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α-Synuclein causes Parkinson's disease if mutated or aberrantly produced in neurons. α-Synuclein-lipid interactions are important for the normal function of the protein, but can also contribute to pathogenesis. We previously reported that deletion of the first 10 N-terminal amino acids dramatically reduced lipid binding in vitro, as well as membrane binding and toxicity in yeast. Here we extend this study to human neuroblastoma SHSY-5Y cells, and find that in these cells the first 10 N-terminal residues do not affect α-synuclein membrane binding, self-association and cell viability, contrary to yeast. Differences in lipid composition, membrane fluidity and cytosolic factors between yeast and neuronal cells may account for the distinct binding behavior of the truncated variant in these two systems. Retinoic acid promotes differentiation and α-synuclein oligomer formation in neuroblastoma cells, while addition of a proteasomal inhibitor induces neurite outgrowth and toxicity to certain wild-type and truncated α-synuclein clones. Yeast recapitulate several features of α-synuclein (patho)biology, but its simplicity sets limitations; verification of yeast results in more relevant model systems is, therefore, essential.  相似文献   
Physicians are regularly faced with severely ill patients at risk of developing infections. In literature, standard care wards are often neglected, although their patients frequently suffer from a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of unknown origin. Fast identification of patients with infections is vital, as they immediately require appropriate therapy. Further, tools with a high negative predictive value (NPV) to exclude infection or bacteremia are important to increase the cost effectiveness of microbiological examinations and to avoid inappropriate antibiotic treatment. In this prospective cohort study, 2,384 patients with suspected infections were screened for suffering from two or more SIRS criteria on standard care wards. The infection probability score (IPS) and sepsis biomarkers with discriminatory power were assessed regarding their capacity to identify infection or bacteremia. In this cohort finally consisting of 298 SIRS-patients, the infection prevalence was 72%. Bacteremia was found in 25% of cases. For the prediction of infection, the IPS yielded 0.51 ROC-AUC (30.1% sensitivity, 64.6% specificity). Among sepsis biomarkers, lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) was the best parameter with 0.63 ROC-AUC (57.5% sensitivity, 67.1% specificity). For the prediction of bacteremia, the IPS performed slightly better with a ROC-AUC of 0.58 (21.3% sensitivity, 65% specificity). Procalcitonin was the best discriminator with 0.78 ROC-AUC, 86.3% sensitivity, 59.6% specificity and 92.9% NPV. Furthermore, bilirubin and LBP (ROC-AUC: 0.65, 0.62) might also be considered as useful parameters. In summary, the IPS and widely used infection parameters, including CRP or WBC, yielded a poor diagnostic performance for the detection of infection or bacteremia. Additional sepsis biomarkers do not aid in discriminating inflammation from infection. For the prediction of bacteremia procalcitonin, and bilirubin were the most promising parameters, which might be used as a rule for when to take blood cultures or using nucleic acid amplification tests for microbiological diagnostics.  相似文献   
Phenotypic plasticity in response to variations in predatory pressure frequently occurs in wild populations, but it may be more evident and critical in species subjected to high exploitation rates and aquaculture. The Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus is becoming a domesticated species and the production of hatchery-reared scallops (closed environment), has implied the development of successive generations of individuals deprived of several stimuli normally present in their natural habitats (e.g. predators). We compared the escape capacities between wild and cultured A. purpuratus and also evaluated the effect of reproductive investment on the escape response capacities. Wild and cultured scallops, at different reproductive stages (maturing, mature and spawned), were stimulated to escape with the predatory sea star Meyenaster gelatinosus. We recorded: (1) the time to reaction, (2) the total number of claps, the duration of the clapping response and the clapping rate until exhaustion, (3) the time they spent closed after exhaustion, and (4) the proportion of claps recovered, the duration of the clapping response and the clapping rate after 20 min of recuperation. We found that wild A. purpuratus (1) reacted earlier when contacted by their natural predator, (2) escaped faster (greater clapping rates), (3) spent less time with their valves closed when exhausted, and (4) most of their escape capacities (i.e. claps number; clapping time; capacity of recuperation) were less affected by the energetic requirements imposed by gonad maturation and/or spawning than in cultured scallops. We considered that all these aspects of the escape response would make wild scallops less vulnerable to predation than cultured scallops, thus decreasing predation risk. Given the reduction of escape performance in cultured scallops, we suggest that this aspect should be considered for the success of culture-based restocking programs.  相似文献   
This protocol describes the setup, maintenance and characteristics of models of epithelial Candida infections based on well-established three-dimensional organotypic tissues of human oral and vaginal mucosa. Infection experiments are highly reproducible and can be used for the direct analysis of pathogen-epithelial cell interactions. This allows detailed investigations of Candida albicans wild type or mutant strain interaction with epithelial tissue or the evaluation of the host immune response using histological, biochemical and molecular methods. As such, the models can be utilized as a tool to investigate cellular interactions or protein and gene expression that are not complicated by non-epithelial factors. To study the impact of innate immunity or the antifungal activity of natural and non-natural compounds, the mucosal infection models can be supplemented with immune cells, antimicrobial agents or probiotic bacteria. The model requires at least 3 days to be established and can be maintained thereafter for 2-4 days.  相似文献   
The issues of food quality and food quantity are crucial for trophic interactions. Although most research has focussed on the primary producer-herbivore link, recent studies have shown that quality effects at the bottom of the food web propagate to higher trophic levels. Negative effects of poor food quality have almost exclusively been demonstrated at higher food quantities. Whether these negative effects have the same impact at low food availability in situations where the majority if not all of the resources are channelled into routine metabolism, is under debate. In this study a tri-trophic food chain was designed, consisting of the algae Rhodomonas salina, the copepod Acartia tonsa and freshly hatched larvae of the European lobster Homarus gammarus. The lobster larvae were presented with food of two different qualities (C:P ratios) and four different quantities to investigate the combined effects of food quality and quantity. Our results show that the quality of food has an impact on the condition of lobster larvae even at very low food quantities. Food with a lower C:P content resulted in higher condition of the lobster larvae regardless of the quantity of food. These interacting effects of food quality and food quantity can have far reaching consequences for ecosystem productivity.  相似文献   
The presence of Wolbachia and Cardinium bacteria has been documented in many arthropod species, including the predatory mite Metaseiulus (=Typhlodromus or Galendomus) occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acari: Phytoseiidae). We show that Tetranychus urticae, the prey of Metaseiulus occidentalis, contains Wolbachia and no detectable Cardinium using quantitative PCR (qPCR). Starvation for 72 h at 22°C eliminated most, if not all, Wolbachia in M. occidentalis adult females from 7 laboratory colonies. Refeeding of M. occidentalis with T. urticae after starvation for 72 h restored the amounts of Wolbachia in M. occidentalis to those of prestarvation levels, suggesting that Wolbachia detected in M. occidentalis starved for shorter periods of time in current, and some previous, studies likely came from T. urticae. Furthermore, eggs from all M. occidentalis colonies examined were free of Wolbachia if they were surface-decontaminated with 0.3% sodium hypochlorite before DNA extraction. Cardinium was present in 6 of 14 laboratory colonies of M. occidentalis. Starvation for 3, 24, 48, and 72 h had no effect on the amounts of Cardinium in adult females from the Cardinium-positive colonies. Eggs from these colonies were positive for Cardinium but contained less than 1% of the titers found in adult females. The data suggest that Cardinium, but not Wolbachia, is an endosymbiont in certain populations of M. occidentalis. In light of our current findings, we recommend specific practices for the identification of potential symbionts in predatory arthropod species using the PCR.  相似文献   
The term autotomy refers to the process by which some species lose limbs or parts of limbs in response to adverse biotic or abiotic conditions, as for example, predation or abnormally high temperatures. The multi-armed sea star Heliaster helianthus is a key predator of the intertidal and the shallow rocky subtidal communities of north-central Chile. Natural populations of this sea star have been found with up to 60% of the individuals showing some degree of autotomy. The present study evaluated the effects of autotomy on feeding rate and growth of juvenile and adult H. helianthus after experimentally induced autotomy of 17% and 33% of their arms, as well as on the energy content of the pyloric caeca and gonads of adults during the reproductive period. Experimental juvenile sea stars were maintained and fed in the laboratory over a period of five months and adult sea stars for one month, Intact individuals were maintained as parallel controls. The results showed that juveniles undergoing 33% autotomy decreased their feeding rates, and as a consequence showed lowered net individual growth. In contrast, adults with 17% and 33% autotomy showed marked reductions in feeding. The results showed that autotomized adults had between five and seven times lower contents of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins (and thus energetic content) in their pyloric caeca and gonads. The loss of the arms not only decreased the capacity for feeding in sea stars, but also allocated energy away from growth and reproduction into the process of regeneration of arms. This suggests that autotomy reduces the fitness of H. helianthus. Growth was reduced in the juveniles, while adults became limited in their ability to store energy which then limited their reproductive potential. Finally, based on the important effect of autotomy on reducing the feeding capacity of H. helianthus, the role of this sea star as a predator in the environment may be strongly affected.  相似文献   
Corals are among the most active producers of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a key molecule in marine sulfur cycling, yet the specific physiological role of DMSP in corals remains elusive. Here, we examine the oxidative stress response of three coral species (Acropora millepora, Stylophora pistillata and Pocillopora damicornis) and explore the antioxidant role of DMSP and its breakdown products under short-term hyposalinity stress. Symbiont photosynthetic activity declined with hyposalinity exposure in all three reef-building corals. This corresponded with the upregulation of superoxide dismutase and glutathione in the animal host of all three species. For the symbiont component, there were differences in antioxidant regulation, demonstrating differential responses to oxidative stress between the Symbiodinium subclades. Of the three coral species investigated, only A. millepora provided any evidence of the role of DMSP in the oxidative stress response. Our study reveals variability in antioxidant regulation in corals and highlights the influence life-history traits, and the subcladal differences can have on coral physiology. Our data expand on the emerging understanding of the role of DMSP in coral stress regulation and emphasizes the importance of exploring both the host and symbiont responses for defining the threshold of the coral holobiont to hyposalinity stress.  相似文献   
Csn3 (Cops3) maps to the mouse chromosome 11 region syntenic to the common deletion interval for the Smith-Magenis syndrome, a contiguous gene deletion syndrome. It encodes the third subunit of an eight-subunit protein complex, the COP9 signalosome (CSN), which controls a wide variety of molecules of different functions. Mutants of this complex caused lethality at early development of both plants and Drosophila melanogaster. CSN function in vivo in mammals is unknown. We disrupted the murine Csn3 gene in three independent ways with insertional vectors, including constructing a approximately 3-Mb inversion chromosome. The heterozygous mice appeared normal, although the protein level was reduced. Csn3(-/-) embryos arrested after 5.5 days postcoitum (dpc) and resorbed by 8.5 dpc. Mutant embryos form an abnormal egg cylinder which does not gastrulate. They have reduced numbers of epiblast cells, mainly due to increased cell death. In the Csn3(-/-) mice, subunit 8 of the COP9 complex was not detected by immunohistochemical techniques, suggesting that the absence of Csn3 may disrupt the entire COP9 complex. Therefore, Csn3 is important for maintaining the integrity of the COP9 signalosome and is crucial to maintain the survival of epiblast cells and thus the development of the postimplantation embryo in mice.  相似文献   
Contiguous gene syndromes (CGS) are a group of disorders associated with chromosomal rearrangements of which the phenotype is thought to result from altered copy numbers of physically linked dosage-sensitive genes. Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a CGS associated with a deletion within band p11.2 of chromosome 17. Recently, patients harboring the predicted reciprocal duplication product [dup(17)(p11.2p11.2)] have been described as having a relatively mild phenotype. By chromosomal engineering, we created rearranged chromosomes carrying the deletion [Df(11)17] or duplication [Dp(11)17] of the syntenic region on mouse chromosome 11 that spans the genomic interval commonly deleted in SMS patients. Df(11)17/+ mice exhibit craniofacial abnormalities, seizures, marked obesity, and male-specific reduced fertility. Dp(11)17/+ animals are underweight and do not have seizures, craniofacial abnormalities, or reduced fertility. Examination of Df(11)17/Dp(11)17 animals suggests that most of the observed phenotypes result from gene dosage effects. Our murine models represent a powerful tool to analyze the consequences of gene dosage imbalance in this genomic interval and to investigate the molecular genetic bases of both SMS and dup(17)(p11.2p11.2).  相似文献   
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