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The natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs) NKp30, NKp44, and NKp46 are thought to be NK lineage restricted. Herein we show that IL-15 induces NCR expression on umbilical cord blood (UCB) T cells. NCRs were mainly on CD8(+) and CD56(+) UCB T cells. Only NKp30 was functional as demonstrated by degranulation, IFN-gamma release, redirected killing, and apoptosis. Since NCRs require adaptor proteins for function, the expressions of these adaptors were determined. The adaptors used by NKp30 and NKp46, FcepsilonR1gamma and CD3zeta, were detected in UCB T cells. There was a near absence of DAP12, the adaptor for NKp44, consistent with a hypofunctional state. NKp46 was on significantly fewer UCB T cells, possibly accounting for its lack of function. Adult peripheral blood (PB) T cells showed minimal NCR acquisition after culture with IL-15. Since UCB contains a high frequency of naive T cells, purified naive T cells from adult PB were tested. Although NKp30 was expressed on a small fraction of naive PB T cells, it was nonfunctional. In contrast to UCB, PB T cells lacked FcepsilonR1gamma expression. These results demonstrate differences between UCB and PB T cells regarding NCR expression and function. Such findings challenge the concept that NCRs are NK cell specific.  相似文献   
The health beneficial attributes of bifidobacteria and its safe association with the host gut has increased its significance as a probiotic. However delivering probiotic bifidobacteria with Minimum Biological Value (MBV) through product has always been a challenge. In the present study, an attempt was made to maintain the viability of native isolate of Bifidobacterium longum CFR 815j and deliver through ice-cream. B. longum CFR815j was microencapsulated in alginate starch capsules by emulsification followed by evaluation of bead stability in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. After incorporation in ice-cream, the effect on chemical properties, sensory parameters and meltdown characteristics of the product were also evaluated. Survival studies of B. longum revealed higher counts than 107 in the product which is essential for probiotic bacteria to exhibit beneficial effect. Further, all the properties of this ice-cream were comparable to the regular ice-cream. Our studies conclude that encapsulation was able to maintain the requisite MBV of bifidobacteria in ice-cream without affecting the sensory characteristics.  相似文献   
Ephedra foliata Boiss. & Kotschy ex Boiss., (family – Ephedraceae), is an ecologically and economically important threatened Gymnosperm of the Indian Thar Desert. A method for micropropagation of E. foliata using nodal explant of mature female plant has been developed. Maximum bud-break (90 %) of the explant was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg l−1 of benzyl adenine (BA) + additives. Explant produces 5.3 ± 0.40 shoots from single node with 3.25 ± 0.29 cm length. The multiplication of shoots in culture was affected by salt composition of media, types and concentrations of plant growth regulators (PGR’s) and their interactions, time of transfer of the cultures. Maximum number of shoots (26.3 ± 0.82 per culture vessel) were regenerated on MS medium modified by reducing the concentration of nitrates to half supplemented with 200 mg l−1 ammonium sulphate {(NH4) 2SO4} (MMS3) + BA (0.25 mg l−1), Kinetin (Kin; 0.25 mg l−1), Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA; 0.1 mg l−1) and additives. The in vitro produced shoots rooted under ex vitro on soilrite moistened with one-fourth strength of MS macro salts in screw cap bottles by treating the shoot base (s) with 500 mg l−1 of Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 5 min. The micropropagated plants were hardened in the green house. The described protocol can be applicable for (i) large scale plant production (ii) establishment of plants in natural habitat and (iii) germplasm conservation of this endemic Gymnosperm of arid regions.  相似文献   
In this study, attempts have been made to identify and characterize water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) mammary derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) gene, isolated from a mammary gland cDNA library of lactating buffalo. The complete MDGI cDNA was of 698 nucleotides, consisting 61 nucleotides in 5' UTR, coding region of 402 nucleotides, and 235 nucleotides representing the 3' UTR. Comparison of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence data with that of MDGI/fatty acid binding protein (FABP) of other species shows three buffalo specific nucleotide changes while seven nucleotide changes were common to cattle and buffalo. Buffalo and cattle MDGI had 100% amino acid sequence similarity, which also shared three amino acid changes: 34 (Ala-Gly), 109 (Leu-Met), and 132 (Glu-Gln) as compared to other species. Comparison with FABPs reported from other cattle tissues revealed highest amino acid sequence similarity with FABP-heart (100%) and least with FABP-liver (20.5%). Phylogenetic analysis revealed cattle MDGI to be closest to buffalo, while mouse MDGI was distantly placed, whereas different tissue derived FABPs of cattle showed FABP-heart closest and FABP-epidermis most distantly placed from buffalo MDGI. This report also differs from the earlier findings that MDGI is intermediate of FABP-heart and adipose.  相似文献   
Activity of nine fungicides against mycelial growth ofRhizoctonia solani in potato dextrose broth and in pot tests as seed treatment against cowpea seedling rot in infested soil was differentially in fluenced by clay minerals, humic acid and micronutrients. Humic acid, extracted from farmyard manure, considerably lowered the activity, bothin vitro andin vivo, of all fungicides except chloroneb. Montmorillonite caused substantial decrease in disease control by fungicides but enhanced the toxicity of 2-methoxyethyl mercury chloride (MEMC), and quintozene in culture. Kaolinite inactivated carbendazim, benomyl and thiophanatemethyl in nutrient broth but had little effect on disease control by these fugicides. The six micronutrients altered the activity of fungicides to varying levels often without definite correlation betweenin vitro andin vivo results. The results ofin vitro growth inhibition tests are largely inapplicable to dieseas control tests in infested soil mainly due to the differences in the ambient conditions of the two systems.  相似文献   
The efficiency of two cell types, namely adult fibroblasts, and amniotic fluid stem (AFS) cells as nuclear donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer by hand-made cloning in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) was compared. The in vitro expanded buffalo adult fibroblast cells showed a typical “S” shape growth curve with a doubling time of 40.8 h and stained positive for vimentin. The in vitro cultured undifferentiated AFS cells showed a doubling time of 33.2 h and stained positive for alkaline phosphatase, these cells were also found positive for undifferentiated embryonic stem cell markers like OCT-4, NANOG and SOX-2, which accentuate their pluripotent property. Further, when AFS cells were exposed to corresponding induction conditions, these cells differentiated into osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic lineages which was confirmed through alizaran, oil red O and alcian blue staining, respectively. Cultured adult fibroblasts and AFS cells of passages 10–15 and 8–12, respectively, were used as nuclear donors. A total of 94 embryos were reconstructed using adult fibroblast as donor cells with cleavage and blastocyst production rate of 62.8 ± 1.8 and 19.1 ± 1.5, respectively. An overall cleavage and blastocyst formation rate of 71.1 ± 1.2 and 29.9 ± 2.2 was obtained when 97 embryos were reconstructed using AFS cells as donor cells. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in reconstructed efficiency between the cloned embryos derived from two donor cells, whereas the results showed that there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in cleavage and blastocyst rates between the cloned embryos derived from two donor cell groups. Average total cell numbers for blastocyst generated using AFS cells (172.4 ± 5.8) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than from adult fibroblasts (148.2 ± 6.1). This study suggests that the in vitro developmental potential of the cloned embryos derived from AFS cells were higher than that of the cloned embryos derived from adult fibroblasts in buffalo hand-made cloning.  相似文献   
Bone involvement of hydatid disease is uncommon but when encountered, it presents few unique pathological features. The pattern of tissue involvement is largely different from that of visceral hydatid cyst. We describe the case of a 47 year-old man from northern India, a case of systemic hydatidosis including the liver and the right lung, presenting with an abscess like lesion in the left gluteal region with pathological fractures of the left femur. Radiographs and CT-scan images showed extensive invasion of the left hemi-pelvis and left proximal femur. Debridement of the honeycombed ilium yielded hydatid fluid, numerous small cysts and necrotic material. Multiple large devitalized and sequestrated bone pieces were recovered from the bone cavity of the affected ilium. A histopathological study of the bone sequestrums revealed the unique pattern of bone invasion by the characteristic laminated multi-layered cyst walls into areas of least resistance. Bone sequestration has not often been described or demonstrated elaborately in published studies of the past. The bone defects formed after debridement of the ilium and proximal femur were filled with bone cement along with augmentation of the femur using intra-medullary nail. The surgical technique adopted in our case although was not expected to be curative owing to the multi-system disease; it did result in significant functional improvement in the patient.  相似文献   
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