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An extension of the floodpulse concept (FPC) for lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper delivers a conceptual framework for the ecological functioning and biodiversity patterns of lakes that is based on the floodpulse concept (FPC). The specific characteristics of rivers and lakes considering water-level fluctuations are compared, with respect to catchment linkages, temporal patterns, and hydraulic forces of flooding and drawdown. The influences of floodpulses on element cycles, biodiversity, and adaptations of lake biota are analyzed, and the importance of multi-annual flooding cycles is highlighted. The degree by which these water-level fluctuations influence lake ecosystems strongly depends on lake morphology, where shallow lakes or those with large shallow margins are the most sensitive. Although floodpulses play a major role for ecosystem services such as lake management and climate change mitigation schemes, this issue is only scarcely dealt with. Tenets of the extended FPC for lakes are formulated in order to overcome this problem.  相似文献   
A fatal case of a Burkitt's lymphoma which occurred in a 34-year-old German woman during pregnancy is described. Nearly all organs showed either diffuse or nodular infiltration by tumor cells. Placenta and fetus were free of detectable tumor tissue. The patient had extremely high antibody titers (1 : 2056), both against Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (VCA) and the early antigen complex (EA). Within the tumor cells the Epstein-Barr virus-specific nuclear antigen EBNA and viral DNA was detected. A cell line established from a tumor biopsy displayed a translocation involving chromosomes 2 and 8. The role of Epstein-Barr virus in the development of Burkitt's lymphoma is discussed.  相似文献   
Genetic changes induced in higher plant cells by a laser microbeam   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Introducing foreign genes into higher plants has proved to be complicated, with the exception of transformation of protoplasts of some plants (Negrutiu et al. 1987). In particular, culture of protoplasts and regeneration to plants are difficult in many monocotyledonous crops. Therefore, it would be desirable to avoid extensive tissue culture by introducing cloned genes directly into cells. A laser microbeam can perforate plant cell walls, thus facilitating uptake of genes into cells.  相似文献   
Photosensitizing drugs increase the sensitivity of the skin and the eye toward normally harmless sunlight conditions and are known to enhance the induction of skin tumors or severe injuries to the eye. The photogenotoxicity of five common drugs (sparfloxacin, dacarbazine, chlorpromazine and 8-methoxypsoralen, promazine) was investigated in the skin as well as in the retina and cornea of Wistar rats. The compounds were administered once orally by gavage and the resulting DNA damage was analyzed in the newly developed in vivo photo comet assay. All drugs except of promazine were clearly photogenotoxic in the skin. In the cornea sparfloxacin and dacarbazine induced an increased DNA damage following irradiation. A photogenotoxic effect in the retina was observed by sparfloxacin, which is the only compound tested that absorbs wavelengths reaching the retina. The drug concentration analysis revealed that the compounds were distributed into plasma, skin and eye at concentrations, which were photogenotoxic in vitro. Additionally, histopathological analysis showed no relevant alterations or inductions of necrosis, apoptosis or inflammation in the skin or eye. In conclusion, we confirmed the photogenotoxic potential of compounds from different chemical classes in the skin. Moreover, it is the first time that photogenotoxicity has been detected in the retina and cornea in an in vivo study. Based on our results it is concluded that the photo comet assay in rat is an easy and reliable method to elucidate drug induced photogenotoxicity under conditions, which are relevant to human exposure.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of predation by juvenile burbot (Lota lota) on the macroinvertebrate community in mesocosm experiments in the stony littoral zone of Lake Constance, a large prealpine lake in Central Europe. Although the growth data of the burbot suggest that the benthivorous fish exerts strong predation pressure on the invertebrate community, the predicted level of consumption is only poorly reflected by changes in biomass and abundance of most invertebrate prey taxa. High exchange rates of the prey between the mesocosms and the ambient littoral environment apparently masked the true predation effects of fish. Also, life-history events such as hatching or synchronised emergence of larvae led to temporal effects that obscured the impact of predation. However, for the dominant prey organism, the freshwater amphipod Gammarus roeseli, direct lethal effects appeared when its migration was limited. When exchange with the ambient littoral zone was possible, abundance and biomass of G. roeseli were unexpectedly high in the mesocosms stocked with burbot, indicating behavioural responses to fish presence. During the experiment, the burbot gained ca. 15% in length and about 60% in body mass. According to stomach content analyses at the end of the experiment, the ingested prey consisted mainly of relatively large and abundant invertebrates. Our study indicates that predation by juvenile burbot should be an important factor in structuring the benthic invertebrate community in terms of qualitative and quantitative effects.  相似文献   
Bacterial endosymbionts play essential roles for many organisms, and thus specialized mechanisms have evolved during evolution that guarantee the persistence of the symbiosis during or after host reproduction. The rice seedling blight fungus Rhizopus microsporus represents a unique example of a mutualistic life form in which a fungus harbors endobacteria (Burkholderia sp.) for the production of a phytotoxin. Here we report the unexpected observation that in the absence of endosymbionts, the host is not capable of vegetative reproduction. Formation of sporangia and spores is restored only upon reintroduction of endobacteria. To monitor this process, we succeeded in GFP labeling cultured endosymbionts. We also established a laserbeam transformation technique for the first controlled introduction of bacteria into fungi to observe their migration to the tips of the aseptate hyphae. The persistence of this fungal-bacterial mutualism through symbiont-dependent sporulation is intriguing from an evolutionary point of view and implies that the symbiont produces factors that are essential for the fungal life cycle. Reproduction of the host has become totally dependent on endofungal bacteria, which in return provide a highly potent toxin for defending the habitat and accessing nutrients from decaying plants. This scenario clearly highlights the significance for a controlled maintenance of this fungal-bacterial symbiotic relationship.  相似文献   
The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea, originating from Southeast Asia, was first recorded in Lake Constance in 2003 and developed local mass occurrences afterwards. Effects of harsh winter conditions in 2005/2006 associated with a strongly decreasing water level were studied at three different depths at and below the mean low water level (MLL, MLL ?1 m and MLL ?3 m). Low winter temperatures produced a massive die-off of the C. fluminea population. The mortality of the clams was size class and depth dependent. At the mean low water level (MLL), all clams died because of lying dry. However, at MLL ?1 m and at MLL ?3 m, mortality was a consequence of water temperatures around 2°C for nearly 3 months. At MLL ?3 m, clams >5 mm died later than young clams <5 mm and later than clams of all sizes at MLL ?1 m. But in late spring even the clams >5 mm at MLL ?3 m were dead and only about 1% of the overall population of C. fluminea survived the winter conditions until spring 2006.Lethal effects of low water temperatures on C. fluminea, which may become effective only after a time lag, were corroborated in an outdoor mesocosm experiment with constant water level and without predation.  相似文献   
This article presents an evaluation of two sampling methods for assessing the biodiversity of heavily vegetated wetlands. The aim was to establish an effective sampling regime to maximise total taxon richness and minimise sampling effort. Three Integrated Constructed Wetland (ICW) systems in Annetown Valley, Co. Waterford, SE of the Republic of Ireland, were sampled during spring and summer 2005. The two methods that were evaluated were pond netting and two types of horizontal activity traps, namely “horizontal activity traps” (HATs) and modified “horizontal activity traps” (modified HATs). The activity traps provided a one-way funnel system and were constructed from 2 l plastic bottles, allowing for the passive collection of taxa. HATs were designed to capture macroinvertebrates in open water and modified HATs, which were designed specifically for this study, were used to sample within stands of dense emergent vegetation. Results show that a combination of pond netting and activity traps will yield a more complete estimate of taxon richness. The performance of Modified HATs was not significantly different from that of the HATs in dense vegetation. Tests on the sampling effort required for each method are also discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli and S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   
Genes potentially coding for three distinct [NiFe] hydrogenases are present in the genome of Aquifex aeolicus. We have demonstrated that all three hydrogenases are expressed under standard growth conditions of the organism. Two hydrogenases were further purified to homogeneity. A periplasmically oriented hydrogenase was obtained in two forms, i.e., as a soluble enzyme containing only the two essential subunits and as a detergent-solubilized complex additionally containing a membrane-integral b-type cytochrome. The second hydrogenase purified was identified as a soluble cytoplasmic enzyme. The isolated enzymes were characterized with respect to biochemical/biophysical parameters, activity, thermostability, and substrate specificity. The phylogenetic positioning of all three hydrogenases was analyzed. A model for the metabolic roles of the three enzymes is proposed on the basis of the obtained results.  相似文献   
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