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A long-term radiotelemetry study on red deerCervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 was carried out in a lowland forest-agriculture area in Hungary between 1993–2000. Previous observations suggested seasonal changes in population distribution between forested and agricultural habitat. Red deer concentrated in the forest during winter, but they appeared in the agricultural field during the vegetational period. We investigated the ranging behaviour, testing two alternative hypotheses: home range expansion and home range shift. Weekly radiotelemetry localisations revealed that 9 of 28 hinds showed a clear home range shift from the forest to the agricultural area for a prolonged time during the vegetational period. The remaining portion of the animals used a home range within the forest throughout the entire year. Diet composition analysis using indicator plant species showed that neither daily passages between habitats, nor home range expansion exists. These ranging behaviours were stable hence, if an animal shifted one year it shifted again in consecutive years andvice versa. Our results could be useful for the successful management of red deer populations in such complex habitats and to decrease agricultural damage.  相似文献   
Tóth K  Brun N  Langowski J 《Biochemistry》2006,45(6):1591-1598
Using a previously described FRET technique, we measured the distance between the ends of DNA fragments on which nucleosomes were reconstituted from recombinant and native histones. This distance was analyzed in its dependence on the DNA fragment length, concentration of mono- and divalent counterions, presence of linker histone H1, and histone modifications. We found that the linker DNA arms do not cross under all conditions studied but diverge slightly as they leave the histone core surface. Histone H1 leads to a global approach of the linker DNA arms, confirming the notion of a "stem structure". Increasing salt concentration also leads to an approach of the linker DNAs. To study the effect of acetylation, we compared chemically acetylated recombinant histones with histones prepared from HeLa cells, characterizing the sites of acetylation by mass spectroscopy. Nucleosomes from chemically acetylated histones have few modifications in the core domain and form nucleosomes normally. Acetylating all histones or selectively only H3 causes an opening of the nucleosome structure, indicated by the larger distances between the linker DNA ends. Selective acetylation of H4 distances the linker ends for short fragments but causes them to approach each other for fragments longer than 180 bp.  相似文献   
The solution conformation and the copper(II) binding properties have comparatively been investigated for the two novel hexapeptides Ac-HPSGHA-NH2 (P2) and Ac-HGSPHA-NH2 (P4). The study has been carried out by means of CD, NMR, EPR and UV-Vis spectroscopic techniques in addition to potentiometric measurements to determine the stability constants of the different copper(II) complex species formed in the pH range 3-11. The peptides contain two histidine residues as anchor sites for the metal ion and differ only for the exchanged position of the proline residue with glycine. CD and NMR results for the uncomplexed peptide ligands suggest a predominantly unstructured peptide chain in aqueous solution. Potentiometric and spectroscopic data (UV-Vis, CD and EPR) show that both peptides strongly interact with copper(II) ions by forming complexes with identical stoichiometries but different structures. Furthermore, Far-UV CD experiments indicate that the conformation of the peptides is dramatically affected following copper(II) complexation with the P4 peptide adopting a β-turn-like conformation.  相似文献   
The last steps of chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis were studied at different light intensities and temperatures in dark‐germinated ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) seedlings. Pigment contents and 77 K fluorescence emission spectra were measured and the plastid ultrastructure was analysed. All dark‐grown organs contained protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) forms with similar spectral properties to those of dark‐grown angiosperm seedlings, but the ratios of these forms to each other were different. The short‐wavelength, monomeric Pchlide forms were always dominating. Etioplasts with small prolamellar bodies (PLBs) and few prothylakoids (PTs) differentiated in the dark‐grown stems. Upon illumination with high light intensities (800 μmol m?2 s?1 photon flux density, PFD), photo‐oxidation and bleaching occurred in the stems and the presence of 1O2 was detected. When Chl accumulated in plants illuminated with 15 μmol m?2 s?1 PFD it was significantly slower at 10°C than at 20°C. At room temperature, the transformation of etioplasts into young chloroplasts was observed at low light, while it was delayed at 10°C. Grana did not appear in the plastids even after 48 h of greening at 20°C. Reaccumulation of Pchlide forms and re‐formation of PLBs occurred when etiolated samples were illuminated with 200 μmol m?2 s?1 PFD at room temperature for 24 h and were then re‐etiolated for 5 days. The Pchlide forms appeared during re‐etiolation had similar spectral properties to those of etiolated seedlings. These results show that ginkgo seedlings are very sensitive to temperature and light conditions during their greening, a fact that should be considered for ginkgo cultivation.  相似文献   
The covalent transfer of heavy chains (HCs) from inter-α-inhibitor (IαI) to hyaluronan (HA) via the protein product of tumor necrosis factor-stimulated gene-6 (TSG-6) forms the HC-HA complex, a pathological form of HA that promotes the adhesion of leukocytes to HA matrices. The transfer of HCs to high molecular weight (HMW) HA is a reversible event whereby TSG-6 can shuffle HCs from one HA molecule to another. Therefore, HMW HA can serve as both an HC acceptor and an HC donor. In the present study, we show that transfer of HCs to low molecular weight HA oligosaccharides is an irreversible event where subsequent shuffling does not occur, i.e. HA oligosaccharides from 8 to 21 monosaccharide units in length can serve as HC acceptors, but are unable to function as HC donors. We show that the HC-HA complex is present in the synovial fluid of mice subjected to systemic and monoarticular mouse models of rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that HA oligosaccharides can be used, with TSG-6, to irreversibly shuffle HCs from pathological, HMW HC-HA to HA oligosaccharides, thereby restoring HC-HA matrices from the inflamed joint to their normal state, unmodified with HCs. This process was also effective for HC-HA in the synovial fluid of human rheumatoid arthritis patients (in vitro).  相似文献   
The biomass productivity of the energy willow Salix viminalis as a short-rotation woody crop depends on organ structure and functions that are under the control of genome size. Colchicine treatment of axillary buds resulted in a set of autotetraploid S. viminalis var. Energo genotypes (polyploid Energo [PP-E]; 2n = 4x = 76) with variation in the green pixel-based shoot surface area. In cases where increased shoot biomass was observed, it was primarily derived from larger leaf size and wider stem diameter. Autotetraploidy slowed primary growth and increased shoot diameter (a parameter of secondary growth). The duplicated genome size enlarged bark and wood layers in twigs sampled in the field. The PP-E plants developed wider leaves with thicker midrib and enlarged palisade parenchyma cells. Autotetraploid leaves contained significantly increased amounts of active gibberellins, cytokinins, salicylic acid, and jasmonate compared with diploid individuals. Greater net photosynthetic CO2 uptake was detected in leaves of PP-E plants with increased chlorophyll and carotenoid contents. Improved photosynthetic functions in tetraploids were also shown by more efficient electron transport rates of photosystems I and II. Autotetraploidization increased the biomass of the root system of PP-E plants relative to diploids. Sections of tetraploid roots showed thickening with enlarged cortex cells. Elevated amounts of indole acetic acid, active cytokinins, active gibberellin, and salicylic acid were detected in the root tips of these plants. The presented variation in traits of tetraploid willow genotypes provides a basis to use autopolyploidization as a chromosome engineering technique to alter the organ development of energy plants in order to improve biomass productivity.Energy security and climate change as global problems urge increased efforts to use plants as renewable energy sources both for power generation and transportation fuel production. Selected wood species, such as willows (Salix spp.), can be cultivated as short-rotation coppice for the rapid accumulation of biomass and reduction of CO2 emission. Coppicing reinvigorates shoot growth, resulting in a special woody plant life cycle that differs from natural tree development, which takes decades. In this cultivation system, small stem cuttings are planted at high densities (15,000–25,000 ha−1). In the soil, these dormant wood cuttings first produce roots and shoots that emerge from reactivated buds. During the first year, the growing shoots mature to woody stems. In the winter, these stems are cut back, and in the following spring, the cut stumps develop multiple shoots. The short-rotation coppice plantations are characterized by a very short, 2- to 3-year rotation, and the most productive varieties can produce up to 15 tons of oven-dried wood per hectare per year (Cunniff and Cerasuolo, 2011). The high-density willow plantations can also be efficiently used for heavy metal or organic phytoremediation, as reviewed by Marmiroli et al. (2011).The biomass productivity of shrub willows is largely dependent on coppicing capability, early vigorous growth, shoot growth rate and final stem height, root system size, photosynthetic efficiency, formation and composition of woody stems, water and nutrient use, as well as abiotic and biotic stress tolerance. Genetic improvement of all these traits can be based on broad natural genetic resources represented by more than 400 species in the genus Salix. More than 200 species have hybrid origins, and ploidy levels vary from diploid up to dodecaploid (Suda and Argus, 1968; Newsholme, 1992). In addition to molecular marker-assisted clone selection, intraspecific and interspecific crosses have been shown to further extend genetic variability in breeding programs for biomass yield (Karp et al., 2011).During natural diversification and artificial crossings of Salix spp., the willow genomes frequently undergo polyploidization, resulting in triploid or tetraploid allopolyploids. In triploid hybrids, both heterosis and ploidy can contribute to the improved biomass yield (Serapiglia et al., 2014). While the alloploid triploids have attracted considerable attention in willow improvement, the potentials of autotetraploid willow genotypes have not been exploited so far. As shown for other short-rotation wood species (poplar [Populus spp.], black locust [Robinia pseudoacacia], Paulownia spp., and birch [Betula spp.]), doubling the chromosome set by colchicine treatment can cause significant changes in organ morphology or growth parameters (Tang et al., 2010; Cai and Kang, 2011; Harbard et al., 2012; Mu et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013a, 2013b). In several polyploidization protocols, the in vitro cultured tissues are exposed to different doses of colchicine or other inhibitors of mitotic microtubule function, and plantlets are differentiated from polyploid somatic cells (Tang et al., 2010; Cai and Kang, 2011). Alternatively, seeds or apical meristems of germinating seedlings can be treated with a colchicine solution (Harbard et al., 2012). Allotetraploids of poplar were produced by zygotic chromosome doubling that was induced by colchicine and high-temperature treatment (Wang et al., 2013a).Since tetraploid willow plants with 2n = 4x = 76 chromosomes are expected to represent novel genetic variability, especially for organ development and physiological parameters, a polyploidization project was initiated that was based on a highly productive diploid energy willow (S. viminalis var. Energo). Colchicine treatment of reactivated axillary buds of the in vitro-grown energy willow plantlets resulted in autotetraploid shoots and, subsequently, plants. For comparison of diploid and tetraploid variants of willow plants, digital imaging of green organs and roots was used for phenotyping. Among the tetraploid lines, genotypes were identified with improved biomass production, better photosynthetic parameters, and altered organ structure and hormone composition. The new tetraploid willow variants produced can serve as a unique experimental material to uncover key factors in biomass production in this short-rotation energy plant. In the future, these plants can also serve as crossing partners of diploid lines for the production of novel triploid energy willow genotypes.  相似文献   
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