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Fourteen strains of lactobacilli isolated from the rumen of young calves were studied to determine their biochemical characteristics, growth parameters, metabolism on lactose and sensitivity to 28 antimicrobial agents. Thirteen homofermentative strains belonged to Lactobacillus acidophilus and one heterofermentative strain resembled Lact. fermentum. The relevance of rumen lactobacilli to the nutrition of calves is discussed.  相似文献   


This study uses a virtual framework to examine the left maxillary fragment of the juvenile fossil from Mugharet el'Aliya, Morocco, found in association with an Aterian lithic industry. Previously, this fossil had been ascribed to modern humans or the Neanderthal lineage based on its “archaic”/“Neanderthal-like” features and apparent large size. Here, we conducted a novel 3D shape comparative analysis of the maxillary fragment to clarify its taxonomic affinities with regard to its size and ontogeny.

Materials and Methods

Eighty Computed Tomography and surface scans representing ontogenetic samples of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis were used to capture species-specific differences. The toolkit of geometric morphometrics in combination with surface registration and an elastic iterative closest point algorithm were used to create a dataset of meshes with an identical number of corresponding vertices for the maxillae. Multivariate statistics were applied to Procrustes superimposed coordinates derived from the vertices of this dataset.


Our analysis showed affinities of the Mugharet el'Aliya individual with our H. sapiens sample, especially with a subadult individual from Qafzeh. No size-independent affinities with Neanderthals of comparable dental age could be identified.


Our results add to the evidence connecting fossils from western Asia, especially Qafzeh and Skhul, and the North African Aterian. Furthermore, Mugharet el'Aliya adds to our knowledge of the ontogenetic development of adult morphology that is frequently used to characterize hominin groups, for example, Neanderthals and modern humans.  相似文献   
A study on the inter- and intraspecies variation of MC1R gene was performed in Lepus species inhabiting the Mediterranean basin (L. granatansis, L. europaeus, L. corsicanus, L. castroviejoi and L. mediterraneus) and their neighboring species in Europe (L. timidus) and Africa (L. saxatilis, L. capensis), in order to infer micro- versus macroevolutionary adaptation. Eleven different sequences were isolated that corresponded to five amino acid sequences. Comparison of MC1R nucleotide phylogenetic tree with phylogenies resulting from mtDNA regions of the same species showed absence of congruence between these sets of markers. The Mediterranean area that offered refugia during last glaciation retains more MC1R genotypes compared with populations of North and Central Europe as a consequence of founder effects. L. corsicanus and L. castroviejoi bore identical alleles supportive of their conspecificity, as indicated by other molecular markers. Within L. europaeus, a group of Israeli hares were distinguished by a different MC1R functional allele; additional differences in coat colour and other genetic markers raise doubts about its taxonomic status. Finally, the present data reinforced the idea of bi-directional introgressive hybridization between L. europaeus and L. timidus in Switzerland.  相似文献   
Inferring gene co-expression networks is a useful process for understanding gene regulation and pathway activity. The networks are usually undirected graphs where genes are represented as nodes and an edge represents a significant co-expression relationship. When expression data of multiple (p) genes in multiple (K) conditions (e.g., treatments, tissues, strains) are available, joint estimation of networks harnessing shared information across them can significantly increase the power of analysis. In addition, examining condition-specific patterns of co-expression can provide insights into the underlying cellular processes activated in a particular condition. Condition adaptive fused graphical lasso (CFGL) is an existing method that incorporates condition specificity in a fused graphical lasso (FGL) model for estimating multiple co-expression networks. However, with computational complexity of O(p2K log K), the current implementation of CFGL is prohibitively slow even for a moderate number of genes and can only be used for a maximum of three conditions. In this paper, we propose a faster alternative of CFGL named rapid condition adaptive fused graphical lasso (RCFGL). In RCFGL, we incorporate the condition specificity into another popular model for joint network estimation, known as fused multiple graphical lasso (FMGL). We use a more efficient algorithm in the iterative steps compared to CFGL, enabling faster computation with complexity of O(p2K) and making it easily generalizable for more than three conditions. We also present a novel screening rule to determine if the full network estimation problem can be broken down into estimation of smaller disjoint sub-networks, thereby reducing the complexity further. We demonstrate the computational advantage and superior performance of our method compared to two non-condition adaptive methods, FGL and FMGL, and one condition adaptive method, CFGL in both simulation study and real data analysis. We used RCFGL to jointly estimate the gene co-expression networks in different brain regions (conditions) using a cohort of heterogeneous stock rats. We also provide an accommodating C and Python based package that implements RCFGL.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein B (apoB) is the sole protein component of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and is thought to play an important role in atherogenesis. We performed a meta-analysis of the associations between the three most frequently investigated polymorphisms (XbaI, signal peptide insertion/deletion, EcoRI) in the apolipoprotein B (APOB) gene, lipid parameters, and the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD). We restricted our analysis to Caucasians. Homozygotes for the XbaI X+ allele had significantly elevated levels of LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) and apoB, but a decreased risk (OR=0.80; 95%CI: 0.66–0.96) of IHD. Homozygosity for the signal peptide deletion allele was associated with similarly increased levels of LDL-C and apoB, and with an increased risk of IHD (OR=1.30; 95%CI: 1.08–1.58). Subjects homozygous for the rare EcoRI allele had significantly decreased levels of total and LDL cholesterol, but unaltered risk of IHD. We conclude that all three polymorphic apoB sites are associated with altered lipid levels, but not necessarily with a consistently altered risk of IHD. These data suggest that the relationship between apoB levels, hypercholesterolemia and IHD risk cannot have a simple molecular basis in the apoB gene.  相似文献   


Observation charts are the primary tool for recording patient vital signs. They have a critical role in documenting triggers for a multi-tiered escalation response to the deteriorating patient. The objectives of this study were to ascertain the prevalence and incidence of triggers, trigger modifications and escalation response (Call) amongst general medical and surgical inpatients following the introduction of an observation and response chart (ORC).


Prospective (prevalence), over two 24-hour periods, and retrospective (incidence), over entire hospital stay, observational study of documented patient observations intended to trigger one of three escalation responses, being a MER—Medical Emergency Response [highest tier], MDT—Multidisciplinary Team [admitting team], or Nurse—senior ward nurse [lowest tier] response amongst adult general medical and surgical patients.


Prevalence: 416 patients, 321 (77.2%) being medical admissions, median age 76 years (IQR 62, 85) and 95 (22.8%) Not for Resuscitation (NFR). Overall, 193 (46.4%) patients had a Trigger, being 17 (4.1%) MER, 45 (10.8%) MDT and 178 (42.8%) Nurse triggers. 60 (14.4%) patients had a Call, and 72 (17.3%) a modified Trigger. Incidence: 206 patients, of similar age, of whom 166 (80.5%) had a Trigger, 122 (59.2%) a Call, and 91 (44.2%) a modified Trigger. Prevalence and incidence of failure to Call was 33.2% and 68% of patients, respectively, particular for Nurse Triggers (26.7% and 62.1%, respectively). The number of Modifications, Calls, and failure to Call, correlated with the number of Triggers (0.912 [p<0.01], 0.631 [p<0.01], 0.988 [p<0.01]).


Within a multi-tiered response system for the detection and response to the deteriorating patient Triggers, their Modifications and failure to Call are common, particularly within the lower tiers of escalation. The number of Triggers and their Modifications may erode the structure, compliance, and potential efficacy of structured observation and response charts within a multi-tiered response system.  相似文献   


The cell-cycle inhibitor and tumor suppressor cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, p16ink4a, is one of the two gene products of the ink4a/ARF (cdkn2a) locus on chromosome 9q21. Up-regulation of p16ink4a has been linked to cellular senescence, and findings from studies on different mammalian tissues suggest that p16ink4a may be a biomarker of organismal versus chronological age.


The aim of this study was to examine the immunolocalization pattern of p16ink4a in human labial salivary gland (LSG) tissue, and to analyze whether its expression level in LSGs is a peripheral correlate of cognitive decline in late midlife.


The present study was a part of a study of causes and predictors of cognitive decline in middle-aged men in a Danish birth cohort. It is based on data from 181 male participants from the Danish Metropolit birth cohort, born in 1953, who were examined for age-associated alterations in cognition, dental health, and morphological and autonomic innervation characteristics of the LSGs. The participants were allocated to two groups based on the relative change in cognitive performance from young adulthood to late midlife. LSG biopsies were analyzed by qRT-PCR for the expression level of p16ink4a. Immunohistochemistry was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of LSGs.


p16ink4a immunoreactivity was observed in LSG ductal, myoepithelial, and stromal cells, but not in acinar cells. The mean relative expression of p16ink4a in LSGs was higher in the group of participants with decline in cognitive performance. A logistic regression analysis revealed that the relative p16 expression was predictive of the participant’s group assignment. A negative correlation was found between relative p16ink4a expression and the participant’s standardized regression residuals from early adulthood to late midlife cognitive performance scores.


p16ink4a expression in human LSGs may constitute a potential peripheral correlate of cognitive decline. Human labial salivary glands seem suitable for studies on organismal as opposed to chronological age.  相似文献   
For 22 days after monocrotaline injection two groups of rats received either of the monocarbonyl curcumin analogs (2E,6E)‐2,6‐bis(2‐bromobenzylidene)cycloxehanone (B2BrBC) and (2E,6E)‐2,6‐bis([2‐tri?uoromethyl]benzylidene)cyclohexanone (C66), and their right ventricle parameters were compared to those from the control and the monocrotaline injected animals. B2BrBC and C66 treatments did not prevent the monocrotaline‐induced right ventricular hypertrophy but attenuated the changes in antioxidant enzyme activities and reduced inflammation. The level of thiol‐based nonenzymatic antioxidants did not change in the function of monocrotaline or curcumin analogs treatment. However, due to its stronger antioxidant properties, only B2BrBC treatment was effective in the reduction of monocrotaline‐associated lipid peroxidation. The obtained results suggest that increasing the levels of antioxidant enzymes may not be sufficient to reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation optimally and our current study supports the potential of compounds with more than one beneficial biological activity as a promising treatment against the progression of cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: and Aims Free-flowing surface exudates at the stigmatic (wet versus dry stigma) and adaxial epidermis at the site of angiospermy in carpels of Chloranthaceous species have been proposed to comprise a continuous extracellular matrix (ECM) operating in pollen tube transmission to the ovary. The aim of this research was to establish the spatial distribution and histo/immunochemical composition of the ECM involved in pollen tube growth in Sarcandra glabra and Chloranthus japonicus (Chloranthaceae). METHODS: Following confirmation of the pollen tube pathway, the histo/immunochemical make-up of the ECM was determined with histochemistry on fresh tissue to detect cuticle, esterase, proteins, pectins, and lipids and immunolocalization at the level of the TEM on sections from cryofixed/freeze-substituted tissue to detect molecules recognized by antibodies to homogalacturonans (JIM7, 5), arabinogalactan-proteins (JIM13) and cysteine-rich adhesion (SCA). KEY RESULTS: Pollen germinability is low in both species. When grains germinate, they do so on an ECM comprised of an esterase-positive cuticle proper (dry versus wet stigma). Pollen tubes do not track the surface ECM of stigma or adaxial epidermal cells at the site of angiospermy. Instead, tubes grow between stigmatic cells and subsequently along the inner tangential walls of the stigmatic and adaxial carpel cells at the site of angiospermy. Pollen tubes enter the ovary locule at the base of the funiculus. The stigmatic ECM is distinct by virtue of the presence of anti-JIM5 aggregates, lipids, and a protein recognized by anti-SCA. CONCLUSIONS: The Chloranthaceae joins a growing number of basal angiosperm taxa whereby pollen tubes germinate on a dry versus wet stigma to subsequently grow intercellularly en route to the ovary thereby challenging traditional views that the archetype pollen tube pathway was composed of the surface of stigma and adaxial epidermal cells covered with a free-flowing exudate.  相似文献   
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