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We compared male-reproductive-tract polypeptides of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Approximately 64% of male-reproductive-tract polypeptides were identical between two randomly chosen isofemale lines from these two species, compared with 83% identity for third-instar imaginal wing-disc polypeptides. Qualitatively similar differences were found between reproductive tracts and imaginal discs when D. sechellia was compared with D. melanogaster and with D. simulans. When genic polymorphism was taken into account, approximately 10% of male- reproductive-tract polypeptides were apparently fixed for different alleles between D. melanogaster and D. simulans; this proportion is the same as that found for soluble enzymes by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Strikingly, approximately 20% of male-reproductive- tract polypeptides of either D. melanogaster or D. simulans had no detectable homologue in the other species. We propose that proteins of the Drosophila male reproductive tract may have diverged more extensively between species than have other types of proteins and that much of this divergence may involve large changes in levels of polypeptide expression.   相似文献   
When the outer surface of short-circuited frog skin was penetrated with microelectrodes, stable negative potentials that averaged near -100 mV were recorded consistently, confirming the results of Nagel (W. Nagel. 1975. Abstracts of the 5th International Biophysics Congress, Copenhagen. P-147.). The appearance of these stable potentials, V(O), concurrent with the observations that (a) a high resistance outer barrier R(O) accounting for approximately 75 percent or more of the transcellular resistance of control skins had been penetrated and that (b) 10(-5) M amiloride and reduced [Na] outside caused the values of V(O) to increase towards means value near -130 mV while the values of percent R(O) increased to more than 90 percent. It was of relationships were the same as the values of E(1) observed in studies of the current-voltage relationships were the same as the values of E’(1) defined as the values of voltage at the inner barrier when the V(O) of the outer barrier was reduced to zero by voltage clamping of the skins. Accordingly, these data are interpreted to mean that the values of E(1), approximately 130 mV, represent the E(Na) of the sodium pump at the inner barrier. 2,4-DNP was observed to decrease the values of transepithelial voltage less than E(1) the V(O) was negative. These data can be interpreted with a simple electrical equivalent circuit of the active sodium transport pathway of the frog skin that includes the idea that the outer membrane behaves as an electrical rectifier for ion transport.  相似文献   
Two isothiocyanates (ITCs) commonly found in human diet, allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) and phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), were tested for genotoxic effects in a battery of assays: Salmonella/microsome assay with TA 98 and TA 100, differential DNA repair assay with E. coli and micronucleus (MN) induction assay with human derived Hep G2 cells. Albeit to a different degree, both ITCs induced genotoxic effects in all test systems. AITC was more genotoxic in bacterial test systems than in Hep G2 cells; in contrast, the effect of PEITC was stronger in Hep G2 cells. In in vivo assays with E. coli indicators in which mice were exposed to relatively high doses of the compounds (90 and 270 mg/kg), AITC induced moderate but significant effects; PEITC failed to induce significant effects in any of the organs. To find out the reason for the weak genotoxicity of AITC and PEITC under in vivo test conditions, we exposed E. coli indicator cells to the test substances in the absence or presence of rat liver homogenate (with and without cofactors), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and human saliva. All of them markedly attenuated the genotoxicity of AITC and PEITC, implying that the test substances are detoxified by direct non-enzymatic binding to proteins. Additional experiments carried out on the mechanistic aspects of AITC and PEITC-induced genotoxicity showed that the compounds induce the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in Hep G2 cells. Furthermore, in in vitro assays with E. coli, radical scavengers reduced the differential DNA damage induced by AITC and PEITC. The latter two findings give a clue that reactive oxygen species might be involved in the genotoxic effect of the ITCs. Although ITCs have been repeatedly advocated as very promising anticancer agents, the data presented here indicate that the compounds are genotoxic, and probably carcinogenic, in their own right.  相似文献   
Aims Our study was conducted in the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve (NBR) in the Garo hills districts of Meghalaya, Northeast India. Our aim was to assess the effects of human activities on plant diversity,population structure and regeneration.Methods We selected a representative 1.2 hm2 stand in both the core and buffer zones of NBR. Structure and composition were determined by randomly sampling square quadrats, population structure was assessed by determining age structure, and regeneration was assessed by measuring densities of seedling, sapling and adult trees.Important findings More woody species were recorded from the core zone than the buffer zone (87 vs. 81 species), and there were a large number of tropical, temperate, and Sino-Himalayan, Burma-Malaysian and Malayan elements, primitive families and primitive genera. The trees were distributed in three distinct strata,canopy, subcanopy and sapling. Subcanopy and sapling layers had the highest species richness (81% -88% ). Lauraceae and Euphorbiaceae were the dominant families in terms of the number of species, and a large number of families were represented by single species. Most woody species (57 % - 79 % ) were contagiously distributed and had low frequency ( < 20% ). Although stand density was high in the buffer zone, its basal area was low compared to the stand in the core zone. Low similarity and high β-diversity indicate marked differences in species composition of the stands. Shannon diversity index was high in both the stands, while Simpson dominance index was low. The diameter-class distribution for dominant species revealed that the most had a large number of young individuals in their populations. Preponderance of tree seedlings, followed by a steep decline in population density of saplings and adult trees, indicated that the seedling to sapling stage was the most critical in the life cycle of the tree populations. Most species (42 % - 48 % ) had no regeneration,25 % - 35 % had good/fair regeneration, and the rest had poor regeneration or reoccurred as immigrants.  相似文献   
FVB/NJ mice frequently are used as transgenic hosts, but the suitability of this genetic background for transgenic and congenic models of systemic autoimmunity have not been reported. In this study, FVB/NJ mice were evaluated for the presence of serum autoantibodies and autoimmune kidney pathology. Previously unreported albuminuria was observed in aged female FVB/NJ mice; however, serum autoantibody testing, light microscopic evaluation of differentially stained renal sections, and evaluation of renal sections for immunoglobulin deposits revealed that the albuminuria was not of autoimmune etiology. Anecdotally, multiple characteristics of the FVB/NJ strain, including albuminuria, cholesterolemia, mild podocyte foot process effacement in aged female FVB/NJ kidneys and predisposition to enhanced Th2 immune responses, is reminiscent of human minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS). We propose that mapping of genetic polymorphisms that are responsible for these traits in FVB/NJ mice may lead to increased understanding of mild nephrotic syndromes including MCNS and other proteinurias.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to determine whether low-speed swimming during recovery from exhaustive exercise improved both metabolic recovery and performance during a swimming challenge. For these experiments, brook trout were allowed to recover from exhaustive exercise for 2 h while swimming at 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 body length (BL) s(-1) or allowed to recover from exhaustive exercise for 1, 2, or 3 h while swimming at 1.0 BL s(-1). At the appropriate interval, either (i) muscle and blood samples were removed from the fish or (ii) fish were assessed for performance (i.e., fatigue time) during a fixed-interval swimming test. Low-speed swimming during recovery from exhaustive exercise resulted in significantly longer fatigue times compared with fish recovering in still water (i.e., 0 BL s(-1)). However, swimming during recovery did not expedite recovery of muscle lactate or blood variables (e.g., lactate, osmolarity, glucose). These observations suggest that metabolic recovery and subsequent swimming performance may not be directly linked and that other factors play a role in swimming recovery in brook trout.  相似文献   
Diallyl disulfide (DADS), an oil soluble constituent of garlic (Allium sativum), has been reported to cause antimutagentic and anticarcinogenic effects in vitro and in vivo by modulating phases I and II enzyme activities. In recent years, several studies suggested that the chemopreventive effects of DADS can also be attributed to induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells. In the present study, we reported that DADS-induced cell cycle arrest at G2/M and apoptosis in human A549 lung cancer cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Additionally, a significant increase of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) was induced in A549 cells less than 0.5 h after DADS treatment, indicating that ROS may be an early event in DADS-modulated apoptosis. Treatment of A549 cells with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) completely abrogated DADS-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. The result indicated that oxidative stress modulates cell proliferation and cell death induced by DADS.  相似文献   
This review summarises the current database on the micronucleus (MN) assay with exfoliated cells (MEC assay) and evaluates the predictive value of this model for the detection of human cancer risks. The MEC test is a cost effective, non-invasive method, in which the formation of MN in exfoliated cells from different organs, such as oral and nasal cavity, bladder, cervix, and oesophagus is used as an endpoint to detect endogenous, lifestyle, occupational and environmental exposures to genotoxins as well as chemoprotection of various compounds in intervention studies. The results suggest that the MN assay might be a useful approach to identify antimutagens which are protective in humans. Based on the comparison of the data from MN experiments with results from epidemiological cancer studies, we conclude that the MEC assay is a useful biomarker for the detection of human cancer risk in organs to which the MEC test can be applied. However, the current data base is not sufficient to draw a firm conclusion on the specificity of this approach.  相似文献   
Transplanted bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) have been reported to fuse with cells of diverse tissues, but the extremely low frequency of fusion has led to the view that such events are biologically insignificant. Nonetheless, in mice with a lethal recessive liver disease (tyrosinaemia), transplantation of wild-type BMDCs restored liver function by cell fusion and prevented death, indicating that cell fusion can have beneficial effects. Here we report that chronic inflammation resulting from severe dermatitis or autoimmune encephalitis leads to robust fusion of BMDCs with Purkinje neurons and formation of hundreds of binucleate heterokaryons per cerebellum, a 10-100-fold higher frequency than previously reported. Single haematopoietic stem-cell transplants showed that the fusogenic cell is from the haematopoietic lineage and parabiosis experiments revealed that fusion can occur without irradiation. Transplantation of rat bone marrow into mice led to activation of dormant rat Purkinje neuron-specific genes in BMDC nuclei after fusion with mouse Purkinje neurons, consistent with nuclear reprogramming. The precise neurological role of these heterokaryons awaits elucidation, but their frequency in brain after inflammation is clearly much higher than previously appreciated.  相似文献   
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