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The post-menopausal decrease in estrogen circulating levels results in rapid skin deterioration pointing out to a protective effect exerted by these hormones. The identity of the skin cell type responding to estrogens is unclear as are the cellular and molecular processes they elicit. Here, we reported that lack of estrogens induces rapid re-organization of the human dermal fibroblast cytoskeleton resulting in striking cell shape change. This morphological change was accompanied by a spatial re-organization of focal adhesion and a substantial reduction of their number as evidenced by vinculin and actin co-staining. Cell morphology and cytoskeleton organization was fully restored upon 17β-estradiol (E2) addition. Treatment with specific ER antagonists and cycloheximide respectively showed that the E2 acts independently of the classical Estrogen Receptors and that cell shape change is mediated by non-genomic mechanisms. E2 treatment resulted in a rapid and transient activation of ERK1/2 but not Src or PI3K. We show that human fibroblasts express the non-classical E2 receptor GPR30 and that its agonist G-1 phenocopies the effect of E2. Inhibiting GPR30 through treatment with the G-15 antagonist or specific shRNA impaired E2 effects. Altogether, our data reveal a novel mechanism by which estrogens act on skin fibroblast by regulating cell shape through the non-classical G protein-coupled receptor GPR30 and ERK1/2 activation.  相似文献   
The relationship between trees, grass and soil in a dry savanna in Mali was investigated, to identify variables that are most relevant to assess vegetation units. A 65 ha plateau was inventoried using a systematic square grid sampling pattern. Thirteen soil or topography variables, and tree and grass characteristics were measured at each sampling point. Multivariate analysis was used to separately analyse soil, tree and grass data, and to characterize tree–grass and tree–soil relationships. Four units of soils, four units of tree formations, and four units of grass formations were identified. There was a correspondence between these groups, indicative of four vegetation units: thicket, bare land, shrub savanna and tree savanna. Soil depth and soil texture were the soil variables that best related to tree vegetation. A negative correlation was found between tree basal area and grass dry biomass. Finally, vegetation units, as identified from tree species composition, had contrasted diameter structures and densities.  相似文献   
Hypertensive men have a higher prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) than the general population. Experimental evidence of ED in hypertensive animals is scarce. This study evaluates the erectile function of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and age-matched normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) in vivo by the increase in intracavernosal pressure after electrical stimulation of the cavernous nerve (CN) and by isometric tension studies on corporal strips. Frequency-dependent erectile responses to CN stimulations were reduced in SHR. Phenylephrine induced lower corporal contractions in SHR although pD2 values were similar to WKY. Endothelium-dependent relaxations to ACh were impaired significantly in SHR, and indomethacin improved these relaxations in both WKY and SHR, the latter thus reaching values similar to WKY. Corporal relaxations to sodium nitroprusside were enhanced in SHR. Thus a dysfunctional alpha-adrenergic contraction of the corporal smooth muscle, an increased cyclooxygenase-dependent constrictor tone, and/or a defect in endothelium-dependent reactivity are associated with the altered erectile mechanisms in SHR. Drugs targeting endothelial dysfunction may delay the occurrence of ED as a complication of hypertension.  相似文献   
Subunit h, a 92-residue-long, hydrophilic, acidic protein, is a component of the yeast mitochondrial F1Fo ATP synthase. This subunit, homologous to the mammalian factor F6, is essential for the correct assembly and/or functioning of this enzyme since yeast cells lacking it are not able to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources. Chemical cross-links between subunit h and subunit 4 have previously been shown, suggesting that subunit h is a component of the peripheral stalk of the F1Fo ATP synthase. The construction of cysteine-containing subunit h mutants and the use of bismaleimide reagents provided insights into its environment. Cross-links were obtained between subunit h and subunits alpha, f, d, and 4. These results and secondary structure predictions allowed us to build a structural model and to propose that this subunit occupies a central place in the peripheral stalk between the F1 sector and the membrane. In addition, subunit h was found to have a stoichiometry of one in the F1Fo ATP synthase complex and to be in close proximity to another subunit h belonging to another F1Fo ATP synthase in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Finally, functional characterization of mitochondria from mutants expressing different C-terminal shortened subunit h suggested that its C-terminal part is not essential for the assembly of a functional F1Fo ATP synthase.  相似文献   
T-type calcium channels represent a key pathway for Ca(2+) entry near the resting membrane potential. Increasing evidence supports a unique role of these channels in fast and low-threshold exocytosis in an action potential-independent manner, but the underlying molecular mechanisms have remained unknown. Here, we report the existence of a syntaxin-1A/Ca(v)3.2 T-type calcium channel signaling complex that relies on molecular determinants that are distinct from the synaptic protein interaction site (synprint) found in synaptic high voltage-activated calcium channels. This interaction potently modulated Ca(v)3.2 channel activity, by reducing channel availability. Other members of the T-type calcium channel family were also regulated by syntaxin-1A, but to a smaller extent. Overexpression of Ca(v)3.2 channels in MPC 9/3L-AH chromaffin cells induced low-threshold secretion that could be prevented by uncoupling the channels from syntaxin-1A. Altogether, our findings provide compelling evidence for the existence of a syntaxin-1A/T-type Ca(2+) channel signaling complex and provide new insights into the molecular mechanism by which these channels control low-threshold exocytosis.  相似文献   
As a consequence of global climate‐driven changes, marine ecosystems are experiencing polewards redistributions of species – or range shifts – across taxa and throughout latitudes worldwide. Research on these range shifts largely focuses on understanding and predicting changes in the distribution of individual species. The ecological effects of marine range shifts on ecosystem structure and functioning, as well as human coastal communities, can be large, yet remain difficult to anticipate and manage. Here, we use qualitative modelling of system feedback to understand the cumulative impacts of multiple species shifts in south‐eastern Australia, a global hotspot for ocean warming. We identify range‐shifting species that can induce trophic cascades and affect ecosystem dynamics and productivity, and evaluate the potential effectiveness of alternative management interventions to mitigate these impacts. Our results suggest that the negative ecological impacts of multiple simultaneous range shifts generally add up. Thus, implementing whole‐of‐ecosystem management strategies and regular monitoring of range‐shifting species of ecological concern are necessary to effectively intervene against undesirable consequences of marine range shifts at the regional scale. Our study illustrates how modelling system feedback with only limited qualitative information about ecosystem structure and range‐shifting species can predict ecological consequences of multiple co‐occurring range shifts, guide ecosystem‐based adaptation to climate change and help prioritise future research and monitoring.  相似文献   
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