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Zusammenfassung Die elektrophoretische Analyse der Isoenzyme der Sorbitdehydrogenase (SDH) bei verschiedenen Säugerspecies unter Einschluß des Menschen läßt darauf schließen, daß bei Säugern nur 1 Genlocus für dieses Enzym existiert. Auch bei Knochenfischen läßt sich in der Regel nur 1 SDH-Gen nachweisen. Eine Ausnahme bilden einige Species der Fischordnung Isospondyli. Innerhalb dieser Ordnung findet sich eine Diploid-tetraploid-Beziehung. Arten mit diploiden Charakteristika wie der Hering (Clupea harengus) besitzen 1 SDH-locus, an dem 3 Allele zu beobachten waren. Bei einigen phylogenetisch tetraploiden lachsartigen Fischen läßt sich eine Duplikation des SDH-Gens nachweisen. Während bei der Bachforelle (Salmo trutta) die nach der Tetraploidisierung zunächst identischen loci sich divergent entwickelt haben und jetzt diploidisiert sind, zeigen Regenbogenforelle (Salmo irideus) und Blaufelchen (Coregonus lavaretus) tetrasome Phänotypen der SDH. Beim Blaufelchen findet sich ein Überschuß an Heterozygoten, der auf eine meiotische Vorzugspaarung der Chromosomen mit identischen Allelen schließen läßt. Diese Befunde geben Einblick in den Mechanismus der Diploidisierung, der in der Evolution der höheren Wirbeltiere eine wesentliche Rolle gespielt haben dürfte.
Sorbitol dehydrogenase isozymes in clupeoid fish: a further example of gene duplication through polyploid evolution
Summary Electrophoretic analysis of the sorbitol dehydrogenase isozymes (SDH) in various mammalian species including man revealed the existence of only 1 gene locus for this enzyme. As a rule, the same is true for Teleostean fishes. Some species of the fish order Isospondyli, however, represent an exception. Within this order, a diploid-tetraploid relationship exists. Species exhibiting diploid characteristics as the herring (Clupea harengus), are endowed with a single SDH gene locus at which 3 different alleles were observed. In some Salmonoid fish having passed through tetraploid evolution, a duplication of the SDH gene can be demonstrated. While in Salmo trutta the duplicated genes evolved divergently and became diploidized, in Salmo irideus and Coregonus lavaretus tetrasomic phenotypes occur. In Coregonus, the predominance of heterozygotes is to be interpreted as the consequence of preferential pairing of meiotic chromosomes endowed with identical alleles. These findings give some insight in the diploidization mechanism which may have played an important role during evolution of higher vertebrates.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die braune Inguinaldrüse des Kaninchens ist eine einfach gebaute tubulöse Drüse. Das Epithel der Drüsenschläuche ist einschichtig kubisch bis hochzylindrisch und wird von spindelförmigen Myoepithelzellen unterlagert. Die Drüsenzellen besitzen nahezu organellenfreie, fein granulierte Cytoplasmaprotrusionen, die weit in das Lumen hineinragen; in der Lichtung werden häufig isolierte Cytoplasmabereiche gefunden. Der Sekretionsmodus ist somit deutlich apokrin (decapitation secretion).Das endoplasmatische Retikulum ist überall in der Zelle zu erheblich zerklüfteten Cisternen erweitert; Golgi-Apparate sind spärlich. Große, matrixreiche Mitochondrien zeichnen sich durch Armut an Cristae aus. Elektronendichte Sekretpfützen liegen vornehmlich supranukleär; Sekretvakuolen kommen nicht vor.
On the morphology of the brown inguinal gland of the rabbit
Summary The tubular brown inguinal glands of the rabbit have been studied by light and electron microscopy. The apocrine secretory cells are columnar elements with prominent apical cytoplasmic caps and protrusions extending into the glandular lumen. These protrusions contain neutral mucopolysaccharides demonstrable by light microscopy. The secretory cells are characterized by the presence of large mitochondria with scant cristae and an electron dense matrix. Electron dense plaques, presumably secretory masses, are present in the supranuclear cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains cisternae of a granular endoplasmic reticulum. Myoepithelial cells are situated between the secretory cells and the basal lamina.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
G Beier  J Engel 《Biochemistry》1966,5(8):2744-2755
Zusammenfassung Im Hoden von Hund und Katze werden folgende Enzyme histochemisch nachgewiesen: NADH-Tetrazoliumreduktase (NADH-T-Red), NADPH-Tetrazoliumreduktase (NADPH-T-Red), Cytochromoxydase (Cyt-Ox), Lactat-Dehydrogenase (LDH), Aldolase (ALD), Alkohol-Dehydrogenase (ADH), Glycerin-1-phosphat-Dehydrogenase (GDH), Glucose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH), Succinat-Dehydrogenase (SDH), NAD-spezifische Isocitrat-Dehydrogenase (NAD-ICDH). Die starke Fermentaktivität der G-6-PDH und der LDH in den Leydig-Zellen beider Spezies, der relativ hohe Gehalt an histochemisch nachweisbarer ADH in den Zwischenzellen der Katze sowie eine deutliche Reaktion auf GDH in den Sertoli-Zellen der Katze werden diskutiert.
Summary In the testes of dog and cat the distribution pattern of NADH-tetrazolium reductase, NADPH-tetrazolium reductase, cytochrome oxydase, lactate dehydrogenase, aldolase, alcohol dehydrogenase, -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and NAD specific isocitrate dehydrogenase was studied by histochemical means. The strong reaction of G-6-PDH and LDH in the Leydig cells of both species, the relatively high amount of ADH in the interstitial cells of the cat testis and the principal site of -GPDH in the Sertoli cells of the cat are discussed.
Behavioral treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen hypertensive patients were recruited from a geriatric medicine clinic for a research project designed to evaluate a Behavioral Stepped-Care treatment program of high blood pressure (HBP). All patients met the selection criteria of the Isolated Systolic Hypertension (ISH) in the Elderly (SHEP) clinical trial. During baseline, subjects recorded BP at home 9 times/day (3 times each, shortly after awakening, during the middle of the day, and within an hour of retiring) for 1 month and mailed that data to us daily. In addition, they came to the clinic weekly and had their BP recorded by a nurse. During treatment 1, systolic (SBP) feedback, they were trained to lower SBP at home using their sphygmomanometers. They also continued to monitor BP and to obtain weekly professional BP readings. During treatment 2 (relaxation), they were trained to relax; they followed the self-administration and data-collection protocol as in treatment 1. Each treatment phase lasted 3 months. Average monthly self-determined BP fell significantly from 166.4/85.8 (SBP/DBP) mm Hg during baseline to 153.3/81.2 by the end of the relaxation phase; average monthly professionally measured BP fell significantly, from 164.7/87.1 to 156.9/81.5. These findings show that a nurse-supervised, patient-administered behavioral treatment program of ISH can yield sustained, significant falls in BP.Ms. Pearce and Dr. Burton were supported in part by the Johns Hopkins Academic Nursing Home Award, PO, AG04402, from the National Institute on Aging. This material was presented in part at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 1988, San Francisco.  相似文献   
We studied the changes in functional residual capacity (FRC), thoracoabdominal volume (Vw), and chest wall configuration in five normal subjects seated in an aircraft flying parabolic trajectories resulting in 20-s periods of microgravity. We measured vital capacity (VC), inspiratory capacity, and tidal volume by integrating airflow at the mouth and changes in rib cage and abdominal volume (delta Vrc and delta Vab, respectively, where delta Vrc + delta Vab = delta Vw) using induction plethysmography. During microgravity (0 Gz) FRC decreased by 413 +/- 70 (SE) ml and VC by 0.37 liter. The decrease in Vw did not differ from that in FRC and was entirely the result of reduction of Vab, the Vrc showing no significant change. During tidal breathing the abdominal contribution (delta Vab/delta Vw) increased from 0.39 +/- 0.08 at 1 Gz to 0.57 +/- 0.08 at 0 Gz. During brief periods of hypergravity (approximately 1.8 Gz) all changes were opposite in sign and relatively smaller. Limited data during "roller coaster" flight patterns suggested that, in contrast to configurational changes, the temporal pattern of breathing was uninfluenced by changes in Gz. We conclude that at the onset of weightlessness there are substantial changes in lung volume and thoracoabdominal configuration. Abdominal contribution to tidal excursions increases but the temporal pattern of breathing is unchanged.  相似文献   
In awake supine normal subjects, dimensional changes of the oropharyngeal airway were measured during exposure to negative intraluminal pressures. The pressure was generated 1) "actively" by subjects inspiring against an externally occluded airway or 2) "passively" by external suction at the mouth during voluntary glottic closure with no inspiratory effort. Airway dimensions were imaged with X-ray fluoroscopy and anteroposterior diameters measured at levels corresponding to cervical vertebra 3 and 4 (C3 and C4). Cephalad axial displacement of the hyoid bone (CDHY) was also measured. During the "active" maneuver, airway diameters and position were maintained at resting levels despite airway pressure up to -15 cmH2O. In contrast, during the passive maneuver at -15 cmH2O, C3 was only 15 +/- 9% and C4 only 47 +/- 8% of control; CDHY was 5.6 +/- 1.8 mm. In three subjects airway wall apposition occurred and persisted until an active inspiratory effort. We conclude that, in the absence of inspiratory effort, negative oropharyngeal airway pressures result in marked narrowing and cephalad displacement of the upper airway, even during wakefulness. Therefore, our data suggest that the complex interaction of upper airway and thoracic muscle activity is critical in determining the effective compliance and patency of the upper airway, which is readily collapsible even in normal subjects.  相似文献   
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