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Human xylosyltransferase is the chain-initiating enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Large amounts of xylosyltransferase are required to study the biochemical properties of the native enzyme. To achieve this goal a scale-up of animal cell culture systems was inevitable due to the small amounts of the enzyme present in tissues, e.g. only 0.5 microg XT can be obtained from a chick embryo. JAR choriocarcinoma cells cultured with 10% fetal calf serum were found to secrete xylosyltransferase with relatively high activities (1.10 mU l(-1)). To reduce contaminating proteins JAR cells were adapted to serum-free conditions. Xylosyltransferase activities up to 0.22 mU l(-1) were determined in the harvested cell culture supernatant. Scaling-up of JAR cell culture in the hybrid hollow fiber bioreactor Tecnomouse resulted in the production of 15.8 mU or 270 microg XT in 0.5 l of XT-enriched cell culture supernatant using 57 l of serum-free cell culture medium. The XT activity per ml harvest solution was 200-280-fold higher in this cell culture supernatant than in cell culture flasks. In addition, the specific XT activity of the bioreactor product was 6 microU mg(-1) of total protein, which is 2-fold higher than that obtained under static culture conditions. This study clearly demonstrates the successful high-density, tissue-like cultivation of JAR choriocarcinoma cells in a hollow fiber bioreactor resulting in an effective production of native human xylosyltransferase.  相似文献   
Short peptides sequences were selected that showed binding selectivity towards healthy or oxidised (unhealthy) low density lipoprotein (LDL), respectively. These were investigated for application in atherosclerosis risk monitoring. Comparison was also made with the LDL receptor ligand repeat peptide (LR5). The peptides were immobilised on a gold surface plasmon resonance surface and LDL binding detected as a shift in the resonance. 3.7x10(7) (+/-5.6x10(6)) LDL/mm(2)/microg/ml solution LDL were bound on GlySerAspGlu-OH and 6.8x10(7) (+/-9.2x10(6)) LDL/mm(2)/microg/ml on GlyCystineSerAspGlu, compared with approximately 10(8) LDL/mm(2)/microg/ml on LR5. In this first group, binding of LDL decreased with oxidation level and a good correlation was found between LDL binding and residual amino groups on the apoprotein of the LDL following oxidation, or the change in relative electrophoretic mobility (REM) of LDL. The decrease in binding was 1.1x10(7) LDL particles/mm(2) per% oxidation for GlySerAspGlu-OH, 1.8x10(7) LDL particles/mm(2) per% oxidation for GlyCystineSerAspGlu and 2.4x10(7) LDL particles/mm(2) per% oxidation for LR5. A second group of three peptides were also selected showing increased binding with LDL oxidation: GlyCystineCysCys (1.5x10(7) LDL/mm(2) per microg/ml), GlyLysLysCys-SH (10(7) LDL/mm(2) per microg/ml) and GlyLysLys-OH (5.6x10(7) LDL/mm(2) per microg/ml). The latter gave a linear increase in LDL binding with oxidation level (1.2x10(7) LDL particles/mm(2) per% oxidation). LDL concentration is around 2-3 mg/ml in plasma compared with the low detection levels with this method (1-10 microg/ml), allowing a strategy to be developed requiring the minimum sample volume and diluting with physiological buffer prior to assay. By using a comparative reading between LDL adsorption on surfaces from the first and second group of peptides (e.g. GlyCystineSerAspGlu and GlyLysLys-OH, respectively), LDL oxidation could be determined without knowledge of LDL concentration. Higher binding was seen on GlyCystineSerAspGlu than GlyLysLys-OH below 30% LDL oxidation, whereas above 30% oxidation the binding on the latter surface was greater. Simple correlation of this form could provide good tests for atherosclerosis risk.  相似文献   
We report a novel mild variant of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) diagnosed in four infants who, in neonatal screening, showed abnormal acylcarnitine profiles indicative of MCADD. Three patients showed completely normal urinary organic acids and phenylpropionic acid loading tests were normal in all four patients. Enzyme studies showed residual MCAD activities between "classical" MCADD and heterozygotes. ACADM gene analysis revealed compound heterozygosity for the common mutation K329E and a novel mutation, Y67H, in two cases, and homozygosity for mutation G267R and the novel mutation S245L, respectively, in two children of consanguineous parents. As in other metabolic disorders, the distinction between "normal" and "disease" in MCAD deficiency is blurring into a spectrum of enzyme deficiency states caused by different mutations in the ACADM gene potentially influenced by factors affecting intracellular protein processing.  相似文献   
Summary The chaffinchFringilla coelebs shows variation in two call types, the rain call and the chink. This has long led to the suggestion that these call types are subject to learning. To test this in the laboratory, male hand-reared chaffinches (n=6) were exposed to different rain calls and chinks recorded a) near St. Andrews, Scotland and b) in Corsica, both during the first three weeks after independence and for a further three weeks in their first breeding season. Not all subjects developed rain calls, but two that did produced ones that clearly resembled their Corsican tutor's call, and their chink was also Corsican rather than Scottish in form. This is the first experimental confirmation of the long standing suggestion that rain calls are learned and also provides evidence that learning plays an important role in chink development.
Buchfinkenmännchen können Rufe vom Tonband lernen
Zusammenfassung Frühere Studien haben gezeigt, daß Buchfinken, die von Artgenossen isoliert aufgezogen wurden, keine Regenrufe entwickelten und daß sowohl der Regenruf als auch der charakteristische pink-Ruf starke regionale Unterschiede zeigten. In der hier vorgestellten Studie wird die Hypothese getestet, daß der Regenruf des Buchfinken während der Individualentwicklung gelernt wird und daß pink-Rufe, obwohl sie von isoliert gehaltenen Vögeln entwickelt werden, auch durch Lernen modifizierbar sind. Handaufgezogenen, schottischen Buchfinkenmännchen wurden während der sensitiven Phasen für das Gesangslernen entweder Rufe aus Schottland (n=3 Männchen) oder aus Korsika (n=3 Männchen) vorgespielt. Im Juli 1995 und im Februar/März 1996 wurden 30 s vor und nach zwei täglichen Tonbandgesangsvorspielen auch fünf Wiederholungen eines Regenrufs, dem zwei pinks folgten, präsentiert (Vorspiele insgesamt: Regenrufe 350, pinks 700). Im Frühjahr 1996 (d.h. der ersten Brutsaison der jungen Männchen) wurden regelmäßig Tonbandaufnahmen jedes Individuums erstellt. Nur drei Männchen entwickelten einen Regenruf. In allen Fällen ähnelten die Regenrufe dem des jeweiligen Tutors (Abb. 1). Die pink Rufe in den beiden Versuchsgruppen glichen ebenfalls mehr dem Vorbild als denen der anderen Gruppe. Diese Beobachtungen bestätigen, daß Regenrufe von Vorbildern kopiert werden und daß pink-Rufe, obwohl sie auch von in Isolation aufgezogenen Individuen entwickelt werden, ebenfalls durch Lernen modifizierbar sind.
The human small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) U5 is biochemically the most complex of the snRNP particles, containing not only the Sm core proteins but also 10 particle-specific proteins. Several of these proteins have sequence motifs which suggest that they participate in conformational changes of RNA and protein. Together, the specific proteins comprise 85% of the mass of the U5 snRNP particle. Therefore, protein-protein interactions should be highly important for both the architecture and the function of this particle. We investigated protein-protein interactions using both native and recombinant U5-specific proteins. Native U5 proteins were obtained by dissociation of U5 snRNP particles with the chaotropic salt sodium thiocyanate. A stable, RNA-free complex containing the 116-kDa EF-2 homologue (116kD), the 200kD RNA unwindase, the 220kD protein, which is the orthologue of the yeast Prp8p protein, and the U5-40kD protein was detected by sedimentation analysis of the dissociated proteins. By cDNA cloning, we show that the 40kD protein is a novel WD-40 repeat protein and is thus likely to mediate regulated protein-protein interactions. Additional biochemical analyses demonstrated that the 220kD protein binds simultaneously to the 40- and the 116kD proteins and probably also to the 200kD protein. Since the 220kD protein is also known to contact both the pre-mRNA and the U5 snRNA, it is in a position to relay the functional state of the spliceosome to the other proteins in the complex and thus modulate their activity.  相似文献   
Cancer drug screening in patient‐derived cells holds great promise for personalized oncology and drug discovery but lacks standardization. Whether cells are cultured as conventional monolayer or advanced, matrix‐dependent organoid cultures influences drug effects and thereby drug selection and clinical success. To precisely compare drug profiles in differently cultured primary cells, we developed DeathPro, an automated microscopy‐based assay to resolve drug‐induced cell death and proliferation inhibition. Using DeathPro, we screened cells from ovarian cancer patients in monolayer or organoid culture with clinically relevant drugs. Drug‐induced growth arrest and efficacy of cytostatic drugs differed between the two culture systems. Interestingly, drug effects in organoids were more diverse and had lower therapeutic potential. Genomic analysis revealed novel links between drug sensitivity and DNA repair deficiency in organoids that were undetectable in monolayers. Thus, our results highlight the dependency of cytostatic drugs and pharmacogenomic associations on culture systems, and guide culture selection for drug tests.  相似文献   
Plant growth involves the coordinated distribution of carbon resources both towards structural components and towards storage compounds that assure a steady carbon supply over the complete diurnal cycle. We used 14CO2 labelling to track assimilated carbon in both source and sink tissues. Source tissues exhibit large variations in carbon allocation throughout the light period. The most prominent change was detected in partitioning towards starch, being low in the morning and more than double later in the day. Export into sink tissues showed reciprocal changes. Fewer and smaller changes in carbon allocation occurred in sink tissues where, in most respects, carbon was partitioned similarly, whether the sink leaf assimilated it through photosynthesis or imported it from source leaves. Mutants deficient in the production or remobilization of leaf starch exhibited major alterations in carbon allocation. Low‐starch mutants that suffer from carbon starvation at night allocated much more carbon into neutral sugars and had higher rates of export than the wild type, partly because of the reduced allocation into starch, but also because of reduced allocation into structural components. Moreover, mutants deficient in the plant's circadian system showed considerable changes in their carbon partitioning pattern suggesting control by the circadian clock.  相似文献   


Although coronary revascularisation by coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are common procedures, little is known regarding disability pension (DP) at the time of coronary revascularisation and its association with mortality. The aim was to investigate the five-year mortality following a first coronary revascularisation among women and men on DP, compared with those not on DP at the time of intervention, accounting for socio-demographic and medical factors.

Material and Methods

A nationwide prospective population-based cohort study was conducted, using national registers including 70,040 patients (80% men), aged 30–64 years, with a first CABG (n = 24,987; 36%) or PCI (n = 45,053; 64%) during 1994–2006 in Sweden, who were alive 30 days after the intervention. The main outcome was all-cause and cause-specific mortality within five years or through 31 December 2006, following CABG and PCI, and the exposure was DP at the time of a first coronary revascularisation. Information on DP, patient characteristics, date and cause of death was obtained from nationwide registers. Hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the outcome were estimated, using Cox proportional hazard regression analyses. All analyses were stratified by type of intervention and gender.


Four percent died following coronary revascularisation. Cardiovascular disease was the most common cause of death (54%), followed by neoplasms (25%). Regardless of type of intervention, gender and after multivariable adjustments, patients on DP had a higher HR for five-year mortality compared with those not on DP at time of revascularisation (CABG: women HR 2.14; 95% CI 1.59–2.89, men HR 2.09; 1.84–2.38, PCI: women HR 2.25; 1.78–2.83, men HR 1.95; 1.72–2.21). Young women on DP at the time of PCI had a substantially higher HR (HR 4.10; 95% CI: 2.25–7.48).


Patients on DP at the time of first coronary revascularisation had a higher five-year risk of mortality compared with those not on DP.  相似文献   
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