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Imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster undergo transdetermination when cultured in vivo in the abdominal cavity of adult female hosts. We report here that leg discs cultured in vitro, in a recently developed system, also undergo transdetermination. Whether cultured in vivo or in vitro, leg discs produce a similar range of specific transdetermined structures. Moreover, in comparison to discs cultured in vivo, the discs cultured in vitro exhibit a similar correlation between the amount of growth and the total frequency of transdetermination.  相似文献   
Summary Protoplasts of the desmidsMicrasterias angulosa, M. denticulata, M. thomasiana andCosmarium turpinii were obtained by incubating cells in Waris' liquid medium + 0.3 M mannitol + 2% Cellulysin for 1–3 hours. One osmotically fragile protoplast was formed at the isthmus from the joint contents of both semicells. The resultant protoplasts were bright green and remained so for more than 5 days in the osmotically protective medium. The protoplast yield was better than 80%. The empty cell walls were not digested by the Cellulysin or by autolytic enzymes.  相似文献   
Analyses for zinc in high specific activity preparations of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH) indicate a metal content of 1.8–1.9 moles of zinc per mole of enzyme subunit. This zinc content is observed for YADH prepared from Bakers yeast by recrystallization from Am2SO4 containing 1 mM EDTA, followed by chromatography on DE-52 and Sephadex-G-200. YADH obtained from Boehringer-Mannheim is characterized by a variable specific activity: preparations with Sp. Ac. = 380–400 U/mg contain 1.8–1.9 moles of zinc per mole of subunit. Dialysis of YADH against EDTA (pH 8.5, 25°, under N2) reduces the specific activity and zinc content in an approximately linear fashion down to a Sp. Ac. = 150 U/mg, consistent with the preferential loss of a single, weakly bound zinc per subunit which is essential for catalytic activity. Dialysis of YADH against 1 mM ZnCl2 (pH 6.5–8.5, 25°, under N2) does not lead to an increase in the zinc content of the enzyme, indicating that under these conditions zinc does not bind adventitiously to YADH. Dialysis against 50 mM CoSO4 (pH 5.5, 25°, under N2, 60–90 hr) leads to an exchange of ≈ 40% of the enzyme-bound zinc by cobalt. Our preparations of YADH are consistently characterized by a zinc content of ≈ 2 per subunit and we are unable to reduce the zinc content of YADH by dialysis against EDTA without a concomitant loss in enzyme activity, in contrast to reports of one zinc per subunit [Veillon, C. and Sytkowski, A.J., BBRC 67: 1499 (1975); Vallee, B.L. and Hoch, F.L., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 41: 327 (1955)]. The findings reported here, together with the observed structural similarities between YADH and horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase [Jornvall, H., Woenckhaus, C. and Johnscher, G., Eur. J. Biochem. 53: 71 (1975)], suggest a role for zinc at both a structural and catalytic site in YADH.  相似文献   
Diatoms are a group of microalgae that are important primary producers in a range of open ocean, freshwater, and intertidal environments. The latter can experience substantial long- and short-term variability in temperature, from seasonal variations to rapid temperature shifts caused by tidal immersion and emersion. As temperature is a major determinant in the distribution of diatom species, their temperature sensory and response mechanisms likely have important roles in their ecological success. We examined the mechanisms diatoms use to sense rapid changes in temperature, such as those experienced in the intertidal zone. We found that the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana exhibit a transient cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) elevation in response to rapid cooling, similar to those observed in plant and animal cells. However, [Ca2+]cyt elevations were not observed in response to rapid warming. The kinetics and magnitude of cold-induced [Ca2+]cyt elevations corresponded with the rate of temperature decrease. We did not find a role for the [Ca2+]cyt elevations in enhancing cold tolerance but showed that cold shock induces a Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux and reduces mortality of P. tricornutum during a simultaneous hypo-osmotic shock. As intertidal diatom species may routinely encounter simultaneous cold and hypo-osmotic shocks during tidal cycles, we propose that cold-induced Ca2+ signaling interacts with osmotic signaling pathways to aid in the regulation of cell volume. Our findings provide insight into the nature of temperature perception in diatoms and highlight that cross-talk between signaling pathways may play an important role in their cellular responses to multiple simultaneous stressors.

A calcium signaling pathway in marine diatoms is activated by cold temperature and enhances survival during simultaneous hypo-osmotic stress.  相似文献   
Hemicellulose polysaccharides influence assembly and properties of the plant primary cell wall (PCW), perhaps by interacting with cellulose to affect the deposition and bundling of cellulose fibrils. However, the functional differences between plant cell wall hemicelluloses such as glucomannan, xylan, and xyloglucan (XyG) remain unclear. As the most abundant hemicellulose, XyG is considered important in eudicot PCWs, but plants devoid of XyG show relatively mild phenotypes. We report here that a patterned β-galactoglucomannan (β-GGM) is widespread in eudicot PCWs and shows remarkable similarities to XyG. The sugar linkages forming the backbone and side chains of β-GGM are analogous to those that make up XyG, and moreover, these linkages are formed by glycosyltransferases from the same CAZy families. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance indicated that β-GGM shows low mobility in the cell wall, consistent with interaction with cellulose. Although Arabidopsis β-GGM synthesis mutants show no obvious growth defects, genetic crosses between β-GGM and XyG mutants produce exacerbated phenotypes compared with XyG mutants. These findings demonstrate a related role of these two similar but distinct classes of hemicelluloses in PCWs. This work opens avenues to study the roles of β-GGM and XyG in PCWs.

Patterned β-GGM resembles xyloglucan in structure, biosynthesis, and function.

In a Nutshell Background: Plant primary cell walls (PCWs) need to be rigid enough to define the plant shape and yet allow cell expansion at the same time. Plants achieve this by forming a complex network that is composed of cellulose and various non-cellulosic polysaccharides, such as hemicelluloses. Cell walls differ in the abundance of the various hemicelluloses, and their roles are poorly understood. In contrast to xyloglucan (XyG), which has been the most extensively studied hemicellulose in the PCWs, neither the structure nor functions of glucomannan has been resolved. Question: Are the functions of the glucomannan in PCWs distinct from the roles of the most abundant hemicellulose, XyG? Findings: We discovered a type of glucomannan in eudicot PCWs, which we named β-galactoglucomannan (β-GGM) because of its distinctive structures: disaccharide side chains of β-Gal-α-Gal and alternating repeats of Glc-Man in the backbone. Similarity to XyG in structure and biosynthesis led us to identify a β-galactosyltransferase for the β-GGM biosynthesis. We found that β-GGM contributed to normal cell expansion, in a way that was masked by the presence of XyG. These results suggest related functions of β-GGM to XyG, highlighting the necessity to consider the contribution of multiple hemicelluloses in the functional study of plant cell walls. Next steps: We would like to know how β-GGM binds to cellulose, and how this differs to cellulose binding of XyG. Investigation of the precise arrangements and interactions of cellulose and hemicelluloses including β-GGM and XyG will help further understanding of the enigmatic functions of hemicelluloses.  相似文献   
Bacteriophage P22 is thought to package its double-stranded DNA chromosome from concatemeric replicating DNA in a "processive" sequential fashion. According to this model, during the initial packaging event in such a series the packaging apparatus recognizes a nucleotide sequence, called pac, on the DNA, and then condenses DNA within the coat protein shell unidirectionally from that point. DNA ends are generated near the pac site before or during the condensation reaction. The opposite end of the mature chromosome is created by a cut made in the DNA after a complete chromosome is condensed within the phage head. Subsequent packaging events on that concatemeric DNA begin at the end generated by the headful cut of the previous event and proceed in the same direction as the previous event. We report here the identification of a consensus nucleotide sequence for the pac site, and present evidence that supports the idea that the gene 3 protein is a central participant in this recognition event. In addition, we tentatively locate the portion of the gene 3 protein that contacts the pac site during the initiation of packaging.  相似文献   
Cozumel Island in the Mexican Caribbean is inhabited by four carnivores, of which two, the Cozumel coati Nasua nelsoni and pygmy raccoon Procyon pygmaeus, are endemic species. The taxonomic status of a third carnivore, a dwarf gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus, is undetermined, but may deserve subspecific or species-level recognition. The fourth species, the kinkajou (Potos flavus), may be a recent introduction. We review the status of these carnivores, report our field observations and results of line transect and trapping efforts, discuss current threats to these taxa, and make recommendations for their conservation. A population density of 0.43 ± 0.27 coatis/km2, and a total island population size of 150 ± 95 individuals, was estimated from 386 km of line transects in 1994–1995. Intensive trapping efforts (1479 trap-nights) in 2001 at multiple localities were unsuccessful. Pygmy raccoons were observed in the mangrove and coastal wetland areas of the island and in 2001 we captured 11 individuals with the same sampling efforts as for coatis (8.8 raccoons/1000 trap-nights). The gray fox is also apparently very rare on the island. While a few observations of the animals have been made (1984, 1994 and 2001), no animals were seen along transects and none were trapped. The primary threats to the persistence of these taxa include introduced congeners, introduced predators, parasite and disease spill-over from exotic animals, habitat fragmentation, hunting and collection as pets, and hurricanes. We suggest that the Cozumel coati, pygmy raccoon, and the Cozumel population of the gray fox be considered as Critically Endangered according to the IUCN classification system. Current conservation actions focusing on Cozumel carnivores are extremely limited. We recommend eradication of introduced species, maintenance of habitat connectivity, ex situ conservation programs, explicit public policies on land-use and sustainable development, public awareness campaigns, and continuous scientific research and monitoring.  相似文献   
In this review we describe the principles, protocols, and applications of two commercially available SNP genotyping platforms, the TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays and the SNPlex Genotyping System. Combined, these two technologies meet the requirements of multiple SNP applications in genetics research and pharmacogenetics. We also describe a set of SNP selection tools and validated assay resources which we developed to accelerate the cycle of experimentation on these platforms. Criteria for selecting the more appropriate of these two genotyping technologies are presented: the genetic architecture of the trait of interest, the throughput required, and the number of SNPs and samples needed for a successful study. Overall, the TaqMan assay format is suitable for low- to mid-throughput applications in which a high assay conversion rate, simple assay workflow, and low cost of automation are desirable. The SNPlex Genotyping System, on the other hand, is well suited for SNP applications in which throughput and cost-efficiency are essential, e.g., applications requiring either the testing of large numbers of SNPs and samples, or the flexibility to select various SNP subsets.  相似文献   
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