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Two species of primates,Alouatta palliata coibensis andCebus capucinus imitator, occur on the Pacific island of Coiba, located off the coast of Panama. EighteenAlouatta groups and 13Cebus groups were seen during a 12-day survey (26 October-6 November, 1974). FiveAlouatta groups ranged in size from 2–9 animals and averaged 5.2 animals/group; oneCebus group contained 10 individuals.Cebus frequently forage on the ground on Cobia, and bothAlouatta andCebus occasionally enter mangrove swamp.  相似文献   
Three mutant unc alleles (unc-408, unc-410, and unc-429) affecting the coupling of electron transport to oxidative phosphorylation in Escherichia coli K-12 have been characterized. Genetic complementation analyses using previously defined mutant unc alleles indicated that the new mutant unc alleles affect a previously undescribed gene designated uncE. The phenotype of strains carrying the uncE408 or uncE429 allele is similar in that Mg(2+)-adenosine triphosphatase activity is only found in the cytoplasmic fraction, and membranes do not bind the F(1) portion of adenosine triphosphatase purified from a normal strain. In contrast, adenosine triphosphatase activity is present both in the cytoplasm and on the membranes from a strain carrying the unc-410 allele, and normal F(1) binds to F(1)-depleted membranes from this strain. The adenosine triphosphatase solubilized from membranes of a strain carrying the unc-410 allele reconstituted ATP-dependent membrane energization in F(1)-depleted membranes from a normal strain. Genetic complementation tests using various Mu-induced unc alleles in partial diploid strains show that the uncE gene is in the unc operon and that the order of genes is uncB E A D C. The unc-410 allele differs from the uncE408 and uncE429 alleles in that complementation tests with the Mu-induced unc alleles indicate that more than one gene is affected. It is concluded that this is due to a deletion which includes part of the uncE gene and another gene, or genes, between the uncE and uncA genes.  相似文献   
Ammonia-nitrogen-limited continuous cultures of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella aerogenes contain induced levels of glutamine synthetase that is deadenylyated (i.e., fully active). In the presence of excess ammonia or glutamate in glucose-limited cultures of E. coli, glutamine synthetase is repressed and adenylylated (inactive). The average state of adenylylation (n) is a linear function of the specific growth rate. At low specific growth rates, glutamine synthetase is adenylylated; as the specific growth rate increases, n decreases, approaching 0 to 2 at rapid growth rates. The average state of adenylylation correlates well with the intracellular concentrations and ratios of alpha-ketoglutarate and glutamine, which are key effectors in the adenylylation-deadenylylation systems. E. coli and K. aerogenes differ markedly in their growth yields, growth rates, and enzymatic composition during nitrogen limitation. The data suggest that, unlike K. aerogenes, E. coli W uses glutamate dehydrogenase to incorporate ammonia during nitrogen limitation. In E. coli, glutamate dehydrogenase is progressively induced during nitrogen limitation when mu (growth rate) approaches mumax. In contrast, in K. aerogenes glutamate dehydrogenase is repressed during nitrogen limitation, whereas glutamate synthase, an alternative supplier of glutamate to the cell, is induced. Data are presented that support the regulatory schemes proposed for the control of glutamine synthetase activity by induction-repression phenomena and adenylylation-deadenylylation reaction. We propose that the intracellular ratio of alpha-ketoglutarate to glutamine may be the most important physiological parameter in determining the activity of glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   
Macroalgal life histories are complex, often involving the alternation of distinct free‐living life history phases that differ in morphology, longevity and ploidy. The surfaces of marine macroalgae support diverse microbial biofilms, yet the degree of microbial variation between alternate phases is unknown. We quantified bacterial (16S rRNA gene) and microeukaryote (18S rRNA gene) communities on the surface of the common intertidal seaweed, Mastocarpus spp., which alternates between gametophyte (foliose, haploid) and sporophyte (encrusting, diploid) life history phases. A large portion (97%) of bacterial taxa on the surface Mastocarpus was also present in samples from the environment, indicating that macroalgal surface communities are largely assembled from the surrounding seawater. Still, changes in the relative abundance of bacterial taxa result in significantly different communities on alternate Mastocarpus life history phases, rocky substrate and seawater at all intertidal elevations. For microeukaryote assemblages, only high intertidal samples had significant differences between life history phases although sporophytes were not different from the rocky substrate at this elevation; gametophytes and sporophytes did not differ in microeukaryote communities in the mid and low zones. By sequencing three host genes, we identified three cryptic species of Mastocarpus in our data set, which co‐occur in the mid‐to‐low intertidal zone. In these samples, M. alaskensis sporophytes harboured distinct bacterial communities compared to M. agardhii and M. intermedius sporophytes, which were not distinguishable. Conversely, microeukaryote communities did not differ among species.  相似文献   
We retrace the development of tropical phenology research, compare temperate phenology study to that in the tropics and highlight the advances currently being made in this flourishing discipline. The synthesis draws attention to how fundamentally different tropical phenology data can be to temperate data. Tropical plants lack a phase of winter dormancy and may grow and reproduce continually. Seasonal patterns in environmental parameters, such as rainfall, irradiance or temperature, do not necessarily coincide temporally, as they do in temperate climes. We review recent research on the drivers of phenophase cycles in individual trees, species and communities and highlight how significant innovations in biometric tools and approaches are being driven by the need to deal with circular data, the complexity of defining tropical seasons and the myriad growth and reproductive strategies used by tropical plants. We discuss how important the use of leaf phenology (or remotely‐sensed proxies of leaf phenophases) has become in tracking biome responses to climate change at the continental level and how important the phenophase of forests can be in determining local weather conditions. We also highlight how powerful analyses of plant responses are hampered at many tropical sites by a lack of contextual data on local environmental conditions. We conclude by arguing that there is a clear global benefit in increasing long term tropical phenology data collection and improving empirical collection of local climate measures, contemporary to the phenology data. Directing more resources to research in this sector will be widely beneficial.  相似文献   
Plant–microbial feedbacks are important drivers of plant community structure and dynamics. These feedbacks are driven by the variable modification of soil microbial communities by different plant species. However, other factors besides plant species can influence soil communities and potentially interact with plant–microbial feedbacks. We tested for plant–microbial feedbacks in two Eucalyptus species, E. globulus and E. obliqua, and the influence of forest fire on these feedbacks. We collected soils from beneath mature trees of both species within native forest stands on the Forestier Peninsula, Tasmania, Australia, that had or had not been burnt by a recent forest fire. These soils were subsequently used to inoculate seedlings of both species in a glasshouse experiment. We hypothesized that (i) eucalypt seedlings would respond differently to inoculation with conspecific versus heterospecific soils (i.e., exhibit plant–microbial feedbacks) and (ii) these feedbacks would be removed by forest fire. For each species, linear mixed effects models tested for differences in seedling survival and biomass in response to inoculation with conspecific versus heterospecific soils that had been collected from either unburnt or burnt stands. Eucalyptus globulus displayed a response consistent with a positive plant–microbial feedback, where seedlings performed better when inoculated with conspecific versus heterospecific soils. However, this effect was only present when seedlings were inoculated with unburnt soils, suggesting that fire removed the positive effect of E. globulus inoculum. These findings show that external environmental factors can interact with plant–microbial feedbacks, with possible implications for plant community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   
Six and a half years of data collected on the reproductive parameters of a population of free-rangingAteles geoffroyi show the following characteristics: seasonality of births; interbirth interval of ca. 32 months; nursing by infants for more than 2 years; and reproductive life span of females continuing beyond 20 years of age. These characteristics appear to reflect adaptations to a primary resource base, ripe fruit, that is very low in protein and patchily distributed in space and time in tropical forests.  相似文献   
5-Aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) catalyzes the formation of porphobilinogen from two molecules of 5-aminolaevulinic acid. Both Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ALADs are homo-octameric enzymes which depend on Zn2+ for catalytic activity and are potently inhibited by lead ions. The E. coli enzyme crystallized in space group I422 (unit cell dimensions a = b = 130.7 A, c = 142.4 A). The best crystals were obtained in the presence of the covalently bound inhibitor laevulinic acid. The yeast enzyme (expressed in E. coli) crystallized in the same space group (I422) but with a smaller unit cell volume (a = b = 103.7 A, c = 167.7 A). High resolution synchrotron data sets were obtained from both E. coli and yeast ALAD crystals by cryocooling to 100 K.  相似文献   
Chrysophyte cyst biogeographical and ecological distributions: a synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributions of chrysophyte stomatocysts in the sediments of 221 lakes from four study areas located in British Columbia, Canada (two datasets), New York, U.S.A., and south central Siberia were examined. The combined lake set spanned a wide range of chemical and morphometric variables. Approximately 400 cyst morphotypes were identified, from which we selected sixty-three common types for further analysis. Canonical ordination (detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and constrained DCCA) showed that four environmental variables (pH, conductivity, depth and total phosphorus (TP) ) were significant (Monte Carlo permutation test, P =0.01 for all four variables) and independent determinants of the cyst distributions. Weighted averaging (WA) inference models were developed for each variable. The best models, in terms of their r 2, were developed for pH and conductivity ( r 2=0.78 and 0.73, respectively). The models for depth and TP were less robust ( r 2=0.47 and 0.46, respectively). We discuss the relative importance of conductivity and salinity, lakewater acidity and metal concentrations, lake morphometry and trophic status as determinants of chrysophyte population distributions, and possible causal mechanisms for each variable. We identify assemblages of cysts that appear to be associated with six different groups of lakes: (1) very acidic (pH <6.5) lakes; (2) acidic (pH <7.0), softwater lakes; (3) circumneutral (pH 7–8), oligo- to mesotrophic lakes; (4) alkaline, hardwater, meso- to eutrophic lakes; (5) shallow, alkaline (pH 8–8.5), meso- to eutrophic lakes; and (6) shallow, very alkaline (pH >8.5) lakes, including sub- and hyposaline lakes. Finally, we suggest further possible avenues for research that will improve the usefulness of chrysophyte stomatocysts as paleolimnological indicators.  相似文献   
Hairy roots were produced following the co-cultivation of Agrobacteriumrhizogenes cells with hypocotyls of five varieties of Antirrhinummajus. The use of a strain containing a binary plasmid withT-DNA bearing the ß-glucuronidase reporter gene resultedin the co-transformation of some root clones. Regeneration ofshoots from hairy roots occurred only with variety Golden Monarch.Regenerated plants, some of which were GUS-positive, exhibitedthe abnormal morphology common among hairy root regenerants;they were dwarfed, had an altered leaf shape, a poor root systemand were very delayed in their flowering. Attempts to allowsegregation of the two introduced T-DNAs during crossing ofprimary co-transformants with wild-type plants were not successfulsince all GUS-positive progeny possessed the abnormal morphology.However, ‘semi-dwarf’ plants with morphology muchmore similar to wild-type were produced by the vegetative propagationof selected side-shoots from the transformants. Key words: Antirrhinum, Agrobacterium rhizogenes, transformation, hairy roots  相似文献   
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