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Expression of human immunodeficiency virus-1 integrase in Escherichia coli, at levels that had no effect on bacterial cell growth, blocked plaque formation by bacteriophages having single-stranded genomic DNA (M13) or RNA (R17, Q, PRR1). Plaque formation by phages having double-stranded genomic DNA (T4, PR4) was unaffected. Integrase also inhibited infection by the phagemid M13KO7, but it had no effect on production of phage once infection by M13KO7 was established. This result indicated that integrase affects an early stage in infection. Integrase also inhibited phage production following transfection by either single-stranded or double-stranded (replicative form) M13 DNA, it blocked M13 DNA replication, as assayed by incorporation of radioactive nucleotides into DNA, and it failed to affect bacterial pilus function. These data suggest that integrase interacts in vivo with phage nucleic acid, a conclusion supported by studies in which integrase was shown to have a DNA-binding activity in its C-terminal portion. This portion of integrase was both necessary and sufficient for interference of plaque formation by M13 in the present study. Expression of the N-terminal portion of integrase at the same level as intact integrase had little effect on phage growth, indicating that expression of foreign protein in general was not responsible for the inhibitory effect. The simple bacteriophage assay described is potentially useful for identifying integrase mutants that lack single-stranded DNA binding activity.  相似文献   
The genes of nicotine dehydrogenase (NDH) were identified, cloned and sequenced from the catabolic plasmid pA01 of Arthrobacter nicotinovorans. In immediate proximity to this gene cluster is the beginning of the 6-hydroxy-L-niotine oxidase (6-HLNO) gene. NDH is composed of three subunits (A, B and C) of Mr 30011, 14924 and 87677. It belongs to a family of bacterial hydroxylases with a similar subunit structure; they have molybdopterin dinucleotide, FAD and Fe-S clusters as cofactors. Here the first complete primary structure of a bacterial hydroxylase is provided. Sequence alignments of each of the NDH subunits show similarities to the sequences of eukaryotic xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) but not to other known molybdenum-containing bacterial enzymes. Based on alignment with XDH it is inferred that the smallest subunit (NDHB) carries an iron-sulphur cluster, that the middle-sized subunit (NDHA) binds FAD, and that the largest NDH subunit (NDHC) corresponds to the molybdopterin-binding domain of XDH. Expression of both the ndh and the 6-hlno genes required the presence of nicotine and molybdenum in the culture medium. Tungsten inhibited enzyme activity but not the synthesis of the enzyme protein. The enzyme was found in A. nicotinovorans cells in a soluble form and in a membrane-associated form. In the presence of tungsten the fraction of membrane-associated NDH increased.  相似文献   
The mucin-type carbohydrate Tn cryptantigen (GalNAc1-O-Ser/Thr,where GalNAc is N-acetyl-D-galactosamine) is expressed in manycarcinomas, in haemopoietic disorders including the Tn syndrome,and on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coat glycoproteins,but is not expressed on normal, differentiated cells becauseof the expression of a Tn-processing galactosyltransferase.Using Jurkat T leukaemic cells which express high levels ofTn antigen due to deficient Tn galactosylation, we have establishedthe Tn antigen-mediated gene transfer and demonstrate the considerableefficiency of this approach. We used poly(L-lysine) conjugatesof the monoclonal antibody 1E3 directed against the Tn antigento deliver the luciferase and ß-galactosidase reportergenes to Jurkat cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Additionof unconjugated 1E3 reduced transfection efficiency in a concentration-dependentmanner and incubation with free GalNAc abolished DNA transfercompletely, indicating that gene delivery is indeed mediatedby the Tn antigen. Pre-treatment of Jurkat cells with Vibriocholerae sialidase, which uncovers additional Tn antigens, resultedin an improvement of gene transfection. Both human and chickenadenovirus particles attached to the DNA/polylysine complexstrongly augmented transgene expression. When the ß-galactosidase(lacZ) gene was delivered to Jurkat cells by Tn-mediated endocytosis,up to 60% of the cells were positive in the cytochemical stainusing 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-ß-D-galactopyranoside(X-gal) as a chromogenic substrate. The efficiency of the transferrinreceptor-mediated DNA uptake into Jurkat cells was comparativelylow, although these cells were shown to express considerableamounts of transferrin receptor. We show here that a mucin-typecarbohydrate antigen mediates highly efficient DNA uptake byendocytosis into Jurkat T cells. This method represents a 50-foldimprovement of Jurkat cell transfection efficiency over otherphysical gene transfer techniques. Specific gene delivery toprimary cancer cells exhibiting Tn epitopes may especially bedesirable in immunotherapy protocols. adenovirus endocytosis gene transfer T cell Tn antigen  相似文献   
Lactic acid bacteria are considered indigenous members of the gastrointestinal microflora in a number of animal species (Savage 1977a). Some intestinal strains of lactobacilli and streptococci are aWe to adhere to stratified squamous epithelium of some animals (Tannock et al. 1987), in the non-secreting part of the stomach of piglets (Barrow et al. 1980, Fuller et al. 1978) and rodents (Tannock et al. 1982), and in the crop of poultry (Fuller 1978). The presence of lactic acid bacteria in the digestive tract is believed to be of beneficial value to the host animal (Fuller 1989). The production of organic acids in the stomach or the crop helps maintaining a low pH which may be important for inhibiting the colonization of potentially pathogenic bacteria, particularly in the newborn animal (Barrow et al 1980, Fuller 1977, Fuller 1978). The adhesion of lactobacilli to squamous epithelium is host specific: strains capable of adhering to the epithelium of piglets are usually not able to adhere in rodents or poultry and vice versa (Fuller 1978, Lin & Savage 1984, Tannock et al 1982). Adhesion of lactic acid bacterial strains to other epithelia than stratified squamous epithelium has been reported. Thus, the attachment of lactobacilli to cells from the secreting epithelium of the murine stomach (Kotarski & Savage 1979), to intestinal cells of humans (Goldin & Gorbach 1987), and to columnar epithelial cells of piglets and calves (Mäyrä-Mäkinen et al 1983) has been demonstrated using in vitro methods. In another study the in vivo attachment of Enterococcus faecium to duodenal epithelium of gnotobi-otic chickens was demonstrated (Fuller et al 1981). Recent research indicated that in adult mink lactic acid bacteria are not indigenous members of the intestinal flora, and they do not attach to epithelium in any part of the gastrointestinal tract (Federsen & Jørgensen 1992). The present paper presents evidence that Gram positive cocci may colonize the gut of suckling mink kits and attach to the gut mucosa.  相似文献   
Niklas  Karl J. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(5):475-483
Perianth MP, gynoecium MG, and androecium MA dry-weight biomass(in g) of 39 species of perfect flowers was measured. Thesedata were pooled with published data from an additional 51 speciesand used to determine size-dependent variations in (MG and MA)in terms of the hypothesis that the quotient of MG and MA exceeds1·0 for out-breeding (xenogamous) species and less than1·0 for in-breeding (autogamous) species. Ordinary leastsquare regression of the pooled data (n = 90) showed MG = 0·118M0·916P (r2 = 0·884) and MA = 0·186 M0·975P(r2 = 0·865), indicating that the biomass of the gynoeciumproportionally decrease as floral size increases. The exponentsof these regressions indicate that the ratio of gynoecial toandroecial biomass decreased with increasing floral size suchthat comparatively small flowers (MP < 0·0021 g) hadMG/MA > 1·0 (predicted for 'out-breeders') while comparativelylarger flowers (MP > 0·0021 g) had MG /MA < 1·0(predicted for 'in-breeders'). Thus, on average, the type ofbreeding system was a size-dependent phenomenon. To test whether the biomass of a floral organ-type is a legitimateindicator of gender reproductive effort, the biomass (in g)of stamen filaments Mm and anther sacs MAS of 39 species wasdetermined. Least square regression of these data showed MAS= 0·188 M0·854fil (r2 = 0·967), indicatingthat species with larger stamen filaments, on the average, boreproportionally smaller anther sacs and thereby cautioning againstthe uncritical use of the allocation of biomass to floral organ-typeas a strict gauge of gender-function investment. To determine whether the loss of one gender-function resultsin proportional reallocation of biomass to the remaining gender-function,the size-dependency of androecial and gynoecial biomass wasdetermined for a total of 33 perfect and imperfect flowers ofCucumis melo. Regression of the data obtained from perfect flowersyielded MA = 0·402 M1·47P (r2 = 0·898)and MG = 4·63 M1·36P (r2 = 0·842). SinceMG/MA M0·11P , the biomass allocation to the gynoeciumrelative to the androecium decreased with increasing floralsize. This result was consistent with the broad interpecificcomparison based on 90 species with perfect flowers . Regressionof the data for imperfect flowers yielded MA = 0·151M1·02P (r2 = 0·675) and MG = 4·68 M1·47P(r2 = 0·996), indicating a near allometric relation forthe androecium and a strong positive anisometry for the gynoecium.Thus, for flowers of comparable size, a loss of female genderobtains a modest to significant again in androecial biomasswhereas the loss of male gender yields only a slight increasein gynoecial biomass. Collectively, the results of these studies indicate that biomassallocation patterns are size-dependent phenomena whose complexitieshave been largely ignored in the literature.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Allometry, floral biomass, reproduction  相似文献   
Fifteen petioles and rachises from three dicotyledon species(Acer saccharum, A. negundo, and Aesculus hippocastanum), apalm (Chamaedorea erumpens), and a fern (Cyrtomium falcatum)were used to test the hypothesis of 'economy in design' in termsof the design principle of uniform strength, i.e. a beam inwhich the section modulus (Z) varies along beam-length (L) inthe same proportion as the bending moment (M). Such a beam is'economical' regarding the amount of material used in its 'construction'because each of its cross section has the minimum transversearea required to satisfy the conditions of strength. The extentto which the morphology of a petiole or rachis conformed withthis design principle was initially evaluated by normalizingZ (measured at a distance, x, from the tip of a petiole or rachis)with respect to the magnitude of Z measured at the base of thepetiole. The normalized values were plotted against normalizedpetiole-rachis length (x/L). The design principle was judgedto be demonstrated when such a plot was found to be isometric,i.e. when the plot had a slope of unity. This procedure wastested further by plotting M/Z vs. x/L for representative leavesof C. erumpens and A. saccharum, and judged adequate. The allometriesof all six simple/palmate leaves were found not agree with thedesign principle. The taperings of nine petioles and rachisesfrom pinnate leaves were consistent with the design principle.This was interpreted to provide circumstantial evidence for'economy in design' in the petioles of some pinnate leaves andevidence that the mechanical 'design' of the petioles of somesimple/palmate leaves differs substantially from that of pinnateleaves.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Leaf biomechanics, plant adaptation, petioles, rachises  相似文献   
By screening total human DNA with probes derived from the small polydisperse circular (spc) DNA fraction of cultured human cells, we identified three clones that carry long stretches of -satellite DNA. Further experiments have shown that the three sequences belong to at least two different -satellite subfamilies, which are characterized by different higher order subunits. Members of one of these subfamilies are located in the cytological satellites of all acrocentric chromosomes, whereas members of another are located on the short arms of the acrocentrics on both sides of the stalk regions and also in the centromeric regions of chromosomes 1 and 9. This is the first time that -satellite sequences obtained from the spcDNA of human cells have been assigned to -satellite subfamilies that are organized as long arrays of tandemly arranged higher order monomers. This indicates that -satellite sequences can be excised from their chromosomal loci via intrastrand-recombination processes.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolf on his 60th birthday, January 1993  相似文献   
Abstract An arg 7 mutant of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was transformed with pARG7.8, a plasmid bearing the wild-type ARG 7 gene. Out of 4100 arg+ transformants selected on an arginine-free medium supplemented with acetate, nine failed to grow on acetate-free medium (ac mutants). The results of the genetic and molecular analysis of several ac mutants are in agreement with the hypothesis that they originated from insertion of the incoming plasmid into the nuclear genome. These mutants should constitute valuable tools for isolating the corresponding wild-type genes after plasmid rescue into Escherichia coli .  相似文献   
Callus cell lines of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Zarevo) were obtained from seedlings germinated from gamma-irradiated seeds (200 Gy). Some of these cell lines produce red-violet pigments which were identified as acylated anthocyanins. The major anthocyanin was determined to be peonidin 3-O-[6-O-(4-O-E-p-coumaroyl-rhamnosyl)-glucoside]-5-O-glucoside (peonanin). Single cell-derived protoclones from non-pigmented protoplasts sometimes also gave rise to pigmented cell clusters thus indicating that the changes in the expression of the anthocyanin pathway can also occur after the stage of initial callus induction.  相似文献   


The breadth of ecological niches and dispersal abilities have long been discussed as important determinants of species' range sizes. However, studies directly comparing the relative effects of both factors are rare, taxonomically biased and revealed inconsistent results.



Time Period


Major Taxa

Butterflies, Lepidoptera.


We relate climate, diet and habitat niche breadth and two indicators of dispersal ability, wingspan and a dispersal tendency index, to the global range size of 369 European-centred butterfly species. The relative effects of these five predictors and their variation across the butterfly phylogeny were assessed by means of phylogenetic generalized least squares models and phylogenetically weighted regressions respectively.


Climate niche breadth was the most important single predictor, followed by habitat and diet niche breadth, while dispersal tendency and wingspan showed no relation to species' range size. All predictors together explained 59% of the variation in butterfly range size. However, the effects of each predictor varied considerably across families and genera.

Main Conclusions

Range sizes of European-centred butterflies are strongly correlated with ecological niche breadth but apparently independent of dispersal ability. The magnitude of range size–niche breadth relationships is not stationary across the phylogeny and is often negatively correlated across the different dimensions of the ecological niche. This variation limits the generalizability of range size–trait relationships across broad taxonomic groups.  相似文献   
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