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Three- to four-hour exposure to fluorescnt light, one to three times weekly, reproducibly enhanced the proliferation rate of human diploid fibroblasts. This enhancement was observed in WI-38 and a line from whole embryo mince at late population doubling level (PDL) as well as in a line from adult skin at early PDL. Single or multiple exposures of short duration stimulated proliferation, whereas exposures of long duration were cytotoxic. This proliferative response is reversible, and is mediated through the culture medium, Dulbecco Vogt's supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. Apparently light produces some mitogenic substance(s) in the culture medium that accumulates in the cells and is toxic or growth-stimulatory depending on its concentration per cell. Another possibility is that light produces in the medium both cytotoxic and growth-stimulatory substances.  相似文献   
The removal of cobalt from cobalt(II) bovine carbonic anhydrase by pyridine-2-carboxylate, pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate and 5-methyl-1,10-phenanthroline occurs via formation of an intermediate. This is presumed to be a ternary adduct of cobalt(II) enzyme with the ligand. In this, metal-protein bonds are loosened, probably via distortion of the normal geometry, resulting in accelerated breakdown of the adduct to apoprotein, compared with the behavior of the cobalt(II) enzyme alone. With 2-carboxy-1,10-phenanthroline, removal of metal is very rapid but no adduct is observed. Values of stability constants of the adducts and rate constants for their decomposition to apoprotein and their formation from apoprotein and cobalt(II) complex were measured at pH 5.5 and 25°C. Formation and dissociation rate constants for the adduct of cobalt carbonic anhydrase with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate could be measured from pH 5 to 7 and 10° to 25°C by stopped flow. Values of thermodynamic parameters for the various reactions agreed well with those estimated from the kinetic data.  相似文献   
A simple method for measuring gas production by microorganisms by using a pressure transducer to sense pressure buildup was developed and tested with members of the coliform group. The test system consisted of a 5.0 lb/in(2) pressure transducer and a pressure equalizer valve attached to the metal cap of a test tube (20 by 150 mm); gas pressure was recorded on a strip-chart recorder. Gas pressure response curves consisted of (i) a lag period with no marked increase in pressure, (ii) a rapid pressure buildup period, and (iii) a leveling-off period. A linear relationship was established between inoculum size and length of the lag period. Cultures shaken at 200 oscillations/min showed a marked increase in rate of gas release over stationary cultures. Cell concentrations at the time of rapid buildup in pressure were 10(8)/ml. Mean maximum pressure recordings, lb/in(2) per 10 ml of broth, were: Enterobacter aerogenes, 3.70; Citrobacter intermedium, 2.70; and Escherichia coli, 2.10. Mean CO(2) concentrations, ppm of headspace gas, for E. coli were: (i) 2,000 at time of inoculation, (ii) 25,000 at time of rapid buildup in pressure, and (iii) 150,000 at maximum pressure. These results indicate the potential application of the pressure transducer method for rapidly detecting coliforms and other gas-producing microorganisms in clinical samples and in sterility testing of foods.  相似文献   
  1. Most studies on how rising temperatures will impact terrestrial ectotherms have focused on single populations or multiple sympatric species. Addressing the thermal and energetic implications of climatic variation on multiple allopatric populations of a species will help us better understand how a species may be impacted by altered climates.
  2. We used eight years of thermal and behavioral data collected from four populations of Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) living in climatically distinct habitat types (inland and coastal) to determine the field‐active and laboratory‐preferred body temperatures, thermoregulatory metrics, and maintenance energetic requirements of snakes from each population.
  3. Physical models showed that thermal quality was best at coastal sites, but inland snakes thermoregulated more accurately despite being in more thermally constrained environments. Projected increases of 1 and 2°C in ambient temperature result in an increase in overall thermal quality at both coastal and inland sites.
  4. Population differences in modeled standard metabolic rate estimates were driven by body size and not field‐active body temperature, with inland snakes requiring 1.6× more food annually than coastal snakes.
  5. All snakes thermoregulated with high accuracy, suggesting that small increases in ambient temperature are unlikely to impact the maintenance energetic requirements of individual snakes and that some species of large‐bodied reptiles may be robust to modest thermal perturbations under conservative climate change predictions.
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Habitat degradation contributes to species decline, and habitat quality is an important factor influencing reintroduction success globally. Habitat quality can include a range of physical resources such as nest sites and food resources but also anything that can restrict the use of these resources such as predation risk or competition. In arid Australia, introduced predators are thought to be the primary cause of mammal extinction and reintroduction failure although habitat clearance and alteration are also major causes of population decline. Common brushtail possums are one arid Australian marsupial close to regional extinction. To understand whether habitat quality was limiting their recovery, we reintroduced 148 possums into an area where introduced red foxes were controlled but historic overgrazing had degraded the habitat. We measured both direct (hollow availability, midstorey cover and high‐quality plant foods) and indirect (survival, condition, reproduction, movement) measures of habitat quality. Sixty‐seven released possums and 26 post‐release recruits were radiocollared for up to 2 years after release. Post‐release survival of radiocollared possums was high after 12 months (0.70), and there were no deaths from starvation. Predation by feral cats was the most common cause of mortality, and the open, degraded habitat may have exacerbated predation risk. Continuous breeding, good body condition and comparative home ranges with other sites suggested that food resources were not limiting. Possums used natural tree hollows in Eucalyptus spp. with no use of artificial nest boxes. Results suggest that historically degraded habitat was not a barrier to short‐term reintroduction success when foxes were controlled and natural tree hollows were plentiful. However, demographic data on hollow‐bearing tree species suggest a possible future decline in availability of hollows. These factors, combined with the unknown effects of drought, and synergistic effects of predation and poor quality habitat, suggest long‐term reintroduction success may require improved habitat and cat control.  相似文献   
A major challenge in understanding the response of populations to climate change is to separate the effects of local drivers acting independently on specific populations, from the effects of global drivers that impact multiple populations simultaneously and thereby synchronize their dynamics. We investigated the environmental drivers and the demographic mechanisms of the widespread decline in marine survival rates of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) over the last four decades. We developed a hierarchical Bayesian life cycle model to quantify the spatial synchrony in the marine survival of 13 large groups of populations (called stock units, SU) from two continental stock groups (CSG) in North America (NA) and Southern Europe (SE) over the period 1971–2014. We found strong coherence in the temporal variation in postsmolt marine survival among the 13 SU of NA and SE. A common North Atlantic trend explains 37% of the temporal variability of the survivals for the 13 SU and declines by a factor of 1.8 over the 1971–2014 time series. Synchrony in survival trends is stronger between SU within each CSG. The common trends at the scale of NA and SE capture 60% and 42% of the total variance of temporal variations, respectively. Temporal variations of the postsmolt survival are best explained by the temporal variations of sea surface temperature (SST, negative correlation) and net primary production indices (PP, positive correlation) encountered by salmon in common domains during their marine migration. Specifically, in the Labrador Sea/Grand Banks for populations from NA, 26% and 24% of variance is captured by SST and PP, respectively and in the Norwegian Sea for populations from SE, 21% and 12% of variance is captured by SST and PP, respectively. The findings support the hypothesis of a response of salmon populations to large climate‐induced changes in the North Atlantic simultaneously impacting populations from distant continental habitats.  相似文献   
Some proteins can serve multiple functions depending on different cellular conditions. An example of a bifunctional protein is inositide‐specific mammalian phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ). PLCβ is activated by G proteins in response to hormones and neurotransmitters to increase intracellular calcium. Recently, alternate cellular function(s) of PLCβ have become uncovered. However, the conditions that allow these different functions to be operative are unclear. Like many mammalian proteins, PLCβ has a conserved catalytic core along with several regulatory domains. These domains modulate the intensity and duration of calcium signals in response to external sensory information, and allow this enzyme to inhibit protein translation in a noncatalytic manner. In this review, we first describe PLCβ's cellular functions and regulation of the switching between these functions, and then discuss the thermodynamic considerations that offer insight into how cells manage multiple and competitive associations allowing them to rapidly shift between functional states.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nutrient inputs fuel eutrophication and hypoxia ([O2]?<?2 mg L?1), threatening coastal and near shore environments across the globe. The world’s second largest anthropogenic coastal hypoxic zone occurs annually along the Louisiana (LA) shelf. Springtime loading of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) from the Mississippi River, combined with summertime stratification and increased water residence time on the shelf, promotes establishment of an extensive hypoxic zone that persists throughout the summer. We investigated the patterns of pelagic denitrification and methane (CH4) oxidation along the LA shelf. Microbial activity rates were determined along with concentrations of dissolved nutrients and greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide (N2O) and CH4, during summer in 2013, 2015, and 2016. We documented denitrification rates up to 1900 nmol N L?1 d?1 and CH4 oxidation rates as high as 192 nmol L?1 d?1 in hypoxic waters characterized by high concentrations of N2O (range: 1 to 102 nM) and CH4 (range: 3 to 641 nM). Ecosystem scaling estimates suggest that pelagic denitrification could remove between 0.1 and 47% of the DIN input from the Mississippi River, whereas CH4 oxidation does not function as an effective removal process with CH4 escaping to the atmosphere. Denitrification and CH4 oxidizing bacteria within the LA shelf hypoxic zone were largely unable to keep up with the DIN and CH4 inputs to the water column. Rates were variable and physiochemical dynamics appeared to regulate the microbial removal capacity for both nitrate/nitrite and CH4 in this ecosystem.

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