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In a pilot project sponsored by the California State Emergency Medical Services Authority, validated, verifiable criteria were developed for the vertical categorization of hospital emergency services in 11 different groupings of medical and surgical emergencies. We describe the development of an assessment process and categorization criteria to identify the most appropriate receiving facility for interfacility transfer and, in selected instances, field triage of patients with different levels of severity of illness or injury. We propose that this facility assessment project be used in the critical care planning process for the eventual vertical categorization of hospital emergency services in California and as a template for similar projects in other states.  相似文献   
Altered trace elements and ascorbic acid metabolism have been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. However, their role in the disease process, or the effect of atherosclerosis on their tissue levels within plaque, is poorly understood. The present study analyzes the concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn, and ascorbic acid and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in tissue samples from 29 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and 14 patients with atherosclerotic occlusive disease (AOD). It was observed that the Fe and Mn concentrations in AAA and AOD tissue were higher than the levels in nondiseased control aorta, whereas Cu and Zn levels in AAA and AOD tissue were similar to the levels in controls. The Zn:Cu ratio was significantly lower in the AAA tissue in comparison to both AOD and control tissue. In addition, AAA and AOD tissue had low ascorbic acid levels and low Cu,Zn-SOD activity with Cu,Zn-SOD:Mn-SOD ratios of 0.27 and 0.19, respectively, compared to a ratio of 3.20 in control aorta. These data indicate that aorta affected by aneurysms and occlusive disease have altered trace element and ascorbic acid concentrations, as well as low Cu,Zn-SOD activity. Although these observations do not directly support the hypothesis that AAA is associated with aortic Cu deficiency they do suggest a role for oxygen radicals or increased lipid peroxidation in occlusive and aneurysmal disease of the aorta.  相似文献   
Cultured neurons from rat embryo striatum were found to contain two structurally distinct forms of pp60c-src. The 60-kilodalton (kDa) form appeared similar to pp60c-src from cultured rat fibroblasts or astrocytes. The 61-kDa form was specific to neurons and differed in the NH2-terminal 18 kDa of the molecule. In undifferentiated neurons the predominant phosphorylated species of pp60c-src was the fibroblast form. Upon differentiation, a second phosphorylated form of pp60c-src was detected. This form had two or more additional sites of serine phosphorylation within the NH2-terminal 18-kDa region of the molecule, one of which was Ser-12. The specific protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the total pp60c-src population increased 14-fold, as measured by autophosphorylation, or 7-fold, as measured by phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate, as striatal neurons differentiated. This elevation in protein kinase activity occurred without a detectable decrease in Tyr-527 phosphorylation or increase in Tyr-416 phosphorylation. Our results support the idea that the expression of the neuron-specific form of pp60c-src and the increase in specific protein kinase activity may be important for neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that transforming growth factor alpha is expressed during rodent development. To establish the site(s) of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA expression during rat embryogensis, we performed in situ hybridization and Northern blot analyses on samples of embryonic and maternal tissues at various gestational ages. Our results indicate that the high levels of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA that are observed during early development are the result of expression in the maternal decidua and not in the embryo. Decidual expression appears to be induced after implantation, peaks at day 8, and then slowly declines through day 15 at which time the decidua is being resorbed. Expression of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA is highest in that region of the decidua adjacent to the embryo and is low or nondetectable in the uterus, placenta, and other maternal tissues. The developmentally regulated expression of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA in the decidua, together with the presence of epidermal growth factor receptors in this tissue, suggests that transforming growth factor alpha stimulates proliferation locally through an autocrine mechanism. Since epidermal growth factor receptors are present in the embryo and placenta, transforming growth factor alpha produced in the decidua may also act on these tissues through paracrine or endocrine mechanisms.  相似文献   
Summary Seasonal and diurnal gas exchange and water relations of Amyema linophyllum and its host Casuarina obesa were studied at Gingin Western Australia. As recorded elsewhere for other species of mistletoe, stomatal conductances and transpiration rates were consistently higher in parasite than host, but assimilation rates did not differ significantly between partners, and water use efficiency was accordingly substantially lower in the parasite. Parallel responses of the species to environmental conditions suggested closely coordinated stomatal behaviour. However, sunlit and artifically shaded clumps of Amyema maintained high leaf conductances even when foliage fell below turgor loss point, yet their tissue capacitance values indicated maintenance of greater tissue water reserves during stress than in the host. Pressure-volume relationships indicated that differences in tissue water relations were unlikely to contribute significantly to the observed gradient in leaf water potential between partners. An experiment measuring changes in water potential of freshly detached host: parasite systems cut with the host shoot end immersed in water indicated that the haustorial junction was the principal site of resistance to transpiration-driven water flow into the parasite. A parallel experiment on intact attached shoots with mistletoe clumps enclosed and darkened just before dawn, demonstrated that, once the host commenced rapid transpiration, the water potential gradient between partners became reversed.  相似文献   
Rooted cuttings ofCeanothus griseus varhorizontalis were irrigated with 0, 10, 20, 50, 75 or 100ppm nitrogen as NH4NO3 for eight weeks prior to inoculation with infectiveFrankia. After inoculation, half of the plants for each treatment nitrogen level continued to be irrigated with the preconditioning nitrogen level and half were given no more supplemental nitrogen. For plants continuously receiving nitrogen, nodule initiation (nodule number) was inversely correlated with increasing supplemental nitrogen levels, and suppressed above 50 ppm N. Leaf nitrogen above 2% in continuous-N plants correlated with greatly reduced or suppressed nodulation. Plants maintained after inoculation without supplemental nitrogen showed influence of the prior nitrogen treatment on nodulation. Preconditioning at 50 ppm and above greatly reduced the number of nodules formed. The evidence suggests that stored internal nitrogen can regulate nodulation.Plant biomass accumulated maximally when nodulation was suppressed, at 75 and 100 ppm supplemental N applied continuously. Internode elongation during the nodulation period occurred only on nodulated plants, or in the presence of supplemental N (10 ppm and above).  相似文献   
The biomechanical basis of diazepam (Valium/Roche)-induced neural tube defects in the chick was investigated using a combination of electron microscopy and morphometry. Embryos at stage 8 (four-somite stage) of development were explanted and grown for 6 hr in nutrient medium containing 400 micrograms/ml diazepam. Nearly 80% of these embryos exhibited neural tube defects that were most pronounced in the forming midbrain region and typified by a "relaxation" or "collapse" of neural folds. The hindbrain and spinal cord regions were less affected. Electron microscopy revealed that neuroepithelial cells in diazepam-treated embryos had smoother apical surfaces and broader apical widths than did controls. Morphometric measurements supported this observation and further showed that these effects were focused at sites within the wall of the forming neural tube that typically exhibit the greatest degree of bending and apical constriction (i.e., the floor and midlateral walls). Overall results indicate that neural tube defects associated with exposure to diazepam are due largely to a general inhibition of the contractile activity of apical microfilament bundles in neuroepithelial cells. These findings 1) emphasize the important contribution of microfilament-mediated apical constriction of neuroepithelial cells in providing the driving forces for bending of the neuroepithelium during neural tube formation and 2) suggest that agents or conditions that impair their contractile activity could play a role in the pathogenesis of certain types of neural tube defects.  相似文献   
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