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Dehydration which is accompanied by the decrease in the body mass of frogs and pigeons approximately by 10%, results in the corresponding increase in osmolality of the blood serum, as well as in the increase of sodium content of the latter. Under the same conditions, the increase in osmolality and sodium level in rats does not exceed 2% which is associated with the effective renal function. In caterpillars of the insect Vanessa urticae whose haemolymph is rich in organic osmotically active substances and potassium ions, in spite of dehydration and loss of the body mass, osmolality of the haemolymph slightly decreases, while cation concentration in the latter remains essentially constant. Experiments with injections of hyperosmotic solutions to rats and caterpillars, showed that these animals, belonging to different phylogenetic branches, exhibit highly effective physiological mechanisms of ionic and osmotic homeostasis.  相似文献   
Catecholamines (adrenaline, dopamine, isoprenaline, noradrenaline) and caffeic acid (catecholic compound without adrenergic receptor activity) decreased leukotriene (LT)B4 synthesis in A23187-stimulated human whole blood. Salbutamol, a non-catecholic beta 2-adrenergic agonist, did not influence LTB4 synthesis. Catecholamines stimulated thromboxane (TX)B2 synthesis with a concomitant inhibition of LTB4 synthesis; caffeic acid and salbutamol did not stimulate TXB2 synthesis. These results, obtained in A23187-stimulated whole blood, which also takes into account the complex interaction between different cell types, are similar to our previous results with polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Catecholamines show an opposite effect on lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase pathways, which may give rise to a marked change in LT/TX ratio in physiological or pathological conditions where sufficient concentrations of catecholamines are present.  相似文献   
The method of leading off whole-cell currents is used to study the neuron responses elicited by applications of glycine at different stages of culturing of the chick embryo dissociated spinal cord. For two types of cells described earlier [4] differently directed shifts of the concentration dependence curves of the transmitter effect are shown to be characteristic. "Mature" cells, surviving several days in culture and represented by motoneurons, typically show a lowered sensitivity to glycine. The sensitivity of little-differentiated neurons increases more than tenfold by the end of the second week of culturing. The desensitization kinetics of the glycine-activated current also slows down with age. Blocking of the spontaneous electrical activity during development prevented these changes, and the presence of agonist in the culture medium did not affect them. Analogous patterns of formation of transmitter sensitivity are assumed to be exhibited by differentiating neurons of the intact nervous system.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 580–587, September–October, 1991.  相似文献   
alpha 1-Acid glycoprotein isolated from healthy individuals blood was separated on Con A-Sepharose into three fractions: non-bound (AGP-1, 84%, 43.5 kDa), Con A-bound (AGP-2, 14%, 41.3 kDa), and Con A-tightly bound (AGP-3, 2%, 39.6 kDa). Amino acid compositions of these fractions were similar but carbohydrate ones differed. HPLC analysis of 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin derivatives of the oligosaccharides in combination with their sequential exoglycosidase digestion showed that AGP-1, AGP-2, and AGP-3 have the same set of oligosaccharides and differ only by their proposition. A minor quantity of agalacto-oligosaccharides (with a terminal GlcNAc residue) was identified.  相似文献   
A novel model for the study of recognition and interaction code of amino acids in peptides, proteins and their complexes has been proposed. The model is designed on the modern notions on the structure and properties of water and hydrophobic bonds. It is assumed that the polar side chains of amino acids during the formation of the hydrophobic bonds act as "ice-breaker", thus destroying the organized structure of water (clusters or "icebergs") around the hydrophobic radicals of amino acids.  相似文献   
At the early stages of development of the fresh water fish loach (Misgurnus fossilis) the resting membrane potential (Er) of cleaving cells oscillates periodically with an amplitude of 8-12 mV. Er oscillation correlates with the cell cycle and is accompanied by changes of K+ conductivity. Two types of K(+)-selective ionic channels with conductance of approximately 70 and 25 pS in symmetrical (150 mM KCl) solution were observed in the membrane of cleaving loach embryos. 'High' conductance and 'low' conductance channels were recorded in approximately 90% and 10% of patches investigated (n = 275), respectively? The activity of 'high' conductance channels was regulated by the application of pressure to the membrane, ie these channels were stretch-activated (SA). The activity of SA channels changes dramatically during the cell-cleavage cycle. At the beginning of interphase the probability of SA channels being in the open state (P0) was minimal, while at prometaphase the probability was increased 10-100-fold. Application of ATP to the cytoplasmic inside-out patches induced a reversible elevation of stretch sensitivity of the SA channels in 50% of the patches, while the non-hydrolyzable analogue of ATP was not effective. Combined application of ATP, cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PK) induced a reversible elevation in the SA channel activity while inhibitors of PK prevented its activating effects. Phosphatase inhibitors prolonged the activating effect of PK on SA channels. We propose that oscillations of the resting potential during the cell-cleavage cycle arise due to modulation of SA channel sensitivity to stretch through cAMP-dependent phosphorylation.  相似文献   
The understanding of the determinants of small mammal community structure in arid and semiarid ecosystems is of importance, both in the light of the role that small mammals play, and the impact of livestock grazing on the flora of these systems. In a study aimed at identifying these determinants, small mammal assemblages and environmental features were quantified at six localities (a gradient of floristic structure, with constant annual rainfall) across the southern Karoo, South Africa. Stepwise variable regression indicated that small mammal diversity was correlated with plant and rock cover, as well as plant cover and horizontal foliage diversity at intermediate heights (40–60 cm). Initially, small mammal diversity increased with increasing plant cover, but decreased at cover levels greater than 30%. This relationship is similar to that found in other desert systems, although the peak in diversity found here is at higher levels of plant cover than found previously. I suggest that this higher peak may be owing to the lack of reliance on granivory by these animals, which are relatively omnivorous. This model may therefore explain the conflicting reports on the impact of livestock grazing on desert small mammals, with small mammal diversity decreasing with grazing below the peak, and increasing with grazing above the peak.  相似文献   
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