly were decreased. This pattern suggests that studies of effects of periconceptional vitamin treatment on risk of human neural tube defects should consider anencephaly and spina bifida separately. The study comparing the morphology of anterior neural tube closure in SELH/Bc and normal SWV/Bc embryos showed that retinoic acid delays the elevation of the mesencephalic neural folds. This results in a "stalling" of many embryos in the first steps of neural tube closure, with their neural folds remaining convex and splayed wide apart. The delay in fold elevation was superimposed on the different closure patterns of the two strains. The overall conclusion is that there is no nonadditive interaction in the parameters studied between retinoic acid treatment and the SELH/Bc genotype.  相似文献   
Mutations in the Drosophila ninaA gene cause dramatic reductions in rhodopsin levels, leading to impaired visual function. The ninaA protein is a homolog of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases. We find that ninaA is unique among this family of proteins in that it is an integral membrane protein, and it is expressed in a cell type-specific manner. We have used transgenic animals misexpressing different rhodopsins in the major class of photoreceptor cells to demonstrate that ninaA is required for normal function by two homologous rhodopsins, but not by a less conserved member of the Drosophila rhodopsin gene family. This demonstrates in vivo substrate specificity in a cyclophilin-like molecule. We also show that vertebrate retina contains a ninaA-related protein and that ninaA is a member of a gene family in Drosophila. These data offer insights into the in vivo role of this important family of proteins.  相似文献   
We have isolated a large protein complex of approximately 26S from Xenopus laevis oocytes and eggs which is composed of the approximately 20S cylinder particle (multicatalytic proteinase/proteasome) and additional proteinaceous components. In its polypeptide composition and sedimentation coefficient this approximately 26S complex closely resembles the 26S ubiquitin-dependent protease, a high molecular weight multienzyme complex recently described in the literature. Specific antibodies directed against a single subunit of the approximately 20S cylinder particle retain, on affinity columns, the large approximately 26S complex, and on sucrose gradients up to approximately 50% of the approximately 20S cylinder particles present in oocyte extracts sedimented with approximately 26S, suggesting that a large proportion of the approximately 20S particles exists in the cell as a component of the approximately 26S complex. Electron microscopy reveals the approximately 26S complex to be a symmetrical elongated macromolecular assembly of at least three protein particles. The central core of the complex is formed by the approximately 20S cylinder particle to which two other large components are attached at the ends, yielding a dumbbell-shaped complex of approximately 40 nm in length. Dissociation of the approximately 26S complexes releases in addition to approximately 20S cylinder particles a novel type of a disc-shaped particle of approximately 15 nm diameter which may represent the attached components or subcomplexes of them. Based on its structural and biochemical properties we postulate that the approximately 26S complex identified here is identical to the ubiquitin-dependent protease.  相似文献   
Studies on the spread of bovine tuberculosis from badgers to cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from post-mortem examinations, population density estimates and long term capture-mark-recapture studies have been combined to look at the pattern of reproductive behaviour and the social factors leading to reproductive failure in badgers in Britain. The results are used to evaluate whether the hypothesis that the defence of oestrous females (as opposed to defence of food resources) best explains territorial behaviour and the social organization of badgers. Badgers in Britain have two peaks of reproductive activity, one immediately post partum and one in the summer/autumn. These coincide with two peaks of ovulation, and in the late winter/spring there is a steep rise in the number of sows carrying blastocysts, to reach an asymptote in June for yearling sows and April in older sows. Measured by their contribution to overall productivity, winter/spring matings were much more important than summer/autumn matings, contributing 65% of total autumn blastocysts in yearling sows and 71% of autumn blastocysts in older sows. The relative importance of the two mating periods is reflected in the seasonal pattern of bite wounding in adult male badgers; minor bite wounding in January-March was 2.3 times as frequent as in August-October, and moderate-extensive bite wounding was 3.1 times more frequent. In the populations studied, pre- and post-natal losses were high, with reproductive failure occurring at all stages of the breeding cycle, so that less than 30% of potential productivity was achieved. Indeed 22% of sows failed to develop blastocysts; these had a lower body mass, less body fat, larger adrenal glands, poorer health and higher bite wound scores than sows with blastocysts. Only 44% of adult sows implanted their blastocysts and proceeded to the end of pregnancy. However, it was less easy to identify features characteristic of sows that did or did not go on to implant their blastocysts. Finally, 35% of sows that produced cubs ceased lactation early, and this loss of entire litters was thought to be due to infanticide by dominant sows. The presence of annexe setts correlates with increased productivity in younger sows, and this is thought to be because annexe setts enable younger sows and their cubs to avoid the aggression of older, more dominant sows. Living in large social groups has no net reproductive gain for adult males or females, and there was a decline in productivity (per adult) with increasing group size.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Clones encoding a thiolprotease (tpp) have been isolated from a cDNA library of unpollinated, senescent pea ovaries and its pattern of expression during both ovary senescence and parthenocarpic development have been studied. The sequence of the tpp cDNA displays a high similarity with other plant and animal thiolproteases of the papain group. The homology is highest around the Cys-His of the active centre; a 109 amino acid sequence at the carboxy terminus was found to be homologous only to thiolproteases of plant origin; this part of the mRNA is also present in another pea mRNA that exhibits similar patterns of induction. tpp mRNA shows a temporal pattern of accumulation that precedes that observed for proteolytic activity. Such accumulation did not occur when ovaries were induced to grow parthenocarpically by gibberellic acid (GA) treatment; furthermore the initial low level of expression present in ovaries decreased after GA treatment, indicating that the gene is down-regulated by gibberellins. Spatially, tpp mRNA is localized mainly within the ovule and ovary vascular elements, and transiently within the endocarp of senescent ovaries. This pattern of expression precedes the development of the cytopathogenic effects observed as unpollinated ovaries undergo senescence.  相似文献   
5,8,11,14-Eicosatetraynoic acid, a competitive inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism, rapidly and reversibly inhibited DNA synthesis in U937 cells. This inhibition was not due to cytotoxicity, as judged by studies with trypan blue, release of 51Cr-labeled proteins, and its reversibility. When cells were cultured in the presence of ETYA for several days, morphologic, enzymatic, and functional changes consistent with differentiation occurred. Morphologic evidence of differentiation was evident by light microscopy. The cells enlarged, the ratio of cytoplasm to nuclei increased, secretory granules and vacuoles developed, the apparent activity of nonspecific esterase rose, and ingestion of latex particles increased. A morphology consistent with that of an immature monocyte was evident by electron microscopy. These features included the development of lobulated nuclei, a reduced nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, increased complexity and development of the cytoplasmic components, and the disappearance of fimbriated plasma membrane structures. In addition, putative polyribosomes were less evident. When cells differentiated by ETYA were cultured in media free of the inhibitor, DNA synthesis reinitiated and the cell number increased; differentiation was phenotypic and not genotypic. To examine whether ETYA-induced differentiation was obligatorily related to its suppression of DNA synthesis, cells were incubated in 50 microM hydroxyurea and DNA synthesis was inhibited for 24 to 36 h without morphologic evidence of cellular differentiation. However, addition of ETYA to cells prevented from dividing by hydroxyurea and subsequent culture for 72 h induced morphologic evidence of differentiation. The effects of ETYA on cell division and cell differentiation are closely related but can be dissociated. The molecular events underlying these results remain to be established.  相似文献   
Branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase in isolated rat pancreatic islets were shown to be regulated by a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism. Broad-specificity phosphoprotein phosphatase treatment stimulated and ATP addition inhibited their activities. The kinases responsible for inactivating these complexes were shown to be sensitive to inhibition by known inhibitors, alpha-chloroisocaproate and dichloroacetate. Total activity (nmol/min/islet / 37 degrees C) of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase was 0.86 and 5.09, with a % active form (activity before phosphatase treatment divided by activity after phosphatase treatment X 100) of 36% and 94%, respectively. Incubation of intact isolated islets with alpha-chloroisocaproate affected neither insulin release nor flux through branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) activity in aortic and renal arterial smooth muscle from SHR (20-23 wk male; mean arterial pressure = 178 mm Hg) and WKY (age/sex matched; mean arterial pressure = 126 mm Hg) was quantitated. Activity was greatest in the particulate fractions relative to the soluble fractions in all sources. The only difference between SHR and WKY was in the soluble fraction from SHR renal arteries, which had 2 fold more activity (255 pmol/mg/min) when compared with WKY (136 pmol/mg/min). This difference was not apparently related to force modulation, since the magnitude of isometric force development in renal arteries in response to phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate was not different between SHR and WKY. The magnitude of force developed in response to phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and PKC activity in the particulate fraction was greatest in aorta vs. renal arteries in both WKY and SHR. These results suggest that regional vascular differences in the amount of PKC activity may exist which are not apparently related to a disease state (i.e., hypertension). These differences may be related to differential sensitivity to phorbol ester-mediated contractions in isolated smooth muscle.  相似文献   
G W Ashley  G Harris  J A Stubbe 《Biochemistry》1988,27(20):7841-7845
The ribonucleoside triphosphate reductase of Lactobacillus leichmannii converts the substrate analogue 2'-chloro-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate (ClUTP) into a mixture of 2'-deoxyuridine triphosphate (dUTP) and the unstable product 3'-keto-2'-deoxyuridine triphosphate (3'-keto-dUTP). This ketone can be trapped by reduction with NaBH4, producing a 4:1 mixture of xylo-dUTP and dUTP. When [3'-3H]ClUTP is treated with enzyme in the presence of NaBH4, the isomeric deoxyuridines isolated after alkaline phosphatase treatment retained 15% of the 3H in ClUTP. Degradation of these isomeric nucleosides has established the location of the 3H in 3'-keto-dUTP as predominantly 2'(S). The xylo-dU had 98.6% of its label at the 2'(S) position and 1.5% at 2'(R). The isolated dU had 89.6% of its label at 2'(S) and 1.4% at 2'(R), with the remaining 9% label inferred to be at the 3'-carbon, this resulting from the direct enzymic production of dUTP. These results are consistent with enzymic production of a 1:1000 mixture of dUTP and 3'-keto-dUTP, where the 3'-hydrogen of ClUTP is retained at 3' during production of dUTP and is transferred to 2'(S) during production of 3'-keto-dUTP. The implications of these results and the unique role of the cofactor adenosylcobalamin (Ashley et al., 1986) are discussed in terms of reductase being a model for the B12-dependent rearrangement reactions.  相似文献   
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