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Karl Tangen  Pål Brettum 《Ecography》1978,1(2-3):128-147
A phytoplankton investigation was carried out in the subalpine, low-productive Norwegian lake Øvre Heimdalsvatn in 1969–70 and 1972. This paper describes the temporal and spatial distribution of the standing stock of phytoplankton, and phytoplankton primary productivity. The annual average primary productivity in 1972 was 4.0–4.9 mg C m−3 d−1; the annual average standing stock varied from 120 mg m−3 (freshweight) in 1969–70, to 250 mg m−3 in 1972. Phytoplankton species composition and size distribution is discussed. Throughout the year the phytoplankton is dominated by small (ultraplankton) species; μ-algae (< 5 μm) showed cell concentrations up to 15 mill. cells 1−1. The dominating group was chrysophytes; cryptophytes, dinoflagellates or green algae were at times abundant. A phytoplankton monthly budget and a diagram showing annual average carbon flow through the standing stock of phytoplankton are presented; the phytoplankton dynamics in Øvre Heimdalsvatn is compared to that of other low-productive lakes.  相似文献   
Samples of drifting and periphytic microalgae were collected during 1972 from a fast-flowing, stony stream (Brurskardsbekken) in the Jotunheimen mountain area, central southern Norway. The predominant algal groups in the drift and the periphyton were diatoms and green algae, while only a few species were recorded in both communities. A considerable number of species from Chrysophyceae, Cryptophyceae and other algal classes were also recorded in the drift samples. The species composition was in good agreement with microalgal communities earlier described from mountain areas in Scandinavia, although species which probably are new to Norway, were also recorded. A quantitatively important fraction of planktonic species in the drift is interpreted as a contribution from lacustrine habitats in the watercourse. A general change in the periphyton during the summer, from green algae to diatoms, was observed, Altitudinal differences in the periphyton included a delayed green algal maximum at higher altitudes compared to lower. In the zone around the upper birch limit, a transition in species composition as one goes up stream, described in other investigations, was not observed.  相似文献   
Mass spectra of underivatized hexa- and heptapeptide amides related to Substance P have been obtained with a conventional electron ionization mass spectrometer using sample vaporization from a tungsten wire by the technique of rapid heating, proton transfer ionization using ammonia, and photoplate recording of spectra. These spectra exhibit little evidence of sample pyrolysis and are readily interpreted to yield amino acid sequences.  相似文献   
The sequential copolypeptides (Lys-Phe-Lys)n and (Lys2-Phe-Lys)n and a series of related random copolypeptides were investigated with respect of their ability to adopt the α-helix or β-conformation. Conformational transitions were induced by increasing the pH or by addition of NaClO4 or methanol and were observed by recording the CD spectra. In contrast to the respective alternating copolypeptide (Phe-Lys)n with its strong tendency for the β-structure reported previously, (Lys-Phe-Lys)n can adopt either secondary structure, whereas (Lys2-Phe-Lys)n strongly favors the α-helix. Together with the random copolypeptides, whose composition varied from 20 to 50 mol % phenylalanine and whose average molecular weights ranged from 10,000 to 90,000, the influence of the phenylalanine content and of the chain length on conformational stability and the rotatory strength of the respective secondary structures were elaborated.  相似文献   
Summary In this report we show by hybridization of restriction fragments and by Miller spreads that the unit repeat of the fly Sciara coprophila is only 8.4 kb which is the smallest known for a multicellular eukaryote. The 8.4 kb EcoR1 fragment containing a complete unit of Sciara rDNA was cloned in pBR322, and mapped by the method of Parker (1977) and also by double digestion. The coding regions for 28S, 18S, and 5.8S RNA were localized by the method of Berk and Sharp (1977). From these data we conclude that the nontranscribed spacer, external transcribed spacer, and internal transcribed spacer are all shorter than in other organisms, thereby giving rise to the shorter overall rDNA repeat unit of Sciara.At least 90% of the Sciara rDNA repeats are homogeneous, with a length of 8.4 kb, but a 700 bp ladder of minor bands can also be found in digestions of total genome DNA. This profile of major and minor bands is identical between the X and X chromosomes, as seen by a comparison of several genotypes.There are only 45 rRNA genes per X chromosome of Sciara (Gerbi and Crouse, 1976). These can easily be counted by low magnification Miller speads which show that virtually all gene copies are actively being transcribed in the stage of spermatogenesis examined. This is the first demonstration for any reiterated gene family where all copies are shown to be simultaneously active.Present address same as last author  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Die Zellen des Ventralepithels bilden keine Mikrovilli, sondern ein schwammartiges Maschenwerk gefensterter Leisten und Falten, welches bei der Haftung des Tieres an der Unterlage und/oder bei der extrasomatischen Vorverdauung der Nahrung eine Rolle spielen dürfte.2. Während der Zellteilungen treten typische Centriole an den Spindelpolen auf.3. Die wachsenden Eizellen phagocytieren Fortsätze der Faserzellen, die als Trophocyten fungieren.4. Unter den gleichen Bedingungen, die zur Eibildung führen, können sogen. S-Zellen auftreten. Einige ultrastrukturelle Befunde sprechen dafür, daß es sich um Spermien handelt.
Additional investigations on the ultrastructure of Trichoplax adhaerens F.E. Schulze (Placozoa)
Summary 1. The cells of the ventral epithelium form no microvilli but a spongy meshwork of fenestrated ledges and folds which may play a rôle in the adhesion of the animal to the substratum and/or in the extrasomatic predigestion of the food. 2. During cell division typical centrioles occur at the spindle poles. 3. The growing egg cells phagocytize projections of the fiber cells which function as trophocytes. 4. Under the same conditions leading to egg formation so-called S-cells may occur. Some ultrastructural data suggest that they are sperm cells.
Summary Two epithelial cell lines were established, one from adult C3H mouse and one from adult Fischer rat ventral prostate. These cell lines were obtained from explant cultures, using Ham's F12 medium supplemented with HEPES, insulin, testosterone, hydrocortisone, epidermal growth factor, and 7.5% fetal bovine serum. A low concentration of trypsin and EDTA in Ca++-and Mg++-free phosphate buffer was used for passaging the cells. The rat cell line was established following implantation of prostate tissue in nude mice. These cell lines stained positively for acid phosphatase and were dependent upon epidermal growth factor for growth. Morphological studies, including electron microscopy, revealed a highly characteristic epithelial morphology of both cell lines. These cell lines have hypotetraploid chromosome numbers and are capable of metabolizing benzo(a)pyrene. We propose the application of these cells as models for the study of prostate carcinogenesis. This work was supported in part by Grant CA-21, 746, and by the Electron Microscope Core Facility on Grant CA-14,089, from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
Catfish pancreatic somatostatin, which contains eight additional amino acids on the amino terminus of a tetradecapeptide with considerable homology to tetradecapeptide somatostatin (SRIF), is a naturally occurring homology of the hypothalamic peptide. The purpose of these studies was to determibe the biological activity of this somatostatin homolog. Inhibition of 125I-labelled tyr1-SRIF binding to bovine pituitart plasma membranes by catfish pancreatic somatostatin was approximately 33% that of SRIF. Pancreatic somatostatin has full biological activity measured by inhibition of growth hormone release from isolated rat pituitary cells, but 0.01–0.1% the potency of SRIF. Pancreatic somatostatin at 100 ng/ml produced a 50–60% inhibition of insulin and glucagon secretion from perfused rat pancreas, while SRIF produced comparable inhibition at 10 ng/ml. This report demonstrates that a larger molecular form and natural homolog of SRIF, isolated from fish pancreas, has the same (but reduced) biological activities in rat assay systems as somatostatin originally isolated from sheep hypothalamus.  相似文献   
Plots relating the initial rate of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport to the Ca2+ concentration (kinetic plots) have a hyperbolic shape in a Ca2+ concentration range of 2.5–100 µM as measured in sucrose or KCl media. In the presence of Mg2+ or a polyamine spermine, which both are competitive inhibitors of Ca2+ binding to low affinity sites at the membrane surface, the shape of the plots becomes sigmoidal. At higher concentrations of these agents linear kinetic plots are obtained as measured in a sucrose medium. In a KCl medium the sigmoidality of the kinetic plots is enhanced by an increase in the Mg2+ or spermine concentration. It is suggested that Mg2+ and spermine affect the kinetics of Ca2+ transport by interfering with Ca2+ binding to low affinity sites of the membrane surface and that the binding of Ca2+ to these sites is the first step of the mitochondrial Ca2+ transport.  相似文献   
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