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What genomic landmarks render most genes silent while leaving others expressed on the inactive X chromosome in mammalian females? To date, signals determining expression status of genes on the inactive X remain enigmatic despite the availability of complete genomic sequences. Long interspersed repeats (L1s), particularly abundant on the X, are hypothesized to spread the inactivation signal and are enriched in the vicinity of inactive genes. However, both L1s and inactive genes are also more prevalent in ancient evolutionary strata. Did L1s accumulate there because of their role in inactivation or simply because they spent more time on the rarely recombining X? Here we utilize an experimentally derived inactivation profile of the entire human X chromosome to uncover sequences important for its inactivation, and to predict expression status of individual genes. Focusing on Xp22, where both inactive and active genes reside within evolutionarily young strata, we compare neighborhoods of genes with different inactivation states to identify enriched oligomers. Occurrences of such oligomers are then used as features to train a linear discriminant analysis classifier. Remarkably, expression status is correctly predicted for 84% and 91% of active and inactive genes, respectively, on the entire X, suggesting that oligomers enriched in Xp22 capture most of the genomic signal determining inactivation. To our surprise, the majority of oligomers associated with inactivated genes fall within L1 elements, even though L1 frequency in Xp22 is low. Moreover, these oligomers are enriched in parts of L1 sequences that are usually underrepresented in the genome. Thus, our results strongly support the role of L1s in X inactivation, yet indicate that a chromatin microenvironment composed of multiple genomic sequence elements determines expression status of X chromosome genes.  相似文献   
It was found that incubation of platelet rich plasma with wortmannin, an irreversible selective inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), leads to sharp drop in platelet aggregation ability in healthy donors, whereas in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients this effect was less manifested or not quite determined. Translocation dynamics of PI3K regulatory subunit into cytoskeleton fraction under induction of platelet aggregation by various ADP concentrations and after wortmannin treatment was studied. Reciprocal interaction of endothelial constitutive NO synthase with PI3K in mechanisms of platelet functional state regulation under studied pathological and normal conditions have been analyzed.  相似文献   
The stiffness of erythrocytes in patients (N=45) suffering from certain disorders, such as coronary disease, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus has been assessed using the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and compared with that in a group of healthy individuals (N=13). For each blood sample, around 20 erythrocytes were selected at random and the stiffness of each one was probed in 20-30 arbitrarily chosen points. From these results, distributions of the cell Young's modulus (YM) were determined. Average values and widths of YM distributions significantly increased in samples taken from diabetes mellitus patients and cigarette smokers, as compared to those taken from healthy donors. At the same time, the average values of YM were found to increase as a function of the patient's age. We demonstrated that the atomic force microscope is a very sensitive tool for determination of cell stiffness with every prospect of a routine application as a diagnostic tool in quantitative analysis of the physiological and pathological states of red blood cells.  相似文献   
We investigated informativeness and effectiveness of different marker types (ISSR, IRAP, REMAP, RGAP and LP-PCR that employ primers based on the conservative sequences of abiotic stress response genes) to study genetic diversity of Iris pumila L. By the number of amplicons per primer, number of polymorphic amplicons per primer and resolving power index (Rp), ISSR-markers were the most efficient followed by LP-PCR-markers. In order of decreasing value of indicators of genetic diversity “the percentage of polymorphic bands”, and “the average Jaccard? genetic distance between plants”, marker systems may be arranged as follows: ISSR > RAPD > LP-PC > RGAP ≈ IRAP. For ISSR-markers, the percentage of polymorphic bands was 1.3–1.7 times higher than for the others, and the average genetic distance was 1.2–1.3 times higher. Different marker systems were ranked by the value of Nei? gene diversity and the Shannon? index as follows: ISSR > RAPD ≈ LP-PCR > RGAP ≈ IRAP, with the highest and the lowest values differing 1.4 times. Genetic population structure was investigated with program Structure 2.3. The data of all marker systems suggest that all genomes under study belonged to one population. The PCoA and cluster analyses based on genetic distances showed distinctions in clustering generated from different markers data and summarized data, as well as the lack of strong clusters. Mantel test revealed significant positive correlation between the matrices of genetic distances generated by the data of almost all marker systems. The strongest correlation was found between RGAP- and IRAP-markers (r = 0.452, p = 0.01) and between RGAP and ISSR (r = 0.430, p = 0.01). ISSR, RAPD and LP-PCR proved to be more effective for the study of I. pumila genetic diversity, nevertheless, joint use of different marker systems will provide a more comprehensive assessment of variation in different genomic regions.  相似文献   
Functional and morphological consequences of ischemic lesions are partially related to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of the study was to create a unilateral photothrombic lesion with minimal morphological changes and minor sensorimotor and cognitive deficits and also to test whether the application of ROS scavengers after the end of induction of ischemia had improved the functional outcome. Adult Wistar male rats were randomly divided into five groups: naive control, sham operated animals, animals with induced ischemia, and two groups of animals with induced ischemia and subsequent ROS scavenger application -melatonin or tempol. The group subjected to ischemia showed a significant decline in performance in sensorimotor tests and the Morris water maze (MWM) test, compared to control animals. Tempol (50 mg/kg, i.p.) did not improve sensorimotor function and did not change spatial learning. Melatonin (100 mg/kg, i.p.), on the contrary, resulted in a significant improvement in animals' performances. All the ischemia subjected animals had increased speed of swimming in the MWM test, compared to the control group. Our findings showed that subsequent application of ROS scavengers improve ischemia outcomes, with melatonin being more potent. Conversely, neither melatonin, nor tempol decreased swimming speed cased by ischemia.  相似文献   
GAP-43 regulates NCAM-180-mediated neurite outgrowth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), and the growth-associated protein (GAP-43), play pivotal roles in neuronal development and plasticity and possess interdependent functions. However, the mechanisms underlying the functional association of GAP-43 and NCAM have not been elucidated. In this study we show that (over)expression of GAP-43 in PC12E2 cells and hippocampal neurons strongly potentiates neurite extension, both in the absence and in the presence of homophilic NCAM binding. This potentiation is crucially dependent on the membrane association of GAP-43. We demonstrate that phosphorylation of GAP-43 by protein kinase C (PKC) as well as by casein kinase II (CKII) is important for the NCAM-induced neurite outgrowth. Moreover, our results indicate that in the presence of GAP-43, NCAM-induced neurite outgrowth requires functional association of NCAM-180/spectrin/GAP-43, whereas in the absence of GAP-43, the NCAM-140/non-receptor tyrosine kinase (Fyn)-associated signaling pathway is pivotal. Thus, expression of GAP-43 presumably acts as a functional switch for NCAM-180-induced signaling. This suggests that under physiological conditions, spatial and/or temporal changes of the localization of GAP-43 and NCAM on the cell membrane may determine the predominant signaling mechanism triggered by homophilic NCAM binding: NCAM-180/spectrin-mediated modulation of the actin cytoskeleton, NCAM-140-mediated activation of Fyn, or both.  相似文献   
Significant optical absorption in the blue–green spectral range, high intralayer carrier mobility, and band alignment suitable for water splitting suggest tin disulfide (SnS2) as a candidate material for photo‐electrochemical applications. In this work, vertically aligned SnS2 nanoflakes are synthesized directly on transparent conductive substrates using a scalable close space sublimation (CSS) method. Detailed characterization by time‐resolved terahertz and time‐resolved photoluminescence spectroscopies reveals a high intrinsic carrier mobility of 330 cm2 V?1 s?1 and photoexcited carrier lifetimes of 1.3 ns in these nanoflakes, resulting in a long vertical diffusion length of ≈1 µm. The highest photo‐electrochemical performance is achieved by growing SnS2 nanoflakes with heights that are between this diffusion length and the optical absorption depth of ≈2 µm, which balances the competing requirements of charge transport and light absorption. Moreover, the unique stepped morphology of these CSS‐grown nanoflakes improves photocurrent by exposing multiple edge sites in every nanoflake. The optimized vertical SnS2 nanoflake photoanodes produce record photocurrents of 4.5 mA cm?2 for oxidation of a sulfite hole scavenger and 2.6 mA cm?2 for water oxidation without any hole scavenger, both at 1.23 VRHE in neutral electrolyte under simulated AM1.5G sunlight, and stable photocurrents for iodide oxidation in acidic electrolyte.  相似文献   
The strength of male-driven evolution - that is, the magnitude of the sex ratio of mutation rate - has been a controversial issue, particularly in primates. While earlier studies estimated the male-to-female ratio (alpha) of mutation rate to be about 4-6 in higher primates, two recent studies claimed that alpha is only about 2 in humans. However, a more recent comparison of mutation rates between a noncoding fragment on Y and a homologous region on chromosome 3 gave an estimate of alpha = 5.3, reinstating strong male-driven evolution in hominoids. Several studies investigated variation in mutation rates among genomic regions that may not be related to sex differences and found strong evidence for such variation. The causes for regional variation in mutation rate are not clear but GC content and recombination are two possible causes. Thus, while the strong male-driven evolution in higher primates suggests that errors during DNA replication in the germ cells are the major source of mutation, the contribution of some replication-independent factors such as recombination may also be important.  相似文献   
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