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Patients who have survived malignant melanoma for more than five years may lack the opportunity to talk about their burden. As a consequence their psychosocial care needs remain undetected and available supportive interventions may not be utilised. Therefore, the psychosocial burden of this patient group needs to be assessed using specific screening instruments. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychosocial burden of long-term melanoma survivors, their psychosocial care needs and the determinants of these needs. We wanted to find out if the use of professional support corresponds to the care needs defined by experts. Using the cancer registry of Rhineland-Palatinate, melanoma patients diagnosed at least 5 years before the survey were contacted by physicians. N = 689 former patients completed the Hornheide Questionnaire (short form HQ-S) to identify psychosocial support need (scale cut off ≥ 16 or item-based cut-off score) and the potential psychosocial determinants of these needs. Additionally, they were asked about their utilisation of the professional support system. More than one third (36%) of them was in need for professional psychosocial support. The highest burden scores concerned worry about tumour progression. Younger age (< 50), higher general fatigue, higher symptom burden, lower general health, negative social interactions and unfulfilled information needs were significant predictors of the need for psychosocial intervention. Related to the percentage of survivors identified as ‘in need’, the professional support system was underused. Further studies should investigate whether using the HQ-S to routinely identify burdened melanoma patients could lead to better fulfilment of their intervention needs, ultimately enhancing health-related quality of life.  相似文献   
Cell death in neurodegenerative diseases is often thought to be governed by apoptosis; however, an increasing body of evidence suggests the involvement of alternative cell death mechanisms in neuronal degeneration. We studied retinal neurodegeneration using 10 different animal models, covering all major groups of hereditary human blindness (rd1, rd2, rd10, Cngb1 KO, Rho KO, S334ter, P23H, Cnga3 KO, cpfl1, Rpe65 KO), by investigating metabolic processes relevant for different forms of cell death. We show that apoptosis plays only a minor role in the inherited forms of retinal neurodegeneration studied, where instead, a non-apoptotic degenerative mechanism common to all mutants is of major importance. Hallmark features of this pathway are activation of histone deacetylase, poly-ADP-ribose-polymerase, and calpain, as well as accumulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate and poly-ADP-ribose. Our work thus demonstrates the prevalence of alternative cell death mechanisms in inherited retinal degeneration and provides a rational basis for the design of mutation-independent treatments.  相似文献   
Atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF) are two of the most common cardiovascular diseases. They often coexist and account for significant morbidity and mortality. Alterations in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis play a critical role in AF initiation and maintenance. This study was designed to specifically elucidate AF-associated remodeling of atrial Ca2+ cycling in the presence of mild HF. AF was induced in domestic pigs by atrial burst pacing. The animals underwent electrophysiologic and echocardiographic examinations. Ca2+ handling proteins were analyzed in right atrial tissue obtained from pigs with AF (day 7; n = 5) and compared to sinus rhythm (SR) controls (n = 5). During AF, animals exhibited reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction (from 73% to 58%) and prolonged atrial refractory periods. AF and HF were associated with suppression of protein kinase A (PKA)RII (-62%) and Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) δ by 37%, without changes in CaMKIIδ autophosphorylation. We further detected downregulation of L-type calcium channel (LTCC) subunit α2 (-75%), sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (Serca) 2a (-29%), phosphorylated phospholamban (Ser16, -92%; Thr17, -70%), and phospho-ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) (Ser2808, -62%). Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) levels were upregulated (+473%), whereas expression of Ser2814-phosphorylated RyR2 and LTCCα1c subunits was not significantly altered. In conclusion, AF produced distinct arrhythmogenic remodeling of Ca2+ handling in the presence of tachycardia-induced mild HF that is different from AF without structural alterations. The changes may provide a starting point for personalized approaches to AF treatment.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Nonviral vectors based on polyethylenimine (PEI) usually contain an excess of PEI that is not complexed to DNA. Since unbound PEI contributes to cellular and systemic toxicity, purification of polyplexes from unbound PEI is desirable. METHODS: Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was used to purify PEI polyplexes of free PEI. Transfection properties of purified polyplexes and the effect of free PEI on gene delivery were studied in vitro and in vivo after systemic application into mice. RESULTS: SEC did not change the size and zeta-potential of polyplexes. Independent of the amount of PEI used for complex formation, purified PEI polyplexes had the same final PEI nitrogen/DNA phosphate ratio of 2.5. Notably, purified PEI polyplexes demonstrated low cellular and systemic toxicity. High transfection efficiency was achieved with purified polyplexes at high DNA concentrations (8-15 microg/ml). At low DNA concentrations (2-4 microg/ml) gene transfer with purified particles was less efficient than with polyplexes containing free PEI both in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistic studies showed that free PEI partly blocked cellular association of DNA complexes but was essential for the following intracellular gene delivery. Adding free PEI to cells treated with purified particles with a delay of up to 4 h resulted in significantly enhanced transfection efficiency compared with non-purified particles or purified particles without free PEI. CONCLUSIONS: This study presents an efficient method to remove free PEI from PEI polyplexes by SEC. Our results from transfection experiments demonstrate that free PEI substantially contributes to efficient gene expression but also mediates toxic effects in a dose-dependent manner. Purified polyplexes without free PEI have to be applied at increased concentrations to achieve high transfection levels, but exhibit a greatly improved toxicity profile.  相似文献   
The pollen spectra of air and surface soil samples from a rooftop (at 14 m) and from ground level (at 1.6 m) in the suburbs of Vienna (Austria) were compared. Two soil samples and two air samples were taken on four different days to account for possible differences: in winter when no pollination occurred (reference day), in spring during the main flowering of Betula (birch day), in spring/summer during the main flowering of Poaceae (grass day), and in autumn during the main flowering of Ambrosia (ragweed day). Thirty-five different pollen types were used to describe the pollen spectra. Frequencies of certain pollen types reflect a seasonal impact on both the surface soil and air samples and show a similarity between air and soil samples on most of the days. However, the seasonal impact is higher in the air samples and shows a high consistency for ground and rooftop level. Kendall’s tau correlation coefficients further substantiate the similarities of the samples especially for the pollen season days. Exceptions include the winter day when pollination was low and the air samples recorded nearly no pollen at all, and the ragweed day when Ambrosia pollen was abundant in three of four samples but not in the ground surface soil sample. Thus, (1) air and surface pollen samples record similar signals during the pollen season but not during the ragweed and winter season and (2) air and surface pollen samples show the impact of local vegetation also in pollen traps located at different heights.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoids have been shown to influence trophic processes in the nervous system. In particular, they seem to be important for the development of cholinergic neurons in various brain regions. Here, we applied a genetic approach to investigate the role of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) on the maturation and maintenance of cholinergic medial septal neurons between P15 and one year of age by using a mouse model carrying a CNS-specific conditional inactivation of the GR gene (GRNesCre). The number of choline acetyltransferase and p75NTR immuno-positive neurons in the medial septum (MS) was analyzed by stereology in controls versus mutants. In addition, cholinergic fiber density, acetylcholine release and cholinergic key enzyme activity of these neurons were determined in the hippocampus. We found that in GRNesCre animals the number of medial septal cholinergic neurons was significantly reduced during development. In addition, cholinergic cell number further decreased with aging in these mutants. The functional GR gene is therefore required for the proper maturation and maintenance of medial septal cholinergic neurons. However, the loss of cholinergic neurons in the medial septum is not accompanied by a loss of functional cholinergic parameters of these neurons in their target region, the hippocampus. This pinpoints to plasticity of the septo-hippocampal system, that seems to compensate for the septal cell loss by sprouting of the remaining neurons.  相似文献   
(13)C metabolic flux analysis (MFA) has become an important and powerful tool for the quantitative analysis of metabolic networks in the framework of metabolic engineering. Isotopically instationary (13)C MFA under metabolic stationary conditions is a promising refinement of classical stationary MFA. It accounts for the experimental requirements of non-steady-state cultures as well as for the shortening of the experimental duration. This contribution extends all computational methods developed for classical stationary (13)C MFA to the instationary situation by using high-performance computing methods. The developed tools allow for the simulation of instationary carbon labeling experiments (CLEs), sensitivity calculation with respect to unknown parameters, fitting of the model to the measured data, statistical identifiability analysis and an optimal experimental design facility. To explore the potential of the new approach all these tools are applied to the central metabolism of Escherichia coli. The achieved results are compared to the outcome of the stationary counterpart, especially focusing on statistical properties. This demonstrates the specific strengths of the instationary method. A new ranking method is proposed making both an a priori and an a posteriori design of the sampling times available. It will be shown that although still not all fluxes are identifiable, the quality of flux estimates can be strongly improved in the instationary case. Moreover, statements about the size of some immeasurable pool sizes can be made.  相似文献   
Individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) harbor a mixture of viral variants with different sequences and in some instances with different phenotypic properties. Major and rapid fluctuations in the proportion of viral variants coexisting in an infected individual can be observed under strong pharmacological and immune selective pressure. Because of the short half-life of HIV-infected cells and of HIV virions in the blood, plasma virus populations are highly relevant to HIV evolution in the face of these selective pressures. Here we analyzed the sensitivity to antibody-mediated neutralization of viral variants coexisting in the plasma virus populations of two infected patients. For each patient, several replication-competent viral clones were constructed that carry primary envelope gene sequences obtained from a single plasma sample. Viral clones differed in their tropism and replicative capacity and in the number and positions of glycosylation sites in the envelope glycoproteins. Viruses were tested against heterologous and autologous sera obtained at different time points. Interestingly, we found that viral variants coexisting in each plasma sample were highly heterogeneous in terms of sensitivity to neutralization. The order of sensitivity depended on the serum used and was not associated with virus tropism. The neutralization potency of sera increased with the duration of the infection for both autologous and heterologous neutralization.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) inputs from atmospheric deposition can increase soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in temperate and boreal forests, thereby mitigating the adverse effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on global climate. However, direct evidence of N-induced SOC sequestration from low-dose, long-term N addition experiments (that is, addition of < 50 kg N ha−1 y−1 for > 10 years) is scarce worldwide and virtually absent for European temperate forests. Here, we examine how tree growth, fine roots, physicochemical soil properties as well as pools of SOC and soil total N responded to 20 years of regular, low-dose N addition in two European coniferous forests in Switzerland and Denmark. At the Swiss site, the addition of 22 kg N ha−1 y−1 (or 1.3 times throughfall deposition) stimulated tree growth, but decreased soil pH and exchangeable calcium. At the Danish site, the addition of 35 kg N ha−1 y−1 (1.5 times throughfall deposition) impaired tree growth, increased fine root biomass and led to an accumulation of N in several belowground pools. At both sites, elevated N inputs increased SOC pools in the moderately decomposed organic horizons, but decreased them in the mineral topsoil. Hence, long-term N addition led to a vertical redistribution of SOC pools, whereas overall SOC storage within 30 cm depth was unaffected. Our results imply that an N-induced shift of SOC from older, mineral-associated pools to younger, unprotected pools might foster the vulnerability of SOC in temperate coniferous forest soils.

In a series of laboratory experiments, acclimated pupae of Tuta absoluta were exposed to various constant low temperatures in order to estimate their maximum survival times (Kaplan–Meier, Lt99.99). A Weibull function was fitted to the data points, describing maximum survival time as a function of temperature. In another experiment at ?6°C, the progress of mortality increasing with exposure time was identified. These values were fitted by a sigmoidal function converging asymptotically to 100% mortality for very long exposure times. Analysing mortality data from the maximum survival experiment by a generalized linear model showed a significant common slope parameter (p < .001) that reveals parallelism of the survival curves at each temperature if a log time axis is used. These curves appear stretched (time scaled) if plotted with a nonlogarithmic time axis. By combining these mathematical relations, it was possible to calculate a species‐specific ‘mortality surface’ which exhibits mortalities, depending on temperature and duration of exposure. In order to accumulate hourly mortalities for courses of varying temperatures, an algorithm was developed which yields mortality values from that surface taking into account the attained mortality level. In validation experiments, recorded mortalities were compared against modelled mortalities. Prediction of mortality was partially supported by the model, but pupae experiencing intensely fluctuating temperatures showed decreased mortality, probably caused by rapid cold hardening during exposure. Despite this observation, mortality data converged to distinct levels very close to 100% depending on the intensity of temperature fluctuations that were characteristic for different types of experiments. The highest mortality limit occurred at intensely fluctuating temperatures in laboratory experiments. This constituted a benchmark that was not reached under various field conditions. Thus, it was possible to identify temperature limits for the extinction of field populations of Tuta absoluta pupae.  相似文献   
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