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We have investigated the role of liver-specific trans-acting factor(s) in the regulation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) gene expression. A recorder plasmid (pEcoAluCAT; HBV nucleotides 1 through 1878) was constructed containing the HBV enhancer and the promoter region of the pregenomic RNA, which was ligated to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene. Upon transfecting this plasmid into various cell lines, the CAT gene was expressed only in cells of liver origin. Moreover, competition cotransfections with pEcoAluCAT and plasmids containing HBV enhancer sequences in human hepatoblastoma-derived HepG2 cells indicated the presence of titratable trans-acting factor(s) in these cells. Gel mobility shift assays using HBV enhancer and core promoter domains confirmed the existence of sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins in liver cell nuclear extract which bound to these regions. These binding sites encompass 17- and 12-nucleotide palindromes in the HBV enhancer and core promoter domains, respectively, when mapped by the methylation interference assay.  相似文献   
G H Karpen  A C Spradling 《Cell》1990,63(1):97-107
Molecular analysis of a Drosophila minichromosome, Dp(1;f)1187, revealed a relationship between position-effect variegation and the copy number reductions of heterochromatic sequences that occur in polytene cells. Heterochromatin adjacent to a defined junction with euchromatin underpolytenized at least 60-fold. Lesser reductions were observed in euchromatic sequences up to 103 kb from the breakpoint. The copy number changes behaved in all respects like the expression of yellow, a gene located within the affected region. Both copy number and yellow expression displayed a cell-by-cell mosaic pattern of reduction, and adding a Y chromosome, a known suppressor of variegation, increased both substantially. We discuss the possibility that changes in replication alter copy number locally and also propose an alternative model of position-effect variegation based on the somatic elimination of heterochromatic sequences.  相似文献   
CENP-A (CID in flies) is the histone H3 variant essential for centromere specification, kinetochore formation, and chromosome segregation during cell division. Recent studies have elucidated major cell cycle mechanisms and factors critical for CENP-A incorporation in mitosis, predominantly in cultured cells. However, we do not understand the roles, regulation, and cell cycle timing of CENP-A assembly in somatic tissues in multicellular organisms and in meiosis, the specialized cell division cycle that gives rise to haploid gametes. Here we investigate the timing and requirements for CID assembly in mitotic tissues and male and female meiosis in Drosophila melanogaster, using fixed and live imaging combined with genetic approaches. We find that CID assembly initiates at late telophase and continues during G1 phase in somatic tissues in the organism, later than the metaphase assembly observed in cultured cells. Furthermore, CID assembly occurs at two distinct cell cycle phases during male meiosis: prophase of meiosis I and after exit from meiosis II, in spermatids. CID assembly in prophase I is also conserved in female meiosis. Interestingly, we observe a novel decrease in CID levels after the end of meiosis I and before meiosis II, which correlates temporally with changes in kinetochore organization and orientation. We also demonstrate that CID is retained on mature sperm despite the gross chromatin remodeling that occurs during protamine exchange. Finally, we show that the centromere proteins CAL1 and CENP-C are both required for CID assembly in meiosis and normal progression through spermatogenesis. We conclude that the cell cycle timing of CID assembly in meiosis is different from mitosis and that the efficient propagation of CID through meiotic divisions and on sperm is likely to be important for centromere specification in the developing zygote.  相似文献   
Cyclic GMP (cGMP) is the intracellular messenger mediating phototransduction in retinal rods, with its longitudinal diffusion in the rod outer segment (ROS) likely to be a factor in determining light sensitivity. From the kinetics of cGMP-activated currents in the truncated ROS of the salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum), the cGMP diffusion coefficient was previously estimated to be approximately 60 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1. On the other hand, fluorescence measurements in intact salamander ROS using 8-(fluoresceinyl)thioguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (Fl-cGMP) led to a diffusion coefficient for this compound of 1 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1; after corrections for differences in size and in binding to cellular components between cGMP and Fl-cGMP, this gave an upper limit of 11 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1 for the cGMP diffusion coefficient. To properly compare the two sets of measurements, we have examined the diffusion of Fl-cGMP in the truncated ROS. From the kinetics of Fl-cGMP-activated currents, we have obtained a diffusion coefficient of 3 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1 for this analog; the cGMP diffusion coefficient measured from the same truncated ROSs was approximately 80 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1. Thus, a factor of 27 appears appropriate for correcting differences in size and intracellular binding between cGMP and Fl-cGMP. Application of this correction factor to the Fl-cGMP diffusion coefficient measurements by Olson and Pugh (1993) gives a cGMP diffusion coefficient of approximately 30 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1, in reasonable agreement with the value measured from the truncated ROS.  相似文献   
J W Karpen  G P Hess 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1777-1785
Noncompetitive inhibition of acetylcholine receptor-controlled ion translocation was studied in membrane vesicles prepared from both Torpedo californica and Electrophorus electricus electroplax. Ion flux was measured in the millisecond time region by using a spectrophotometric stopped-flow method, based on fluorescence quenching of entrapped anthracene-1,5-disulfonic acid by Cs+, and a quench-flow technique using 86Rb+. The rate coefficient of ion flux prior to receptor inactivation (desensitization), JA, was measured at different acetylcholine and inhibitor concentrations, in order to assess which active (nondesensitized) receptor forms bind noncompetitive inhibitors. The degree of inhibition of JA by the inhibitors studied (cocaine, procaine, and phencyclidine) was found to be independent of acetylcholine concentration. The results are consistent with a mechanism in which each compound inhibits by binding to a single site that exists with equal affinity on all active receptor forms. Mechanisms in which the inhibitors bind exclusively to the open-channel form of the receptor are excluded by the data. The same conclusions were reached in cocaine experiments at 0-mV and procaine experiments at -25-mV transmembrane voltage in T. californica vesicles. It had been previously shown that phencyclidine, in addition to decreasing JA (by binding to active receptors), also increases the rate of rapid receptor inactivation (desensitization) and changes the equilibrium between active and inactive receptors (by binding better to inactivated receptor than to active receptor in the closed or open conformations). These effects were not observed with cocaine or procaine. Here it is shown that despite these differential effects on inactivation, cocaine and phencyclidine bind to the same inhibitory site on active receptors (in E. electricus vesicles).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
J W Karpen  G P Hess 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1786-1792
The issue of whether d-tubocurarine, the classical acetylcholine receptor inhibitor, inhibits the receptor by a competitive or noncompetitive mechanism has long been controversial. d-Tubocurarine, in this study, has been found to be both a competitive (KC = 120 nM) and a noncompetitive (KNC = 4 microM) inhibitor of receptor-mediated ion flux at zero transmembrane voltage in membrane vesicles prepared from Electrophorus electricus electroplax. A spectrophotometric stopped-flow method, based on fluorescence quenching of entrapped anthracene-1,5-disulfonic acid by Cs+, was used to measure both the rate coefficient of ion flux prior to receptor inactivation (desensitization) and the rate coefficient of the rapid inactivation process. Inhibition by d-tubocurarine of the initial rate of ion flux decreased with increasing acetylcholine concentration, consistent with competitive inhibition, but the inhibition by micromolar concentrations of d-tubocurarine could not be overcome with saturating concentrations of acetylcholine, consistent with noncompetitive inhibition. A minimum mechanism is proposed in which d-tubocurarine competes for one of the two acetylcholine activating sites and also binds to a noncompetitive site. The present data do not distinguish between one or two competitive sites, although one successfully accounts for all of the data. By variation of the acetylcholine concentration, the two types of sites could be studied in isolation. Binding of d-tubocurarine to the noncompetitive site does not change the rate of rapid receptor inactivation, whereas binding of d-tubocurarine to the competitive site decreases the rate of rapid inactivation by displacing acetylcholine, in agreement with the observation that d-tubocurarine does not inactivate (desensitize) the E. electricus receptor by itself.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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